76 research outputs found

    690. Permanent Epigenetic Silencing of Human Genes With Artificial Transcriptional Repressors

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    There are several diseases whereby the goal of gene therapy is to silence rather than replace a gene function. Paradigmatic examples are diseases caused by a dominant negative mutation or those in which silencing of a host gene confers resistance to a pathogen or compensates the function of the missing gene. Yet, gene silencing can be used to enhance efficacy of cell therapy and for biotechnological applications. Until now, two technologies have been used to silence gene expression, namely RNA interference with short harping RNAs (shRNA) and gene disruption with Artificial Nucleases (ANs). Although some promising pre-clinical and clinical data have been already obtained, the low efficiency of knock-down with shRNA and of biallelic disruption with ANs may limit efficacy of these treatments, especially when residual gene activity can exert a biological function. To overcome this issue, we have developed a novel modality of gene silencing that exploits endogenous epigenetic mechanisms to convey robust and heritable states of repression at the desired target gene. We have generated Artificial Transcriptional Repressors (ATRs), chimeric proteins containing a custom-made DNA binding domain fused to the effector domain of a chromatinmodifying enzyme involved in silencing of Endogenous RetroViruses (ERVs). By performing iterative rounds of selection in human cell lines and primary cells engineered to report for synergistic activity of candidate effector domains, we identified a combination of 3 domains that, when transiently co-assembled on the promoter of the reporter cassette, fully abrogated transgene expression in up to 90% of treated cells. Importantly, silencing was maintained for more than 250 days in cultured cell lines, was resistant to in vitro differentiation or metabolic activation of primary cells, and was confined to the reporter cassette. Silencing was associated with high levels of de novo DNA methylation at the targeted locus and was dependent on this epigenetic mark for its propagation. Finally, transient transfection of 3 ATRs targeted to the promoter region of the Beta-2-microglobulin (B2M) gene resulted in the loss of surface expression of B2M and, consequently, of the MHC-I molecules in up to 80% of treated cells. This phenotype was associated with a switch in the epigenetic and transcriptional state of the constitutively active B2M gene, which became highly decorated with DNA methylation and deprived of RNA PolII and of its transcript. Of note, silencing was resistant to IFN-γ treatment, a potent B2M inducer. Overall, these data provide the first demonstration of efficient and stable silencing of an endogenous gene upon transient delivery of ATRs. This result was made possible by repurposing the machinery involved in silencing of ERVs, which instructs self-sustaining repressive epigenetic states on the gene of interest. While silencing of B2M might be used to generate universally transplantable allogeneic cells, our hit-and-run strategy provides a powerful new alternative to conventional gene silencing for the treatment of several diseases. (LN & AL co-authorship

    729 inheritable silencing of endogenous gene by hit and run targeted epigenetic editing

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    Gene silencing holds great promise for the treatment of several diseases and can be exploited to investigate gene function and activity of the regulatory genome. Here, we develop a novel modality of gene silencing that exploits epigenetics to achieve stable and highly efficient repression of target genes. To this end, we generated Artificial Transcriptional Repressors (ATRs), chimeric proteins containing a custom-made DNA binding domain fused to the effector domain of chromatin-modifying enzymes involved in silencing process of Endogenous RetroViruses (ERVs). By performing iterative rounds of selection in cells engineered to report for synergistic activity of candidate effector domains, we identified a combination of 3 domains (namely KRAB, DNMT3A and DNMT3L) that, when transiently co-assembled on the promoter of the reporter cassette, recreate a powerful embryonic-specific repressive complex capable of inducing full and long-term (>150 days) silencing of transgene expression in up to 90% of the cells. The ATR-induced silencing was cell type and locus independent, and resistant to metabolic activation of the cells. Importantly, these findings were holding true also for endogenous genes embedded in their natural chromatin context, as shown for the highly and ubiquitously expressed B2M gene. Here, transient co-delivery of TALE-based ATRs resulted in loss of surface expression of B2M and, consequently, of the MHC-I molecules in up to 80% of the cells. This phenotype was associated with a drastic switch in the epigenetic and transcriptional state of the constitutively active B2M promoter, which become highly decorated with de novo DNA methylation and deprived of RNAP II. Importantly, silencing was sharply confined to the targeted gene and resistant to INF-γ, a potent natural activator of B2M. We further extended these studies by showing that our silencing approach is portable to the CRISPR/dCas9 DNA binding technology. In this setting, comparable levels of B2M silencing (up to 80%) were achieved using either pools or even individual sgRNAs coupled to dCas9-based ATRs. Yet, adoption of this technology allowed performing simultaneous, highly efficient multiplex gene silencing within the same cell, as shown for B2M, IFNAR1 and VEGFA. Finally, we assessed resistance of the silenced gene to activity of potent artificial transcription activators and chromatin remodelers, and found that only targeted DNA demethylation was able to reawaken the silent gene. This allowed performing iterative cycles of silencing and reactivation of the same gene in the same cell population. Overall, these data provide the first demonstration of efficient and stable epigenetic silencing of endogenous genes upon transient delivery of ATRs. This was accomplished by repurposing the ERVs silencing machinery, which instructs self-sustaining repressive epigenetic states to the target gene. While silencing of B2M might be used to generate universally transplantable allogeneic cells, our hit-and-run strategy provides a powerful new alternative to conventional gene silencing for both basic and translational research

    Correction of metachromatic leukodystrophy in the mouse model by transplantation of genetically modified hematopoietic stem cells

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    Gene-based delivery can establish a sustained supply of therapeutic proteins within the nervous system. For diseases characterized by extensive CNS and peripheral nervous system (PNS) involvement, widespread distribution of the exogenous gene may be required, a challenge to in vivo gene transfer strategies. Here, using lentiviral vectors (LVs), we efficiently transduced hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) ex vivo and evaluated the potential of their progeny to target therapeutic genes to the CNS and PNS of transplanted mice and correct a neurodegenerative disorder, metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD). We proved extensive repopulation of CNS microglia and PNS endoneurial macrophages by transgene-expressing cells. Intriguingly, recruitment of these HSC-derived cells was faster and more robust in MLD mice. By transplanting HSCs transduced with the arylsulfatase A gene, we fully reconstituted enzyme activity in the hematopoietic system of MLD mice and prevented the development of motor conduction impairment, learning and coordination deficits, and neuropathological abnormalities typical of the disease. Remarkably, ex vivo gene therapy had a significantly higher therapeutic impact than WT HSC transplantation, indicating a critical role for enzyme overexpression in the HSC progeny. These results indicate that transplantation of LV-transduced autologous HSCs represents a potentially efficacious therapeutic strategy for MLD and possibly other neurodegenerative disorders

    Telecardiology and Remote Monitoring of Implanted Electrical Devices: The Potential for Fresh Clinical Care Perspectives

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    Telecardiology may help confront the growing burden of monitoring the reliability of implantable defibrillators/pacemakers. Herein, we suggest that the evolving capabilities of implanted devices to monitor patients’ status (heart rhythm, fluid overload, right ventricular pressure, oximetry, etc.) may imply a shift from strictly device-centered follow-up to perspectives centered on the patient (and patient-device interactions). Such approaches could provide improvements in health care delivery and clinical outcomes, especially in the field of heart failure. Major professional, policy, and ethical issues will have to be overcome to enable real-world implementation. This challenge may be relevant for the evolution of our health care systems