90 research outputs found

    The odor context facilitates the perception of low-intensity facial expressions of emotion

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    It has been established that the recognition of facial expressions integrates contextual information. In this study, we aimed to clarify the influence of contextual odors. The participants were asked to match a target face varying in expression intensity with non-ambiguous expressive faces. Intensity variations in the target faces were designed by morphing expressive faces with neutral faces. In addition, the influence of verbal information was assessed by providing half the participants with the emotion names. Odor cues were manipulated by placing participants in a pleasant (strawberry), aversive (butyric acid), or no-odor control context. The results showed two main effects of the odor context. First, the minimum amount of visual information required to perceive an expression was lowered when the odor context was emotionally congruent: happiness was correctly perceived at lower intensities in the faces displayed in the pleasant odor context, and the same phenomenon occurred for disgust and anger in the aversive odor context. Second, the odor context influenced the false perception of expressions that were not used in target faces, with distinct patterns according to the presence of emotion names. When emotion names were provided, the aversive odor context decreased intrusions for disgust ambiguous faces but increased them for anger. When the emotion names were not provided, this effect did not occur and the pleasant odor context elicited an overall increase in intrusions for negative expressions. We conclude that olfaction plays a role in the way facial expressions are perceived in interaction with other contextual influences such as verbal information

    Characterization of Skin Interfollicular Stem Cells and Early Transit Amplifying Cells during the Transition from Infants to Young Children

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    In the interfollicular epidermis, keratinocyte stem cells (KSC) generate a short-lived population of transit amplifying (TA) cells that undergo terminal differentiation after several cell divisions. Recently, we isolated and characterized a highly proliferative keratinocyte cell population, named “early” TA (ETA) cell, representing the first KSC progenitor with exclusive features. This work aims to evaluate epidermis, with a focus on KSC and ETA cells, during transition from infancy to childhood. Reconstructed human epidermis (RHE) generated from infant keratinocytes is more damaged by UV irradiation, as compared to RHE from young children. Moreover, the expression of several differentiation and barrier genes increases with age, while the expression of genes related to stemness is reduced from infancy to childhood. The proliferation rate of KSC and ETA cells is higher in cells derived from infants’ skin samples than of those derived from young children, as well as the capacity of forming colonies is more pronounced in KSC derived from infants than from young children’s skin samples. Finally, infants-KSC show the greatest regenerative capacity in skin equivalents, while young children ETA cells express higher levels of differentiation markers, as compared to infants-ETA. KSC and ETA cells undergo substantial changes during transition from infancy to childhood. The study presents a novel insight into pediatric skin, and sheds light on the correlation between age and structural maturation of the skin

    Conjunctival Proinflammatory and Proapoptotic Effects of Latanoprost and Preserved and Unpreserved Timolol: An Ex Vivo and In Vitro Study

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    PURPOSE. To compare the toxicity of latanoprost and preserved and unpreserved timolol on conjunctival cells. Expression of inflammatory markers and MUC5AC-related mucin production were evaluated by impression cytology in a case-control ex vivo study. The proapoptotic effect of the same drugs was also evaluated in vitro in a conjunctival cell line and compared with that of benzalkonium chloride (BAC). METHODS. Impression cytology (IC) specimens were obtained from a series of normal subjects and from patients with glaucoma treated for at least 1 year with latanoprost eye drops or preserved or unpreserved timolol. All groups were comparable in age and duration of treatment. Expression of HLA-DR, intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, and mucin was evaluated in a masked manner by flow cytometry. For the in vitro study, a human conjunctiva-derived cell line was treated with 0.02% BAC-containing latanoprost or timolol, unpreserved timolol, or 0.02% BAC alone for 15 minutes, followed or not by 4 or 24 hours of cell recovery in normal medium. Cell viability and chromatin condensation were evaluated using microplate cold light cytofluorometry with the neutral red and the Hoechst 33342 tests, respectively. The Hoechst-neutral red ratio was defined for the apoptosis assay, and cytoskeleton changes were assessed by confocal microscopy. RESULTS. No difference was found between normal eyes and those receiving unpreserved timolol. Preserved latanoprost and timolol significantly increased the inflammatory marker expression and decreased MUC5AC expression, but to a significantly higher extent in the preserved timolol group compared with latanoprost. In vitro, 0.02% BAC-containing timolol and latanoprost triggered conjunctival cell apoptosis-however, to a significantly lesser extent than did 0.02% BAC alone. Unpreserved timolol did not cause any cell toxicity. CONCLUSIONS. These ex vivo and in vitro studies demonstrate that BAC-containing latanoprost and timolol exhibit higher proinflammatory and proapoptotic effects on conjunctival cells than does unpreserved timolol. Latanoprost caused less toxicity, however, than preserved timolol, and both drugs were less toxic than BAC alone. These results suggest a potential protective effect of the prostaglandin analogue and to a lesser extent of timolol against the toxicity of BAC in conjunctival cells. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci

