8 research outputs found

    Robust estimators reveal changing geomagnetic field behaviour through the Cenozoic

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    The Fisher distribution is central to palaeomagnetism but presents several problems when used to characterize geomagnetic field directions as observed in sequences of volcanic rocks. First, it introduces a shallowing effect when used to define the mean of any group of directional unit vectors. This is problematic because it can suggest the presence of persistent non-axial dipole components when none are present. More importantly, it fails to capture the observed ‘long tail’ in distributions of both directions and associated virtual geomagnetic poles in terms of angular distance from a central direction. To achieve a good fit to data, it therefore requires the introduction of a second distribution (and therefore the estimation of additional parameters) or the arbitrary removal of data. Here we present a new distribution to describe palaeomagnetic directions and demonstrate that it overcomes both of these problems, generating robust indicators of both the central direction (or pole position) and the spread of palaeomagnetic data as defined by unit vectors. Starting from the assumption that poles (or directions) have an expected colatitude, rather than a mean location, we derive the spherical exponential distribution. We demonstrate that this new distribution provides a good fit to palaeomagnetic data sets from seven large igneous provinces between 15 and 65 Ma and also those produced by numerical dynamo models. We also use it to derive a new shape parameter which may be used as a diagnostic tool for testing goodness of fit of models to data and use this to argue for a shift in geomagnetic behaviour between 5 and 15 Ma. Furthermore, we point out that this new statistic can be used to determine the most appropriate distribution to be used when constructing confidence limits for poles

    The use of high frequency microwaves in absolute palaeomagnetic intensity experiments

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    The Microwave Palaeointensity System at the University of Liverpool has developed, over 30 years, into the current third generation version; a combined 14 GHz microwave resonant cavity and superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer integrated microwave system. The use of microwave energy minimises the bulk temperatures required to demagnetise and remagnetise palaeomagnetic material, thereby limiting the significant problem of thermo-chemical alteration of magnetic minerals. Here we review the microwave palaeointensity approach, including its development, technical details, modern usage and results. We have carried out a comprehensive analysis of 20 palaeointensity studies, published between 2008 and 2022, where data collected using the microwave system may be compared with various other methods at the site level. An assessment of microwave results revealed no statistical bias compared to thermal, and known field data. We also present results from a new controlled experiment which tests the ability of the microwave to accurately recover weak, ancient palaeointensities when strongly overprinted. We conclude that the microwave system can be used for the primary method of determining accurate absolute palaeointensities or as part of a multi-method approach, and is well suited to a wide range of material from archaeomagnetic samples to ancient rocks

    Recurring magnetic field anomalies in the South Atlantic and the first palaeointensities from Saint Helena

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    &amp;lt;p&amp;gt;A long-lived hypothesis is that, if averaged over sufficient time (ca 10 million years), the Earth&amp;amp;#8217;s magnetic field approximates a geocentric axial dipole (GAD). Despite this common assumption, the question of how significant the non-GAD features are in the time-averaged field is an important and unresolved one. In the present-day field, the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) is the biggest irregularity in the field. We know that this anomaly has not always been a part of the field, but in Engbers et al., 2020, it was shown that the magnetic field shows irregular behaviour in this region on a million-year timescale. The irregular behaviour was demonstrated through a substantially high VGP dispersion (21.9&amp;amp;#186;) for lava flows from Saint Helena that are between 8 and 11 million years old. The island of Saint Helena is located at the margin of the present-day SAA and has declination -16.6&amp;amp;#186;, inclination -57.5&amp;amp;#186; relative to expected GAD values of 0.0&amp;amp;#186;/-7.8&amp;amp;#186; (Dec/Inc). We have now commenced the measurements of absolute palaeointensity data from this location. So far, we have performed thermal and microwave IZZI-Thellier experiments on 2 localities from Saint Helena. The site mean results show variable but generally very low field intensities, although further work is required to make these sufficiently robust. Our low field estimates suggest a field in the South Atlantic that is not only unstable, but mainly weaker than expected. This could mean that recurring reversed flux patches (RFP) are responsible for the irregularities and weaknesses in the field in this region, stretching back up to 11 million years ago.&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;</jats:p

    The use of high frequency microwaves in absolute palaeomagnetic intensity experiments

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    The Microwave Palaeointensity System at the University of Liverpool has developed, over 30 years, into the current third generation version; a combined 14 GHz microwave resonant cavity and superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer integrated microwave system. The use of microwave energy minimises the bulk temperatures required to demagnetise and remagnetise palaeomagnetic material, thereby limiting the significant problem of thermo-chemical alteration of magnetic minerals. Here we review the microwave palaeointensity approach, including its development, technical details, modern usage and results. We have carried out a comprehensive analysis of 20 palaeointensity studies, published between 2008 and 2022, where data collected using the microwave system may be compared with various other methods at the site level. An assessment of microwave results revealed no statistical bias compared to thermal, and known field data. We also present results from a new controlled experiment which tests the ability of the microwave to accurately recover weak, ancient palaeointensities when strongly overprinted. We conclude that the microwave system can be used for the primary method of determining accurate absolute palaeointensities or as part of a multi-method approach, and is well suited to a wide range of material from archaeomagnetic samples to ancient rocks.</jats:p

