1,378 research outputs found

    Parallel Unsmoothed Aggregation Algebraic Multigrid Algorithms on GPUs

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    We design and implement a parallel algebraic multigrid method for isotropic graph Laplacian problems on multicore Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). The proposed AMG method is based on the aggregation framework. The setup phase of the algorithm uses a parallel maximal independent set algorithm in forming aggregates and the resulting coarse level hierarchy is then used in a K-cycle iteration solve phase with a 1\ell^1-Jacobi smoother. Numerical tests of a parallel implementation of the method for graphics processors are presented to demonstrate its effectiveness.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Realistic Expanding Source Model for Invariant One-Particle Multiplicity Distributions and Two-Particle Correlations in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    We present a realistic expanding source model with nine parameters that are necessary and sufficient to describe the main physics occuring during hydrodynamical freezeout of the excited hadronic matter produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. As a first test of the model, we compare it to data from central Si + Au collisions at p_lab/A = 14.6 GeV/c measured in experiment E-802 at the AGS. An overall chi-square per degree of freedom of 1.055 is achieved for a fit to 1416 data points involving invariant pi^+, pi^-, K^+, and K^- one-particle multiplicity distributions and pi^+ and K^+ two-particle correlations. The 99-percent-confidence region of parameter space is identified, leading to one-dimensional error estimates on the nine fitted parameters and other calculated physical quantities. Three of the most important results are the freezeout temperature, longitudinal proper time, and baryon density along the symmetry axis. For these we find values of 92.9 +/- 4.4 MeV, 8.2 +/- 2.2 fm/c, and 0.0222 + 0.0096 / - 0.0069 fm^-3, respectively.Comment: 37 pages and 12 figures. RevTeX 3.0. Submitted to Physical Review C. Complete preprint, including device-independent (dvi), PostScript, and LaTeX versions of the text, plus PostScript files of all figures, are available at http://t2.lanl.gov/publications/publications.html or at ftp://t2.lanl.gov/publications/res

    An unidentified TeV source in the vicinity of Cygnus OB2

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    Deep observation (∼113 hrs) of the Cygnus region at TeV energies using the HEGRA stereoscopic system of air Čerenkov telescopes has serendipitously revealed a signal positionally inside the core of the OB association Cygnus OB2, at the edge of the 95% error circle of the EGRET source 3EG J2033+4118, and ∼0.5° north of Cyg X-3. The source centre of gravity is RA αJ2000: 20hr32m07s± 9.2stats±2.2syss, Dec δJ2000: +41°30′30″2.0stat±0.4′sys. The source is steady, has a post-trial significance of +4.6σ, indication for extension with radius 5.6′ at the ∼3σ level, and has a differential power-law flux with hard photon index of - 1.9 ± 0.3stat ± 0.3sys. The integral flux above 1 TeV amounts ∼3% that of the Crab. No counterpart for the TeV source at other wavelengths is presently identified, and its extension would disfavour an exclusive pulsar or AGN origin. If associated with Cygnus OB2, this dense concentration of young, massive stars provides an environment conducive to multi-TeV particle acceleration and likely subsequent interaction with a nearby gas cloud. Alternatively, one could envisage γ-ray production via a jet-driven termination shock.F. A. Aharonian, ... G. P. Rowell, ... [et al

    Bose-Einstein Correlations for Three-Dimensionally Expanding, Cylindrically Symmetric, Finite Systems

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    The parameters of the Bose-Einstein correlation function may obey an {\it MtM_t-scaling}, as observed in S+PbS + Pb and Pb+PbPb + Pb reactions at CERN SPS. This MtM_t-scaling implies that the Bose-Einstein correlation functions view only a small part of the big and expanding system. The full sizes of the expanding system at the last interaction are shown to be measurable with the help the invariant momentum distribution of the emitted particles. A vanishing duration parameter can also be generated in the considered model-class with a specific MtM_t dependence.Comment: 35 pages, ReVTeX, LaTeX, no figures, discussion extende

    Graviton Cosmology in Universal Extra Dimensions

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    In models of universal extra dimensions, gravity and all standard model fields propagate in the extra dimensions. Previous studies of such models have concentrated on the Kaluza-Klein (KK) partners of standard model particles. Here we determine the properties of the KK gravitons and explore their cosmological implications. We find the lifetimes of decays to KK gravitons, of relevance for the viability of KK gravitons as dark matter. We then discuss the primordial production of KK gravitons after reheating. The existence of a tower of KK graviton states makes such production extremely efficient: for reheat temperature T_RH and d extra dimensions, the energy density stored in gravitons scales as T_RH^{2+3d/2}. Overclosure and Big Bang nucleosynthesis therefore stringently constrain T_RH in all universal extra dimension scenarios. At the same time, there is a window of reheat temperatures low enough to avoid these constraints and high enough to generate the desired thermal relic density for KK WIMP and superWIMP dark matter.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Space-time evolution and HBT analysis of relativistic heavy ion collisions in a chiral SU(3) x SU(3) model

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    The space-time dynamics and pion-HBT radii in central heavy ion-collisions at CERN-SPS and BNL-RHIC are investigated within a hydrodynamic simulation. The dependence of the dynamics and the HBT-parameters on the EoS is studied with different parametrisations of a chiral SU(3) sigma-omega model. The selfconsistent collective expansion includes the effects of effective hadron masses, generated by the nonstrange and strange scalar condensates. Different chiral EoS show different types of phase transitions and even a crossover. The influence of the order of the phase transition and of the difference in the latent heat on the space-time dynamics and pion-HBT radii is studied. A small latent heat, i.e. a weak first-order chiral phase transition, or even a smooth crossover leads to distinctly different HBT predictions than a strong first order phase transition. A quantitative description of the data, both at SPS energies as well as at RHIC energies, appears difficult to achieve within the ideal hydrodynamical approach using the SU(3) chiral EoS. A strong first-order quasi-adiabatic chiral phase transition seems to be disfavored by the pion-HBT data from CERN-SPS and BNL-RHIC

    Approach to Perturbative Results in the N-Delta Transition

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    We show that constraints from perturbative QCD calculations play a role in the nucleon to Delta(1232) electromagnetic transition even at moderate momentum transfer scales. The pQCD constraints, tied to real photoproduction data and unseparated resonance response functions, lead to explicit forms for the helicity amplitudes wherein the E2/M1 ratio remains small at moderately large momentum transfer.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, ReVTe

    QCD Form Factors and Hadron Helicity Non-Conservation

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    Recent data for the ratio R(Q)=QF2(Q2)/F1(Q2)R(Q)= QF_{2}(Q^{2})/F_{1}(Q^{2}) shocked the community by disobeying expectations held for 50 years. We examine the status of perturbative QCD predictions for helicity-flip form factors. Contrary to common belief, we find there is no rule of hadron helicity conservation for form factors. Instead the analysis yields an inequality that the leading power of helicity-flip processes may equal or exceed the power of helicity conserving processes. Numerical calculations support the rule, and extend the result to the regime of laboratory momentum transfer Q2Q^{2}. Quark orbital angular momentum, an important feature of the helicity flip processes, may play a role in all form factors at large Q2Q^{2}, depending on the quark wave functions.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Soft pion theorem for hard near threshold pion production

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    We prove new soft pion theorem for the near threshold pion production by a hard electromagnetic probe. This theorem relates various near threshold pion production amplitudes to the nucleon distribution amplitudes. The new soft pion theorem is in a good agreement with the SLAC data for F_2^p(W,Q^2) for W^2 < 1.4 GeV^2 and 7 < Q^2 < 30.7 GeV^2.Comment: 9 pages, revised version, more general analysi