90 research outputs found

    Determination of binary asteroid orbits with a genetic-based algorithm

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    Reproduced with permission. Copyright ESO. The original publication is available at www.aanda.org.International audienceAims: Over the past decade, discoveries of multiple and binary asteroid systems have played a significant role in our general understanding of small solar system bodies. Direct observations of satellites of asteroids are rare and difficult since they require the use of already over-subscribed facilities such as adaptive optics (AO) on large 8-10 m class telescopes and the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The scarcity of data and the long temporal baseline of observations (up to 10 years) significantly complicate the determination of the mutual orbits of these systems. Methods: We implemented a new approach for determining the mutual orbits of directly-imaged multiple asteroids using a genetic-based algorithm. This approach was applied to several known binary asteroid systems (22 Kalliope, 3749 Balam, and 50 000 Quaoar) observed with AO systems and HST. This statistical method is fast enough to permit the search for an orbital solution across a large parameter space and without a priori information about the mutual orbit. Results: From 10 years of observation, we derived an orbital solution for Linus, companion of (22) Kalliope, with an accuracy close to the astrometric limit provided by the AO observations, assuming a purely Keplerian orbit. A search for non-Keplerian orbit confirmed that a J2 ~ 0 is the best-fitting solution. We show that the precession of the nodes could be detected without ambiguity, implying that Kalliope's primary may have an inhomogeneous internal structure. HST astrometric observations of Weywot, companion of the trans-Neptunian object (50 000) Quaoar, were used to derive its mass and its bulk density, which appears to be higher than the density of other TNOs. Finally, we derived a bundle of orbital solutions for (3749) Balam, with equally good fits, from the limited set of astrometric positions. They provide a realistic density between 1.3 and 3.7 g/cm3 for this S-type asteroid

    Current status and development of the SSO FUN alerts

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    International audienceThe astrometry mission Gaia of the European Space Agency (ESA) will scan the entire sky several times over 5 years, down to a visual apparent magnitude of 20. Apart for its primary targets, the stars, that will be mapped during the course of the mission, Gaia is expected to observe more than 300,000 asteroids (Mignard et al., 2007). Although our census of asteroids is about complete at a such magnitude limit, the location of Gaia at L2 may allow the detection of yet-unknown near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). The predefined and smooth scanning law of Gaia, however, is not meant for pointed or follow-up observations. A ground-based network of observers has therefore been set up, the Follow-Up Network for the Solar System Objects (FUN SSO), centered around a central node (the DU459 of the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium, the DPAC). The aim of this network is to quickly observe from the ground the NEAs newly discovered by Gaia to secure an accurate orbit

    The Earth as an extrasolar transiting planet - II: HARPS and UVES detection of water vapor, biogenic O2_2, and O3_3

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    The atmospheric composition of transiting exoplanets can be characterized during transit by spectroscopy. For the transit of an Earth twin, models predict that biogenic O2O_2 and O3O_3 should be detectable, as well as water vapour, a molecule linked to habitability as we know it on Earth. The aim is to measure the Earth radius versus wavelength λ\lambda - or the atmosphere thickness h(λ)h(\lambda) - at the highest spectral resolution available to fully characterize the signature of Earth seen as a transiting exoplanet. We present observations of the Moon eclipse of 21-12-2010. Seen from the Moon, the Earth eclipses the Sun and opens access to the Earth atmosphere transmission spectrum. We used HARPS and UVES spectrographs to take penumbra and umbra high-resolution spectra from 3100 to 10400 Ang. A change of the quantity of water vapour above the telescope compromised the quality of the UVES data. We corrected for this effect in the data processing. We analyzed the data by 3 different methods. The 1st method is based on the analysis of pairs of penumbra spectra. The 2nd makes use of a single penumbra spectrum, and the 3rd of all penumbra and umbra spectra. Profiles h(λ)h(\lambda) are obtained with the three methods for both instruments. The 1st method gives the best result, in agreement with a model. The second method seems to be more sensitive to the Doppler shift of solar spectral lines with respect to the telluric lines. The 3rd method makes use of umbra spectra which bias the result, but it can be corrected for this a posteriori from results with the first method. The 3 methods clearly show the spectral signature of the Rayleigh scattering in the Earth atmosphere and the bands of H2_2O, O2_2, and O3_3. Sodium is detected. Assuming no atmospheric perturbations, we show that the E-ELT is theoretically able to detect the O2O_2 A-band in 8~h of integration for an Earth twin at 10pc.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in A&A - 21 pages, 27 figures. Abstract above slightly shortened wrt the original. The ArXiv version has low resolution figures, but a version with full resolution figures is available here: http://www.obs-hp.fr/~larnold/publi_to_download/eclipse2010_AA_v5_final.pd

    A low density of 0.8 g/cc for the Trojan binary asteroid 617 Patroclus

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    The Trojan population consists of two swarms of asteroids following the same orbit as Jupiter and located at the L4 and L5 Lagrange points of the Jupiter-Sun system (leading and following Jupiter by 60 degrees). The asteroid 617 Patroclus is the only known binary Trojan (Merline et al. 2001). The orbit of this double system was hitherto unknown. Here we report that the components, separated by 680 km, move around the system centre of mass, describing roughly a circular orbit. Using the orbital parameters, combined with thermal measurements to estimate the size of the components, we derive a very low density of 0.8 g/cc. The components of Patroclus are therefore very porous or composed mostly of water ice, suggesting that they could have been formed in the outer part of the solar system.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Physical Properties of (2) Pallas

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    We acquired and analyzed adaptive-optics imaging observations of asteroid (2) Pallas from Keck II and the Very Large Telescope taken during four Pallas oppositions between 2003 and 2007, with spatial resolution spanning 32-88 km (image scales 13-20 km/pix). We improve our determination of the size, shape, and pole by a novel method that combines our AO data with 51 visual light-curves spanning 34 years of observations as well as occultation data. The shape model of Pallas derived here reproduces well both the projected shape of Pallas on the sky and light-curve behavior at all the epochs considered. We resolved the pole ambiguity and found the spin-vector coordinates to be within 5 deg. of [long, lat] = [30 deg., -16 deg.] in the ECJ2000.0 reference frame, indicating a high obliquity of ~84 deg., leading to high seasonal contrast. The best triaxial-ellipsoid fit returns radii of a=275 km, b= 258 km, and c= 238 km. From the mass of Pallas determined by gravitational perturbation on other minor bodies [(1.2 +/- 0.3) x 10-10 Solar Masses], we derive a density of 3.4 +/- 0.9 g.cm-3 significantly different from the density of C-type (1) Ceres of 2.2 +/- 0.1 g.cm-3. Considering the spectral similarities of Pallas and Ceres at visible and near-infrared wavelengths, this may point to fundamental differences in the interior composition or structure of these two bodies. We define a planetocentric longitude system for Pallas, following IAU guidelines. We also present the first albedo maps of Pallas covering ~80% of the surface in K-band. These maps reveal features with diameters in the 70-180 km range and an albedo contrast of about 6% wrt the mean surface albedo.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 6 table
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