17 research outputs found

    Development of integrated management systems in SMEs in Serbia

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    Due to processes occurring on the global market, enterprises have to pay more attention to meeting users\u27 requirements. Namely, market competition has influenced a change in the enterprise\u27s strategy and its orientation towards acustomer, as an imperative of its business operations. In recent years, a process of integrating various management systems has been occurring, giving rise to the networking of several international standards aimed at creating the enterprise capable of meeting all customers\u27 needs on the market. Conforming to the changes on the market, the sector of small and medium enterprises must comply with new business conditions, which is a considerable effort for the entire enterprise. Namely, market requirements for safe and sound food, permanent enhancement of production processes, measurement of customers\u27 satisfaction, concern for the environment, social accountability, etc., stand for just a part of characteristics that SMEs have to possess in order to survive on the market. Therefore, to solve these issues successfully,a solution for smes may be in setting up clusters as a way to strengthen this sector in the process of business internationalization

    Lean production and efficiency of modular architecture in sustainable enterprise development

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    The significance of Lean production and modular architecture in sustainable enterprise development is presented in this paper. The implementation of Lean production in realization of modular design enables a development of an appropriate production programme in which design costs are lower and reduction of waste during processing is becoming an imperative. On the example of intelligent transmitters production it was shown that modular architecture enables the production of independent entities, realizes modules according to precisely defined technical documentation and makes possible easy servicing, improvements and fixing. The implementation of Lean concept algorithm in a repeated use of materials in a sustainable enterprise development is presented as well

    New views on strategic management

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    Globalisation is the only economic way for national economies all around the world. The globalisation process is marked by the following characteristics: uneven industrial development, intensive application of information and communications technologies (ICT), the development of innovations, the improvement of productivity, and the need to increase the level of competitiveness. As a result of increased ICT application in business, a new business model - sharing economy - has been established and it is increasingly present in practice. However, these changes have significantly influenced the end users themselves who are more and more demanding when using the Internet, smart phones and tablets while shopping for goods or services. With a view to developing competitiveness, developing countries have to follow the changes of the global market, but they also have to create their own national economy growth models. Alongside national economies, companies also have to adapt to new trends. Companies today face great challenges set to them by both the market and the end users

    Novi pogledi na strategijski menadžment

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    Globalisation is the only economic way for national economies all around the world. The globalisation process is marked by the following characteristics: uneven industrial development, intensive application of information and communications technologies (ICT), the development of innovations, the improvement of productivity, and the need to increase the level of competitiveness. As a result of increased ICT application in business, a new business model - sharing economy - has been established and it is increasingly present in practice. However, these changes have significantly influenced the end users themselves who are more and more demanding when using the Internet, smart phones and tablets while shopping for goods or services. With a view to developing competitiveness, developing countries have to follow the changes of the global market, but they also have to create their own national economy growth models. Alongside national economies, companies also have to adapt to new trends. Companies today face great challenges set to them by both the market and the end users.Globalizacija predstavlja jedini ekonomski put nacionalnim ekonomijama Å”irom sveta. Proces globalizacije je obeležen sledećim karakteristikama: neravnomerni privredni razvoj, intenzivna implementacija informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija (IKT), razvoj inovacija, unapređenje produktivnosti, kao i neophodnost podizanja nivoa konkurentnosti. Kao rezultat sve veće primene IKT u poslovanju doÅ”lo je do uspostavljanja novog modela poslovanja sharing economy, koji je sve viÅ”e zastupljen u praksi. Međutim, ove premene su značajno uticale i na same krajnje korisnike koji su sve zahtevniji u koriŔćenju interneta, pametnih telefona, tableta prilikom kupovine proizvoda ili usluga. U funkciji unapređenja konkurentnosti zemlje u razvoju moraju da prate promene globalnog tržiÅ”ta, ali i da kreiraju sopstvene modele rasta svojih nacionalnih ekonomija. Osim nacionalnih ekonomija i preduzeća moraju da se prilagođavaju novonastalim trendovima. Preduzeća su danas pred velikim izazovima koje od njih postavljaju tržiÅ”te, ali i krajnji korisnici

