363 research outputs found

    How to Use Your Pressure Canner

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    Conception et réalisation de références de tensions alternatives à base de MEMS

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    Les systèmes microélectromécaniques (MEMS) sont d'excellents candidats pour la métrologie électrique. En effet, grâce au couplage électromécanique dans les MEMS, il est possible de réaliser des références secondaires de tension continue (DC) ou alternative (AC) ayant des valeurs de quelques volts à quelques centaines de volts avec des stabilités relatives pouvant atteindre quelques 10-7. Celles-ci peuvent alors être une alternative aux actuelles références Zener dans le cas de la tension continue, et constitueront une première pour la tension alternative puisque aucune référence n'existe hormis celle basée sur l'effet Josephson. Ce travail de thèse a été dédié au développement et à la fabrication de plusieurs générations de structures MEMS à capacité électrique variable dans lesquelles on exploite le phénomène du pull-in pour réaliser des références de tension AC. Le design des échantillons, basé sur des architectures spécifiques correspondant à différents modes de déplacement de l'électrode mobile, est réalisé grâce à des modélisations sous ConventorWare. On distingue des structures à débattement vertical favorisant un déplacement en mode piston de la membrane mobile et des structures à peignes interdigités à déplacement dans le plan. Ces différentes structures ont été fabriquées à partir d'un procédé technologique industriel MPW (Multi-project Wafer) de la société Tronic's, basé sur un substrat SOI (Silicon On Insulator). En parallèle, un procédé technologique dédié a été mis au point pour s'adapter aux exigences particulières de nos applications. Les références de tension AC ainsi développées présentent des tensions de pull-in variant de 2 V à 100 V avec des fréquences de résonance mécanique mesurées par DLTS (Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy) de seulement quelques kilohertz. Ce dernier résultat permet donc d'envisager l'utilisation de ces références de tension AC sur une large gamme de fréquence, de quelques dizaines de kilohertz jusqu'à quelques Mégahertz. Nous avons également développé une électronique de commande spécifiquement adaptée aux caractéristiques de nos MEMS et intégrant une régulation de la température au mK près. La stabilité de la tension des MEMS a été mesurée sur plus de 150 heures avec une fluctuation inférieure au millionième à 50 kHz et 100 kHz. Les essais à plusieurs centaines de kHz sont également très prometteurs. La dépendance en température est dix fois plus petite que celle rapportée antérieurement, permettant ainsi de s'affranchir de plateformes de stabilisation thermique sophistiquées.Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are excellent candidates for electrical metrology. Thanks to the electromechanical coupling in MEMS, it is possible to make secondary DC and AC voltage references with values from a few volts to several hundred volts with relative stabilities of about 10-7. These standards could constitute an alternative to current Zener references in the case of DC voltage and a first in AC metrology field. This PhD work was dedicated to the development and manufacturing of several generations of MEMS structures with variable electrical capacitance in which we exploit the pull-in phenomenon to build AC voltage references. The design of the samples based on specific architectures characterized by different modes of motion of the movable electrode is achieved through ConventorWare modeling. Both MEMS structures having vertical displacement of the movable membrane and combs-drive design for in-plane motion were considered. These structures have been fabricated with an industrial MPW (Multi Project Wafer) process technology, based on an SOI (Silicon On Insulator) surface micromachining process. However, a dedicated process technology has been developed to meet the specific requirements of our applications. AC voltage references having pull-in voltages ranging from 2 V to 100 V were developed with mechanical resonant frequencies of only a few kilohertz. This makes it possible to use the AC voltage references over a wide frequency range from a few tens of kilohertz to a few megahertz. We have also developed readout electronics specifically designed to match the MEMS characteristics and where the temperature of the samples is controlled. The voltage stability of MEMS was measured over 150 hours and the relative deviation from the mean was found less than one part in 106 at 50 kHz and 100 kHz. Results at several hundred of kHz are also very promising. The temperature dependence is ten times smaller than previously reported, which allow to use less sophisticated thermal stabilization platforms