    Composition Analysis and Pharmacological Activity of Avocado/Soybean Unsaponifiable Products Used in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis.

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    peer reviewedObjective: Avocado/soybean unsaponifiables (ASUs) are commonly used to treat OA symptoms. However, there are many ASU mixtures on the market with differing compositions and pharmacological activities. This study aimed to compare the composition and pharmacological activity of seven commercially available ASU products on human osteoarthritis chondrocytes. Methods: The contents of the lipidic part of ASUs were characterized by gas chromatography analysis using a VARIAN 3400 chromatograph. The pharmacological activity of the ASU products was tested on human osteoarthritis chondrocytes cultured in alginate beads. Their effects were evaluated on aggrecan, interleukin (IL)-6 and -8, and matrix metalloproteases (MMP)-3 using immunoassays and on nitric oxide through measurement of nitrite via spectrometry. Results: PIASCLEDINE-ExpASU® showed a specific profile with the presence of chromatographic peaks corresponding to an alkyl furan fraction and alkyl triols. PIASCLEDINE-ExpASU®, Persemax, Insaponifiable 300, Arthrocen, and Arthocare contained quantifiable amounts of tocopherol, while tocopherol was undetectable in Avovida and Saponic. Squalene was found only in PIASCLEDINE-ExpASU®. The abundance of sterols varied depending on the product. PIASCLEDINE-ExpASU® was the most active of the tested ASU products in inhibiting nitric oxide, IL-6, and IL-8 production by chondrocytes. With the exception of Saponic and Persemax, all the ASU mixtures either slightly or significantly increased aggrecan production. MMP-3 levels were significantly decreased by Insaponifiable 300 and PIASCLEDINE-ExpASU® and significantly increased by Saponic. Conclusion: The composition of PIASCLEDINE-ExpASU® is different to that of the other evaluated ASU mixtures. This specific composition explains its better pharmacological activity, including the higher inhibitory effect on pro-inflammatory and pro-catabolic factors. Our findings are helpful in providing a basis for understanding the symptomatic effect of PIASCLEDINE-ExpASU® in patients with osteoarthritis

    Peau, soleil et voie orale

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    En dehors des effets immédiats du soleil en général bénéfiques, les effets biologiques induits par les UVA et UVB au niveau cutané sont néfastes, induisant à plus ou moins long terme l'apparition de photo dermatoses, du photo vieillissement et de la photo carcinogenèse via un stress oxydant et l'altération de l'ADN. Des réactions de photosensibilisation peuvent aussi apparaître lors de la prise orale de certaines molécules susceptibles de réagir sous l'effet du rayonnement solaire. Afin de renforcer les systèmes de défense antioxydants enzymatiques et non enzymatiques de nos cellules et de traiter les sujets atteints de photo dermatoses, la prise orale d'antioxydants et autres substances médicamenteuses de classes thérapeutiques variées semble être une stratégie intéressante pour pallier aux déficiences des photo protecteurs externes.TOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Centrale (315552105) / SudocTOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Allées (315552109) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Architectural Techniques and Cultural Relationships between the Caucasus and Mesopotamia at the beginning of the sixth Millenium B.C.

