27,658 research outputs found

    Large Coercivity in Nanostructured Rare-earth-free MnxGa Films

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    The magnetic hysteresis of MnxGa films exhibit remarkably large coercive fields as high as 2.5 T when fabricated with nanoscale particles of a suitable size and orientation. This coercivity is an order of magnitude larger than in well-ordered epitaxial film counterparts and bulk materials. The enhanced coercivity is attributed to the combination of large magnetocrystalline anisotropy and ~ 50 nm size nanoparticles. The large coercivity is also replicated in the electrical properties through the anomalous Hall effect. The magnitude of the coercivity approaches that found in rare-earth magnets, making them attractive for rare-earth-free magnet applications

    Automated reasoning on vague concepts using formal ontologies, with an application to event detection on video data

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    In this paper we lay the foundations of a formal ontology for the characterisation of vague concepts sourced from natural language, applying principles of event calculus and super-valuation semantics. We focus on a specific set of motion events and related concepts, motivated by the aim to develop an automated reasoning system able to detect occurrences of such events in video scenes. Our goal is to provide a general methodology for the formalisation of vague concepts, and to address the issue of vagueness in formal ontologies

    A Closed-Form Expression for the Gravitational Radiation Rate from Cosmic Strings

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    We present a new formula for the rate at which cosmic strings lose energy into gravitational radiation, valid for all piecewise-linear cosmic string loops. At any time, such a loop is composed of NN straight segments, each of which has constant velocity. Any cosmic string loop can be arbitrarily-well approximated by a piecewise-linear loop with NN sufficiently large. The formula is a sum of O(N4)O(N^4) polynomial and log terms, and is exact when the effects of gravitational back-reaction are neglected. For a given loop, the large number of terms makes evaluation ``by hand" impractical, but a computer or symbolic manipulator yields accurate results. The formula is more accurate and convenient than previous methods for finding the gravitational radiation rate, which require numerical evaluation of a four-dimensional integral for each term in an infinite sum. It also avoids the need to estimate the contribution from the tail of the infinite sum. The formula has been tested against all previously published radiation rates for different loop configurations. In the cases where discrepancies were found, they were due to errors in the published work. We have isolated and corrected both the analytic and numerical errors in these cases. To assist future work in this area, a small catalog of results for some simple loop shapes is provided.Comment: 29 pages TeX, 16 figures and computer C-code available via anonymous ftp from directory pub/pcasper at alpha1.csd.uwm.edu, WISC-MILW-94-TH-10, (section 7 has been expanded, two figures added, and minor grammatical changes made.

    Displaying desire and distinction in housing

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    The article discusses the significance of cultural capital for the understanding of the field of housing in contemporary Britain. It explores the relationship between housing and the position of individuals in social space mapped out by means of a multiple correspondence analysis. It considers the material aspects of housing and the changing contexts that are linked to the creation and display of desire for social position and distinction expressed in talk about home decoration as personal expression and individuals' ideas of a `dream house'. It is based on an empirical investigation of taste and lifestyle using nationally representative survey data and qualitative interviews. The article shows both that personal resources and the imagination of home are linked to levels of cultural capital, and that rich methods of investigation are required to grasp the significance of these normally invisible assets to broaden the academic understanding of the field of housing in contemporary culture

    Heralded single-photon generation using imperfect single-photon sources and a two-photon-absorbing medium

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    We propose a setup for a heralded, i.e. announced generation of a pure single-photon state given two imperfect sources whose outputs are represented by mixtures of the single-photon Fock state 1\ket{1} with the vacuum 0\ket{0}. Our purification scheme uses beam splitters, photodetection and a two-photon-absorbing medium. The admixture of the vacuum is fully eliminated. We discuss two potential realizations of the scheme.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures (LaTeX). In version v2 we have slightly modified our setup so as to increase the success probability of single-photon generation by a factor of two. In addition, in an appendix we discuss alternative realizations of single-photon generation without a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Three new figures have been added. Version v3 is a revised version published in Phys. Rev. A. It contains numerous minor corrections and clarifications. A new figure has been added in order to clarify our convention regarding labelling the field modes. The action of the beam splitters in the Schroedinger picture is introduced. A new reference has been include

