15 research outputs found

    Adaptação portuguesa do questionário de qualidade de vida (SAQLI) nos doentes com síndrome de apneia obstructiva do sono

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    Objetivo: A Síndrome da Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono é a patologia do sono mais prevalente e afeta os vários domínios de qualidade de vida destes doentes, sendo necessária a sua avaliac¸ão objetiva. O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de validar, para a populac¸ão portuguesa, uma medida específica de qualidade de vida relacionada com a apneia do sono - o SAQLI. Material e métodos: Uma amostra de 206 pacientes portugueses com apneia do sono completou a versão portuguesa do SAQLI para avaliac¸ão da sua compreensibilidade, validade de construto e confiabilidade, e repetiu as mesmas medidas após um e três meses de terapia com CPAP. A medida de ansiedade e depressão hospitalares (HADS) foi também utilizada para testar a validade de construto. Resultados: Os resultados de validade interna revelados pelo coeficiente de alfa de Cronbach foram acima do padrão (0,70) para todos os domínios. A análise fatorial mostrou que os itens de funcionamento diário, emocional e sintomas saturaram nos domínios originais da escala. Os dados longitudinais revelaram uma diferenc¸a significativa (p < 0,001) em cada domínio do SAQLI e entre o resultado total, antes e após o uso do CPAP. Em termos de validade externa, todos os domínios SAQLI se correlacionaram negativamente com as escalas de ansiedade e depressão. Conclusões: Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram que a versão em português do SAQLI apresenta uma boa qualidade psicométrica e é válida para avaliar o impacto da apneia do sono e tratamento com CPAP em pacientes portugueses.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Dolls/puppets as soulmates – biographical traces of dolls/puppets in art, literature, work and performance

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    https://dedo.ub.uni-siegen.deDie vorliegende vierte Ausgabe der Zeitschrift denkste: puppe / just a bit of: doll (de:do), ein multidisziplinäres Online-Journal für Mensch-Puppen-Diskurse, greift den Themenschwerpunkt Puppen als Seelenverwandte – biographische Spuren von Puppen in Kunst, Literatur, Werk und Darstellung auf. Es geht um die Frage nach Wirkungen früher Puppenerfahrungen in der späteren künstlerischen Arbeit und damit nach den möglichen (biographischen) Wurzeln und Zusammenhängen von Puppenmotiv und Puppen-Narrativen im künstlerisch-literarischen Werk. Puppenbezüge in Werk- und Schaffensprozessen können frühe Erfahrungen biographischer Brüche und Verletzungen transformieren bzw. sie künstlerisch produktiv integrieren, sie können aber auch Ausdruck für Kontinuität und Intensivierung früher Prägungen und Vorlieben sein. In den vorliegenden Beiträgen geht es um puppenbezogene künstlerische Ausdrucksformen, die als Beiträge hier formal unterschiedlich aufbereitet werden: als wissenschaftsbasierter Text, Selbstbericht, Miszelle, Rezension, Interview und: Kunstwerk. Untersucht und thematisiert werden Puppen-Sammlungen, die Herstellung besonderer Puppen, literarische Puppentexte, Inszenierungen und Bilder. Außerdem wurden weitere Beiträge einbezogen, die Puppen als Varianten „künstlicher Menschen“ in unterschiedlichsten Themenbezügen behandeln. In vielen Beiträgen deutet sich an, dass die Affinität zum „Phänomen Puppe“ in seinen verschiedenen künstlerischen Umsetzungsformen auf biographisch geprägte Spuren verweist: als Ausdrucks- und Darstellungsmittel steht die Puppe somit auch für etwas Besonderes der Menschen, die sich künstlerisch auf sie beziehen und mit ihr interagieren und „spielen“.This fourth issue of denkste: puppe / just a bit of: doll (de:do), a multidisciplinary online journal for human-doll discourses, takes up the thematic focus on dolls/puppets as soulmates – biographical traces of dolls/puppets in art, literature, work and performance. It is about the impact of early doll experiences in later artistic work and thus about the possible (biographical) roots and connections of doll motifs and doll narratives in artistic-literary work. Doll/puppet references in work and creative processes can transform early experiences of biographical breaks and harm or integrate them in an artistically productive way, but they can also be an expression of continuity and intensification of early experience and preferences. The present contributions deal with doll/puppet-related artistic forms of expression, which are formally presented in different ways: as science-based text, self-report, miscellaneous, review, interview and: work of art. Doll/puppet collections, the making of particular puppets, literary puppet texts, performances and images are examined and addressed. In addition, further contributions were included, which deal with dolls as variants of "artificial humans" in the most diverse thematic contexts. Most of the contributions indicate that the affinity to the “phenomenon of the doll” in its various artistic forms of realization refers to biographically shaped traces: as a means of expression and representation the doll thus also stands for something special about the human beings who refer to it artistically and interact and "play" with it

