2,843 research outputs found

    Energy harvesting from vehicular traffic over speed bumps: A review

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    Energy used by vehicles to slow down in areas of limited speed is wasted. A traffic energy-harvesting device (TEHD) is capable of harvesting vehicle energy when passing over a speed bump. This paper presents a classification of the different technologies used in the existing TEHDs. Moreover, an estimation of the energy that could be harvested with the different technologies and their cost has been elaborated. The energy recovered with these devices could be used for marking and lighting of roads in urban areas, making transportation infrastructures more sustainable and environmentally friendly

    Resultados a largo plazo del tratamiento de las fracturas de rótula mediante hemipatelectomia

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    Han sido revisadas retrospectivamente 48 fracturas de rótula tratadas mediante hemipatelectomía, con un seguimiento medio de 14,6 años. Para la valoración se han seguido criterios clínicos, radiológicos, subjetivos y de potencia del aparato extensor. El rango de movilidad de la extremidad intervenida es del 89%, la potencia del aparato extensor de 83% y la medición de la circunferencia del muslo del 97%, tomando como referencia la extremidad no intervenida. Encontramos un 45% de resultados excelentes, 39,58% de buenos resultados, 10,41% de resultados regulares y 4,16% de malos resultados. Existe una relación estadísticamente significativa entre el tipo de fractura, la edad de los pacientes, la existencia de patología previa en la rodilla, las lesiones asociadas a la fractura rotuliana por el traumatismo y el resultado final obtenido. A la vista de estos resultados podemos concluir que la hemipatelectomía es una técnica eficaz y segura para el tratamiento de algunos tipos de fracturas de rótula.A retrospective stydy was made of 48 patellar fractures who were threated with a hemipatellectomy. The mean time of follow-up was 14,6 years. The results were assessed with use of clinical, radiological, subjective and isokinetic quadriceps strength-testing criteria. The mean active range of motion was 89%, the strength of quadriceps was 83% and the circumference of the thigh was 97% of these measurements in the contralateral extremity. The over-all results was rated as excellent in 45,83%, dood in 39,58%, fair in 10,41% and poor in 4,16%. There was a significant statistical correlation between the type of fracture, the previous patology in the knee, the associated lesions caused by trauma and the outcome. The results of this study indicate that hemipatellectomy can be an effective and secure treatment for selected patellar fractures

    Estudio prospectivo de profilaxis ambulatoria con sulodexida después de una artroplastia total de cadera o rodilla

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    La falta de continuidad en el tratamiento profiláctico ambulatorio se muestra como una de las causas determinantes en la aparición de complicaciones tromboembólicas en el primer mes tras el alta hospitalaria. La dificultad de administración por parte del paciente de las heparinas de bajo peso molecular y la diferencia de preocupación entre los médicos de Atención Primaria y los Servicios especializados por el problema tromboembólico son algunas de las causas de esta discontinuidad. Se realiza un estudio prospectivo sobre 221 pacientes intervenidos de prótesis total de cadera y rodilla con la finalidad de estudiar los resultados obtenidos con el tratamiento profiláctico mediante Sulodexida, un fármaco que une a sus propiedades antitrombóticas la comodidad de la administración vía oral. Se encontró una respuesta satisfactoria sin aparición de complicaciones tromboembólicas en el 98,8% del grupo que completó el tratamiento (n=164), frente al 21% de complicaciones que presentó el grupo que no completó el estudio.The discontinous thromboprophylaxis is a determinant cause in the presence of thromboembolic complications in the first month after hospital discharge. The difficult administration of the low -molecular- weight heparin by the patient and the different preoccupation for this problem between the Primary Care and the orthopedics specialists are the causes that incite to discontinous thromboprophylaxis. A prospective study was made of 221 patients who undergoing a total hip arthroplasty or a total knee arthroplasty and the objective was to investigate the incidence of venous thrombosis in the patients who were treated with oral sulodexide in the first month after hospital discharge. We analized the efficacy and the secondary effects of sulodexide. There were satisfactory results in 98,8% of patients who were treated with sulodexide (1,2% of venous complications), and 21% of venous complications in the group of patients who did not continue the thromboprophylactic treatment

    On the energy deposition by electrons in air and the accurate determination of the air-fluorescence yield

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    The uncertainty in the absolute value of the air-fluorescence yield still puts a severe limit on the accuracy in the primary energy of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. The precise measurement of this parameter in laboratory is in turn conditioned by a careful evaluation of the energy deposited in the experimental collision chamber. In this work we discuss on the calculation of the energy deposition and its accuracy. Results from an upgraded Monte Carlo algorithm that we have developed are compared with those obtained using Geant4, showing excellent agreement. These updated calculations of energy deposition are used to apply some corrections to the available measurements of the absolute fluorescence yield, allowing us to obtain a reliable world average of this important parameter.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, International Symposium on Future Directions in UHECR Physics, 13-16 February 2012, CERN, Geneva (Switzerland

    La planificación del estudio de la cueva

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    The authors explain why it was necessary to establish a single reference system for all of the cave and how the problem was solved. They present a graphic sketch of each of the walls of the site which will permits the clarification of any doubts which may arise later.Los autores narran cómo se vio la necesidad de organizar un sistema de referencia único para toda la cueva y la manera cómo resolvieron el problema. Presentan un esquema gráfico de cada una de las paredes del yacimiento que permita aclarar dudas en el caso de que éstas se planteasen

    A review of measurement techniques of mechanical properties of the catalyst layer in catalytic converters

