50 research outputs found

    Connaissance Des Normes De Gestion Des Ressources En Eau Souterraine Dans La Vallée Du Fleuve Niger Au Bénin

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    Le dĂ©veloppement de la culture du coton dans le nord du pays par l’Etat de CĂ´te d’Ivoire visait Ă  lutter contre les disparitĂ©s rĂ©gionales, Ă  rĂ©duire l’exode rural et la pauvretĂ©. Quant Ă  la vulgarisation de l’anacarde, elle rĂ©pond Ă  un souci de diversification des revenus des producteurs, quoiqu’introduit, au dĂ©part, en tant qu’essence forestière pour lutter contre la dĂ©sertification. Le prĂ©sent article se propose de dĂ©terminer les diffĂ©rents facteurs influençant l’adoption et l’abandon du coton et de l’anacarde dans le dĂ©partement de Sinematiali Les producteurs du coton et de l’anacarde poursuivent des enjeux basĂ©s sur la satisfaction des besoins socioĂ©conomiques et nutritionnels, qui sont influencĂ©s par un certain nombre de facteurs, tant favorables que dĂ©favorables ; autrement dit, des facteurs de l’adoption et de l’abandon. Relativement aux facteurs de l’adoption, facteurs ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©voquĂ©s. Il s’agit des facteurs Ă©conomiques, sociaux, environnementaux, des facteurs liĂ©s Ă  l’encadrement ainsi que d’autres facteurs de considĂ©rations distinctes. Pour ce qui est des facteurs de l’abandon, trois  facteurs, qui se rapportent aux aspects Ă©conomiques, aux aspects liĂ©s aux pratiques culturales et aux aspects divers, ont permis d’expliquer ce phĂ©nomène. Au plan mĂ©thodologique, l’article s’appuie sur une approche mixte (qualitative que quantitative), Ă  visĂ©e comprĂ©hensive et  axĂ©e sur la recherche documentaire, l’observation directe, les entretiens semi-directifs ainsi que sur les enquĂŞtes. The present study, whose objective is to understand the knowledge of local actors on the conditions of use of irrigation systems and their current practices, was conducted in the Niger River Valley in Benin. One hundred and ten people took part in individual interviews and in-depth surveys based on an interview guide and questionnaires collected through the Android KoboCollect App. Translation of recordings from smartphones facilitated data collection and processing. Direct actors in two villages, Garou and Toumboutou, at the UGPPM and SOTA perimeters, communal authorities, public administration agents, and resource persons were involved in this study. The content analysis of the speeches and descriptive statistics were used. Our results show that the public administration has made regulatory provisions through various laws and water codes, with the predominant involvement of public sector actors without the participation of local users. The different perceptions of local actors reveal a legal ambiguity regarding usage rights, the appropriation of hydro-agricultural resource regulations by local actors, or confusion regarding free access to water resources, which could lead to overexploitation. It is essential to make users aware of the dangers of abusing hydro-agricultural resources and dispel the irrational concerns of local actors regarding the management of irrigation water, which is already regulated by the national authority

    Aflatoxin M1 in Milk: Occurrence and Its Risk Association: A Review

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    Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) is the main secondary metabolites of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) framed in the liver and discharged into milk when people and animals polish off AFB1-polluted food. The persist from feed to milk in dairy cows is affected by different dietary and physiological elements, including taking care of regimens, rate of ingestion, rate of absorption, animal health, hepatic biotransformation limit, and real milk production of the animals. AFM1 exposure might cause both intense and constant toxicity. In humans, AFM1 exposure is related with cancer-causing nature, genotoxicity, mutagenicity, and teratogenicity. In dairy animals, persistent openness to AFs can decrease execution, debilitate liver capability, compromise invulnerable capability, and increment sickness susceptibility. AFM1 openness represents a worry for the worldwide populace, especially for babies and youngsters who drink milk in bounteous amounts and thus, are more powerless to unfavorable impacts. The identification and quantification of AFs represents a critical test in food handling confirmation, since even a low AF concentration is hazardous for people and domesticated animals. Consistent human openness through dietary courses has prompted the burden of most extreme cut off points for AFM1 in milk and dairy products, taking into account that this is a gathering of products with exorbitant premium, particularly for babies and youngsters. Likewise, as per different examinations it is additionally very much felt that youthful animals are additionally observed to be more vulnerable to aflatoxin than grown-ups. Consequently; the defilement of cow milk and milk products by AFM1 ought to be perceived as unfortunate for youthful human and animals. Thus, the point of this paper is to review the occurrence of aflatoxin and its adverse results on animals and human health over the time