    Persistence of full glacial conditions in the central Pacific until 15,000 years ago

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    The magnitude of atmospheric cooling during the Last Glacial Maximum and the timing of the transition into the current interglacial period remain poorly constrained in tropical regions, partly because of a lack of suitable climate records. Glacial moraines provide a method of reconstructing past temperatures, but they are relatively rare in the tropics. Here we present a reconstruction of atmospheric temperatures in the central Pacific during the last deglaciation on the basis of cosmogenic ^3He ages of moraines and numerical modelling of the ice cap on Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii—the only highland in the central Pacific on which moraines that formed during the last glacial period are preserved. Our reconstruction indicates that the Last Glacial Maximum occurred between 19,000 and 16,000 years ago in this region and that temperatures at high elevations were about 7 °C lower than today during this interval. Glacial retreat began about 16,000 years ago, but temperatures were still about 6.5 °C lower than today until 15,000 years ago. When combined with estimates of sea surface temperatures in the central Pacific Ocean, our reconstruction indicates that the lapse rate during the Last Glacial Maximum was higher than at present, which is consistent with the proposal that the atmosphere was drier at that time. Furthermore, the persistence of full glacial conditions until 15,000 years ago is consistent with the relatively late and abrupt transition to warmer temperatures in Greenland5, indicating that there may have been an atmospheric teleconnection between the central Pacific and North Atlantic regions during the last deglaciation

    Auscultadores virtuais

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e de TelecomunicaçõesEste trabalho trata do projeto de um dispositivo para reprodução áudio estéreo de uso pessoal, que usa tecnologia na área do som direcional. Os Auscultadores Virtuais utilizam Altifalantes Paramétricos e técnicas de beamforming para produzir feixes áudio muito estreitos e controlar a sua direção numa aplicação em “tempo real”. Um algoritmo de deteção facial em vídeo recolhe informação sobre a posição de um ouvinte específico para que os feixes áudio produzidos por este tipo de altifalantes possam ser conduzidos de forma autónoma. O projeto segue o trabalho realizado por [1] onde é proposto um sistema de beam forming digital, implementado em Field Programmable Gate Array, que consegue uma elevada resolução angular e permite comutar o ângulo de emissão da onda sonora com latência mínima.This work is about a personal stereo audio playback device that uses technology in the fields of directional sound. The Virtual Headphones Set uses Parametric Loudspeakers and digital beamforming techniques to generate audio beams and control their direction in a real time application. A face tracking algorithm in video processing is used to determine the position of a specific listener so that the beams produced by these kind of speakers can be steered autonomously. The project follows the work produced by [1] where it is proposed a digital beam forming system, implemented in FPGA, that achieves high angular resolution and has the ability to switch the steering angle with minimal latency

    A new all-metal induction furnace for noble gas extraction

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    A new all-metal induction furnace for extraction of all noble gases from pyroxenes, olivines, quartz or barites has been developed at CRPG. It differs in design from other induction furnaces in that the totality of the vacuum vessel is metallic and the induction coil, normally located outside the furnace, has been placed inside the vacuum vessel, with a special radio frequency power feedthrough welded onto a flange. The volume of the crucible is ≈ 15 cm^3 and permits fusion of samples with a mass of up to 1 g. Samples are packed into a metal foil, loaded into a carousel, baked out before analysis, and then sequentially dropped into the Ta-crucible. The low weight of the crucible (≈ 120 g) allows for short and efficient degassing cycles. When the furnace is pumped for the first time after samples loading, short cycles between 500 and 1800 °C at fast heating rates (≈ 400 °C·min^(−1)) are sufficient to achieve very low blanks. The durations of these cycles are range from 30 min for He to up to a few hours for Ne, Kr and Xe. Blanks of He, Kr and Xe (10 min heating durations) and Ne (20 min) in static vacuum are (1.6 ± 1.0) × 10^(−15) mol ^4He (T = 1750 °C), (5.8 ± 2.3) × 10^(−17) mol ^(20)Ne (T = 1500 °C), (2.1 ± 0.3) × 10^(−18) mol ^(84)Kr (T = 1700 °C) and (4.4 ± 0.4) × 10^(−18) mol ^(132)Xe (T = 1700 °C). Argon blanks have not yet been measured

