1,790 research outputs found

    Can Literature Know Itself and Not Become Philosophy?

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    Before puzzling over some possible conjunction between literature and philosophy, one has to agree on what such concepts mean. However, as soon as one wonders about their definitions, concepts like “literature” or “the novel” on the one hand, or “philosophy” or even “concept” on the other, prove all too elusive. If one thinks they know what a novel is, it proves virtually impossible to freeze a suitable definition of the aesthetic concept. The reason for that impossibility might be that philosophy’s mission, to the extent that it reflects upon concepts, is somehow to blur them. Yet this article aims to show that it is precisely in that sense that literature, through the example of the novel, is in itself philosophical to the degree that what defines the novel is a self-reflexive interrogation of what makes it so. With the example of Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse, the article concludes that there might be no intrinsic knowledge of our (aesthetic) concepts outside examples.Avant de s’interroger sur une éventuelle conjonction entre littérature et philosophie, encore faut-il s’entendre sur ce que recouvrent ces concepts. Or dès qu’on soulève la question de leur définition, les concepts de « littérature » ou de « roman » d’un côté, de « philosophie » voire de « concept » de l’autre, s’avèrent éminemment fuyants. Si on pense savoir ce qu’est un roman, en arrêter une définition acceptable s’avère quasiment impossible. La raison en est que la philosophie, en tant qu’elle s’interroge sur des concepts, a pour mission de les brouiller. Or, cet article vise à démontrer que c’est précisément en ce sens que l’écriture littéraire, à travers l’exemple du roman, est philosophique, puisque c’est aussi le propre du roman, à l’instar de To the Lighthouse de Virginia Woolf, de s’interroger sur ce qui le définit en tant que tel. De sorte qu’il n’y a de connaissance possible que dans l’exemple

    Adaptive Optical Phase Estimation Using Time-Symmetric Quantum Smoothing

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    Quantum parameter estimation has many applications, from gravitational wave detection to quantum key distribution. We present the first experimental demonstration of the time-symmetric technique of quantum smoothing. We consider both adaptive and non-adaptive quantum smoothing, and show that both are better than their well-known time-asymmetric counterparts (quantum filtering). For the problem of estimating a stochastically varying phase shift on a coherent beam, our theory predicts that adaptive quantum smoothing (the best scheme) gives an estimate with a mean-square error up to 222\sqrt{2} times smaller than that from non-adaptive quantum filtering (the standard quantum limit). The experimentally measured improvement is 2.24±0.142.24 \pm 0.14

    Statistical Analysis of Magnetic Field Spectra

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    We have calculated and statistically analyzed the magnetic-field spectrum (the ``B-spectrum'') at fixed electron Fermi energy for two quantum dot systems with classically chaotic shape. This is a new problem which arises naturally in transport measurements where the incoming electron has a fixed energy while one tunes the magnetic field to obtain resonance conductance patterns. The ``B-spectrum'', defined as the collection of values Bi{B_i} at which conductance g(Bi)g(B_i) takes extremal values, is determined by a quadratic eigenvalue equation, in distinct difference to the usual linear eigenvalue problem satisfied by the energy levels. We found that the lower part of the ``B-spectrum'' satisfies the distribution belonging to Gaussian Unitary Ensemble, while the higher part obeys a Poisson-like behavior. We also found that the ``B-spectrum'' fluctuations of the chaotic system are consistent with the results we obtained from random matrices

    Weak localization in disordered systems at the ballistic limit

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    The weak localization (WL) contribution to the two-level correlation function is calculated for two-dimensional disordered conductors. Our analysis extends to the nondiffusive (ballistic) regime, where the elastic mean path is of order of the size of the system. In this regime the structure factor (the Fourier transform of the two-point correlator) exhibits a singular behavior consisting of dips superimposed on a smooth positive background. The strongest dips appear at periods of the periodic orbits of the underlying clean system. Somewhat weaker singularities appear at times which are sums of periods of two such orbits. The results elucidate various aspects of the weak localization physics of ballistic chaotic systems.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Heralded Noiseless Amplification of a Photon Polarization Qubit

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    Non-deterministic noiseless amplification of a single mode can circumvent the unique challenges to amplifying a quantum signal, such as the no-cloning theorem, and the minimum noise cost for deterministic quantum state amplification. However, existing devices are not suitable for amplifying the fundamental optical quantum information carrier, a qubit coherently encoded across two optical modes. Here, we construct a coherent two-mode amplifier, to demonstrate the first heralded noiseless linear amplification of a qubit encoded in the polarization state of a single photon. In doing so, we increase the transmission fidelity of a realistic qubit channel by up to a factor of five. Qubit amplifiers promise to extend the range of secure quantum communication and other quantum information science and technology protocols.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Algebraic approach in the study of time-dependent nonlinear integrable systems: Case of the singular oscillator

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    The classical and the quantal problem of a particle interacting in one-dimension with an external time-dependent quadratic potential and a constant inverse square potential is studied from the Lie-algebraic point of view. The integrability of this system is established by evaluating the exact invariant closely related to the Lewis and Riesenfeld invariant for the time-dependent harmonic oscillator. We study extensively the special and interesting case of a kicked quadratic potential from which we derive a new integrable, nonlinear, area preserving, two-dimensional map which may, for instance, be used in numerical algorithms that integrate the Calogero-Sutherland-Moser Hamiltonian. The dynamics, both classical and quantal, is studied via the time-evolution operator which we evaluate using a recent method of integrating the quantum Liouville-Bloch equations \cite{rau}. The results show the exact one-to-one correspondence between the classical and the quantal dynamics. Our analysis also sheds light on the connection between properties of the SU(1,1) algebra and that of simple dynamical systems.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, Accepted in PR

    Gauge fields, geometric phases, and quantum adiabatic pumps

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    Quantum adiabatic pumping of charge and spin between two reservoirs (leads) has recently been demonstrated in nanoscale electronic devices. Pumping occurs when system parameters are varied in a cyclic manner and sufficiently slowly that the quantum system always remains in its ground state. We show that quantum pumping has a natural geometric representation in terms of gauge fields (both Abelian and non-Abelian) defined on the space of system parameters. Tunneling from a scanning tunneling microscope tip through a magnetic atom could be used to demonstrate the non-Abelian character of the gauge field
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