    Full-vector geomagnetic field records from the East Eifel, Germany

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    To create meaningful models of the geomagnetic field, high-quality directional and intensity input data are needed. However, while it is fairly straightforward to obtain directional data, intensity data are much scarcer, especially for periods before the Holocene. Here, we present data from twelve flows (age range ∼ 200 to ∼ 470 ka) in the East Eifel volcanic field (Germany). These sites had been previously studied and are resampled to further test the recently proposed multi-method palaeointensity approach. Samples are first subjected to classic palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic analyses to optimise the subsequent palaeointensity experiments. Four different palaeointensity methods – IZZI-Thellier, the multispecimen method, calibrated pseudo-Thellier, and microwave-Thellier – are being used in the present study. The latter should be considered as supportive because only one or two specimens per site could be processed. Palaeointensities obtained for ten sites pass our selection criteria: two sites are successful with a single approach, four sites with two approaches, three more sites work with three approaches, and one site with all four approaches. Site-averaged intensity values typically range between 30 and 35 μT. No typically low palaeointensity values are found, in line with paleodirectional results which are compatible with regular palaeosecular variation of the Earth's magnetic field. Results from different methods are remarkably consistent and generally agree well with the values previously reported. They appear to be below the average for the Brunhes chron; there are no indications for relatively higher palaeointensities for units younger than 300 ka. However, our young sites could be close in age, and therefore may not represent the average intensity of the paleofield. Three of our sites are even considered coeval; encouragingly, these do yield the same palaeointensity within uncertainty bounds

    Full-vector geomagnetic field records from the East Eifel, Germany

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    To create meaningful models of the geomagnetic field, high-quality directional and intensity input data are needed. However, while it is fairly straightforward to obtain directional data, intensity data are much scarcer, especially for periods before the Holocene. Here, we present data from twelve flows (age range ∼ 200 to ∼ 470 ka) in the East Eifel volcanic field (Germany). These sites had been previously studied and are resampled to further test the recently proposed multi-method palaeointensity approach. Samples are first subjected to classic palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic analyses to optimise the subsequent palaeointensity experiments. Four different palaeointensity methods – IZZI-Thellier, the multispecimen method, calibrated pseudo-Thellier, and microwave-Thellier – are being used in the present study. The latter should be considered as supportive because only one or two specimens per site could be processed. Palaeointensities obtained for ten sites pass our selection criteria: two sites are successful with a single approach, four sites with two approaches, three more sites work with three approaches, and one site with all four approaches. Site-averaged intensity values typically range between 30 and 35 μT. No typically low palaeointensity values are found, in line with paleodirectional results which are compatible with regular palaeosecular variation of the Earth's magnetic field. Results from different methods are remarkably consistent and generally agree well with the values previously reported. They appear to be below the average for the Brunhes chron; there are no indications for relatively higher palaeointensities for units younger than 300 ka. However, our young sites could be close in age, and therefore may not represent the average intensity of the paleofield. Three of our sites are even considered coeval; encouragingly, these do yield the same palaeointensity within uncertainty bounds

    Table1_The use of high frequency microwaves in absolute palaeomagnetic intensity experiments.XLSX

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    The Microwave Palaeointensity System at the University of Liverpool has developed, over 30 years, into the current third generation version; a combined 14 GHz microwave resonant cavity and superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer integrated microwave system. The use of microwave energy minimises the bulk temperatures required to demagnetise and remagnetise palaeomagnetic material, thereby limiting the significant problem of thermo-chemical alteration of magnetic minerals. Here we review the microwave palaeointensity approach, including its development, technical details, modern usage and results. We have carried out a comprehensive analysis of 20 palaeointensity studies, published between 2008 and 2022, where data collected using the microwave system may be compared with various other methods at the site level. An assessment of microwave results revealed no statistical bias compared to thermal, and known field data. We also present results from a new controlled experiment which tests the ability of the microwave to accurately recover weak, ancient palaeointensities when strongly overprinted. We conclude that the microwave system can be used for the primary method of determining accurate absolute palaeointensities or as part of a multi-method approach, and is well suited to a wide range of material from archaeomagnetic samples to ancient rocks.</p

    Table2_The use of high frequency microwaves in absolute palaeomagnetic intensity experiments.XLSX

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    The Microwave Palaeointensity System at the University of Liverpool has developed, over 30 years, into the current third generation version; a combined 14 GHz microwave resonant cavity and superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer integrated microwave system. The use of microwave energy minimises the bulk temperatures required to demagnetise and remagnetise palaeomagnetic material, thereby limiting the significant problem of thermo-chemical alteration of magnetic minerals. Here we review the microwave palaeointensity approach, including its development, technical details, modern usage and results. We have carried out a comprehensive analysis of 20 palaeointensity studies, published between 2008 and 2022, where data collected using the microwave system may be compared with various other methods at the site level. An assessment of microwave results revealed no statistical bias compared to thermal, and known field data. We also present results from a new controlled experiment which tests the ability of the microwave to accurately recover weak, ancient palaeointensities when strongly overprinted. We conclude that the microwave system can be used for the primary method of determining accurate absolute palaeointensities or as part of a multi-method approach, and is well suited to a wide range of material from archaeomagnetic samples to ancient rocks.</p