2,539 research outputs found


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    As a state of law, everything aspect life public regulated and guaranteed by law. Including in Thing ownership something thing. Ownership soil guaranteed by deed authentic made by a Notary. Making deed during the pandemic moment this no could walk with goo. This thing because by juridical condition making deed Notary Public according to Article 28 Regelemet op het Notary-ambt in Indonesia (Ordinance of January 11, 1860) and Article 16 paragraph (1) letter m of the Law Number 30 of 2004 Jo. Constitution Number 2 of 2014 About Position Notary of the parties must present, while during PPKM when this every party prohibited for meet with reason prevent deployment Covid 19. Writing this use method normative. As for the update on writing this is existence discussion harmonization Among Settings condition the presence of the parties in making deed authentic with implementation in the community. Based on study yanga there is found reality that need will protection law to right owned by will something thing no move main really high. That thing make deed Notary Public Becomes something need alone for society. one condition absolute in making something deed authentic is presence of the parties Condition the poured in Article 28 Regelemet op het Notary-ambt in Indonesia (Ordinance of January 11, 1860) and Article 16 paragraph (1) letter m of the Law Number 30 of 2004 Jo. Constitution Number 2 of 2014 About Position Notary. The entry of the Covid-19 virus in this country Becomes something problem happy self for implementation condition that. advice from existing studies _ is need wish set more carry on related implementation from Article 28 Regelemet op het Notary-ambt in Indonesia (Ordinance of January 11, 1860) and Article 16 paragraph (1) letter m of the Law Number 30 of 2004 Jo. Constitution Number 2 of 2014 About Position Notary Public through digital media. Arrangement formulation provision the could in the form of regulation government related implementation making deed Notary Public by electronic


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    Universitas Muslim Nusantara (UMN) merupakan konversi dari IKIP Al Wahliyah Medan berdasarkan SK. Dirjen Dikti Nomor. 0424/DIKTI/Kep/1996 tertanggal, 8 Agustus 1996 bersama dengan A-MIPA Al Washliyah Medan mem-bawahi 6 (enam) fakultas, yakni: FKIP, FMIPA, FHuk, FEk, FSas, dan FTan. Ujian Negara Cicilan (UNC) dimaksudkan sebagai pengendali kualitas pelayanan pendidikan dan keluaran PTS, karena produktivitas PTS dapat dilihat dari dua kriteria yakni: penyelesaian studi dan mekanisme proses pengendalian mutu kelembagaan. Efektivitas berkenaan dengan ferformansi sistem penyelenggaraan pendidikan untuk mencapai keluaran yang banyak dengan kualitas yang tinggi. Fokus masalah penelitian ini: apakah upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan melalui penyelenggaraan UNC dengan pemberdayaan manajemen akademis yang profesional, baik sistem yang mantap maupun personil yang handal dapat menjamin kualitas pendidikan pada PTS? Penelitian ini bermaksud mengetahui (1) bagaimana proses penyelenggaraan UNC ditinjau dari pemberdayaan manajemen kepanitiaan ujian negra, (2) bagaimana mekanisme penyelenggaraan UNC ditinjau iari upaya mengoptimalkan fasilitas administrasi melalui epemberdayaan manajemen akademis, (3) faktor penghambat dan pendukung dalam prses penyelenggaraan UNC dan (4) upaya yang dilaukan mengatasi permasalahan yang timbul dalam penyelenggaraan UNC.Rumusan masalah penelitian ini: Bagaimana efektivitas manajemen UNC ditinjau dari sistem pemberdayaan manajemen akademis mampu meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan pendidikan dan lulusan PTS? Secara umum penelitian ini bertu lan memperoleh informasi empirik tentang efektivitas penyelenggaraan UNC pada FKIP UMN. Secara khusus: ingin mengetahui proses penyelenggaraan dan mekar sm< UNC dari sudut kepanitiaan dan administrasinya, menemukan faktor-faktor yang menghambat dan mendukung serta upaya mengatasi permasalahan yang timbul. Hasilnya sebagai rekomendasi bagi UMN, Kopertis dan PTS lain serta contoh penyelenggaraan UNC bagi PTS lain sekaligus bahan pembinaan bagi Kopertis, perban dingan penelitian lanjutan juga diharapkan bermanfaat bagi pengembangan teori. Penelitian ini menggunakan metoda deskriptip, studi evaluatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif Populasinya: lungsionaris dan staffpegawai dengan menggunakan snow ball sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi dokumenter, wawancara dan observasi Dengan memperhatikan penyelenggaraan UNC pada FKIP UMN priode I Tahun 1997 terdapat keserasian antara rencana dengan pelaksanaan. Hal ini terbukti segala kegiatan dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik, demikian juga jika dilihat dari persentase kelulusan yang tinggi dan peserta yang berhasil lulus pada kelompok nilai baik atau bermutu berarti penyelenggaraan UNC pada FKIP UMN Priode I Tahun 1997 tergolong pada kriteria efektif. Kelemahan yang ditemukan meliputi; belum terlaksananya pedoman tentang Ujian Negara bagi PTS Disamakan, kurangnya persiapan peserta UNC, kualifikasi dan spefikasi dosen penguji belum mengarah kepada disiplin ilmu yang ditekuninya, belum adanya standar mutu soaL, pedoman, prosedur atau teknik penilaian. Jika BAN nota bene Kopertis sebagai pengawas dan pembina berfungsi dengan baik, kiranya sistem penyelenggaraan ujian negara bagi PTS perlu ditinjau kembali. Dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu pelayanan dan lulusan PTS, pemberdayaan manajemen akademis perlu mendapat perhatian yang serius. Perlu adanya standar mutu soal termasuk pedoman dan kriteria penilaian UNC

