57 research outputs found

    Projecting the distribution of forests in New England in response to climate change

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    Aim To project the distribution of three major forest types in the northeastern USA in response to expected climate change. Location The New England region of the United States. Methods We modelled the potential distribution of boreal conifer, northern deciduous hardwood and mixed oak-hickory forests using the process-based BIOME4 vegetation model parameterized for regional forests under historic and projected future climate conditions. Projections of future climate were derived from three general circulation models forced by three global warming scenarios that span the range of likely anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Results Annual temperature in New England is projected to increase by 2.2-3.3 °C by 2041-70 and by 3.0-5.2 °C by 2071-99 with corresponding increases in precipitation of 4.7-9.5% and 6.4-11.4%, respectively. We project that regional warming will result in the loss of 71-100% of boreal conifer forest in New England by the late 21st century. The range of mixed oak-hickory forests will shift northward by 1.0-2.1 latitudinal degrees (c. 100-200 km) and will increase in area by 149-431% by the end of the 21st century. Northern deciduous hardwoods are expected to decrease in area by 26% and move upslope by 76 m on average. The upslope movement of the northern deciduous hardwoods and the increase in oak-hickory forests coincide with an approximate 556 m upslope retreat of the boreal conifer forest by 2071-99. In our simulations, rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations reduce the losses of boreal conifer forest in New England from expected losses based on climatic change alone. Main conclusion Projected climate warming in the 21st century is likely to cause the extensive loss of boreal conifer forests, reduce the extent of northern hardwood deciduous forests, and result in large increases of mixed oak-hickory forest in New England. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Fire effects on demography of the invasive shrub brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) in Florida pine savannas

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    Fire is a common disturbance in savanna ecosystems that may either facilitate or impede non-native plant invasions. Although fire can create recruitment opportunities for non-native plants, it can also prevent their invasion if it exerts strong negative effects on their demographic processes. Some savannas may, therefore, be able to resist invasion provided the natural, frequent-fire regime remains intact. We examined the effects of fire on the demography of the invasive shrub Brazilian pepper, Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi., which is invading fire-prone slash pine savannas of southern Florida. We studied survivorship, growth, and reproduction of low-density populations of Brazilian pepper in a pine savanna within Everglades National Park to investigate whether fire might suppress Brazilian pepper in the early stages of invasion. We found a significant decrease in Brazilian pepper survivorship following fire, particularly among small individuals. We further found that fire reduced fecundity of surviving Brazilian pepper individuals for at least two years. However, resprouting individuals that survived fire had high relative growth rates the following year, which could facilitate population recovery during inter-fire periods. We used a simple population simulation to show that a low-density cohort of Brazilian pepper may be rapidly eliminated from pine savannas with fire-return intervals of four years or less, but individuals may persist for \u3e 50 years with fire-return intervals of eight years or more. Our study suggests the need to maintain the historical frequent-fire regime in pine savannas in order to prevent their invasion by fire-intolerant shrubs such as Brazilian pepper

    Predicting severe wildfire years in the Florida Everglades

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    © 2003 The Ecological Society of America. Wildfires result in important ecological benefits to many ecosystems, but have costs associated with fire fighting and property loss. Accurate, timely forecasts of the severity of upcoming wildfire seasons could facilitate wildfire management, limiting the most destructive aspects of fires, while preserving their ecological benefits. We demonstrate an approach where time series models are used to predict the severity of the wildfire season in Everglades National Park in southern Florida 3 months and 1 year beforehand. Model predictions contained all obserations within a 90% credible interval and also anticipated severe wildfire seasons. These models may be used to implement more ecologically sound wildfire management