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    International audienceRelationships between Mesopotamia and the Caucasus were first studied in the mid-20th century by Soviet archaeologists after the discovery of artefacts seemingly Mesopotamian in style at Kültepe, Nakhichevan (Azerbaijan), or more recently at AknashenKatunarkh, Armenia. However it was only in the 1990s that scholars started more detailed investigations on the different aspects of this southern presence.This presentation will offer an overview of the architectural techniques (foundations, buildings techniques, covering and roofing) used during the Late Neolithic in the Caucasus and in Mesopotamia. We will highlight both the heterogeneous nature of the architectural traditions and the similarities of techniques observed in the Shulaveri-Shomu culture (at Mentesh Tepe, Göy Tepe, Gadachrili Gora, Aruchlo, Aknashen-Katunarkh…) and in the Halaf culture (at Tell Sabi Abyad, Tell Arpachiyah, Yarim Tepe, Tell Yunus…) at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.From precise archaeological examples, we will try to determine possible relationships between these two cultures. Hopefully, this should contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms behind the genesis of the Shulaveri-Shomu cultureLes relations entre la Mésopotamie et le Caucase furent au cœur des problématiques des archéologues soviétiques dès le milieu du XXe siècle, et cela du fait de la découverte d’objets de style mésopotamien retrouvés sur le site de Kültepe, au Nakhichevan (Azerbaidjan), et plus récemment sur le site d’Aknashen-Katunarkh, en Arménie. Cependant, il faudra attendre les années 1990 pour que des équipes internationales entreprennent des recherches plus détaillées sur les différents aspects de cette présence exogène sur les sites caucasiens.Cet article est l’occasion de faire un bilan des techniques architecturales (fondations, techniques de construction, couvrement et couverture) utilisées au Néolithique dans la région du Caucase et en Mésopotamie. Nous mettrons en lumière l’hétérogénéité des techniques architecturales, ainsi que leurs similarités, observés sur les sites de la culture de Shulaveri-Shomu (à Mentesh Tepe, Göy Tepe, Gadachrili Gora, Aruchlo, Aknashen-Katunarkh…) et de la culture de Halaf (à Tell Sabi Abyad, Tell Arpachiyah, Yarim Tepe, Tell Yunus…) au début du 6e millénaire avant notre ère.À partir d’exemples archéologiques précis, nous tenterons de définir les relations culturelles entre ces deux entités au travers une analyse chrono-culturelle des techniques architecturales, dans le but de comprendre les mécanismes qui ont conduit à l’éclosion de la culture de Shulaveri-Shomu

    Un cas de phénylcétonurie délirante : interprétation biochimique et cognitive

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    Production d'émotions faciales dans la schizophrénie

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    La schizophrénie s’accompagne très souvent d’un déficit au niveau de l’expression, du ressenti et de la reconnaissance des émotions d’autrui. À ce jour, il n’y a pas d’explication au niveau cérébral de la diminution de l’expressivité faciale chez les sujets schizophrènes. Dans la schizophrénie, le symptôme émoussement affectif impliquerait une diminution de l’expérience émotionnelle or certaines études ont conclu que les patients rapportent avoir eu la même expérience émotionnelle que des sujets témoins. Il existerait donc une dissociation entre l’expressivité faciale et le ressenti des émotions chez les sujets atteints de schizophrénie. Au-delà d’un déficit dans la reconnaissance des expressions, les patients présenteraient également un déficit dans la reconnaissance de leurs propres expressions. Une étude menée par notre équipe a montré que les sujets atteints de schizophrénie reconnaissaient moins bien leurs propres expressions que les sujets témoins. Les patients qui reconnaissaient le moins bien leurs expressions faciales étaient aussi déficients dans la reconnaissance des expressions faciales d’autrui. Ce qui implique que le fait de ne pas reconnaître l’expression faciale d’autrui pourrait intervenir dans la non-reconnaissance du soi dans la schizophrénie. De plus, les patients n’étaient pas conscients de ce déficit, jugeant leurs productions aussi satisfaisantes que le faisaient les sujets témoins. Ce déficit documente une constatation clinique évidente en pratique courante. Or, la capacité à produire des émotions est très importante pour les relations sociales puisqu’elle permet de comprendre les actions des autres en formant des représentations de ces actions. Il pourrait être utile de développer des stratégies de remédiation cognitive centrées sur ces déficits. Converging evidences revealed that facial pattern recognition is severely impaired in schizophrenia. The present article focuses on recognition of their own facial expression by patients with schizophrenia. It seems that schizophrenia is related with a dissociation between facial expression and emotional feeling. Recent experimental data are discussed