18 research outputs found

    Rainfall monitoring system

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá rozborem povodňové problematiky se zaměřením na vytvoření aplikace pro monitoring dešťových srážek a následným včasným varováním. V teoretické části jsou popsány druhy povodní, jejich dopad a možnosti omezení škod. Vytvořen algoritmus pro definování kritické hranice jednotlivých toků. V praktické části, je naprogramována aplikace pro automatické hlídání hladin toků s možností notifikací uživatele. Pro možnost automatického hlídání je implementován algoritmus analyzovaný v teoretické části.The topic of Dissertation work is analysis of flooding problems and creation of application for monitoring of rainfall with consecutive early warning system. In teoretical section, there is description of flooding types, their impacts and means of damage controls. An algorithm for defining critical water levels has been created. In practical section, there is an application for automated monitoring of water levels with optional notifications. This application uses algorithm from teoretical section.Katedra softwarových technologiíCílem diplomové práce byl návrh a imlementace aplikace pro monitorování dešťových srážek a varovného systému, který bude informovat uživatele o zvýšení nebezpečí dle jím nastavených kritérií. Student v práci provedl testování výkonu navržené aplikace a porovnání zatížení počítače při zpracovávání SVG a Flash animace. Obhajoba diplomové práce proběhla na požadované úrovni. Student reagoval na dotazy a připomínky vedoucího, oponenta i členů komise

    "Zeitgedicht" v poezii Ericha Frieda

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    eHern teto prace je analyza tzv. "dobove basne" (nem. "Zeitgedicht,,)l64 v ramci basnickeho dila Ericha Frieda, tj. mezi lety 1944 - 1988. Tato vYrazova fonna je jednim ze zakladnich umeleckych prostredkü, ktere se v jeho dile konstantne objevuji. Jeji vyhodnoceni bylo provedeno nejen ve Friedove dile samotnem, ale i vzhledem ke vzajernnYm vztahüm k autorüm jinYm v literamehistorickem kontextu literatury psane nemecky. Usporadani a struktura teto prace je proto nutne selektivni a zamerena pouze na jeden tematicky celek z Friedova dila - na politickou lyriku a vYvoj jejich forem, konkretne "dobove basne", v chronologickem prehledu. "Dobova basen" je literami formou politicke lyriky vedle foremjinych, jako je napr. pamflet, agitka, moritat, balada ad. Jeji celkovyvYvoj saha od antiky az po pfitomnost a jeji obsahje po sta1eti spjat s realnou politikoujako nastrojem moci. Medium basne je vsakjineje jim jazyk. Pres tuto rozdilnost v definicnim oboru byly mimoliterami vlivy na politickou lyriku, souvisejiei uz od dob stareho Recka s Plat6novYmi nazory na funkci basnictvi ve spolecnosti, vzdy neobycejne silne, protoze vlädnouei vrstva zahy pochopila jeji ideologicky vliv na ovladani vrstev ostatnich a zacalaji vyuzivat az zneuzivat k propagandistickym ücelüm legitimizuj ieim j ej i moc. Jädro analyzy lze-rozdelit...Ústav germánských studiíInstitute of Germanic StudiesFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease

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    Cognitive impairment is considered as essential feature of non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD). It is a result of underlying pathological processes in the brain of PD patients and it leads to decreased quality of life. In this thesis an analysis of the structure and profile of cognitive impairment is presented with special emphasis on executive functions and memory. We take diagnostic entities developed for the description of PD cognitive spectrum such as mild cognitive impairment (PD-MCI) and dementia (PD-D) as examples of heterogeneity and different severity of cognitive impairment in PD. However, neuropsychological methods in Czech version that would measure these diagnotic units were not adequatly validated. In the experimental part we test a hypothesis, if gait disorder with falls in PD is interconnected with cognitive impairment, and if PD-fallers have more severe cognitive deficit than PD-non-fallers. On the basis of nine validity or normative data studies we show psychometric properties and clinical utility of several basic neuropsychological methods in the Czech population for memory (Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, California Verbal Learning Test, Second Edition, Memory For Intentions Screening Test and Enhanced Cued Recall Test), sustained attention and executive functions..