    Climate Seasonality, fire and global patterns of tree cover

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    Vegetation systems with varying levels of tree cover are widely distributed globally, but the determinants of vegetation and tree cover still lack a consistent global framework. How thesesystems\u27 distribution responds to spatial variability of climate seasonality and associated fire regimes therefore remains unclear. Here, we focus on tree cover distribution at the global level. We develop a model that accounts for the role of seasonality and moisture in the dynamics that link climate, fire and tree cover. We choose predictors that have a clear link to functional processes that control tree physiology and growth, such as freezing tolerance (accounted for in the variable growing season length, GSL) and the balance between water availability and evapotranspiration (accounted for in the variables moisture index and moisture season length). The results show that the relative importance of climate factors and fire frequency as determinants of tree cover hinges on the GSL conditions. For example, significant interactions of tree cover with fire only occur in regions with GSL of 6-7 months or of 12 months. Our data also show a general relationship between maximum tree cover and moisture at the global level that is not visible when examining precipitation. Discontinuities in this relationship occur with frequent fires found under specific levels of seasonal moisture and temperature. A common climatic trait of frequent fires is moisture with a pronounced seasonality and an overall negative balance over the growing season. Frequent fires allow grassland to persist where there could be savanna/woodland as in the case of the North American grasslands. Frequent fires also allow savanna to persist where there could be forest, as found in tropical regions. This quantitative work is useful in improving large-scale land-atmosphere models as well as for identifying conditions of vulnerability for ecosystem diversity

    The limits to prediction in ecological systems

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    Predicting the future trajectories of ecological systems is increasingly important as the magnitude of anthropogenic perturbation of the earth systems grows.We distinguish between two types of predictability: the intrinsic or theoretical predictability of a system and the realized predictability that is achieved using available models and parameterizations. We contend that there are strong limits on the intrinsic predictability of ecological systems that arise from inherent characteristics of biological systems. While the realized predictability of ecological systems can be limited by process and parameter misspecification or uncertainty, we argue that the intrinsic predictability of ecological systems is widely and strongly limited by computational irreducibility. When realized predictability is low relative to intrinsic predictability, prediction can be improved through improved model structure or specification of parameters. Computational irreducibility, however, asserts that future states of the system cannot be derived except through computation of all of the intervening states, imposing a strong limit on the intrinsic or theoretical predictability. We argue that ecological systems are likely to be computationally irreducible because of the difficulty of pre-stating the relevant features of ecological niches, the complexity of ecological systems and because the biosphere can enable its own novel system states or adjacent possible. We argue that computational irreducibility is likely to be pervasive and to impose strong limits on the potential for prediction in ecology. Copyright

    A climate-based approach to the restoration of fire-dependent ecosystems

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    Recurrent fires are integral to the function of many ecosystems worldwide. The management of fire-frequented ecosystems requires the application of fire at the appropriate frequency and seasonally, but establishing the natural fire regime for an ecosystem can be problematic. Historical records of fires are often not available, and surrogates for past fires may not exist. We suggest that the relationship between climate and fire can provide an alternative means for inferring past fire regimes in some ecosystems. © 2005 Society for Ecological Restoration International

    Small-scale genotypic richness stabilizes plot biomass and increases phenotypic variance in the invasive grass Phalaris arundinacea

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    Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Botanical Society of China. All rights reserved. Aims We aim to understand how small-scale genotypic richness and genotypic interactions influence the biomass and potential invasiveness of the invasive grass, Phalaris arundinacea under two different disturbance treatments: intact plots and disturbed plots, where all the native vegetation has been removed. Specifically, we address the following questions (i) Does genotypic richness increase biomass production? (ii) Do genotypic interactions promote or reduce biomass production? (iii) Does the effect of genotypic richness and genotypic interactions differ in different disturbance treatments? Finally (iv) Is phenotypic variation greater as genotypic richness increases? Methods We conducted a 2-year common garden experiment in which we manipulated genotype richness using eight genotypes planted under both intact and disturbed conditions in a wetland in Burlington, Vermont (44°27′23″N, 73°11′29″W). The experiment consisted of a randomized complete block design of three blocks, each containing 20 plots (0.5 m 2) per disturbed treatment. We calculated total plot biomass and partitioned the net biodiversity effect into three components: dominance effect, trait-dependent complementarity and trait-independent complementarity. We calculated the phenotypic variance for each different genotype richness treatment under the two disturbance treatments. Important Findings Our results indicate that local genotypic richness does not increase total biomass production of the invasive grass P. arundinacea in either intact or disturbed treatments. However, genotypic interactions underlying the responses showed very different patterns in response to increasing genotypic richness. In the intact treatment, genotypic interactions resulted in the observed biomass being greater than the predicted biomass from monoculture plots (e.g., overyielding) and this was driven by facilitation. However, facilitation was reduced as genotypic richness increased. In the disturbed treatment, genotypic interactions resulted in underyielding with observed biomass being slightly less than expected from the performance of genotypes in monocultures; however, underyielding was reduced as genotypic richness increased. Thus, in both treatments, higher genotypic richness resulted in plot biomass nearing the additive biomass from individual monocultures. In general, higher genotypic richness buffered populations against interactions that would have reduced biomass and potentially spread. Phenotypic variance also had contrasting patterns in intact and disturbed treatments. In the intact treatment, phenotypic variance was low across all genotypic richness levels, while in the disturbed treatment, phenotypic variance estimates increased as genotypic richness increased. Thus, under the disturbed treatment, plots with higher genotypic richness had a greater potential response to selection. Therefore, limiting the introduction of new genotypes, even if existing genotypes of the invasive species are already present, should be considered a desirable management strategy to limit the invasive behavior of alien species