    Holocene evolution of summer winds and marine productivity in the tropical Indian Ocean in response to insolation forcing: data-model comparison

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    The relative abundance of <i>Globigerinoides bulloides</i> was used to infer Holocene paleo-productivity changes on the Oman margin and at the southern tip of India. Today, the primary productivity at both sites reaches its maximum during the summer season, when monsoon winds result in local Eckman pumping, which brings more nutrients to the surface. On a millennium time-scale, however, the % <i>G. bulloides</i> records indicate an opposite evolution of paleo-productivity at these sites through the Holocene. The Oman Margin productivity was maximal at ~9 ka (boreal summer insolation maximum) and has decreased since then, suggesting a direct response to insolation forcing. On the contrary, the productivity at the southern tip of India was minimum at ~9 ka, and strengthened towards the present. <br><br> Paleo-reconstructions of wind patterns, marine productivity and foraminifera assemblages were obtained using the IPSL-CM4 climate model coupled to the PISCES marine biogeochemical model and the FORAMCLIM ecophysiological model. These reconstructions are fully coherent with the marine core data. They confirm that the evolution of particulate export production and foraminifera assemblages at our two sites were directly linked with the strength of the upwelling. Model simulations at 9 ka and 6 ka BP show that the relative evolution between the two sites since the early Holocene can be explained by the weakening but also the southward shift of monsoon winds over the Arabian Sea during boreal summer

    H008 Le blocage des récepteurs AT1 de L′angiotensine II inhibe L′hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche et L′activation de FHL1 chez la souris hétérozygote déficiente en cMyBP-C

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    Les mutations de la protéine C cardiaque (cMyBP-C) sont une cause de cardiomyopathies hypertrophiques (CMH). Les souris transgéniques hétérozygotes défi cientes en cMyBP-C (HET) présentent une CMH d′apparition tardive à fonction systolique conservée. Le système rénine angiotensine (SRA) cardiaque joue un rôle important dans l′hypertrophie, mais son rôle dans le développement d′une CMH génétiquement déterminée a été peu étudié.Cette étude évaluait le rôle du SRA dans l′induction de la CMH chez la souris HET. Des souris HET et sauvages (WT), âgées de 5 mois, ont été traitées par irbésartan (50mg/kg/jour) ou placebo pendant 8 semaines. L′expression dans le ventricule gauche (VG) des gènes de l′enzyme de conversion de l′angiotensine I (ACE), du récepteur AT1 de l′angiotensine II (AGTR1), de la calcineurine A (PPP3CB) de la calcipressin 1 (RCAN1), et de FHL1 (four and a half LIM domains 1, une protéine associée à cMyBP-C au sein du sarcomère) a été analysée par RT-qPCR.Après 8 semaines de traitement, la pression artérielle est normale dans tous les groupes. Le poids du VG/poids du corps des souris HET est augmenté par rapport aux WT (3,9±0,3 vs. 3,3±0,4mg/g; p<0.01) dans le groupe placebo. Dans les groupes traités par irbésartan, ce rapport est comparable pour les souris HET (3,4±0,5mg/g) et WT (3,2±0,4mg/g; p=ns). L′expression des gènes de l′ACE, PPP3CB et RCAN1 est comparable entre les souris HET et WT et n′est pas affectée par le traitement par irbésartan. L′expression d′AGTR1 est similaire chez les souris HET et WT traitées par placebo mais augmente après traitement par irbésartan uniquement chez les souris HET. A l′inverse, l′expression de FHL1 est activée chez les souris HET par rapport aux souris WT mais cette augmentation est prévenue par le traitement par irbésartan.En conclusion, chez la souris cMyBP-C, le développement de l′hypertrophie est accompagné par une augmentation de l′expression du gène FHL1 dans le VG. Le traitement par irbésartan inhibe l′hypertrophie et l′activation de l′expression de FHL1 don′t le mécanisme reste à déterminer

