76 research outputs found

    Study of the effect of a By-catch Reduction Panel in a twin-trawl on reducing plaice discards

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    Comparative fishing trials were conducted in November 2008 on the euro-cutter MFV TH-7 “Adriana Maria” on fishing grounds in the North Sea to investigate the effect of By-catch Reduction Panels inserted in a twin-trawl. In a total of 17 experimental hauls two nets were fished simultaneously, a conventional net on the starboard side and a net with a By-catch Reduction Panel inserted in the top sheet on the port side. The codend meshsize used was 80 mm. The main target species is plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.). The By-catch Reduction Panel (BRP) tested was a square mesh panel with: 25 bars across and 22 bars deep of mesh size 150 mm, euroline™ single braid of 5 mm thickness. The panel was built in surrounding 80 mm netting and joined to 38 meshes in width and 19 meshes in depth in the port net of the twin-trawl, 12 meshes deep in front of the joining round of the codend. The panel reduced the by-catch of juvenile plaice by some 20% compared to the conventional net, but there may be a loss of marketable plaice. However, commercial losses were not confirmed by the skipper when regarding earnings over a longer period. When plaice discards are expressed as a fraction of total catch the differences were not found to be significant

    Discard sampling of Dutch bottom-trawl fisheries in 2009 and 2010

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    In the European Union, the collection of discard data is enforced through the Data Collection Regulation or Framework (DCR/DCF) of the European Commission (EC). To comply with this ruling, approximately ten trips of discard-intensive beam-trawlers are being monitored annually since 1999 (Helmond and Overzee, 2010). In 2009, revisions to the DCF (2008/949/EG), required member states to increase sampling intensity to i) improve the precision of their estimates and ii) the number of sampled métiers. To meet this requirement within an affordable budget, the Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies (IMARES, part of Wageningen University and Research) set up a collaborative project between the Dutch fishing industry and the research institute to recruit a ‘reference fleet’ of vessel owners willing to participate in a self-sampling programme. This programme complemented the existing observer programme. In the observer programme, vessels were selected quarterly from a pool of available vessels, whereas in the self-sampling programme, trips were pre-determined from a reference fleet of participating vessels. Missing and/or wrong information precluded the inclusion of 17% and 13% of all self-sampled trips in 2009 and 2010. In total, 9 and 10 observer, and 63 and 132 valid self-sampling trips were completed in 2009 and 2010, respectively. For these remaining valid self-sampled trips, procedures were developed to test whether data quality was comparable with i) other self samples from the reference fleet and ii) comparable observercollected data (i.e. temporally and spatially overlapping trips). In addressing i), there were no unusual patterns in the length frequencies of self-sampled discards of European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), common dab (Limanda limanda), grey gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus), and whiting (Merlangius merlangus) in 2009 and2010. In addressing ii), no significant differences in the discard rates of plaice between the two programmes were found. There was no evidence that sampling may have been biased at the vessel level, justifying the decision to present all discard estimates independent of the programme type. While in both programmes the majority of observations were done onboard beam-trawl vessels with mesh sizes ranging between 70 and 99 mm, in the self-sampling programme data from four additional beam- and otter-trawl métiers with two 70-99 and 100-119 mesh size ranges and other target species assemblages (i.e mixed crustaceans and/or demersal fish) were collected. This lead, apart from a considerable increase in sampling effort for some métiers, to an increase in the temporal and spatial spread of sampling. Samples from previously unsampled northern and eastern parts of the North Sea were available. The spatial distribution of sampling locations matched that of the total effort of the fleet for intensively-sampled métiers. In all but two métiers, combined fish and benthos discards exceeded the volume of landings. In contrast, large-mesh beam- and otter trawls (100-119 mm) landed on average more than they discarded. The majority of discards was comprised by benthic (invertebrate ) species such as common starfish (Asteria rubens); sand star (Astropecten irregularis); swimming crab (Liocarcinus holsatus); and serpent star (Ophiura ophiura). Most frequently discarded fish species of no commercial value included: dragonet (Callionymus lyra); grey gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus); scaldfish (Arnoglossus laterna); and solenette (Buglossidium luteum). Among commercially-valuable fish, common dab (Limanda limanda) and European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) were the most frequently discarded species

