6,383 research outputs found

    The Medical Wars : proximity of Etnic and Geographic Frontiers between athenians and ethiopians in the VI and V B. C. Centuries

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    This article presents the Persian Wars as a historic factor able to agglutinate the ethnic and geographic frontier between athenians and others ethnics groups if his kept relations. However, our attention will be look upon in this abstract the interactions existing among athenians and ethiopians in the VI and V B. C. Centuries

    As Guerras Médicas : Proximidade de fronteiras étnicas e geográficas entre atenienses e etíopes nos séculos VI e V a.C

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    O presente artigo visa apresentar as Guerras Médicas como um fator histórico capaz de aglutinar as fronteiras étnicas e geográficas entre atenienses e os grupos étnicos que mantinham relações. Contudo, nossa atenção neste artigo será a de observar as interações existentes entre atenienses e etíopes no VI e V séculos a. C.This article presents the Persian Wars as a historic factor able to agglutinate the ethnic and geographic frontier between athenians and others ethnics groups if his kept relations. However, our attention will be look upon in this abstract the interactions existing among athenians and ethiopians in the VI and V B. C. Centuries

    Design as Translation: what does it mean to have an healthy life?

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    In modern societies, this question tends to be answered by maintaining the body young and fit, usually thru a low-fat diet and physical activities like run or going to the gym. This way, behaviors related to training have become a materialisation of being healthy, giving body to the concept of “healthy living”. But should we consider this materialization as a definitive translation of the concept of being healthy? Ideas need to be materialized so they can be assimilated in life. Assuming this point of view, Design can be defined as a materialization process which translates concepts into objects and behaviors. Therefore, to design something should be understood as a process of embodying meaning in the language of objects. Complex concepts such as “healthy living” can be broken into several moments and are the result of subjective perception. Objects can serve as catalysts of the experiences that define this perception, creating interactions that can make people feel healthy and transforming the abstract idea of “healthy life” into a concrete perception. This presentation intends to discuss how the perception of having a healthy life should be designed in the future, trying to make clear that to design is not a neutral translation but an encoding process which can profoundly change the meaning of a concept according to the way it materializes it.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integrated data model and DSL modifications

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    Companies are increasingly more and more dependent on distributed web-based software systems to support their businesses. This increases the need to maintain and extend software systems with up-to-date new features. Thus, the development process to introduce new features usually needs to be swift and agile, and the supporting software evolution process needs to be safe, fast, and efficient. However, this is usually a difficult and challenging task for a developer due to the lack of support offered by programming environments, frameworks, and database management systems. Changes needed at the code level, database model, and the actual data contained in the database must be planned and developed together and executed in a synchronized way. Even under a careful development discipline, the impact of changing an application data model is hard to predict. The lifetime of an application comprises changes and updates designed and tested using data, which is usually far from the real, production, data. So, coding DDL and DML SQL scripts to update database schema and data, is the usual (and hard) approach taken by developers. Such manual approach is error prone and disconnected from the real data in production, because developers may not know the exact impact of their changes. This work aims to improve the maintenance process in the context of Agile Platform by Outsystems. Our goal is to design and implement new data-model evolution features that ensure a safe support for change and a sound migration process. Our solution includes impact analysis mechanisms targeting the data model and the data itself. This provides, to developers, a safe, simple, and guided evolution process

    Strategic plan for algarveresorts internationalization process to Florida, USA.

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    JEL Classification System: M16 - International Business Administration L83 - TourismTourism is a volatile industry where a slight change in politics, economics or a natural catastrophe can change the game rules overnight. Geographic diversity is a key factor to create a solid company structure in tourism industry. Operating in different locations, dealing with diverse markets, decrease business dependency in geography. With lower risk, companies are free to focus on optimizing their local and daily services management. The following dissertation intends to be a business plan focused on Algarveresorts’ internationalization process. This plan consists in a business expansion for Algarveresorts to the United States of America, specifically to the Florida State. This process of internationalization aims to reduce the business risk related to the fact that the company operates solo in one geographic location, which makes Algarveresort completely dependent on a single market in all it’s operations. The firm aims to expand it’s business as well as building a solid and versatile company structure. With the internationalization process, the firm intends to grow in the tourism sector internationally. Throughout the development and results measurement on this strategic plan it is easy to say that Florida is teeming with opportunities for the whole process of expansion and internationalization of Algarveresorts. As well as the final projected model fulfill all the company expectations and aims, being completely in the reach of Algarveresorts resources. Although the huge and strong competition in that market it is safe to say that Florida can surely become the next market to be explored by the Company.O turismo é uma industria volátil na qual uma pequena mudança politica, económica ou de causa natural pode alterar todas as regras do jogo, do dia para a noite. Diversidade geográfica é a chave para criar uma estrutura empresarial solida na área do turismo. Operar em diferentes localizações lidando com diferentes e dispersos mercados reduz toda a dependência dos mesmos. Reduzindo o risco, as empresas podem então focar-se na sua gestão local e otimização dos seus serviços. A presente dissertação baseia-se num plano de negócios focado no processo de internacionalização da Algarveresorts. Este plano consiste numa expansão do modelo de negócios da mesma para os Estados Unidos da América, mais propriamente para o estado da Florida. Este processo de internacionalização tem como principal objetivo a redução do risco de negocio associado ao facto da empresa operar em apenas um único mercado e estar dependente do mesmo em todas as suas operações. A Algarveresorts ambiciona expandir todo os seus negócios e ao mesmo tempo tornar toda a sua estrutura empresarial mais solida e versátil. Com o processo de internacionalização a firma visa vingar no sector turismo internacionalmente. No desenvolvimento e na observação dos resultados provenientes deste projeto estratégico facilmente se conclui que a Florida apresenta enumeras e excelentes oportunidades para toda a expansão e internacionalização da Algarveresorts. Também o modelo final projetado corresponde na totalidade a todas as expectativas e prospeções da empresa, estando completamente dentro do alcance da mesma. Embora a enorme e forte competição que se faz sentir no mercado do turismo na Florida seguramente podemos afirmar que este será o próximo mercado a ser explorado por parte da Algarveresorts