    Traditional Ecological knowledge of predicting rain for climate adapting in North Benin

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    Traditional knowledge is base of decisions taking by local population affecting their livelihood. This traditional knowledge, focusing on practices and experiences highlighted the weather and climate information which is important for rain fed agriculture in Kandi commune. This research focuses on traditional knowledge of predicting rain through the climate indicators. It was carried in four districts 4 districts (Sam, Donwari, Kassakou and Sonsoro) of  Kandi commune.  Through 75 interviews (resource persons at least 40 years of experience) and 7 focus groups in the community, information was gathered about traditional climate and weather indicators and prediction tools. The snowball sampling technique was used to choose the respondents. Knowledge about climate indicator is exchanged, passed on from generation to generation and concerned plant species, animal species and astronomical elements. These climate indicators revealed onset of rain season, intensity of rain in full season and the end rain season.  Multiple correspondence analyses with statistical software R Version 3.02 show three categories group. One shows the indicators such as wind, thunder, Cloud, Bird. The second group combines the factors transmit to member of family and acquire by initiation. The third group concerns bird indicator. &nbsp

    Déterminants du Recours à la Contractualisation par les Acteurs de la Chaîne de Valeur Ajoutée du Riz Étuvé au Nord-Ouest du Bénin

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    Le présent article vise à déterminer les facteurs qui influencent l’adoption de la contractualisation par les acteurs de la chaîne de valeur du riz étuvé au Nord-Ouest du Bénin. Les données ont été collectées auprès de 320 acteurs de chaîne de valeur du riz étuvé. Ces acteurs ont été sélectionnés de façon raisonnée et aléatoire en s’appuyant sur les expériences de la CARP 1 , la vente groupée du riz paddy et du cluster Sourou Bayayé. Le modèle logistique logit binaire a été utilisé pour identifier les facteurs déterminant l’adoption de la contractualisation par les acteurs de la chaîne de valeur du riz étuvé. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent que l’adoption de la contractualisation est influencée par les zones géographiques, l’appartenance à un groupement, l’accès au conseil agricole et la participation aux réunions sur la contractualisation chez les producteurs. Du côté des transformatrices, nous pouvons citer, la participation aux réunions sur la contractualisation. Enfin, au niveau des commerçants, la participation des commerçants aux réunions de négociation, la disponibilité du riz étuvé en toutes saisons, l’accès au riz de bonne qualité et l’existence de conflits inter-acteurs sont des facteurs qui influencent l’adoption de cette innovation. Ces résultats suggèrent donc aux projets et structures engagés dans la promotion desfilières, de mettre un accen particulier sur la contractualisation comme base de développement des clusters agricoles. This paper focuses on determining the factors that influence adoption of contractualization by actors in steamed rice value chain in north-west Benin. Data were collected from 320 actors selected randomly and reasoned based on CARP experiences, the group sale of paddy rice and of the Sourou Bayayé cluster. The logit binary logistic model was used to identify the factors that determine the adoption of contractualization by the actors. The results show that the adoption of contractualization is influenced by geographic areas, membership of a group, access to agricultural advice, and participation in meetings on contractualization among producers. On the transformative side, among other determinants of adoption, we can cite participation in meetings on contractualization. Finally, at the merchant level, the participation of tradersin negotiation meetings, the availability of parboiled rice in all seasons, accessto good quality rice, and the existence of inter-actor conflicts are factors that influence the adoption of this innovation. These results, therefore, suggest that projects and structures engaged in the promotion of the sectors should put a particular emphasis on contractualization as a basis for the development of agricultural clusters

