118 research outputs found

    Observation of bright polariton solitons in a semiconductor microcavity

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    Microcavity polaritons are composite half-light half-matter quasi-particles, which have recently been demonstrated to exhibit rich physical properties, such as non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensation, parametric scattering and superfluidity. At the same time, polaritons have some important advantages over photons for information processing applications, since their excitonic component leads to weaker diffraction and stronger inter-particle interactions, implying, respectively, tighter localization and lower powers for nonlinear functionality. Here we present the first experimental observations of bright polariton solitons in a strongly coupled semiconductor microcavity. The polariton solitons are shown to be non-diffracting high density wavepackets, that are strongly localised in real space with a corresponding broad spectrum in momentum space. Unlike solitons known in other matter-wave systems such as Bose condensed ultracold atomic gases, they are non-equilibrium and rely on a balance between losses and external pumping. Microcavity polariton solitons are excited on picosecond timescales, and thus have significant benefits for ultrafast switching and transfer of information over their light only counterparts, semiconductor cavity lasers (VCSELs), which have only nanosecond response time

    Regenerative memory in time-delayed neuromorphic photonic resonators

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    We investigate a photonic regenerative memory based upon a neuromorphic oscillator with a delayed self-feedback (autaptic) connection. We disclose the existence of a unique temporal response characteristic of localized structures enabling an ideal support for bits in an optical buffer memory for storage and reshaping of data information. We link our experimental implementation, based upon a nanoscale nonlinear resonant tunneling diode driving a laser, to the paradigm of neuronal activity, the FitzHugh-Nagumo model with delayed feedback. This proof-of-concept photonic regenerative memory might constitute a building block for a new class of neuron-inspired photonic memories that can handle high bit-rate optical signals

    Vector cavity solitons in broad area Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting lasers

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    We report the experimental observation of two-dimensional vector cavity solitons in a Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL) under linearly polarized optical injection when varying optical injection linear polarization direction. The polarization of the cavity soliton is not the one of the optical injection as it acquires a distinct ellipticity. These experimental results are qualitatively reproduced by the spin-flip VCSEL model. Our findings open the road to polarization multiplexing when using cavity solitons in broad-area lasers as pixels in information technology

    Real-space collapse of a polariton condensate

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    Microcavity polaritons are two-dimensional bosonic fluids with strong nonlinearities, composed of coupled photonic and electronic excitations. In their condensed form, they display quantum hydrodynamic features similar to atomic Bose–Einstein condensates, such as long-range coherence, superfluidity and quantized vorticity. Here we report the unique phenomenology that is observed when a pulse of light impacts the polariton vacuum: the fluid which is suddenly created does not splash but instead coheres into a very bright spot. The real-space collapse into a sharp peak is at odd with the repulsive interactions of polaritons and their positive mass, suggesting that an unconventional mechanism is at play. Our modelling devises a possible explanation in the self-trapping due to a local heating of the crystal lattice, that can be described as a collective polaron formed by a polariton condensate. These observations hint at the polariton fluid dynamics in conditions of extreme intensities and ultrafast times

    Nonlinear optics and saturation behavior of quantum dot samples under continuous wave driving

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    The nonlinear optical response of self-assembled quantum dots is relevant to the application of quantum dot based devices in nonlinear optics, all-optical switching, slow light and self-organization. Theoretical investigations are based on numerical simulations of a spatially and spectrally resolved rate equation model, which takes into account the strong coupling of the quantum dots to the carrier reservoir created by the wetting layer states. The complex dielectric susceptibility of the ground state is obtained. The saturation is shown to follow a behavior in between the one for a dominantly homogeneously and inhomogeneously broadened medium. Approaches to extract the nonlinear refractive index change by fringe shifts in a cavity or self-lensing are discussed. Experimental work on saturation characteristic of InGa/GaAs quantum dots close to the telecommunication O-band (1.24-1.28 mm) and of InAlAs/GaAlAs quantum dots at 780 nm is described and the first demonstration of the cw saturation of absorption in room temperature quantum dot samples is discussed in detail

    Coupled optical excitable cells

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    11 pages, 11 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 05.45.-a, 42.65.Sf.In this work we investigate experimentally the dynamics of two coupled optical excitable cells, namely, two semiconductor lasers with optical feedback. We analyze the dynamics observed in terms of the statistical properties of the time series and in terms of the phase space reconstruction from the data. We build a model based on a simple set of deterministic equations (on a two torus) plus noise in order to capture the essential features of the dynamics observed. We discuss the validity of our theoretical results in terms of families of excitable systems and coupling terms.This work was partially funded by FOMEC and CONICET (Argentina).Peer reviewe
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