    How to use Photoshop, from the beginning to professional use

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    Práce přibližuje prostředí a práci s Adobe Photoshop CS3. Seznamuje s běžnými i pokročilými nástroji pro práci s obrázky a fotografiemi, jako je vytváření složitějších grafických návrhů, či úprava fotografií.This paper's aim is to introduce the Adobe Prohotshop CS3 enviroment and show how to work with it. It introduces with basic and advanced tools for working with pictures and photographs like creating more complex graphic design or adapting photographs.Katedra informačních technologiíDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease

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    Cognitive impairment is considered as essential feature of non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD). It is a result of underlying pathological processes in the brain of PD patients and it leads to decreased quality of life. In this thesis an analysis of the structure and profile of cognitive impairment is presented with special emphasis on executive functions and memory. We take diagnostic entities developed for the description of PD cognitive spectrum such as mild cognitive impairment (PD-MCI) and dementia (PD-D) as examples of heterogeneity and different severity of cognitive impairment in PD. However, neuropsychological methods in Czech version that would measure these diagnotic units were not adequatly validated. In the experimental part we test a hypothesis, if gait disorder with falls in PD is interconnected with cognitive impairment, and if PD-fallers have more severe cognitive deficit than PD-non-fallers. On the basis of nine validity or normative data studies we show psychometric properties and clinical utility of several basic neuropsychological methods in the Czech population for memory (Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, California Verbal Learning Test, Second Edition, Memory For Intentions Screening Test and Enhanced Cued Recall Test), sustained attention and executive functions..

    The "Zeitgedicht" in Erich Fried's poetry

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    eHern teto prace je analyza tzv. "dobove basne" (nem. "Zeitgedicht,,)l64 v ramci basnickeho dila Ericha Frieda, tj. mezi lety 1944 - 1988. Tato vYrazova fonna je jednim ze zakladnich umeleckych prostredkü, ktere se v jeho dile konstantne objevuji. Jeji vyhodnoceni bylo provedeno nejen ve Friedove dile samotnem, ale i vzhledem ke vzajernnYm vztahüm k autorüm jinYm v literamehistorickem kontextu literatury psane nemecky. Usporadani a struktura teto prace je proto nutne selektivni a zamerena pouze na jeden tematicky celek z Friedova dila - na politickou lyriku a vYvoj jejich forem, konkretne "dobove basne", v chronologickem prehledu. "Dobova basen" je literami formou politicke lyriky vedle foremjinych, jako je napr. pamflet, agitka, moritat, balada ad. Jeji celkovyvYvoj saha od antiky az po pfitomnost a jeji obsahje po sta1eti spjat s realnou politikoujako nastrojem moci. Medium basne je vsakjineje jim jazyk. Pres tuto rozdilnost v definicnim oboru byly mimoliterami vlivy na politickou lyriku, souvisejiei uz od dob stareho Recka s Plat6novYmi nazory na funkci basnictvi ve spolecnosti, vzdy neobycejne silne, protoze vlädnouei vrstva zahy pochopila jeji ideologicky vliv na ovladani vrstev ostatnich a zacalaji vyuzivat az zneuzivat k propagandistickym ücelüm legitimizuj ieim j ej i moc. Jädro analyzy lze-rozdelit..

    Validation of California verbal learning test: second edition (CVLT-II) - a pilot study in the Czech population

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    To perform a pilot study of the CVLT-II in the Czech population and assess its reliability and validity in comparison to the original. The main hypothesis was that the Czech version has approximately the same test characteristics as the original

    Tower of London test — short version

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    Tower of London (ToL) is a neuropsychological method for assessing planning ability. In this study, we attempted to introduce a shorter version of ToL. Two studies were carried out. In Study 1, patients with mild cognitive impairment due to Parkinson’s Disease (n = 36) and a control group (n = 225) were included in order to select a suitable short version of ToL for Study 2. In Study 2, patients with schizophrenia (n = 30) and a control group (n = 31) were included in order to assess psychometric properties of the shortened version of ToL. Based on psychometric evaluations in Study 1, we offered three possible shortened versions. In Study 2, all three shortened versions proved to have good discriminative validity in our schizophrenia sample, but interestingly not in the healthy sample. We concluded that the use of shortened ToL is possible in specific psychiatric/neurological patient groups, although we do not recommend doing so in healthy individuals

    Vision after 53 Years of Blindness

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    Several studies have shown that visual recovery after blindness that occurs early in life is never complete. The current study investigated whether an extremely long period of blindness might also cause a permanent impairment of visual performance, even in a case of adult-onset blindness. We examined KP, a 71-year-old man who underwent a successful sight-restoring operation after 53 years of blindness. A set of psychophysical tests designed to assess KP's face perception, object recognition, and visual space perception abilities were conducted six months and eight months after the surgery. The results demonstrate that regardless of a lengthy period of normal vision and rich pre-accident perceptual experience, KP did not fully integrate this experience, and his visual performance remained greatly compromised. This was particularly evident when the tasks targeted finer levels of perceptual processing. In addition to the decreased robustness of his memory representations, which was hypothesized as the main factor determining visual impairment, other factors that may have affected KP's performance were considered, including compromised visual functions, problems with perceptual organization, deficits in the simultaneous processing of visual information, and reduced cognitive abilities