    Understanding the drivers of rural household scaling up of integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems. A systematic review and bibliometric analysis

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    This literature review focuses on the drivers of Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forestry Systems (ICLFS) adoption by small farmers. It has enabled us to identify current trends and analyze the various drivers of adoption and knowledge gaps. According to the PRISMA literature review protocol, 1,352 scientific publications have been selected and analyzed after a Scopus database search. Data analysis was carried out in two steps. A systematic review was performed with the metadata of scientific publications using the Biblioshiny package of R 4.3.1 software. Then, the 42 most relevant publications were used for a brief narrative synthesis. The results showed that between 2003 and 2023, publications were made in 587 different sources. 73% of publications were scientific articles. 91% of publications were written by an average of 05 co-authors. The effectiveness of Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forestry Systems (ICLFS) practices, the production of organic matter and the effects on farmers’ livelihoods are the research topics considered. Five categories of factors were identified to facilitate the adoption of ICLFS by small farmers: (i) farmer profile, (ii) farm characteristics, (iii) economic factors, (iv) institutional factors and (v) biophysical factors. Policy orientations are the most decisive of all the factors identified, followed by the establishment of extension systems and social networks between farmers. This paper makes three main recommendations. Firstly, it recommends the implementation of collaborative research frameworks between West African researchers and those from East Africa, Asia and South America, who have more experience in this area. In addition, this study suggests that future research on the adoption of ICLFS should take into account herd mobility issues in the adoption process. Finally, it suggests that ICLFS should be taken into account in development policies and implemented through action research projects, mostly in West Africa

    Les migrations agricoles participent-elles à la conservation de l’agrobiodiversité ? Cas de l’igname au Nord-Bénin, Afrique de l’Ouest

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    Les mouvements migratoires sont-ils favorables à la conservation de l’agrobiodiversité ? Cette étude apporte des éléments de réponse à travers une analyse des incidences des migrations sur l’agrobiodiversité de l’igname au Nord-Bénin. Un échantillon de 120 personnes (autochtones, migrants et non-migrants) a été constitué de façon raisonnée et par boule de neige. Les données sur les raisons des migrations, les variétés d’igname cultivées et les modes d’accès, les savoirs et savoir-faire de gestion de la biodiversité de l’igname et leur origine ont été collectées lors des entretiens individuels et des focus groups. L’analyse de discours, les tests de concordance de Kendall et t de Student ont été effectués sur les données collectées. L’insuffisance de terres cultivables et la baisse de la fertilité des terres sont les principales raisons des migrations rurales. Les migrants ont introduit 20 variétés d’igname et des pratiques associées dans la zone d’accueil, et 17 dans leur zone de départ lors de diverses visites après une quinzaine d’années de mouvements migratoires. Les adoptants de ces nouvelles variétés n’abandonnant pas les anciennes, leur portefeuille variétal est plus diversifié que celui des non-adoptants. Les migrations rurales contribuent à l’enrichissement de l’agrobiodiversité de l’igname. Elles apparaissent comme des canaux potentiels de diffusion de nouvelles variétés et de technologies pour les organismes de vulgarisation agricole. Une approche diachronique permettrait d’approfondir l’analyse des menaces de perte de l’agrobiodiversité à long terme en milieu paysan

    Typologie des stratégies d’adaptation des éleveuses de petits ruminants au nord du Bénin face au changement climatique

