33,120 research outputs found

    Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Processes and European Climate (COAPEC): improved understanding of the coupled climate system

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    COAPEC (http://coapec.nerc.ac.uk/) is a five-year Directed Science Programme funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). COAPEC is providing advances in understanding the mechanisms by which the ocean and atmosphere interact, how these processes are represented in state-of-the-art numerical climate models and how they determine the predictability of the climate system over seasonal-decadal timescales. Processes studied include the generation and propagation of salinity and heat anomalies in the North Atlantic, the influence of the thermohaline circulation and the role of storm tracks on European Climate. The influence of remote processes, including ocean-atmosphere coupling in tropical Atlantic warm events and Southern Ocean circulation are also being investigated. As part of the programme, new coupled models are being developed, including: a coupled hybrid isopycnic coordinate model; fast models for multi-ensemble runs to investigate model parameters space, using both high performance machines and spare home PC resources; a QG model to investigate high resolution ocean processes in coupled systems and validated ice models for coupled modelling. Underpinning research into improving the observational datasets, such as the SOC flux climatology, and into the influence of sea-ice observations in General Circulation Models is also being carried out as part of the programme. To place these advances into a socially relevant context, COAPEC is also investigating the methods for using, and economic benefits of, climate forecasts at seasonal timescales for the UK health sector and the UK energy industry

    Apparatus for measuring thermal conductivity Patent

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    Development of apparatus for measuring thermal conductivit

    Metrics that matter for assessing the ocean biological carbon pump

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Buesseler, K. O., Boyd, P. W., Black, E. E., & Siegel, D. A. Metrics that matter for assessing the ocean biological carbon pump. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, (2020): 201918114, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1918114117.The biological carbon pump (BCP) comprises wide-ranging processes that set carbon supply, consumption, and storage in the oceans’ interior. It is becoming increasingly evident that small changes in the efficiency of the BCP can significantly alter ocean carbon sequestration and, thus, atmospheric CO2 and climate, as well as the functioning of midwater ecosystems. Earth system models, including those used by the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, most often assess POC (particulate organic carbon) flux into the ocean interior at a fixed reference depth. The extrapolation of these fluxes to other depths, which defines the BCP efficiencies, is often executed using an idealized and empirically based flux-vs.-depth relationship, often referred to as the “Martin curve.” We use a new compilation of POC fluxes in the upper ocean to reveal very different patterns in BCP efficiencies depending upon whether the fluxes are assessed at a fixed reference depth or relative to the depth of the sunlit euphotic zone (Ez). We find that the fixed-depth approach underestimates BCP efficiencies when the Ez is shallow, and vice versa. This adjustment alters regional assessments of BCP efficiencies as well as global carbon budgets and the interpretation of prior BCP studies. With several international studies recently underway to study the ocean BCP, there are new and unique opportunities to improve our understanding of the mechanistic controls on BCP efficiencies. However, we will only be able to compare results between studies if we use a common set of Ez-based metrics.We thank the many scientists whose ideas and contributions over the years are the foundation of this paper. This includes A. Martin, who led the organization of the BIARRITZ group (now JETZON) workshop in July 2019, discussions at which helped to motivate this article. We thank D. Karl for pointing us in the right direction for this paper format at PNAS and two thoughtful reviewers who through their comments helped to improve this manuscript. Support for writing this piece is acknowledged from several sources, including the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s Ocean Twilight Zone project (K.O.B.); NASA as part of the EXport Processes in the global Ocean from RemoTe Sensing (EXPORTS) program (K.O.B. and D.A.S.). E.E.B. was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship through the Ocean Frontier Institute at Dalhousie University. P.W.B. was supported by the Australian Research Council through a Laureate (FL160100131)

    Macroscopic coherence effects in a mesoscopic system: Weak localization of thin silver films in an undergraduate lab

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    We present an undergraduate lab that investigates weak localization in thin silver films. The films prepared in our lab have thickness, aa, between 60-200 \AA, a mesoscopic length scale. At low temperatures, the inelastic dephasing length for electrons, LϕL_{\phi}, exceeds the thickness of the film (LϕaL_{\phi} \gg a), and the films are then quasi-2D in nature. In this situation, theory predicts specific corrections to the Drude conductivity due to coherent interference between conducting electrons' wavefunctions, a macroscopically observable effect known as weak localization. This correction can be destroyed with the application of a magnetic field, and the resulting magnetoresistance curve provides information about electron transport in the film. This lab is suitable for Junior or Senior level students in an advanced undergraduate lab course.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Replaces earlier version of paper rejected by Am. J. Phys. because of too much content on vacuum systems. New version deals with the undergraduate experiment on weak localization onl