    Korporativna druŔtvena odgovornost kao faktor globalne konkurentnosti

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    In contemporary business, issues such as environmental protection, taking care of employees and their job satisfaction, ethical principles, supporting endangered groups, caring about young people, caring about the society and the like, are serious challenges that a company has to deal with, no matter which industry it belongs to. One of the most important principles of contemporary business is an organisation based on responsibility. An organisation has to take full responsibility for its actions in the environment in which it operates. Contemporary business puts responsibility on the level of each individual as well. Global market leaders have accepted the application of the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) with a view to satisfying customers' and other stakeholders' demands. What is seen as a prerequisite for a successful realisation of CSR concepts in a company is a genuine wish for its application by the management, management's readiness to understand the basic postulates of this concept, good communication (both internal and external), promotion of examples of good practice in the company and outside of it, motivating employees for a more active role in realising good business practices. In this paper, the authors have presented the results of a survey about young people's attitudes towards corporate social responsibility.U savremenom poslovanju, pitanja poput zaÅ”tita životne sredine, briga o zaposlenima i njihovom zadovoljstvu radom u preduzeću, etičkim principima, podrÅ”ka ugroženim grupama, briga o mladima, briga o druÅ”tvu i sl., predstavljaju ozbiljne izazove sa kojim se susreću preduzeća, bez obzira na privrednu granu kojoj pripadaju. Organizacija zasnovana na odgovornosti predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih principa savremenog poslovanja. Organizacija mora da preuzme punu odgovornost za svoje delovanje u okruženju. Savremeno poslovanje odgovornost stavlja i na nivo svakog pojedinca. Globalni tržiÅ”ni lideri su prihvatili primenu koncepta korporativne druÅ”tvene odgovornosti (CSR) u cilju zadovoljenja zahteva potroÅ”ača i drugih stejkholdera. Kao preduslovi za uspeÅ”nu realizaciju koncepta CSR u preduzeću mogu se uočiti istinska želja rukovodstva za njegovu primenu, spremnost rukovodstva da shvati i razume osnovne postulate ovog koncepta, dobra komunikacija (interna i eksterna), promovisanje primera dobre prakse u samom preduzeću i van njega, motivisanje zaposlenih za aktivniju ulogu u realizaciji dobre poslovne prakse. U radu je dat prikaz rezultate istraživanja o stavovima mladih prema korporativnoj druÅ”tvenoj odgovornosti

    5S elementi kao koraci za premoŔćivanje procepa u procesu prozvodnje transmitera

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    In this paper, GAP analysis and 5S tool are applied in the case of realization of a compact pressure transmitter. GAP analysis, combined with the 5S tool, can qualitatively indicate the critical points in the manufacturing, assembly and quality control of a finished transmitter. Existing errors lead to the appearance of possible risks in the realization of production processes, from the input of raw materials to the assembly of the finished product. In order to eliminate the existing errors, the main steps of the GAP analysis are described in detail. Guidelines are provided on how to improve the workplace manufacturing process through certain improvements by applying all 5S elements. According to the implemented action plan, the main causes of risk occurrence in the GAP analysis were: human factor and processing technologies. The human factor was characterized by poor control in the workplace (there is no discipline), poor training and incompetence of employees for the given tasks. Processing technology involves obsolete machines, which can introduce deviations of dimensions and tolerances from the prescribed values.U ovom radu, analizirani su GAP analiza i 5S alat na primeru realizacije malogabaritnog transmitera pritiska. GAP analiza, u kombinaciji sa 5S alatom, može kvalitetno ukazuje na kritične tačke u procesu proizvodnje, sklapanja i kontrole gotovog transmitera. Postojeće greÅ”ke dovode do pojave mogućih rizika u realizaciji proizvodnih procesa, od ulaza repromaterijala do sklapanja gotovog proizvoda. Analiza rizika, omogućava organizaciji da preuzme određene korake u prihvatanju ili smanjenju njegovog uticaja. 5S alat u GAP analizi pomaže da se rizična mesta srede i dovedu u funkcionalno stanje, sa Å”to manje gubitaka (otpada). Zbog eliminacije postojećih greÅ”aka, u radu su detaljno opisani glavni koraci GAP analize. Date su smernice kako da se unapredi proces proizvodnje na radnom mestu kroz određena poboljÅ”anja primenom svih 5S elemenata. Prema sprovedenom akcionom planu konstatovano je da su glavni uzročnici pojave rizika u GAP analizi sledeći: ljudski faktor i tehnologije obrade. Ljudski faktor je okarakterisan slabom kontrolom na radnom mestu (ne postoji disciplina), slabom obukom i nekompetentnoŔću zaposlenih za propisano radno mesto. Tehnologija obrade podrazumeva tehnoloÅ”ki zastarele maÅ”ine i odstupanja mera i tolerancija od propisanih vrednost