    An international survey on the pragmatic management of epistaxis

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    Epistaxis is one of the most common ear, nose and throat emergencies. The management of epistaxis has evolved significantly in recent years, including the use of nasal cautery and packs. However, a correct treatment requires the knowledge of nasal anatomy, potential risks, and complications of treatment. Epistaxis is often a simple and readily treatable condition, even though a significant bleed may have potentially severe consequences. At present, there are very few guidelines concerning this topic. The current Survey explored the pragmatic approach in managing epistaxis. A questionnaire, including 7 practical questions has been used. The current International Survey on epistaxis management reported a relevant prevalence (21.7%), mainly during childhood and senescence, an important hospitalization rate (11.8%), the common use of anterior packing and electrocoagulation, and the popular prescription of a vitamin supplement and intranasal creams

    Títeres, teddy bears and dolls in hand – In search on one's own world

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    Vor dem Hintergrund der eigenen Familien- und Migrationsbiographie reflektiert Kristiane Balsevicius die Bedeutung früher Puppen- und Puppenspielerfahrungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter für ihre künstlerische Entwicklung als Puppenspielerin, Regisseurin und Leiterin eines Figurentheaters. Im zusammenschauenden Rückblick wird deutlich, dass frühe Emotionen und Spielthemen (z. B. Heimat, Sehnsucht, Selbstbestimmung, Liebe) in ganz unterschiedlich gestalteten Puppenfiguren und Inszenierungen für Kinder und Erwachsene wiederkehrend bearbeitet und künstlerisch transformiert werden.Against the background of her own family constellation and migration biography Kristiane Balsevicius reflects on the significance of early experiences with dolls/puppets and puppeteering in childhood and adolescence for her artistic development as a puppeteer, director and head of a puppet theater. Looking back, it becomes clear that early emotions and play themes (e.g., belongingness, yearning, self-determination, love) are recurrently processed and artistically transformed in very differently designed doll/puppet figures and productions for children and adults

    Effect of 24 mg dexamethasone preoperatively on surgical stress, pain and recovery in robotic-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy

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    Background: Robotic-assisted hysterectomy is an alternative to laparoscopic surgery as part of a minimal invasive regimen. Several treatment strategies are followed to improve the overall outcome and minimize surgical stress. Glucocorticoids provide significant analgesic and antiemetic effects but their role in reducing inflammatory stress in a fast-track, multi-modal setting in patients undergoing minimally invasive surgery remains to be investigated in details. Methods: This study will evaluate in a randomized trial the effect of a single dose of 24 mg dexamethasone on 100 women undergoing robotic-assisted hysterectomy with regard to surgical stress, measured by c-reactive protein as primary outcome and, further, other stress markers like white blood cell subtypes. The postoperative recovery will be registered in validated charts and questionnaires for pain and analgesic use, quality of recovery, incontinence, sexual and work life. Furthermore, in a sub-analysis, transcriptional profiling will be performed to explore the mechanism of systemic innate and adaptive immune system perturbation induced by surgical stress. Conclusion: The study will provide solid evidence on markers of immunomodulation biomarkers and in addition the subjective effects and underlying mechanisms of perioperative glucocorticoid in women undergoing robotic hysterectomy. These include important aspects of life quality like pain, fatigue, freedom of medications, resuming work and sexual activities

    Validation of the fluorescence polarization assay and comparison to other serological assays for the detection of serum antibodies to Brucella abortus in bison

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    A number of serological tests were compared for the detection of antibodies to Brucella abortus in bison (Bison bison). The performance of the fluorescence polarization assay (FPA) in both the preliminary evaluation and a subsequent blind validation indicated that this test was the most suitable for serological diagnosis of brucellosis in bison. The sensitivity and specificity in the preliminary evaluation were 92.1% and 99.4%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity in a subsequent blind study were 96.3% and 97.6%, respectively. In a double blind study conducted on bison vaccinated with B. abortus strain 19, the data suggests that the FPA can differentiate bison infected with B. abortus from bison vaccinated with B. abortus strain 19. Both the indirect immunoassay (IELISA) and the competitive immunoassay (CELISA) performed nearly as well as the FPA. The buffered antigen plate agglutination test (BPAT) and the complement fixation test (CFT) did not perform as well as the FPA, CELISA or the IELISA in both studies. The FPA is a homogeneous assay eliminating the washing steps and reducing incubation to minutes rather than hours saving on time, equipment, materials, reagents and cost. These attributes, together, with its excellent sensitivity and specificity make the FPA an attractive test for the detection of serum antibodies to Brucella abortus in bison