865 research outputs found


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    A sensitive, specific, precise and cost effective High Performance Liquid Chromatographic method of analysis for dipyridamole in presence of its degradation products is developed and validated. The method employed Targa C8 column i.e., (250 X 4.6 mm 5 μm particle size) column as stationary phase. The mobile phase consists of acetonitrile and pH3.0 buffer in the ratio of 35:65 %. It is pumped through the chromatographic system at a flow rate of 1.2 ml/min. The UV detector is operated at 282 nm. This system was found to give good resolution between dipyridamole and its degradation products. Method was validated as per ICH guideline

    Applying Bayesian Neural Networks to Separate Neutrino Events from Backgrounds in Reactor Neutrino Experiments

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    A toy detector has been designed to simulate central detectors in reactor neutrino experiments in the paper. The samples of neutrino events and three major backgrounds from the Monte-Carlo simulation of the toy detector are generated in the signal region. The Bayesian Neural Networks(BNN) are applied to separate neutrino events from backgrounds in reactor neutrino experiments. As a result, the most neutrino events and uncorrelated background events in the signal region can be identified with BNN, and the part events each of the fast neutron and 8^{8}He/9^{9}Li backgrounds in the signal region can be identified with BNN. Then, the signal to noise ratio in the signal region is enhanced with BNN. The neutrino discrimination increases with the increase of the neutrino rate in the training sample. However, the background discriminations decrease with the decrease of the background rate in the training sample.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figures, 1 tabl

    Plasma Turbulence in the Local Bubble

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    Turbulence in the Local Bubble could play an important role in the thermodynamics of the gas that is there. The best astronomical technique for measuring turbulence in astrophysical plasmas is radio scintillation. Measurements of the level of scattering to the nearby pulsar B0950+08 by Philips and Clegg in 1992 showed a markedly lower value for the line-of-sight averaged turbulent intensity parameter thanisobservedforotherpulsars,consistentwithradiowavepropagationthroughahighlyrarefiedplasma.Inthispaper,wediscusstheobservationalprogressthathasbeenmadesincethattime.Atpresent,therearefourpulsars(B0950+08,B1133+16,J04374715,andB0809+74)whoselinesofsightseemtoliemainlywithinthelocalbubble.Themeandensitiesandlineofsightcomponentsoftheinterstellarmagneticfieldalongtheselinesofsightaresmallerthannominalvaluesforpulsars,butnotbyasmuchexpected.Threeofthefourpulsarsalsohavemeasurementsofinterstellarscintillation.Thevalueoftheparameter than is observed for other pulsars, consistent with radio wave propagation through a highly rarefied plasma. In this paper, we discuss the observational progress that has been made since that time. At present, there are four pulsars (B0950+08, B1133+16, J0437-4715, and B0809+74) whose lines of sight seem to lie mainly within the local bubble. The mean densities and line of sight components of the interstellar magnetic field along these lines of sight are smaller than nominal values for pulsars, but not by as much expected. Three of the four pulsars also have measurements of interstellar scintillation. The value of the parameter is smaller than normal for two of them, but is completely nominal for the third. This inconclusive status of affairs could be improved by measurements and analysis of ``arcs'' in ``secondary spectra'' of pulsars.Comment: Submitted to Space Science Reviews as contribution to Proceedings of ISSI (International Space Science Institute) workshop "From the Heliosphere to the Local Bubble". Refereed version accepted for publicatio

    Improving Application of Bayesian Neural Networks to Discriminate Neutrino Events from Backgrounds in Reactor Neutrino Experiments

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    The application of Bayesian Neural Networks(BNN) to discriminate neutrino events from backgrounds in reactor neutrino experiments has been described in Ref.\cite{key-1}. In the paper, BNN are also used to identify neutrino events in reactor neutrino experiments, but the numbers of photoelectrons received by PMTs are used as inputs to BNN in the paper, not the reconstructed energy and position of events. The samples of neutrino events and three major backgrounds from the Monte-Carlo simulation of a toy detector are generated in the signal region. Compared to the BNN method in Ref.\cite{key-1}, more 8^{8}He/9^{9}Li background and uncorrelated background in the signal region can be rejected by the BNN method in the paper, but more fast neutron background events in the signal region are unidentified using the BNN method in the paper. The uncorrelated background to signal ratio and the 8^{8}He/9^{9}Li background to signal ratio are significantly improved using the BNN method in the paper in comparison with the BNN method in Ref.\cite{key-1}. But the fast neutron background to signal ratio in the signal region is a bit larger than the one in Ref.\cite{key-1}.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure and 1 table, accepted by Journal of Instrumentatio

    A High Statistics Search for Ultra-High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from Cygnus X-3 and Hercules X-1

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    We have carried out a high statistics (2 Billion events) search for ultra-high energy gamma-ray emission from the X-ray binary sources Cygnus X-3 and Hercules X-1. Using data taken with the CASA-MIA detector over a five year period (1990-1995), we find no evidence for steady emission from either source at energies above 115 TeV. The derived upper limits on such emission are more than two orders of magnitude lower than earlier claimed detections. We also find no evidence for neutral particle or gamma-ray emission from either source on time scales of one day and 0.5 hr. For Cygnus X-3, there is no evidence for emission correlated with the 4.8 hr X-ray periodicity or with the occurrence of large radio flares. Unless one postulates that these sources were very active earlier and are now dormant, the limits presented here put into question the earlier results, and highlight the difficulties that possible future experiments will have in detecting gamma-ray signals at ultra-high energies.Comment: 26 LaTeX pages, 16 PostScript figures, uses psfig.sty to be published in Physical Review