    Reisverslag van de boomkorsurvey (BTS) in 2012

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    In 2012 is de beam trawl survey (BTS) uitgevoerd met de Tridens II en de Isis in opdracht van het ministerie van EL&I. De survey is onderdeel van het EU Data Collectie Programma (DCF) en valt daarmee onder de wettelijke taken die binnen IMARES worden uitgevoerd. In dit rapport staan de resultaten van de survey en de reisverslagen van de reizen op beide schepen. De gegevens van de BTS worden onder andere gebruikt in de bestandsschattingen die de ICES uitvoert voor schol en tong. Daarnaast zijn de gegevens bruikbaar voor andere vragen over het Noordzee ecosysteem. In 2012 zijn wederom vertegenwoordigers van de visserijsector mee geweest aan boord van de Tridens als waarnemer. De verslagen van deze waarnemers zijn verschenen in Visserijnieuws en verwijzingen daarnaar zijn opgenomen in dit rapport

    Overzicht van relevante informatie voor het MSC pre-assessment van de Nederlandse twinrigvisserij op schol

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    De Nederlandse beroepsmatige visserij met twinrig op schol wil zich MSC laten certificeren. Als eerste stap in dit proces heeft de kenniskring Twinrig op schol een pre-assessment aangevraagd die door SGS Nederland BV wordt uitgevoerd en waarbij Wageningen IMARES is gevraagd de benodigde informatie te verzamelen en samen te vatten. Deze rapportage bevat een weerslag van deze inspanningen

    Catch comparison of pulse trawls vessels and a tickler chain beam trawler

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    Comparative fishing trials were conducted in May 2011 (week 19) on commercial beam trawlers fishing with conventional tickler chain beam trawls (on MFV GO4), pulse wings made by HFK-Engineering of Baarn, the Netherlands (MFV TX36), and pulse trawls produced by the DELMECO-Group of Goes, the Netherlands (version used on MFV TX68). The three vessels fished side-by-side as much as possible. Landings and discards of these vessels were monitored. Special emphasis was given on cod and whiting, that were dissected to study possible spinal damage. Result for TX36 and TX68 are expressed in terms of percentages of GO4. The pulse characteristics were as follows: TX36: voltage 45 V0 to peak, pulse frequency: 45 Hz, pulse duration 380 μs; electric power on single gear: 7.0 kW; TX68: voltage 50 V0 to peak, pulse frequency: 50 Hz, pulse duration 220 μs; electric power on single gear: 8.5 kW. The fuel consumption recorded over the whole week was considerably lower for the pulse trawls, i.e. on TX36 (40%) and on TX68 (54%), than for the tickler chain beam trawls used on the GO4. The net earnings (taken as gross earnings minus fuel costs) for the TX36 were almost twice as large at 186%, and for the TX68 also considerably higher at 155%. The vessels with pulse trawls caught fewer (65-69%) target species, but also less (30-50%) immature and non-target fish ('discards'), and benthic species (48-73%) than the vessel with tickler chains on these fishing grounds and in this period. The pulse gears caught fewer (19-42%) kg per hour cod than the tickler chain beam trawls, but the catches of cod on all three vessels were very small. For plaice and dab these differences were statistically proven, for brill, turbot and cod this was not the case. There was no marked difference between both pulse trawl vessels in total landings. The TX68 caught less marketable sole, but not significantly less undersized sole than the GO4. The TX36 caught less undersized sole, but here the difference in marketable fish was not significant. Catches of brill and turbot were so small that no statistically substantiated conclusion could be drawn. Only for undersized turbot the TX36 caught less. For whiting we found a demonstrable reduction in both marketable and undersized fish in both pulse fishing vessels. The TX36 caught less whiting in number per hour. The CPUEs found from the auction data and the sampled hauls correlated reasonably well for the most abundant species, such as plaice and sole. However, for less abundant species the results did not match very well, and care should be taken to increase the sampling rate in future comparative fishing studies. Spinal fracture in cod occurred under pulse stimulation but to a limited extent in both marketable and undersized fish. There is an indication that this happens slightly more on TX68 (11%) than on TX36 (7%). Whiting hardly seems to suffer any damage

