504 research outputs found

    No triangles on the moduli space of maximally supersymmetric gauge theory

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    Maximally supersymmetric gauge theory in four dimensions has a remarkably simple S-matrix at the origin of its moduli space at both tree and loop level. This leads to the question what, if any, of this structure survives at the complement of this one point. Here this question is studied in detail at one loop for the branch of the moduli space parameterized by a vacuum expectation value for one complex scalar. Motivated by the parallel D-brane picture of spontaneous symmetry breaking a simple relation is demonstrated between the Lagrangian of broken super Yang-Mills theory and that of its higher dimensional unbroken cousin. Using this relation it is proven both through an on- as well as an off-shell method there are no so-called triangle coefficients in the natural basis of one-loop functions at any finite point of the moduli space for the theory under study. The off-shell method yields in addition absence of rational terms in a class of theories on the Coulomb branch which includes the special case of maximal supersymmetry. The results in this article provide direct field theory evidence for a recently proposed exact dual conformal symmetry motivated by the AdS/CFT correspondence.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figure

    NLO Higgs boson production plus one and two jets using the POWHEG BOX, MadGraph4 and MCFM

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    We present a next-to-leading order calculation of Higgs boson production plus one and two jets via gluon fusion interfaced to shower Monte Carlo programs, implemented according to the POWHEG method. For this implementation we have used a new interface of the POWHEG BOX with MadGraph4, that generates the codes for generic Born and real processes automatically. The virtual corrections have been taken from the MCFM code. We carry out a simple phenomenological study of our generators, comparing them among each other and with fixed next-to-leading order results.Comment: 27 pages, 21 figure

    Massive amplitudes on the Coulomb branch of N=4 SYM

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    We initiate a systematic study of amplitudes with massive external particles on the Coulomb-branch of N=4 super Yang Mills theory: 1) We propose that (multi-)soft-scalar limits of massless amplitudes at the origin of moduli space can be used to determine Coulomb-branch amplitudes to leading order in the mass. This is demonstrated in numerous examples. 2) We find compact explicit expressions for several towers of tree-level amplitudes, including scattering of two massive W-bosons with any number of positive helicity gluons, valid for all values of the mass. 3) We present the general structure of superamplitudes on the Coulomb branch. For example, the n-point "MHV-band" superamplitude is proportional to a Grassmann polynomial of mixed degree 4 to 12, which is uniquely determined by supersymmetry. We find explicit tree-level superamplitudes for this MHV band and for other simple sectors of the theory. 4) Dual conformal generators are constructed, and we explore the dual conformal properties of the simplest massive amplitudes. Our compact expressions for amplitudes and superamplitudes should be of both theoretical and phenomenological interest; in particular the tree-level results carry over to truncations of the theory with less supersymmetry.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figur

    Rational Terms in Theories with Matter

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    We study rational remainders associated with gluon amplitudes in gauge theories coupled to matter in arbitrary representations. We find that these terms depend on only a small number of invariants of the matter-representation called indices. In particular, rational remainders can depend on the second and fourth order indices only. Using this, we find an infinite class of non-supersymmetric theories in which rational remainders vanish for gluon amplitudes. This class includes all the "next-to-simplest" quantum field theories of arXiv:0910.0930. This provides new examples of amplitudes in which rational remainders vanish even though naive power counting would suggest their presence.Comment: 10+4 pages. (v2) typos corrected, references adde

    Scattering AMplitudes from Unitarity-based Reduction Algorithm at the Integrand-level

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    SAMURAI is a tool for the automated numerical evaluation of one-loop corrections to any scattering amplitudes within the dimensional-regularization scheme. It is based on the decomposition of the integrand according to the OPP-approach, extended to accommodate an implementation of the generalized d-dimensional unitarity-cuts technique, and uses a polynomial interpolation exploiting the Discrete Fourier Transform. SAMURAI can process integrands written either as numerator of Feynman diagrams or as product of tree-level amplitudes. We discuss some applications, among which the 6- and 8-photon scattering in QED, and the 6-quark scattering in QCD. SAMURAI has been implemented as a Fortran90 library, publicly available, and it could be a useful module for the systematic evaluation of the virtual corrections oriented towards automating next-to-leading order calculations relevant for the LHC phenomenology.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figure

    t \bar{t} W production and decay at NLO

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    We present results for the production of a top pair in association with a W-boson at next-to-leading order. We have implemented this process into the parton-level integrator MCFM including the decays of both the top quarks and the W-bosons with full spin correlations. Although the cross section for this process is small, it is a Standard Model source of same-sign lepton events that must be accounted for in many new physics searches. For a particular analysis of same-sign lepton events in which b-quarks are also present, we investigate the effect of the NLO corrections as a function of the signal region cuts.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    b-Initiated processes at the LHC: a reappraisal