    Light forces in ultracold photoassociation

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    We study the time-resolved photoassociation of ultracold sodium in an optical dipole trap. The photoassociation laser excites pairs of atoms to molecular states of large total angular momentum at high intensities (above 20 kW/cm2^{2}). Such transitions are generally suppressed at ultracold temperatures by the centrifugal barriers for high partial waves. Time-resolved ionization measurements reveal that the atoms are accelerated by the dipole potential of the photoassociation beam. We change the collision energy by varying the potential depth, and observe a strong variation of the photoassociation rate. These results demonstrate the important role of light forces in cw photoassociation at high intensities.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    X-ray polarimetry with an active-matrix pixel proportional counter

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    We report the first results from an X-ray polarimeter with a micropattern gas proportional counter using an amorphous silicon active matrix readout. With 100% polarized X-rays at 4.5 keV, we obtain a modulation factor of 0.33 +/- 0.03, confirming previous reports of the high polarization sensitivity of a finely segmented pixel proportional counter. The detector described here has a geometry suitable for the focal plane of an astronomical X-ray telescope. Amorphous silicon readout technology will enable additional extensions and improvements.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Exploring Io's atmospheric composition with APEX: first measurement of 34SO2 and tentative detection of KCl

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    The composition of Io's tenuous atmosphere is poorly constrained. Only the major species SO2 and a handful of minor species have been positively identified, but a variety of other molecular species should be present, based on thermochemical equilibrium models of volcanic gas chemistry and the composition of Io's environment. This paper focuses on the spectral search for expected yet undetected molecular species (KCl, SiO, S2O) and isotopes (34SO2). We analyze a disk-averaged spectrum of a potentially line-rich spectral window around 345 GHz, obtained in 2010 at the APEX-12m antenna (Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment). Using different models assuming either extended atmospheric distributions or a purely volcanically-sustained atmosphere, we tentatively measure the KCl relative abundance with respect to SO2 and derive a range of 4x10^{-4}-8x10^{-3}. We do not detect SiO or S2O and present new upper limits on their abundances. We also present the first measurement of the 34S/32S isotopic ratio in gas phase on Io, which appears to be twice as high as the Earth and ISM reference values. Strong lines of SO2 and SO are also analyzed to check for longitudinal variations of column density and relative abundance. Our models show that, based on their predicted relative abundance with respect to SO2 in volcanic plumes, both the tentative KCl detection and SiO upper limit are compatible with a purely volcanic origin for these species.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 11 pages, 4 figure

    Spinor Dynamics in an Antiferromagnetic Spin-1 Condensate

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    We observe coherent spin oscillations in an antiferromagnetic spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate of sodium. The variation of the spin oscillations with magnetic field shows a clear signature of nonlinearity, in agreement with theory, which also predicts anharmonic oscillations near a critical magnetic field. Measurements of the magnetic phase diagram agree with predictions made in the approximation of a single spatial mode. The oscillation period yields the best measurement to date of the sodium spin-dependent interaction coefficient, determining that the difference between the sodium spin-dependent s-wave scattering lengths af=2af=0a_{f=2}-a_{f=0} is 2.47±0.272.47\pm0.27 Bohr radii.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Changes: added reference, minor correction

    Winter wheat: A model for the simulation of growth and yield in winter wheat

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    The basic ideas and constructs for a general physical/physiological process level winter wheat simulation model are documented. It is a materials balance model which calculates daily increments of photosynthate production and respiratory losses in the crop canopy. The partitioning of the resulting dry matter to the active growing tissues in the plant each day, transpiration and the uptake of nitrogen from the soil profile are simulated. It incorporates the RHIZOS model which simulates, in two dimensions, the movement of water, roots, and soluble nutrients through the soil profile. It records the time of initiation of each of the plant organs. These phenological events are calculated from temperature functions with delays resulting from physiological stress. Stress is defined mathematically as an imbalance in the metabolite supply; demand ratio. Physiological stress is also the basis for the calculation of rates of tiller and floret abortion. Thus, tillering and head differentiation are modeled as the resulants of the two processes, morphogenesis and abortion, which may be occurring simulaneously