    Blue Whiting Spawning Survey

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    Dit rapport bevat de resultaten van een bemonsteringsreis, uitgevoerd van 9 t/m 29 maart 2004, met als doel een schatting te maken van de verspreiding en de bestandsgrootte van blauwe wijting d.m.v. echo-integratie. Er werden 6 vistrekken uitgevoerd. Hiervan zijn 5 monsters blauwe wijting (250 exemplaren) gesnede

    Vangstvergelijking tussen pulskorschepen en een conventioneel boomkor-vaartuig

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    In mei 2011 (week 19) werd een vergelijkende visserij uitgevoerd aan boord van de kotters GO4 (wekkerboomkorren), TX36 (HFK pulswings), en de toenmalige versie van DELMECO pulskorren gebruikt op de TX68. De schepen visten zoveel mogelijk giek-aan-giek in hetzelfde gebied. Tevens werd aandacht besteed aan mogelijk ruggengraatletsel van kabeljauw en wijting. De pulskarakteristieken waren als volgt: TX36: voltage 45 V0 tot piek, pulsfrequentie: 45 Hz, pulsduur 380 µs; elektrisch vermogen op één tuig: 7.0 kW; TX68: voltage 50 V0 tot piek, pulsfrequentie: 50 Hz, pulsduur 220 µs; elektrisch vermogen op één tuig: 8.5 kW. Het brandstofverbruik over de gehele visweek was aanzienlijk minder voor de TX36 (40%) en de TX68 (54%), dan de GO4. Voor de netto besomming (= bruto besomming – gasoliekosten) vonden we zelfs bijna een verdubbeling in efficiëntie voor de TX36 (186%), en een ruime toename voor de TX68 (155%). De schepen met pulstuigen vingen minder (65-69%) van de belangrijkste doelsoorten dan het schip met wekkerkorren op dit bestek en in deze periode, maar ook minder (30-50%) ondermaatse en niet-vermarktbare soorten vis (EN: ‘discards’) en minder bodemdieren (48-73%). De pulstuigen bleken minder (19-42%) maatse kabeljauw in kg/u te vangen dan de wekkerkor, maar de vangsten van deze soort waren voor alle schepen gering. Voor schol en schar waren de verschillen statistisch aantoonbaar, voor griet, tarbot wijting en kabeljauw niet. De pulskorschepen onderling lieten geen duidelijke verschillen in totale aanlanding zien. De TX68 bleek minder maatse tong te vangen, maar niet duidelijk minder ondermaatse tong dan de GO4. Bij de TX36 was het andersom: hier werd minder ondermaatse tong gevangen, maar het verschil in maatse vis was niet duidelijk. De vangsten van griet en tarbot waren zo gering, dat doorgaans geen statistisch onderbouwde conclusie kon worden getrokken. Alleen van ondermaatse tarbot ving de TX36 significant minder. Voor wijting vonden we wel een aanwijsbare vermindering van zowel maatse als ondermaatse vis voor de pulskorschepen. In aantal/u bleek de TX36 ook minder te vangen. Er was een redelijke overeenkomst tussen het vangstsucces (vangst per eenheid van inspanning of CPUE) berekend uit de afslaggegevens en het vangstsucces berekend uit de bemonsterde trekken voor soorten die talrijk voorkomen, zoals schol en tong. Voor minder voorkomende soorten, was de correlatie minder sterk. Dit zou voorkomen kunnen worden door meer en grotere monsters te nemen in toekomstige vangstvergelijkingen. Kabeljauw (ondermaatse en maatse vis) ondervond in de pulstuigen in beperkte mate breuk van de ruggengraat. Er is een indicatie, dat dit voor de TX68 iets meer (11%) optrad dan voor de TX36 (7%). Wijting leek nauwelijks schade te ondervinden