    Indeterminate-length quantum coding

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    The quantum analogues of classical variable-length codes are indeterminate-length quantum codes, in which codewords may exist in superpositions of different lengths. This paper explores some of their properties. The length observable for such codes is governed by a quantum version of the Kraft-McMillan inequality. Indeterminate-length quantum codes also provide an alternate approach to quantum data compression.Comment: 32 page

    Introduction: Anthropology, Collecting and Colonial Governmentalities

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    This special issue contributes to an emerging literature on the materialities of colonial government by considering the changing relations between practices of data collecting, styles of anthropological knowing and modes of governing which target the conduct of colonial and metropolitan populations. Drawing on comparative studies from Australia; the Australian administered territory of Papua; France; French Indo-China; New Zealand; North America and the UK; the papers consider the implications of different forms of knowledge associated with practices of collecting—anthropology, archaeology, folklore studies, demography—in apparatuses of rule in various late nineteenth and early twentieth-century contexts. This introduction outlines the rationale for the volume and elaborates the concept of “anthropological assemblage” which helps focus the authors' explorations of the socio-technical agencements which connected museum, field, metropolis and colony during this period. In doing so, it points towards a series of broader themes—the relationship between pastoral power and ethnographic expertise; the Antipodean career of the Americanist culture concept; and the role of colonial centres of calculation in the circulation of knowledge, practices of collecting and regimes of governing—which suggest productive future lines of inquiry for “practical histories” of anthropology

    Stretching Wiggly Strings

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    How does the amplitude of a wiggle on a string change when the string is stretched? We answer this question for both longitudinal and transverse wiggles and for arbitrary equation of state, {\it i.e.}, for arbitrary relation between the tension τ\tau and the energy per unit length ϵ\epsilon of the string. This completes our derivation of the renormalization of string parameters which results from averaging out small scale wiggles on a string. The program is presented here in its entirety.Comment: Written with ReVTeX 3.0 package. Two figures are not included. Complete paper with postscript figures can be retrieved through anonymous ftp @quark.phys.ufl.edu. Get /preprints/ifthep94_4.tar.gz, gunzip and tar it. UFIFT-HEP-94-

    Wiggly Relativistic Strings

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    We derive the equations of motion for general strings, i.e. strings with arbitrary relation between tension τ\tau and energy per unit length ϵ\epsilon. The renormalization of τ\tau and ϵ\epsilon that results from averaging out small scale wiggles on the string is obtained in the general case to lowest order in the amount of wiggliness. For Nambu-Goto strings we find deviations from the equation of state ϵτ=constant\epsilon \tau = {\rm constant} in higher orders. Finally we argue that wiggliness may radically modify the gauge cosmic string scenario.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, UFIFT-HEP-92-1

    Preserving entanglement under decoherence and sandwiching all separable states

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    Every entangled state can be perturbed, for instance by decoherence, and stay entangled. For a large class of pure entangled states, we show how large the perturbation can be. Our class includes all pure bipartite and all maximally entangled states. For an entangled state, E, the constucted neighborhood of entangled states is the region outside two parallel hyperplanes, which sandwich the set of all separable states. The states for which these neighborhoods are largest are the maximally entangled ones. As the number of particles, or the dimensions of the Hilbert spaces for two of the particles increases, the distance between two of the hyperplanes which sandwich the separable states goes to zero. It is easy to decide if a state Q is in the neighborhood of entangled states we construct for an entangled state E. One merely has to check if the trace of EQ is greater than a constant which depends upon E and which we determine.Comment: Corrected first author's e-mail address. All the rest remains unchange