52 research outputs found

    Isolated spectral points and Koliha-Drazin invertible elements in quotient Banach algebras and homomorphism ranges

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    In this article poles, isolated spectral points, group, Drazin and Koliha-Drazin invertible elements in the context of quotient Banach algebras or in ranges of (not necessarily continuous) homomorphism between complex unital Banach algebras will be characterized using Fredholm and Riesz Banach algebra elements. Calkin algebras on Banach and Hilbert spaces will be also considered.Comment: 13 pages, original research articl

    Joint spectra of representations of Lie algebras by compact operators

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    Given XX a complex Banach space, LL a complex nilpotent finite dimensional Lie algebra, and ρ ⁣:Lβ†’L(X)\rho\colon L\to L(X), a representation of LL in XX such that ρ(l)∈K(X)\rho (l)\in K(X) for all l∈Ll\in L, the Taylor, the Slodkowski, the Fredholm, the split and the Fredholm split joint spectra of the representation ρ\rho are computed.Comment: 8 pages, original research articl

    Moore-Penrose inverse and doubly commuting elements in Cβˆ—C^*-algebras

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    In this work it is proved that the Moore-Penrose inverse of the product of nn-doubly commuting regular Cβˆ—C^*-algebra elements obeys the so-called reverse order law. Conversely, conditions regarding the reverse order law of the Moore-Penrose inverse are given in order to characterize when nn-regular elements doubly commute. Furthermore, applications of the main results of this article to normal Cβˆ—C^*-algebra elements, to Hilbert space operators and to Calkin algebras will be considered.Comment: 12 pages, original research articl

    Drazin spectra of Banach space operators and Banach algebra elements

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    Given a Banach Algebra AA and a∈Aa\in A, several relations among the Drazin spectrum of aa and the Drazin spectra of the multiplication operators LaL_a and RaR_a will be stated. The Banach space operator case will be also examined. Furthermore, a characterization of the Drazin spectrum will be considered.Comment: 16 pages; original research articl

    Further results on regular Fredholm pairs and chains

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    The main objective of the present article is to characterize regular Fredholm pairs and chains in terms of Fredholm operators.Comment: 8 pages, original research articl

    Analytically Riesz operators and Weyl and Browder type theorems

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    Several spectra of analytically Riesz operators will be characterized. These results will led to prove Weyl and Browder type theorems for the aforementioned class of operators.Comment: 10 pages, original research articl

    On Cartan Joint Spectra

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    In this work several results regarding the Cartan version of the Taylor, the Slodkowski, the Fredholm, the split and the Fredholm split joint spectra will be studied.Comment: 11 pages, original research articl

    Joint spectra and nilpotent Lie algebras of linear transformations

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    Given a complex nilpotent finite dimensional Lie algebra of linear transformations LL, in a complex finite dimensional vector space EE, we study the joint spectra Sp(L,E)Sp(L,E), σδ,k(L,E)\sigma_{\delta,k}(L,E) and σπ,k(L,E)\sigma_{\pi,k}(L,E). We compute them and we prove that they all coincide with the set of weights of LL for EE. We also give a new interpretation of some basic module operations of the Lie algebra LL in terms of the joint spectra.Comment: 10 pages, original research articl

    Characterizations of Fredholm pairs and chains in Hilbert spaces

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    In this work characterizations of Fredholm pairs and chains of Hilbert space operators are given. Following a well-known idea of several variable operator theory in Hilbert spaces, the aforementioned objects are characterized in terms of Fredholm linear and bounded maps. Furthermore, as an application of the main results of this work, direct proofs of the stability properties of Fredholm pairs and chains in Hilbert spaces are obtained.Comment: 15 pages, original research articl

    The Drazin spectrum of tensor product of Banach algebra elements and elementary operators

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    Given unital Banach algebras AA and BB and elements a∈Aa\in A and b∈Bb\in B, the Drazin spectrun of aβŠ—b∈AβŠ—β€ΎBa\otimes b\in A\overline{\otimes} B will be fully characterized, where AβŠ—β€ΎBA\overline{\otimes} B is a Banach algebra that is the completion of AβŠ—BA\otimes B with respect to a uniform crossnorm. To this end, however, first the isolated points of the spectrum of aβŠ—b∈AβŠ—β€ΎBa\otimes b\in A\overline{\otimes} B need to be characterized. On the other hand, given Banach spaces XX and YY and Banach space operators S∈L(X)S\in L(X) and T∈L(Y)T\in L(Y), using similar arguments the Drazin spectrum of Ο„ST∈L(L(Y,X))\tau_{ST}\in L(L(Y,X)), the elementary operator defined by SS and TT, will be fully characterized.Comment: 12 pages, original research articl
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