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    A catalyst support is often used to disperse a catalyst material to enhance the contact area for reaction. In catalytic converters, a coating called the catalyst layer contains both the catalyst support and catalytically active material. Given the role of the catalyst layer in catalytic converters, its mechanical strength is of great importance as it determines the service life of catalytic converters. This review paper therefore summarises a number of methods which are currently used in the literature to measure the strength of a catalyst layer. It was identified that the methods applied at present could be divided into two groups. All methods regardless of the group have been successfully used to investigate the effect of a range of formulation and process parameters on the strength of a catalyst layer. In terms of measurement principles, Group 1 methods measure the strength based on mass loss after the layer sample is subjected to a destructive environment of choice. Group 2 methods tend to give more direct measurements on the strength of bonding between particles in a catalyst layer. Therefore, strength data generated by Group 2 methods are more reproducible between different researchers as the results are less dependent on the testing environment. However, methods in both groups still suffer from the fact that they are not designed to separately measure the cohesive and the adhesive strength of a catalyst layer. Two new methods have been recently proposed to solve this problem; with these methods, the cohesive and adhesive strength of a catalyst layer can be measured separately

    Crystal slow extraction of positrons from DAΦNE: the SHERPA project

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    The SHERPA project aim is to develop an efficient technique to extract a positron beam from one of the accelerator rings composing the DAΦNE complex at the Frascati National Laboratory of INFN, setting up a new beam line able to deliver positron spills of O(ms) length, excellent beam energy spread and emittance. The most common approach to slowly extract from a ring is to increase betatron oscillations approaching a tune resonance in order to gradually eject particles from the circulating beam. SHERPA proposes a paradigm change using coherent processes in bent crystals to kick out positrons from the ring, a cheaper and less complex alternative. A description of this innovative nonresonant extraction technique is reported in this manuscript, including its performance preliminary estimation

    Relación de la calidad de vida profesional y el burnout en médicos de atención primaria

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    ObjetivoConocer la relación, si es que la hay, entre la calidad de vida profesional (CVP) y burnout de facultativos de atención primaria.DiseñoEstudio transversal mediante cuestionario CVP-35 y MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory), por correo postal.ÁmbitoTres centros urbanos y 3 zonas de atención rural. Participó un total de 131 profesionalesMedicionesDel CVP-35 se obtienen puntuaciones que van de 0 (mínimo) a 10 (máximo). El cuestionario Maslach clasifica en nivel alto, medio y bajo de cada dimensión.ResultadosContestó a la encuesta el 71,7%. La edad media era de 44 años y la media de tarjetas sanitarias, 1.339. El número de consultas/día fue de 37; en cuanto las visitas domiciliarias, realizaban una diaria. El valor medio de la CVP fue de 4,48 (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 4,08-4,88). La percepción de la demanda tuvo una puntuación de 5,9 (IC del 95%, 5,6-6,1); la motivación intrínseca del profesional se situó en 6,5 (IC del 95%, 6,2-6,7) y el apoyo de los directivos en 3,8 (IC del 95%, 3,6-4,1). En cuanto al cuestionario MBI, se observó una despersonalización alta en el 54,3%, cansancio emocional alto en un 56,2% y realización personal alta en el 9,3%. La correlación mayor fue entre las demandas en el puesto y el cansancio emocional (r=0,6; p<0,0001), la motivación intrínseca y la realización personal (r=0,46; p<0,0001) y la calidad de vida profesional frente al cansancio emocional (r=−0,4; p<0,0005).ConclusionesLa CVP y el burnout miden dimensiones diferentes pero relacionadas. Por tanto, su utilidad es diferente en función de los objetivos. Con estos instrumentos se pueden identificar elementos clave de la gestión de personas que pueden mejorar la calidad de vida profesional.ObjectiveTo know the relationship, if this exists, between the quality of professional life (CPL) and the burnout of primary health care staff.DesignTransversal study employing CVP-35 test and MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory), both sent by postmail.Setting3 urban centers and 3 rural centers. Total: 131 professionals.MeasuresIn the CVP-35 test, scores from 0 (minimum) to 100 (maximum) are obtained. Maslach categorised each dimension into high, medium and low level.Results71.7% answered. Medium age 44 years, average of 1339 sanitary cards. The number of visits/day was 37, home visits 1 per day. The CVP average was 4.48 (95% CI, 4.08-4.88). The damage perception in the post 5.9 (95% CI, 5.6-6.1); the professional intrinsic motivation 6.5 (95% CI, 6.2-6.7), and the manager support 3.8 (95% CI, 3.6-4.1). MBI: high depersonalization 54.3%, emotional exhaustion (r=0.6; P<.0001), intrinsic motivation, and personal accomplishment (r=0.46; P<.0001) and profesional quality of life front emotional fatigue (r= −0.4; P<.0005).ConclusionsCPL and burnout measure different but related dimensions. Therefore, its utility is dependent on the objectives. Target elements, which can improve the quality of professional life, can be identified from these tools

    Joint theoretical and experimental study on elastic electron scattering from bismuth

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    We report on experimental elastic differential and integral cross sections for electron scattering from bismuth. The energy range of those measurements is 10-100 eV, while the scattered electron angular range in the differential cross section data is 10 degrees-150 degrees. We also supplement our experimental results with theoretical data from our optical potential approach, in this case applying two different sets of scattering potentials to the problem. Good overall qualitative accord is typically observed between our measured and calculated results, particularly when allowance is made for the dimer contribution in the experimental atomic beam