    Discard sampling of Dutch bottom-trawl and seine fisheries in 2011

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    In the European Union, the collection of discard data is enforced through the Data Collection Regulation or Framework (DCF) of the European Commission (EC). To comply with this ruling, approximately ten trips of discard-intensive beam-trawlers are being monitored annually since 1999 (Helmond and Overzee, 2010). In 2009, revisions to the DCF (2008/949/EG), required member states to increase sampling intensity to i) improve the precision of their estimates and ii) the number of sampled métiers. To meet this requirement within an affordable budget, the Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies (IMARES, part of Wageningen University and Research) set up a collaborative project between the Dutch fishing industry and the research institute to recruit a ‘reference fleet’ of vessel owners willing to participate in a selfsampling programme. In the self-sampling programme, trips were pre-determined from a reference fleet of participating vessels. In total, 155 trips were sampled in 2011, of which 27 trips (17%) were considered invalid due to missing or incomplete information. During the 128 valid self-sampling trips 248 hauls were sampled. While the majority of observations were done on board beamtrawl vessels with mesh sizes ranging between 70 and 99 mm targeting flatfish, data was collected from eight other metiers as well. These included beam trawls with other mesh sizes or target species assemblages, otter trawls and seines. This led, apart from a considerable increase in sampling effort for some métiers, to an increase in the temporal and spatial spread of sampling compared to the previous observer-based sampling. Samples from previously unsampled northern and eastern parts of the North Sea were available now. The spatial distribution of sampling locations matched that of the total effort of the fleet for intensivelysampled métiers. Large-mesh beam- and otter trawls (100-119 mm) on average landed more than they discarded. In the other métiers, combined fish and benthos discards exceeded the volume of landings. The majority of discards comprised of benthic (invertebrate) species such as common starfish (Asteria rubens); sand star (Astropecten irregularis); swimming crab (Liocarcinus holsatus); and serpent star (Ophiura ophiura). Most frequently discarded fish species of no commercial value included: dragonet (Callionymus lyra); grey gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus); scaldfish (Arnoglossus laterna); solenette (Buglossidium luteum); and lesser weaver (Echiichthys vipera). Among commercially-valuable fish, common dab (Limanda limanda) and European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) were the most frequently discarded species

    Catch comparison of pulse trawls vessels and a tickler chain beam trawler

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    Comparative fishing trials were conducted in May 2011 (week 19) on commercial beam trawlers fishing with conventional tickler chain beam trawls (on MFV GO4), pulse wings made by HFK-Engineering of Baarn, the Netherlands (MFV TX36), and pulse trawls produced by the DELMECO-Group of Goes, the Netherlands (version used on MFV TX68). The three vessels fished side-by-side as much as possible. Landings and discards of these vessels were monitored. Special emphasis was given on cod and whiting, that were dissected to study possible spinal damage. Result for TX36 and TX68 are expressed in terms of percentages of GO4. The pulse characteristics were as follows: TX36: voltage 45 V0 to peak, pulse frequency: 45 Hz, pulse duration 380 μs; electric power on single gear: 7.0 kW; TX68: voltage 50 V0 to peak, pulse frequency: 50 Hz, pulse duration 220 μs; electric power on single gear: 8.5 kW. The fuel consumption recorded over the whole week was considerably lower for the pulse trawls, i.e. on TX36 (40%) and on TX68 (54%), than for the tickler chain beam trawls used on the GO4. The net earnings (taken as gross earnings minus fuel costs) for the TX36 were almost twice as large at 186%, and for the TX68 also considerably higher at 155%. The vessels with pulse trawls caught fewer (65-69%) target species, but also less (30-50%) immature and non-target fish ('discards'), and benthic species (48-73%) than the vessel with tickler chains on these fishing grounds and in this period. The pulse gears caught fewer (19-42%) kg per hour cod than the tickler chain beam trawls, but the catches of cod on all three vessels were very small. For plaice and dab these differences were statistically proven, for brill, turbot and cod this was not the case. There was no marked difference between both pulse trawl vessels in total landings. The TX68 caught less marketable sole, but not significantly less undersized sole than the GO4. The TX36 caught less undersized sole, but here the difference in marketable fish was not significant. Catches of brill and turbot were so small that no statistically substantiated conclusion could be drawn. Only for undersized turbot the TX36 caught less. For whiting we found a demonstrable reduction in both marketable and undersized fish in both pulse fishing vessels. The TX36 caught less whiting in number per hour. The CPUEs found from the auction data and the sampled hauls correlated reasonably well for the most abundant species, such as plaice and sole. However, for less abundant species the results did not match very well, and care should be taken to increase the sampling rate in future comparative fishing studies. Spinal fracture in cod occurred under pulse stimulation but to a limited extent in both marketable and undersized fish. There is an indication that this happens slightly more on TX68 (11%) than on TX36 (7%). Whiting hardly seems to suffer any damage

