74 research outputs found


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    This research is a quantitative study that aims to examine the effect of participtory methods on the ability to write description text if class VII SMP N 1 Sukabumi in the 2018/2019 academy year. The purpose of this research is to find out the ability to write description tekst before and after using participatory methods. The research methods used is participatory methods. The research used is the quantitative method using the design of one group before and after. The results of the study when before using the participatory method the average value was 40 while the average value after using the participatory method was 65.41. this has increased. The results obtained t-count (12.29)>ttable. These results indicate a difference that occurs between before and after. It can be concluded that the participatory method influences the ability to write descripstion texts of class VII student SMP N 1 Sukabumi

    Filarial infection and filarial antigen administration promotes glucose tolerance in diet-induced obese mice

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    Excess of energy intake combined with reduced physical activity leads to accumulation and expansion of adipose tissue. Imbalance between adipose tissue expansion and oxygenation during a high fat diet results in adipocytes stress and defects to store excessive energy. Pro-inflammatory mediators produced by stressed adipocytes and infiltrated classically activated macrophages eventually trigger low grade and chronic inflammation. Several studies highlighted that obesity-induced chronic inflammation is a critical factor that triggers insulin resistance and alters the cellular composition within the adipose tissue. Given that parasitic helminths are well known immunoregulators of host immune responses which induce a suppressive, regulatory immune response via the induction of regulatory T cells, AAM, anti-inflammatory cytokines, and induce a type 2 immune response, the aim of this thesis was to investigate whether the tissue-invasive rodent filarial nematode Litomosoides sigmodontis (L.s.) mediates protection against insulin-resistance in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice by counter-regulating inflammatory immune responses during a high fat diet. In order to study whether L.s. infection has a beneficial impact on high fat diet-induced insulin resistance, 6 week old male BALB/c mice were fed with a high fat diet and a subgroup was infected 2-4 weeks later with L.s.. Following 8-10 weeks on high fat diet, mice were evaluated for glucose tolerance and immune responses. In separate experiments, daily injections of LsAg for 2 weeks were performed in male DIO C57BL/6 mice after 7-12 weeks of high fat diet feeding. DIO mice were evaluated for glucose tolerance and immunological studies afterwards. This thesis demonstrates that both L.s. infection and LsAg administration improved glucose tolerance in DIO mice. This improvement was associated with increased eosinophil and AAM frequencies within the stromal vascular fraction of the epididymal adipose tissue (EAT) during L.s. infection and LsAg administration. Absence of eosinophils abrogated the beneficial impact of L.s. infection as was shown with eosinophil deficient dblGATA mice, suggesting that improved glucose tolerance by L.s. infection was dependent on eosinophils. Further analysis showed reduced total numbers of B cells, but an increased frequency of the B1 subset in the adipose tissue of L.s.-infected DIO mice compared to uninfected DIO controls. Accordingly, pathogenic IgG2a/b levels were lower in L.s.-infected animals compared to uninfected DIO controls. qPCR array analysis of EAT further revealed an induction of genes related to insulin signaling, cell migration, suppressive immune responses as well as a reduced expression of genes related to adipogenesis in L.s.-infected DIO mice. Our in vitro experiments using the 3T3-L1 pre-adipose cell line confirmed that LsAg treatment suppressed the differentiation to mature adipocytes. Multiple gene expression analysis of EAT from DIO mice that obtained LsAg administrations further revealed an induction of type 2 immune responses, as well as an upregulated expression of genes-related to insulin signalling and genes-related to fatty acid uptake in LsAg-treated DIO mice. Two weeks of daily LsAg administration in DIO mice further improved body temperature tolerance under cold exposure, which was accompanied by an increased expression of Ucp1 in EAT, suggesting that LsAg administration promotes browning of white adipose tissue and increased energy expenditure. In conclusion, this thesis demonstrates that both L.s. infection and LsAg administration reduces diet-induced EAT inflammation, improves insulin signaling, and glucose tolerance. The findings of this thesis suggest that helminth-derived products may offer a new strategy to ameliorate diet-induced insulin resistance

    Determinant of Hypertension among Adults in West Java, Indonesia: Analysis of National Basic Health Research Data 2018

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    Background: Hypertension is a serious health problem worldwide. Many studies on the determinants of hypertension have been done, however studies in West Java are still very minimal. This study aimed to determine the risk factors for hypertension among adults in West Java, Indonesia.Methods: This study used a cross-sectional method with a quantitative approach using secondary data from the National Basic Health Research 2018. The final number of individuals sampled was 46,186 people. Data analysis was performed using simple logistic regression and multiple logistic regression methods.Results: The mean age of the sample was 42.97 years (SD=15.37), and females were the predominant (52.95%). The majority of samples consumed sweet beverages (31.06%) and salty foods more than once a day (29.22%), did not smoke (59.17%), had a normal body mass index (BMI) (53.78 %), and had experienced gum disease and dental problems in the last year (56.75 %). Physical activity in metabolic equivalent task (MET) minute was 5,917.79. There was a significant positive association between age and hypertension, with an odds ratio (OR) of 1.06 and a 95% confidence interval (CI) of 1.05–1.06. Furthermore, the analysis found a significant negative correlation between physical activity and hypertension, with an OR of 0.999 and a 95% CI of 0.9999874–0.9999962.Conclusions: Hypertension is significantly associated with age, whereas physical exercise is negatively associated. Priority should be given to elderly individuals and people with a high BMI for interventions such as routine blood pressure monitoring and education