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    Climate change (CC) has a direct impact on ruminant farming, given that it mobilizes resources whose seasonality and productivity are strongly linked to the climate. Small ruminant farmers react to the effects of CC by adopting various adaptation strategies. Knowledge of these strategies is essential in identifying and prioritizing the best of them. It is in this context that this study aims to achieve the typology of adaptation strategies developed by small ruminant women farmers in the dry and sub-humid tropical zones of Benin. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with 120 small ruminant women farmers in eight villages of two climatic zones. The data collected related to the socio-demographic characteristics of small ruminant women farmers, their perceptions and adaptation strategies. Using a Factorial Analysis of Multiple Correspondence (FACM) method, a typology of 3 groups of adaptation strategies was established: (1) integrating crops with animal husbandry (Group 1: ICA) developed by 51.7 % of the women surveyed, i.e. 60 women; (2) integrating crops with animal husbandry and shrubs (Group 2: ICArA) implemented by 13.3 % of respondents (i.e. 16 women) and finally (3) the strategy based on agro-industrial by-products and crop residues (ASPR) developed by 35.0 % of the women farmers surveyed, i.e. 42 women. This typology constitutes a starting point for the evaluation of the productivity of small ruminant farms in relation to the adaptation strategies developed by the women owners of these farms. Keywords: Climate change, goats, sheep, women, adaptation strategies.Le changement climatique (CC) a un impact direct sur l’élevage des ruminants, étant donné qu’il mobilise des ressources dont la saisonnalité et la productivité sont fortement liées au climat. Les éleveuses de petits ruminants réagissent aux effets du CC en adoptant différentes stratégies d’adaptation. La connaissance de ces stratégies s’avère indispensable dans la mesure où elle permettra d’identifier et de vulgariser les meilleures d’ente elles. C’est dans ce cadre que cette étude vise à réaliser la typologie des stratégies d’adaptation développées par les éleveuses de petits ruminants des zones tropicales sèche et subhumide du Bénin. À cet effet, une enquête a été menée auprès de 120 éleveuses de petits ruminants dans 8 villages des deux zones climatiques. Les données collectées ont été relatives aux caractéristiques socio-démographiques, aux perceptions et stratégies d’adaptation développées par ces éleveuses. À l’aide des méthodes d’Analyse Factorielle des Correspondances Multiples (AFCM), une typologie de trois groupes de stratégies d’adaptation a été établie. Il s’agit de (1) la stratégie d’intégration des cultures aux animaux (Groupe 1: ICA) développée par 51,7 % des femmes enquêtées, soit 60 personnes; (2) de la stratégie d’intégration des cultures, arbustes et animaux (Groupe 2: ICArA) mise en place par 13,3 % des enquêtés (soit 16 femmes) et enfin (3) de la stratégie d’alimentation basée sur les sous-produits agroindustriels et les résidus de récoltes (ASPR) développées par 35,0 % des femmes éleveuses enquêtées, soit 42 individus. Cette typologie constitue un point de départ pour l’évaluation de la productivité des élevages des petits ruminants en lien avec les stratégies d’adaptation développées par les femmes détentrices de ces élevages. Mots clés: Changement climatique, caprins, ovins, femmes, stratégies d’adaptation

    Assessment of the impact of communication strategy (Radio Jingle) on the awareness of and the production of indigenous vegetables in Southwestern Nigeria

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    This work was carried out with the aid of a grant from Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and with financial support from the Government of Canada, provided through Global Affairs Canada (GAC)The IDRC-GAC (Global Affairs Canada) project on “Synergizing fertilizer micro-dosing and indigenous vegetable production to enhance food and economic security of West African farmers” project utilized a branded radio program “Ramo Elefo” (or Ramo, the Vegetable Seller) to create awareness about products and innovations promoted by the project as well as to effectively mobilize the general populace in adopting the innovations made popular by the project. The project intensively used three major mass media: radio, TV, newspapers/magazines. The media strategy reached up to 8 million people in Benin Republic and more than 10 million in Nigeria

    Synergizing fertilizer micro-dosing and indigenous vegetable production to enhance food and economic security of West African farmers : final report

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    This work was carried out with the aid of a grant from Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and with financial support from the Government of Canada, provided through Global Affairs Canada (GAC)This annex answers questions that arose from baseline reports regarding: educational level of farmers; land acquisition; land area under vegetable cultivation; current use of fertilizers by farmers and use of irrigation; ease of water supply and access; costs associated with accessing water; household consumption of vegetables; and disputes in relation to the use of irrigation water, with emphasis on gender distribution. This is a detailed report on surveys, with data tables included. The Nigeria-Canada Indigenous Vegetables Project (NiCanVeg) successfully developed new technologies that improved farming practices, post-harvest handling and value addition for Indigenous vegetables