    Vangstvergelijking tussen pulskorschepen en een conventioneel boomkor-vaartuig

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    In mei 2011 (week 19) werd een vergelijkende visserij uitgevoerd aan boord van de kotters GO4 (wekkerboomkorren), TX36 (HFK pulswings), en de toenmalige versie van DELMECO pulskorren gebruikt op de TX68. De schepen visten zoveel mogelijk giek-aan-giek in hetzelfde gebied. Tevens werd aandacht besteed aan mogelijk ruggengraatletsel van kabeljauw en wijting. De pulskarakteristieken waren als volgt: TX36: voltage 45 V0 tot piek, pulsfrequentie: 45 Hz, pulsduur 380 µs; elektrisch vermogen op één tuig: 7.0 kW; TX68: voltage 50 V0 tot piek, pulsfrequentie: 50 Hz, pulsduur 220 µs; elektrisch vermogen op één tuig: 8.5 kW. Het brandstofverbruik over de gehele visweek was aanzienlijk minder voor de TX36 (40%) en de TX68 (54%), dan de GO4. Voor de netto besomming (= bruto besomming – gasoliekosten) vonden we zelfs bijna een verdubbeling in efficiëntie voor de TX36 (186%), en een ruime toename voor de TX68 (155%). De schepen met pulstuigen vingen minder (65-69%) van de belangrijkste doelsoorten dan het schip met wekkerkorren op dit bestek en in deze periode, maar ook minder (30-50%) ondermaatse en niet-vermarktbare soorten vis (EN: ‘discards’) en minder bodemdieren (48-73%). De pulstuigen bleken minder (19-42%) maatse kabeljauw in kg/u te vangen dan de wekkerkor, maar de vangsten van deze soort waren voor alle schepen gering. Voor schol en schar waren de verschillen statistisch aantoonbaar, voor griet, tarbot wijting en kabeljauw niet. De pulskorschepen onderling lieten geen duidelijke verschillen in totale aanlanding zien. De TX68 bleek minder maatse tong te vangen, maar niet duidelijk minder ondermaatse tong dan de GO4. Bij de TX36 was het andersom: hier werd minder ondermaatse tong gevangen, maar het verschil in maatse vis was niet duidelijk. De vangsten van griet en tarbot waren zo gering, dat doorgaans geen statistisch onderbouwde conclusie kon worden getrokken. Alleen van ondermaatse tarbot ving de TX36 significant minder. Voor wijting vonden we wel een aanwijsbare vermindering van zowel maatse als ondermaatse vis voor de pulskorschepen. In aantal/u bleek de TX36 ook minder te vangen. Er was een redelijke overeenkomst tussen het vangstsucces (vangst per eenheid van inspanning of CPUE) berekend uit de afslaggegevens en het vangstsucces berekend uit de bemonsterde trekken voor soorten die talrijk voorkomen, zoals schol en tong. Voor minder voorkomende soorten, was de correlatie minder sterk. Dit zou voorkomen kunnen worden door meer en grotere monsters te nemen in toekomstige vangstvergelijkingen. Kabeljauw (ondermaatse en maatse vis) ondervond in de pulstuigen in beperkte mate breuk van de ruggengraat. Er is een indicatie, dat dit voor de TX68 iets meer (11%) optrad dan voor de TX36 (7%). Wijting leek nauwelijks schade te ondervinden