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    Bottom long line fisheries in the continental shelf area of the Arafura Sea has have practised and developed since the last two decades. But bottom long lining in the slope area seemed to be unusual fishing operation for most Indonesian fishers as this fishing activily facing a relatively higher rbks of fishing gear lost

    Pengaruh Metode Partisipatori terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Teks Deskripsi

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    This study aims to examine the effect of participatory methods on the ability to write descriptive text for grade VII students of SMP Negeri 1 Sukabumi City in 2018/2019 Academic Year. The main subjects in this study were students of class VII G, amounting to 36 students. The purpose of this research is to know the ability to write description text before and after using participatory methods, and determine the effect of participatory methods on the ability to write descriptive text. The research method used in this study is a quantitative method using a one group pretest-posttest design research design. The results of the study were obtained when the pretest average value of students is 40 while the posttest average value of 65.41. This has increased after researchers used participatory methods. The results of the calculation of each test were carried out using the t-test and it was significant to pretest and posttest so that the results obtained were tcount (12.29)> ttable. These results indicate a difference that occurs between the pretest and posttest. It can be concluded that participatory learning methods affect the ability to write description texts for grade VII students of SMP Negeri 1 Sukabumi. Keywords: Writing, Description Text, Participator

    Evaluasi Kinerja Aplikasi PakBudi Terhadap Minat Pendaftaran Calon Mahasiswa Baru Menggunakan Metode End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) pada Perguruan Tinggi Swasta

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    Perguruan tinggi merupakan lembaga penyelenggara pendidikan di tingkat tinggi yang memiliki beberapa fungsi dan bermacam-macam jurusan. Calon mahasiswa baru harus tepat dalam memilih jurusan sesuai dengan kemampuan dan minat bakat agar tidak mengalami kesulitan. Kesulitan dalam memilih jurusan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain asal jurusan di sekolah sebelumnya, minat bakat, nilai rapot dan ujian serta adanya paksaan dari orang tua. Bagian Pemasaran Perguruan Tinggi Swasta telah mengantisipasi permasalahan kesulitan memilih jurusan dengan mengarahkan calon mahasiswa baru untuk mengikuti tes minat bakat melalui aplikasi PakBudi. Selama aplikasi dibuat dan digunakan, belum dilakukan pengukuran fungsi aplikasi terhadap harapan pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi kinerja aplikasi PakBudi terhadap minat pendaftaran calon mahasiswa baru di Perguruan Tinggi Swasta. Metode yang digunakan dalam mengevaluasi kinerja aplikasi PakBudi adalah End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS). Metode EUCS memiliki 5 (lima) dimensi indikator, diantaranya Content, Accuracy, Format, Ease of Use dan Timeliness. Kelebihan dari metode EUCS yaitu lebih menekankan kepada tingkat kepuasan (satisfaction) pengguna dengan melakukan evaluasi pada sistem meliputi isi, keakuratan, tampilan atau format, kemudahan pengguna dan ketepatan waktu. Hasil penelitian yaitu aplikasi PakBudi memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat bagi pengguna dan memiliki kemudahan dalam penggunaan dengan hasil sebesar 85%


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    Tuna merupakan komoditas perikanan laut yang sangat penting karena dapat menyumbang perolehan devisa, Jenis ikan ini memlliki penyebaran yang sangat luas dan biaaanya melakukan ruaya jauh, Di Indonesia penangkapan ikan tuna dilakukan secara komersial mulai tahun 1970-an yang dirintis oleh PT Perikanan Samudera Beear. Saat ini banyak perusahaan perikanan yang melakukan penangkapan tunakhusuanya dengan alat tangkap longline

    Korelasi Status Nutrisi dengan Tingkat Kadar Hemoglobin Darah pada Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar Markidam di Desa Cilame Kabupaten Bandung

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    Malnutrition has many adverse effects, including a decrease in hemoglobin levels, or known as anemia. Malnutrition caused by nutritional deficiencies can affect the decrease in hemoglobin levels or anemia. Objective: To determined the correlation between nutritional status and hemoglobin levels in Markidam elementary school-age children in Cilame Village Methods: This cross-sectional study uses primary data from research subjects who have agreed. The number of subject research that has been taken was 143 respondents. Anthropometric examinations using weight scales and microtoise were then carried out in a plotting process to determine the nutritional status of respondents. The hemoglobin level was used as a rapid diagnostic test tool with the Easytouch brand type GCHB. Spearman test to find out the results of this research hypothesis. Results:  Hemoglobin levels did not have a significant correlation with nutritional status. This could be seen from the significance value (p-value) of 0,172, where this value is greater than 0,05. Conclusion: There is no correlation between nutritional status and hemoglobin level at the age of elementary school children.Keywords: anemia, hemoglobin, nutritional statu


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    This study aims to evaluate the implementation of “Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan” (SAP) accrual in the local government of Indonesia which some local government had applied for 2 years. Evaluation will be execellent step to do in order to achieved the goal of the implementation of the new system. This study was conducted by comparing what content that supposed to be dislosed according to SAP accrual and what content that actually disclosed in the financial statementa. It also conducted a more in-depth exploration of each content that had not been appropriately disclosed. The results showed that SAP accrual has not been fully implemented by local government. In addition, there is no significant increase on disclosure index between 2014 and 2015. There are also some locel government that experienced declining on the disclosure index in 2015
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