    Analysis of the inspection of mechanical parts using dense range data

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    More than ever, efficiency and quality are key words in modern industry. This situation enhances the importance of quality control and creates a great demand for cheap and reliable automatic inspection systems. Taking into account these facts and the demand for systems able to inspect the final shape of machined parts, we decided to investigate the viability of automatic model-based inspection of mechanical parts using the dense range data produced by laser stripers. Given a part to be inspected and a corresponding model of the part stored in the model data base, the first step of inspecting the part is the acquisition of data corresponding to the part, in our case this means the acquisition of a range image of it. In order to be able to compare the part image and its stored model, it is necessary to align the model with the range image of the part. This process, called registration, corresponds to finding the rigid transformation that superposes model and image. After the image and model are registered, the actual inspection uses the range image to verify if all the features predicted in the model are present and have the right pose and dimensions. Therefore, besides the acquisition of range images, the inspection of machined parts involves three main issues: modelling, registration and inspection diagnosis. The application, for inspection purposes, of the main representational schemes for modelling solid objects is discussed and it is suggested the use of EDT models (see [Zeid 91]). A particular implementation of EDT models is presented. A novel approach for the verification of tolerances during the inspection is proposed. The approach allows not only the inspection of the most common tolerances described in the tolerancing standards, but also the inspection of tolerances defined according to Requicha's theory of tolerancing (see [Requicha 83]). A model of the sensitivity and reliability of the inspection process based on the modelling of the errors during the inspection process is also proposed. The importance of the accuracy of the registration in different inspections tasks is discussed. A modified version of the ICP algorithm (see [Besl &; McKay 92]) for the registration of sculptured surfaces is proposed. The maximum accuracy of the ICP algorithm, as a function of the sensor errors and the number of matched points, is determined. A novel method for the measurement and reconstruction of waviness errors on sculp¬ tured surfaces is proposed. The method makes use of the 2D Discrete Fourier Transform for the detection and reconstruction of the waviness error. A model of the sensitivity and reliability of the method is proposed. The application of the methods proposed is illustrated using synthetic and real range image

    Designing out stigma : the role of objects in the construction of disabled people's identity

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    Comunicação apresentada na conferência Dare to Desire: 6th International Design & Emotion Conference, Hong Kong, 2008.It is an unmistakable fact that objects hold an important role in the construction of identity, acting as markers of a certain lifestyle. In this process of symbolic construction, to own a certain object entails more often than not a high social status. However, some objects can also carry with them stigma: owning them brings about a discrediting effect in the construction of the owner`s identity. For people with disabilities the use of objects employed for mitigate their impairment (as a wheelchair or a walking aid) often act as a symbol of stigma and empathize the prejudices to the people who use them

    A NATO e a Força Aérea Portuguesa

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    Neste artigo é analisada a evolução da NATO e da Força Aérea Portuguesa, e são referidos, de forma breve, os problemas que ambas as instituições tiveram que enfrentar ao longo dos últimos quarenta e sete anos da sua existência. A Força Aérea vai nascer em 1952, como Ramo das Forças Armadas, no mesmo ano em que se reúne em Lisboa o Conselho do Atlântico, donde resultaram decisões de grande importância em termos de eficácia da própria Aliança. Como país periférico, Portugal desempenha um papel potencial muito importante, no seu contributo para a ligação entre os Continentes europeu e americano, sendo relevante no apoio à estratégia do reforço rápido. As operações portuguesas em África não permitiram a prestação de um contributo real com forças, para a defesa integrada, o mesmo não se verificando no âmbito das infraestruturas de apoio. Na segunda metade da década de 70 a participação da Força Aérea passa a ser muito mais activa, tanto na atribuição de tneios, como na incorporação da doutrina e das normas de padronização, ou corno na participação da decisão conjunta, ao nível das suas competências próprias: A inclusão de Portugal na defesa aérea integrada da NATO e os contributos para a instrução de pilotagem, assim como a integração na Força AEW, são exemplos da intensificaçao daquela participação