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    Several key processes at the LHC in the standard model and beyond that involve bb quarks, such as single-top, Higgs, and weak vector boson associated production, can be described in QCD either in a 4-flavor or 5-flavor scheme. In the former, bb quarks appear only in the final state and are typically considered massive. In 5-flavor schemes, calculations include bb quarks in the initial state, are simpler and allow the resummation of possibly large initial state logarithms of the type logQ2mb2\log \frac{{\cal Q}^2}{m_b^2} into the bb parton distribution function (PDF), Q{\cal Q} being the typical scale of the hard process. In this work we critically reconsider the rationale for using 5-flavor improved schemes at the LHC. Our motivation stems from the observation that the effects of initial state logs are rarely very large in hadron collisions: 4-flavor computations are pertubatively well behaved and a substantial agreement between predictions in the two schemes is found. We identify two distinct reasons that explain this behaviour, i.e., the resummation of the initial state logarithms into the bb-PDF is relevant only at large Bjorken xx and the possibly large ratios Q2/mb2{\cal Q}^2/m_b^2's are always accompanied by universal phase space suppression factors. Our study paves the way to using both schemes for the same process so to exploit their complementary advantages for different observables, such as employing a 5-flavor scheme to accurately predict the total cross section at NNLO and the corresponding 4-flavor computation at NLO for fully exclusive studies.Comment: Fixed typo in Eq. (A.10) and few typos in Eq. (C.2) and (C.3

    Generating MHV super-vertices in light-cone gauge

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    We constructe the N=1\mathcal{N}=1 SYM lagrangian in light-cone gauge using chiral superfields instead of the standard vector superfield approach and derive the MHV lagrangian. The canonical transformations of the gauge field and gaugino fields are summarised by the transformation condition of chiral superfields. We show that N=1\mathcal{N}=1 MHV super-vertices can be described by a formula similar to that of the N=4\mathcal{N}=4 MHV super-amplitude. In the discussions we briefly remark on how to derive Nair's formula for N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM theory directly from light-cone lagrangian.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, JHEP3 style; v2: references added, some typos corrected; Clarification on the condition used to remove one Grassmann variabl

    Towards W b bbar + j at NLO with an automatized approach to one-loop computations

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    We present results for the O(alpha_s) virtual corrections to q g -> W b bbar q' obtained with a new automatized approach to the evaluation of one-loop amplitudes in terms of Feynman diagrams. Together with the O(alpha_s) corrections to q q' -> W b bbar g, which can be obtained from our results by crossing symmetry, this represents the bulk of the next-to-leading order virtual QCD corrections to W b bbar + j and W b + j hadronic production, calculated in a fixed-flavor scheme with four light flavors. Furthermore, these corrections represent a well defined and independent subset of the 1-loop amplitudes needed for the NNLO calculation of W b bbar. Our approach was tested against several existing results for NLO amplitudes including selected O(alpha_s) one-loop corrections to W + 3 j hadronic production. We discuss the efficiency of our method both with respect to evaluation time and numerical stability.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Automation of one-loop QCD corrections

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    We present the complete automation of the computation of one-loop QCD corrections, including UV renormalization, to an arbitrary scattering process in the Standard Model. This is achieved by embedding the OPP integrand reduction technique, as implemented in CutTools, into the MadGraph framework. By interfacing the tool so constructed, which we dub MadLoop, with MadFKS, the fully automatic computation of any infrared-safe observable at the next-to-leading order in QCD is attained. We demonstrate the flexibility and the reach of our method by calculating the production rates for a variety of processes at the 7 TeV LHC.Comment: 64 pages, 12 figures. Corrected the value of m_Z in table 1. In table 2, corrected the values of cross sections in a.4 and a.5 (previously computed with mu=mtop/2 rather than mu=mtop/4). In table 2, corrected the values of NLO cross sections in b.3, b.6, c.3, and e.7 (the symmetry factor for a few virtual channels was incorrect). In sect. A.4.3, the labeling of the four-momenta was incorrec