92 research outputs found

    Explicar el populismo judicial en Hungría. Una aproximación desde el el Realismo Social

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    In Hungary, some judges tend to decide cases in a way they think is popular among ordinary people. I call this phenomenon “judicial populism”. First, by analysing three cases I argue that the plausible theoretical framework of explanation of populist tendencies in Hungarian adjudication is the American Legal Realism. Then I examine the characteristics and possible explanation of judicial populism and its relation with the political populism.En Hungría, algunos jueces tienden a decidir los casos de una manera que consideran es popular entre la gente común. Yo llamo a este fenómeno “populismo judicial”. En primer lugar, a través de analizar tres casos, sostengo que el marco teórico plausible para explicar las tendencias populistas en la jurisdicción húngara es el Realismo Legal estadounidense. En segundo término, examino las características y la posible explicación del populismo judicial y su relación con el populismo político

    A jogalkotó emberképének hatása a jogértelmezésre – egy magyarországi kutatás tanulságai

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    The paper tries to answer the question whether the principle of ’presumption of innocence’ is applied appropriately and consistently in the practice of Hungarian judges. In 2010 we studied the judicial activity of a chosen number of Hungarian judges by analyzing the text of roughly 300 judgements of Hungarian courts and by carrying out an on-line survey among Hungarian judges. As a primary result we could identify some major deficiencies concerning the application of the principle. The other lesson we learnt from the research is that serious principles play their part only if the legislator at the drafting of the law takes the actual knowledge and skills of the law applier into account.Az utóbbi közel 10 évben, a Phd-fokozatom megszerzését követően, figyelmem egyre inkább a bírói gyakorlat problémáinak a szociológiai módszerekkel történő elemzése felé fordult. Ennek egyik motivációja az volt, hogy 2005-ig gyakorló bíróként dolgoztam, és a jogalkalmazás hétköznapjai rengeteg „nyersanyaggal” láttak el az ítélkezés problémáit illetően, másrészt pedig az, hogy a magyar jogtudományban átfogó módon ekkor még nem foglalkoztak a joggyakorlat szociológiai elemzésével

    Minden héten háború

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    Неколико основних поука реформе судства у Мађарској

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    Hungary has gone through profound constitutional changes in the past five years. The Hungarian justice system has also been affected by these changes. The question is how these structural reforms have influenced the efficiency and quality of judicial practice. The paper charts and evaluates the performance of the Hungarian court system in empirical terms and sheds light on the determining factors of court performance in Hungary. As a general conclusion the paper pays attention to the dangers of putting more emphasis on the surface numbers (such as speed of the trial) by court leaders than on enforcing the fair trial and substantive quality requirements. This should be taken seriously by any country that is seeking to reconstruct its justice system according to European expectations