    Toward the feldspar alternative for cosmogenic 10Be applications

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    The possibility of quantifying surface processes in mafic or volcanic environment using the potentialities offered by the in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides, and more specifically by the in situ-produced 10Be, is often hampered by the rarity of quartz minerals in the available lithologies. As an alternative to overcome this difficulty, we explore in this work the possibility of relying on feldspar minerals rather that on quartz to perform in situ-produced 10Be measurements in such environments. Our strategy was to cross-calibrate the total production rate of 10Be in feldspar (P10fsp) against the total production rate of 3He in pyroxene (P3px) by measuring 3He and 10Be in cogenetic pyroxene (3Hepx) and feldspar (10Befsp). The samples were collected from eight ignimbritic boulders, exposed from ca 120 to 600 ka at elevations ranging from 800 to 2500 m, along the preserved rock-avalanche deposits of the giant Caquilluco landslide (18°S, 70°W), Southern Peru. Along with data recently published by Blard et al. (2013a) at a close latitude (22°S) but higher elevation (ca. 4000 m), the samples yield a remarkably tight cluster of 3Hepx - 10Befsp total production ratios whose weighted-mean is 35.6 ± 0.5 (1s). The obtained weighted-mean 3Hepx - 10Befsp total production ratio combined with the local 3Hepy total production rate in the high tropical Andes published by Martin et al. (2017) allows to establish a total SLHL 10Be in situ-production rate in feldspar mineral (P10fsp) of 3.57 ± 0.21 at.g-1.yr-1 (scaled for the LSD scaling scheme, the ERA40 atm model and the VDM of Lifton, 2016). Despite the large elevation range covered by the whole dataset (800–4300 m), no significant variation of the 3Hepx - 10Befsp total production ratios in pyroxene and feldspar was evidenced. As an attempt to investigate the effect of the chemical composition of feldspar on the total 10Be production rate, major and trace element concentrations of the studied feldspar samples were analyzed. Unfortunately, giving the low compositional variability of our dataset, this issue is still pending

    Toward the feldspar alternative for cosmogenic 10Be applications in mafic environment

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    In situ-produced 10Be is one of the most commonly used TCN in quantitative geomorphology due to the fact that its production rate is relatively well constrained in the ubiquitous quartz mineral whose integrity minimizes the possibility of contamination by meteoric 10Be. Easily decontaminated from meteoric 10Be, it is in addition reliably measured using the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry technique for which its detection limit is lower than 104 at.g-1. However, volcanic or mafic areas are generally quartz free, which hamper the routine use of 10Be. In the case of a quartz poor lithology, an alternative possibility is to rely on 10Be - feldspars. Two preliminary studies (Kober et al., 2005 and Blard et al., 2013a) already provided promising results, demonstrating that (1) the decontamination protocol classically applied to quartz (Brown et al., 1991) efficiently removes all the meteoric 10Be contamination from the feldspar grains and (2) the total production rate of 10Be in feldspar is 8 to 10 % lower than that in quartz. However, only two samples were analyzed in both studies. In order to better constrain the 10Be in situ-production rate within feldspars, the number of samples analyzed needs to be increased. In this study, we developed a new chemical protocol for the 10Be extraction from feldspar matrices, and to cross-calibrate the total 10Be in situ-production rate in feldspar (P10fsp) against the total 3He production rate in pyroxene (P3px). The cosmogenic 3He and 10Be concentrations were measured, respectively, in pyroxene and feldspar extracted from eight samples of ignimbrite boulders from a giant landslide located between 800 and 2500 m in the high central Andes of Southern Peru. This area is ideally located, since two studies have already determined the local total 3He production rate in pyroxene on the nearby Altiplano (Blard et al., 2013b; Delunel et al., 2016)