    Corporate social responsibility as a factor of global competitiveness

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    In contemporary business, issues such as environmental protection, taking care of employees and their job satisfaction, ethical principles, supporting endangered groups, caring about young people, caring about the society and the like, are serious challenges that a company has to deal with, no matter which industry it belongs to. One of the most important principles of contemporary business is an organisation based on responsibility. An organisation has to take full responsibility for its actions in the environment in which it operates. Contemporary business puts responsibility on the level of each individual as well. Global market leaders have accepted the application of the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) with a view to satisfying customers' and other stakeholders' demands. What is seen as a prerequisite for a successful realisation of CSR concepts in a company is a genuine wish for its application by the management, management's readiness to understand the basic postulates of this concept, good communication (both internal and external), promotion of examples of good practice in the company and outside of it, motivating employees for a more active role in realising good business practices. In this paper, the authors have presented the results of a survey about young people's attitudes towards corporate social responsibility

    Society 5.0 and Quality 5.0: synergies for business excellence and competitiveness

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    This paper explores the synergistic relationship between Society 5.0 and Quality 5.0, and their combined impact on enhancing business excellence and competitiveness in the modern era. Society 5.0, a concept originating in Japan, represents a vision for a human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems through a system integrated with digital technology. Quality 5.0, a contemporary evolution in quality management, extends beyond operational excellence to include customer-centricity, sustainability, and the innovative use of emerging technologies. Through a comprehensive literature review this paper examines how integration of Quality 5.0 practices within the framework of Society 5.0 can lead to transformative business models that not only prioritize efficiency and profitability but also emphasize ethical standards, sustainability, and social well-being. It discusses the role of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and big data analytics in facilitating this integration. The paper aims to develop a theoretical model for improving competitiveness of domestic enterprises, and it provides a basis for future research.Ovaj rad istražuje sinergijski odnos između DruÅ”tva 5.0 i Kvaliteta 5.0 i njihov kombinovani uticaj na unapređenje poslovne izvrsnosti i konkurentnosti. DruÅ”tvo 5.0, koncept koji potiče iz Japana, predstavlja viziju druÅ”tva usredsređenog na čoveka koje balansira ekonomski napredak sa reÅ”avanjem druÅ”tvenih problema kroz sistem integrisan sa digitalnom tehnologijom. Kvalitet 5.0, savremena evolucija u upravljanju kvalitetom, proteže se dalje od operativne izvrsnosti i uključuje usredsređenost na kupca, održivost i inovativnu upotrebu tehnologija u nastajanju. Kroz sveobuhvatan pregled literature ovaj rad ispituje kako integracija prakse Kvaliteta 5.0 u okviru DruÅ”tva 5.0 može dovesti do transformativnih poslovnih modela koji ne samo da prioritet stavljaju efikasnost i profitabilnost, već i naglaÅ”avaju etičke standarde, održivost i druÅ”tveno blagostanje. U njemu se govori o ulozi naprednih tehnologija kao Å”to su veÅ”tačka inteligencija (AI), Internet stvari (IoT) i analitika velikih podataka u olakÅ”avanju ove integracije. Rad ima za cilj da razvije teorijski model za unapređenje konkurentnosti domaćih preduzeća i daje osnovu za buduća istraživanja

    The role of brand and local companies competitiveness

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    In this paper the authors would like to draw attention to the necessity of creating a brand as a means of achieving the competitiveness of home companies. The contemporary market commands a lot of effort in the brand creation on the side of a company to enable its long-term survival on the market. The home economy has few brands that can be a match on the EU and STO markets. As a prerequisite for the successful creation of a brand and its maintenance, it is necessary that a product be standardized according to the requirements of the market intended for its placement. Furthermore, the organizing of entrepreneurs into clusters makes the process of brand creation much simpler and financially more convenient for an enterprise

    Online) Sad, Technical faculty "Mihajlo Pupin

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    In terms of global competition, which is characterized by constant improvement of existing and the emergence of new tourist destination, tourism is nowdays one of the initiators in development of the national economy. It is important to point out that the relation of tourists toward travelling changed with greater differentiation and the emergence of new market niches. The reason for this relationship lies in the fact that tourists, due to the greater application of information and communication technologies (ICT), have become very well informed about the tourist destinations they visit, their cultural and other facilities, as well as hotels and the services they offer. In order to meet the demands of their customers, hotel companies have to follow market trends and implemet new management concepts into their business practices. Hotel companies today take into account not only their customers, but also the society in which they operate. The issue of sustainable development has brcome the sphere of interest for hotel companies, and they are paying a lot of attention to the following areas: environmental protection, waste management, application of clean technologies and the alike. The ICT applications have a significant role in hotel industries operations since they accelerate communication with customers and also reduce operating costs through the use of different software solutions for accommodation bookings. Nowdays, customers demand quick information and the use of the internet in hotels allows this service