35 research outputs found

    The ıncurring loses criterion on ındividul application to European Court of Human Rights

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    14 nolu protokol Avrupa insan Hakları Mahkemesinin yapısında ve işleyişinde önemli düzenlemeler içermektedir. Mahkemenin iş yükünü azaltmayı ve yargılama sürecini hızlandırmak amacıyla yapılan bu düzenlemelerde en çok göze çarpan ve tartışmalara yol açan yeniliği kabul edilebilirlik şartları ile ilgili olan düzenlemelerdir. Yapılan bu değişiklikle kabul edilebilirlik şartları arasına başvuranın ehemmiyetli bir dezavantaja uğramış olması kriteri eklenmiştir. Bu kriter başvuran kişinin dikkate değer bir zarara uğramış olmasını gerektirmektedir. Eğer başvuran kişinin önemli bir mağduriyeti yok ise bu durumda mahkemenin başvuru hakkında kabul edilemezlik kararı vermesi öngörülmektedir. Esasında insan hakları ihlalinin bir mahkeme tarafından önemli ya da önemsiz biçiminde ayrılması oldukça tartışmalı bir konudur. Bu açıdan protokol bu düzenlemelerin ortaya çıkaracağı sakıncaları da gidermek için bazı dengeleyici unsurlar getirmiştir.Protocol No. 14 contains structure and functioning of the European Court of Human Right important regulations. In these arrangements for purpose of reduce the workload of the Court and speeding up prosecution process the most conspicuous and discussions that lead to innovation are the regulations regarding admissibility conditions . This amendment to the admissibility conditions between the applicant has suffered a substantial disadvantage criteria is added. These criteria consider the value of the applicant is required to have suffered a loss . If the applicant does not have a significant disadvantage in this case the decision of the court on the application of inadmissibility is envisaged. In fact, violation of human rights by a court in the form of significant or insignificant separation is a highly controversial topic . From this point protocol have brought drawbacks of these regulations will reveal some of the stabilizing elements to resolv


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    Siyasi Partiler Kanunu'nun değişiklikten önceki 95. maddesincfe-ki "... milletvekilliği için aday olamazlar" hükmü karşısında, beyan ve eylemleriyle partisinin kapatılmasına sebep olan kişilerin bağımsız ml-letvekili adayı olabileceklerini savunmak mümkün değildir. Çünkü gerek siyasi parti adaylığı gerekse bağımsız adaylık bu hükümle yas amp;-lanmıştır. Ancak Siyasi Partiler Kanunu'nun değişik 95. maddesi, böyle durumda olan kişilerin artık bağımsız milletvekili adayları olabileceklerini mümkün hale getirmiştir. Çünkü, SPK'nın değişik 95. maddesine göre,"Siyasi partiler bu kişileri hiçbir suretle seçimlerde aday gösteıemezler"

    Sorularla Anayasa Hukuku

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    Retrospective Evaluation of the Female Patients with Breast Cancer: Western Black Sea Region, Unicentered, Clinical Data of Oncology

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    WOS: 000321597900007Breast cancer is the most common female cancer in the world wide with 30% of all women cancer and second most common cause of cancer death in women. Oncology department of Bulent Ecevit University Faculty of Medicine is the only cancer center in western part of Black Sea region. We investigated retrospectively our data of women breast cancer between the period of 2000 and 2010 in this region. The mean age of the study population was 49.90 +/- 12 years and mean follow-up time was 4 +/- 2 years. The distribution of patients by the age, 25% or patients under 40 years old, 32% between the 40-50 years old and 43% of them over the 50 years old. 92.6% of the patients were presented with a palpable mass. The most common type of breast cancer was invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) in 312 patients (80%). Prognosis of the study population; 309 patients (80%) are surviving without any disease. Sixty-six patients (17%) had progression, 7 of 390 patients (1,8%) had local recurrence and 15 patients (3.8%) died. While the breast cancer is one of the most commonly seen solid organ tumors in Black Sea region and, based on the literature, no significant differences were observed for prognostic factors, longer life expectancy of the patients with advanced stage disease may be attributed to higher number of patients with hormonal positivity and therapy adherence

    Basic Parameters, Fundamental Relations and Bolometric Corrections of Solar Neighborhood Main-Sequence Stars