    Electrochemical Study of Antioxidant Regeneration Mechanisms – Application in Dermocosmetics.

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    Oxidative stress is associated to the massive generation of reactive oxygen species inducing fast oxidative reactions in chain. To overcome this problem, reasonable supplementations of antioxidants are widely practiced, mostly based on empirical protocols. An electrochemical process is proposed to choose the best molecules association inducing the greatest antioxidant capacity, by coupling homogeneous or heterogeneous catalytic reactions involving antioxidants with an electrochemical step. Cyclic voltammetry and constant potential electrolysis experiments were used to highlight regeneration reactions induced by specific associations of hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidants in homogeneous medium or at liquid/liquid interface. Results showed that N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) was effectively regenerated by both ascorbic acid (AA) and ascorbyl glucoside (AA-2G) but not by ascorbyl phosphate magnesium (AA-2P). The antioxidant properties of alpha-tocopherol also increased to 40% when associated with AA. The process was successfully applied for the first time to the study of simple emulsions. Formulations involving NAC and AA-2G presented the highest synergic effect, the antioxidant capacity being amplified by more than 35%. On the other hand no catalytic mechanism was observed when introducing three antioxidants in the cream because it induced too low reaction kinetics. This electrochemical process can thus be exploited as a tool for the optimisation of “anti-aging” dermocosmetic formulations


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    ABSTRACT Retention of nurses is one measure of the success of the hospital especially the management of human resources and nursing manage and retain nurse. Nurses will be comfortable and productive at work if it met the diverse needs of both physically. Fulfillment of physical and psychological and psychological needs may depend on several factors, among others, the factors compensation, career development, selection employment and job satisfaction. This research is descriptive correlative, and this research aim to know The factors that affect the retention of nurses in the RS-IA Rosiva in 2019. The type of the research was univariat, the study was conducted using a questions, population in this study ware 30 respondents and a sample of this research is total sampling using Guttman scale data processing is done with the editing, coding, data entry, and analysis techniques. After conducting research in the RS-IA Rosiva nurses found that the frequency distribution of the compensation received is the greatest thing in which the majority of compensation is not satisfied as much as 17 respondents (56,6%) and minority are satisfied as much as 13 respondents (43,3%). This study is the input that the factors that need to be highly correlated retained and enhanced. Key Word : Retention, Nurse. PENDAHULUAN Get Les Mckeown’s (2010) mendefenisikan retensi sebagai usaha sistem matis oleh majikan untuk menciptakan dan mendorong lingkungan yang membuat pekerja tetap bertahan ditempat mereka sekarang. Isu retensi tidak hanya menjadi permasalahan dinegara berkembang, tetapi juga menjadi isu besar di Negara-negara maju.( didalam Kurniati, 2012 ). Salah satu fungsi yang penting pada manajemen sumber daya manusia adalah fungsi pemeliharaan disamping fungsi lainnya yaitu fungsi perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan, pengendalian, pengadaan, pengembangan, kompensasi,

    Gambaran Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Spiritual Pasien di Rumah Sakit Santa Elisabeth Medan

