402 research outputs found

    Modeling Growth and Telomere Dynamics in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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    A general branching process is proposed to model a population of cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae following loss of telomerase. Previously published experimental data indicate that a population of telomerase-deficient cells regain exponential growth after a period of slowing due to critical telomere shortening. The explanation for this phenomenon is that some cells engage telomerase-independent pathways to maintain telomeres that allow them to become “survivors.” Our model takes into account random variation in individual cell cycle times, telomere length, finite lifespan of mother cells, and survivorship. We identify and estimate crucial parameters such as the probability of an individual cell becoming a survivor, and compare our model predictions to experimental data

    Forschungssoftware in Bibliotheken

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    Software is increasingly acknowledged as valid research output. Academic libraries adapt to this change to become research software-ready. Software publication and citation are key areas in this endeavor. We present and discuss the current state of the practice of software publication and software citation, and discuss four areas of activity that libraries engage in: (1) technical infrastructure, (2) training and support, (3) software management and curation, (4) policies.Software wird zunehmend als gültiges Forschungsergebnis anerkannt. Wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken passen sich diesem Wandel an, um für Forschungssoftware gerüstet zu sein. Softwarepublikation und -zitierung sind hierbei Schlüsselbereiche. Wir präsentieren und diskutieren hier den aktuellen Praxisstand und heben vier Bereiche hervor, in denen Bibliotheken aktiv werden können, um für Forschungssoftware gerüstet zu sein: (1) technische Infrastruktur, (2) Schulung und Support, (3) Management und Kuratierung von Software, (4) Richtlinien.Peer Reviewe

    Advancing Software Citation Implementation (Software Citation Workshop 2022)

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    Software is foundationally important to scientific and social progress, however, traditional acknowledgment of the use of others' work has not adapted in step with the rapid development and use of software in research. This report outlines a series of collaborative discussions that brought together an international group of stakeholders and experts representing many communities, forms of labor, and expertise. Participants addressed specific challenges about software citation that have so far gone unresolved. The discussions took place in summer 2022 both online and in-person and involved a total of 51 participants. The activities described in this paper were intended to identify and prioritize specific software citation problems, develop (potential) interventions, and lay out a series of mutually supporting approaches to address them. The outcomes of this report will be useful for the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) community, repository managers and curators, research software developers, and publishers

    A modal-based iterative circuit model for the analysis of CRLH leaky-wave antennas comprising periodically loaded PPW

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    A novel modal-based iterative circuit model is described for the calculation of the complex propagation constant of mushroom-like parallel-plate composite right/left handed leaky-wave antennas (PPW CRLH LWAs). The conventional lossless CRLH unit cell circuit is modified in order to consider the electromagnetic coupling to free space through a slot. For this purpose, a slot equivalent radiative structure, based on phased-array theory, is analyzed using a mode matching approach combined with Floquet's theorem. A direct correspondence between lumped elements and this radiative structure is found, leading to a frequency-dependent unit cell circuit model. A quickly converging iterative algorithm is then employed to determine the final element values of the unit cell. The proposed method is accurate, and it takes into account the structure physical dimensions. It also allows to obtain a balanced CRLH unit cell design without requiring any full-wave simulation, is several orders of magnitude faster than full-wave simulations, and provides a deep insight into the physics of the antenna radiation mechanism.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Ref. TEC2010-21520-C04-0

    HERMES: Research Software on Wings

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    Slides for short introductions on the HERMES project for a DINI Workshop "Manage research software" (2022-09-16) and NFDI "Towards a NFDI Software Marketplace" (2022-09-19).This project (ZT-I-PF-3-006) was funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association in the framework of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration's 2020 project call

    Ralph B. Stine and Margaret E. Stine v. Henry Girola and Diane Girola and State Underwriters, Inc. : Petition for Rehearing

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    In this paper we present a Remote Control Unit (RCU) that can be attached to any location on a rifle, binoculars, etc., and be operated by a single finger of a soldier without removing his hand from the device. Even for a gloved hand a haptic feedback from the RCU will be realized. A RCU prototype, equipped with a single button, is used as a remote Push-to-Talk (PTT) device for the radio being carried by the soldier. The RCU is powered by the radio waves emitted by this radio. The RCU - being attached to the device - works with a receive unit (RXU) that is attached to and operates the radio. The RCU consists of a RF harvester, energy storage device, a button and a transmitter. Laboratory prototypes are demonstrated

    Kiri ja arve Karl Morgensternile

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    Modeling growth and telomere dynamics in saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Abstract A general branching process is proposed to model a population of cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae following loss of telomerase. Previously published experimental data indicate that a population of telomerase-deficient cells regain exponential growth after a period of slowing due to critical telomere shortening. The explanation for this phenomenon is that some cells engage telomerase-independent pathways to maintain telomeres that allow them to become "survivors." Our model takes into account random variation in individual cell cycle times, telomere length, finite lifespan of mother cells, and survivorship. We identify and estimate crucial parameters such as the probability of an individual cell becoming a survivor, and compare our model predictions to experimental data