58 research outputs found

    Efficient Recovery of Essential Matrix From Two Affine Correspondences

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    Homográfia becslése részlegesen ismert affin transzformációból

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    Felületi normális becslése egyetlen pontmegfeleltetés alapján

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    Five-Point Fundamental Matrix Estimation for Uncalibrated Cameras

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    We aim at estimating the fundamental matrix in two views from five correspondences of rotation invariant features obtained by e.g.\ the SIFT detector. The proposed minimal solver first estimates a homography from three correspondences assuming that they are co-planar and exploiting their rotational components. Then the fundamental matrix is obtained from the homography and two additional point pairs in general position. The proposed approach, combined with robust estimators like Graph-Cut RANSAC, is superior to other state-of-the-art algorithms both in terms of accuracy and number of iterations required. This is validated on synthesized data and 561561 real image pairs. Moreover, the tests show that requiring three points on a plane is not too restrictive in urban environment and locally optimized robust estimators lead to accurate estimates even if the points are not entirely co-planar. As a potential application, we show that using the proposed method makes two-view multi-motion estimation more accurate

    Multi-H: Érintősíkok hatékony kinyerése képpárokból

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    A Minimal Solution for Two-view Focal-length Estimation using Two Affine Correspondences

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    A minimal solution using two affine correspondences is presented to estimate the common focal length and the fundamental matrix between two semi-calibrated cameras - known intrinsic parameters except a common focal length. To the best of our knowledge, this problem is unsolved. The proposed approach extends point correspondence-based techniques with linear constraints derived from local affine transformations. The obtained multivariate polynomial system is efficiently solved by the hidden-variable technique. Observing the geometry of local affinities, we introduce novel conditions eliminating invalid roots. To select the best one out of the remaining candidates, a root selection technique is proposed outperforming the recent ones especially in case of high-level noise. The proposed 2-point algorithm is validated on both synthetic data and 104 publicly available real image pairs. A Matlab implementation of the proposed solution is included in the paper
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