    Simulating phase transitions and control measures for network epidemics caused by infections with presymptomatic, asymptomatic, and symptomatic stages

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. We investigate phase transitions associated with three control methods for epidemics on small world networks. Motivated by the behavior of SARS-CoV-2, we construct a theoretical SIR model of a virus that exhibits presymptomatic, asymptomatic, and symptomatic stages in two possible pathways. Using agent-based simulations on small world networks, we observe phase transitions for epidemic spread related to: 1) Global social distancing with a fixed probability of adherence. 2) Individually initiated social isolation when a threshold number of contacts are infected. 3) Viral shedding rate. The primary driver of total number of infections is the viral shedding rate, with probability of social distancing being the next critical factor. Individually initiated social isolation was effective when initiated in response to a single infected contact. For each of these control measures, the total number of infections exhibits a sharp phase transition as the strength of the measure is varied

    Estimating potential forest NPP, biomass and their climatic sensitivity in New England using a dynamic ecosystem model

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    Accurate estimation of forest net primary productivity (NPP), biomass, and their sensitivity to changes in temperature and precipitation is important for understanding the fluxes and pools of terrestrial carbon resulting from anthropogenically driven climate change. The objectives of this study were to (1) estimate potential forest NPP and biomass for New England using a regional ecosystem model, (2) compare modeled forest NPP and biomass with other reported data for New England, and (3) examine the sensitivity of modeled forest NPP to historical climatic variation. We addressed these objectives using the regional ecosystem model LPJ-GUESS implemented with eight plant functional types representing New England forests. We ran the model using 30-arc second spatial resolution climate data in monthly timesteps for the period 1901-2006. The modeled forest NPP and biomass were compared to empirically-based MODIS and FIA estimates of NPP and U.S. forest biomass. Our results indicate that forest NPP in New England averages 428 g C m-2yr-1 and ranges from 333 to 541 g C m-2yr-1 for the baseline period (1971- 2000), while forest biomass averages 135 Mg/ha and ranges from 77 to 242 Mg/ha. Modeled forest biomass decreased at a rate of 0.11 Mg/ha (R2=0.74) per year in the period 1901-1949 but increased at a rate of 0.25 Mg/ha (R2=0.95) per year in the period 1950-2006. Estimates of NPP and biomass depend on forest type: spruce-fir had the lowest mean of 395 g C m-2yr-1 and oak forest had the highest mean of 468 g C m-2yr-1. Similarly, forest biomass was highest in oak (153 Mg/ha) and lowest in red-jack pine (118 Mg/ ha) forests. The modeled NPP for New England agrees well with FIA-based estimates from similar forests in the mid-Atlantic region but was smaller than MODIS NPP estimates for New England. Nevertheless, the modeled inter-annual variability of NPP was strongly correlated with the MODIS NPP data. The modeled biomass agrees well with U.S. forest biomass data for New England but was less than FIA-based estimates in the mid-Atlantic region. For the region as a whole, the modeled NPP and biomass are within the ranges of MODIS- and FIA-based estimates. Forest NPP was sensitive to changes in temperature and precipitation: NPP was positively related to temperatures in April, May and October but negatively related to summer temperature. Increases in precipitation in the growing season enhanced forest NPP. © 2010 Tang et al