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    Spiritual merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar bagi orang sakit karena mencakup usaha untuk meningkatkan integritas pribadi, relasi antar pribadi dalam pencarian makna hidup, kekuatan spirit atau kerohanian yang dapat membangkitkan rasa percaya diri dan optimisme dalam proses penyembuhan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pemenuhan kebutuhan spiritual asien di Rumah Sakit Santa Elisabeth Medan Tahun 2021. Jenis penelitian yaitu kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Populasi sebanyak 120 orang di ruangan rawat inap. Adapun teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ditemukan pemenuhan kebutuhan hubungan spiritual pasien dengan Tuhan terpenuhi sebesar 59,1%, hubungan spiritual pasien dengan diri sendiri terpenuhi sebesar 97.7%, hubungan spiritual pasien dengan orang lain terpenuhi sebesar 95,5% dan hubungan spiritual pasien dengan lingkungan terpenuhi sebesar 97,7%. Bagi petugas kesehatan agar selalu memberikan informasi-informasi penting pemenuhan kebutuhan spritual pasien di Rumah Sakit, yaitu dengan mengetahui bagaimana pemenuhan hubungan spiritual pasien dengan Tuhan, diri sendiri, orang lain, dan hubungan spiritual pasien dengan alam/lingkungan. Oleh karena itu diharapkan agar pihak rumah sakit tetap mempertahankan nilai-nilai rohani yang baik itu dengan tetap membenahi sistem pelayanan spiritual sesuai dengan Visi dan Misi Rumah Sakit

    Semantic Meaning of Prefixes in Karo Language

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    The aim of this research is to discuss about the Semantic Analysis of Prefixes in Karo Language which will provide more information about prefixes and also to show the changes of meaning of words which are already influenced by them. The method of doing reseach is by taking some references or text-books in the library, and this types of research is called qualitative research. It is found that the prefixes in Karo language are fourteen types, such as: n_, er_, per_, ter_, i_, me_, pe_, si_, ci_, ki_, ke_, pen_, kini_, se_. By adding the prefixes to the bases, the meanings of the words may change or may not change. For example: galang “big” becomes pegalang “to make bigger size”, deher “near” becomes ndeher “near”., etc. The conclusion is that the formation of word can be done by attaching a prefix to certain base (a noun, an adjective, a verb and an adverb or a numeral). On the other hand, the addition of a prefix to the base may only result in another form of a certain class of word or the change of a word meaning. &nbsp; &nbsp; Keywords: semantic meaing, prefixes, karo language

    Assessing Outcomes and Effectiveness of Character Education Model Based on Classroom Guidance Services in Junior High Schools

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    The aim of this study is to measure the gain and effectiveness of the character education model based  on classroom guidance service in several junior high schools in Indonesia. This research was designed by adopting the research and development model (Borg & Gall, 1983). The research stage began with preliminary research to construct conceptual maps for hypothetical model design that developed, supporting instrument design, and initial draft of Character Education Module for junior high school Volume 1, 2 and 3. Development episode focus on the concreteness of all model tools in the form of instruments, preparation of modules and media implementation of character education in junior high school and followed by scientific procedures — test, validation, revision, limited simulation of model usage. Limited product implementation trials were conducted on nine junior high schools nationwide across Indonesia. Implementation testing (limited) models showed encouraging results. From the analysis of the implementation of this model, there is an increase in character education outcomes between pre-and posttest on those nine junior high school, and both teachers and students in the 9 schools assessed that this model is much more effective than the integrated character education model


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    Civilized society like Karo knows taboo culture and how to avoid it well, so that they can be avoided from social conflict and can live peacefully. However, taboo in language and the way to avoid them are considered increasingly scarce as globalization develops among the current millennial generation. As an effort to provide an understanding about the matter concerned towards future generations, this study describes various ways of avoiding the three types of taboo in Karo: taboo in kinship, i.e. among bengkila and permain, turangku and turangku, and mami and kela; context-speciïŹc taboos, i.e. words derived from non-taboo words, and words related to social and physical defects; and general taboos, i.e. swearing and unmentionable words. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative with ethnographic method. The data were obtained from the key informants who were from indigenous people of Tanah Karo Regency.  It is found that taboos in kinship can be avoided by strategy of third-person intermediary, strategy of metaphor through object, and strategy of using the word nina. Context-specific taboo and general taboo can be avoided by various forms of euphemism. However, taboo of swearing type does not have form of refinement because of its purpose and function as emotive expression