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    The published masses, radii and effective temperatures of 509 main-sequence stars chosen from the catalogue of detached double-lined eclipsing binaries with metal abundances 0.008 ≤ Z ≤ 0.040 in the solar neighborhood within the disk were used to calibrate interrelated mass-luminosity (MLR), mass-radius (MRR) and mass-effective temperature (MTR) relations. 34 more stars (20 binaries) from the same catalog with unpublished effective temperatures added after computing their effective temperatures using newly defined fundamental relations (MLR, MRR, MTR). Binaries compiled were searched if they have light ratios (L2/L1) in the V band together with trigonometric parallaxes and visual apparent magnitudes. 225 systems (440 stars) were found eligible to calculate bolometric corrections (BC). NASA/IPAC Galactic dust maps were used to estimate extinctions. Systems with unreliable extinctions (dusty regions and/or b ≤ 5°) were replaced with private determinations. The computed BC values were reduced again by choosing the systems with most accurate parallaxes (σπ/π< 0.07) for a calibration sample (322 stars). Main-sequence BC – Teff relation valid from 3000 to 30000 K in the form a cubic function is determined using the basic stellar parameters in the calibration sample

    Kepler Binary Stars in the NGC 6819 Open Cluster: KIC 5113146 and KIC 5111815

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    In this study, an investigation of two double-lined binary stars KIC 5113146 and KIC 5111815 in the NGC 6819 open cluster is presented based on both photometric and spectroscopic data. Simultaneous analysis of light and radial velocity curves was made and the absolute parameters of the systems' components were determined for the first time. We find that both systems have F-type main-sequence components. The masses and radii were found to be M-1 = 1.29 +/- 0.02M(circle dot), R-1 = 1.47 +/- 0.03 R-circle dot and M-2 = 1.19 +/- 0.02 M-circle dot, R-2 = 1.13 +/- 0.02 R-circle dot for the primary and secondary components of KIC 5113146; and M-1 = 1.51 +/- 0.08 M-circle dot, R-1 = 2.02 +/- 0.05 R-circle dot and M-2 = 1.19 +/- 0.07 M-circle dot, R-2 = 1.32 +/- 0.04 R-circle dot for the components of KIC 5111815, respectively. The evolutionary status of the components was evaluated based on the MESA evolutionary tracks and isochrones. The ages of KIC 5111815 and KIC 5113146 were derived to be about 2.50 +/- 0.35 Gyr and 1.95 +/- 0.40 Gyr, respectively. Photometric distances were calculated to be 2850 +/- 185 pc for KIC 5113146 and 3120 +/- 260 pc for KIC 5111815. The results reveal that both KIC 5113146 and KIC 5111815 systems are the most likely members of NGC 6819


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    Milliyetçilik, aynı millete mensup kişilerin duydukları; bir arada, bağımsız bir hayat sürmek ve bu kişilerin sevgi ve saygı hisleri ile milletine bağlanarak, teşkil ettikleri toplumu yüceltmek isteğidir1.Bir başka tanımla milliyetçilik, yani milliyet duygusu,bir toplumda kişilerin kendilerini bütüne bağlı ve onun bir unsuru olarak hissetmeleri ve o toplum için varlıklarını ortaya koymaya hazır olmaları demektir.Bir toplumun millet olabilmesi için klasik tarifte ırk, dil, din, kültür gibi objektif ölçüler aranırsa da, günümüz toplumlannda, kader, kıvanç, tasa birliği ve birlikte yaşama arzusu gibi unsurlar ön planda gelmektedir3. Yani günümüz toplumlannda milliyetçilik ,kişilerin soy bağından daha çok,kişilerin iradesini esas almaktadır. Milliyetçilikte ilk ve en önemli husus, bağımsız bir devlet olma iradesindedir ve daha sonra, egemenlik, eşitlik ve hürriyet kavramlarında birleşir4. Ancak milliyetçilik, yalnız kendisine değil, diğer devletlerinde milli bağımsızlığına saygı gösterir5

    Allowable bearing capacity based on Schmertmann method for sandy soils

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    WOS: 000287940100015In this study, since the city of Bartin in Northwest Turkey on the Black Sea is in the first-degree seismic zone and its residential area only occupies 7% of the total acreage that is expected to expand with newly flourishing urbanization, soil samples were obtained from a total of five different locations where there are open areas for the construction of dwellings. Engineering properties of the soils were assessed by laboratory experiments and the allowable bearing capacity and elastic settlement (Schmertmann method) values of the soils were calculated. The results showed that calculated settlement values are very high and can damage the foundation systems of any building constructed in future; therefore, allowable settlement value was fixed at 50 mm and allowable bearing capacities of the soils were obtained from back calculations by using the Schmertmann method. The aim of calculating allowable bearing capacity modified by settlement analysis is to propose a procedure about the foundation designs of the building laying on compressible sandy soils.Zonguldak Karaelmas University Scientific Research Projects UnitBulent Ecevit University [2007/2-45-05-06]; Zonguldak Karaelmas UniversityBulent Ecevit UniversityThis study was funded by Zonguldak Karaelmas University Scientific Research Projects Unit (2007/2-45-05-06). The authors would like to express their gratitude to Zonguldak Karaelmas University for their financial support