147 research outputs found

    Innovation for Education on Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) and related objects are becoming more prevalent around the world with exponential growth for the next fifteen years. This evolution implies innovation in many fields of technology, whose core is in microelectronics. Indeed, IoT deals with all societal applications such as health, the environment, transport, energy and communications. Thus, connected objects involve many technological components: sensors and actuators, signal processing circuits, data transmission circuits and systems, energy recovery systems, which directly depend on the performance of microelectronics. To create new connected objects, innovation is the main driver. Innovation results from the combination of a multidisciplinary approach, links between disciplines and the necessary know-how of engineers and technicians. This paper deals with the orientation of pedagogy towards these objectives through the development of dedicated and innovative platforms in microelectronics. These platforms are developed by the French National Microelectronics Education Network (CNFM). After presenting the context of IoT and the evolution of microelectronics technologies, this article highlights the main components of connected objects applied to many societal applications. Each component of the objects requires specific microelectronic devices or circuits. Innovation appears in the nature of platforms, the multidisciplinary approach of training, the permanent links between disciplines, and the adaptation to new educational tools, mainly online. The results of the training on innovative platforms are presented and discussed

    Suivi d'objets multiples représentés par leurs frontières pour l'interpolation temporelle dans une séquence d'images

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    Dans cet article, nous présentons une représentation d'une segmentation basée mouvement par les frontières de ses régions. À cette structure est associé un algorithme de suivi temporel capable de prendre en compte plusieurs objets, en présence d'occlusions partielles. Cette représentation de segmentation est composée des frontières entre tous les couples de régions adjacentes, approximées polygonalement. Nous l'enrichissons avec une étiquette sur chaque frontière indiquant à quelle région celle-ci appartient du point de vue du mouvement. Cette information est utilisée pour un suivi prédictif de cette structure au cours du temps. De plus, nous montrons que l'information structurelle contenue dans cette représentation est très utile pour des régions en occlusion. Cette représentation peut être utilisée à de nombreuses fin à la fois en analyse de séquences d'images (par exemple la fusion de régions, leur mise en couches) et dans le domaine du codage et des applications multimédia (par exemple la compression par compensation de mouvement, l'interpolation temporelle dans une séquence d'images, la manipulation d'objets). Parmi de nombreuses applications, nous nous intéressons en particulier à l'interpolation temporelle faite du côté récepteur d'une chaîne de codage/décodage

    Natural history of the ERVWE1 endogenous retroviral locus

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    BACKGROUND: The human HERV-W multicopy family includes a unique proviral locus, termed ERVWE1, whose full-length envelope ORF was preserved through evolution by the action of a selective pressure. The encoded Env protein (Syncytin) is involved in hominoid placental physiology. RESULTS: In order to infer the natural history of this domestication process, a comparative genomic analysis of the human 7q21.2 syntenic regions in eutherians was performed. In primates, this region was progressively colonized by LTR-elements, leading to two different evolutionary pathways in Cercopithecidae and Hominidae, a genetic drift versus a domestication, respectively. CONCLUSION: The preservation in Hominoids of a genomic structure consisting in the juxtaposition of a retrotransposon-derived MaLR LTR and the ERVWE1 provirus suggests a functional link between both elements

    Sarrola-Carcopino – Mezzana

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    En préalable à un projet d’aménagement portant sur 10 ha de terrain, au lieu-dit Mezzana (commune de Sarrola-Carcopino), un diagnostic archéologique a été réalisé dans le cadre d’une première tranche de travaux d’une superficie de 3,1 ha. Les travaux intéressent des terrains, aujourd’hui envahis par le maquis, comprenant une partie d’une très grande parcelle et un bâtiment en ruine. L’emprise concerne trois grandes terrasses alluviales de la rive droite de la Gravona. Ces dernières, surplomba..

    Thin film transistors fabricated by in-situ doped unhydrogenated polysilicon films obtained by solid phase crystallization

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    International audienceHigh mobility low temperature (≤ 600°C) unhydrogenated in-situ doped polysilicon thin film transistors are made. Polysilicon layers are grown by a LPCVD technique and crystallized in vacuum by a thermal annealing. Source and drain regions are in-situ doped. Gate insulator is made of an APCVD silicon dioxide. Hydrogen passivation is not performed on the transistors. One type of transistors is made of two polysilicon layers, the other one is constituted of a single polysilicon layer. The electrical properties are better for transistors made of single polysilicon layer: a low threshold voltage (1.2 V), a subthreshold slope S = 0.7 V/dec, a high field effect mobility (≈ 100 cm2/Vs) and a On/Off state current ratio higher than 107 for a drain voltage Vds = 1 V. At low drain voltage, for both transistors, the Off state current results from a pure thermal emission of trapped carriers. However, at high drain voltage, the electrical behavior is different: in the case of single polysilicon TFTs, the current obeys the field-assisted (Poole-Frenkel) thermal emission model of trapped carriers while for TFTs made of two polysilicon layers, the higher Off state current results from a field-enhanced thermal emission

    Management of inflammatory bowel disease in France: a nationwide survey among private gastroenterologists

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    Introduction : Les données sur la gestion actuelle des patients atteints de maladie inflammatoire chronique intestinale (MICI) sont rares. Matériel et méthodes : Il s’agissait d’une enquête nationale sur internet réalisée auprès de gastro-entérologues libéraux sous forme de questions à choix multiples en Juin 2012. Résultats : 375 patients atteints de MICI ont été inclus : 48 % d’entre eux avaient une rectocolite hémorragique (RCH). Un antécédent d’hospitalisation concernait un tiers des patients atteints de MICI, et un antécédent de chirurgie 40 % des patients atteints de maladies de Crohn (MC). Deux tiers des patients avaient une maladie active le jour de la consultation (l’activité de la maladie était jugée par le médecin sans score). Soixante pour cent des patients atteints de RCH étaient traités par 5-aminosalicylés contre 18,5 % de MC (p<0,001). Parmi les patients traités par anti-TNF, seulement 4,5 % recevaient un traitement concomitant par immunomodulateur. La moitié des patients avaient eu une coloscopie dans l’année. Concernant le dépistage du cancer colorectal, des biopsies étagées et la chromoendoscopie étaient réalisées dans respectivement 75 % et 40 % des cas. Un score endoscopique d’activité n’était utilisé que chez 10 % des patients. Environ un tiers des patients ayant une MICI avait eu une imagerie dans l’année : l’entéro-IRM représentait environ la moitié de ces prescriptions. Le scanner a été prescrit chez 12 % des patients et l’échographie chez seulement 7 %. Conclusion : De nombreux patients ont encore une maladie active à l’ère des biothérapies, et la proportion de patients recevant une association anti-TNF et azathioprine reste faible en médecine libérale. La coloscopie est toujours la référence pour évaluer l’activité des MICI même si l’IRM est de plus en plus pratiquée. La chromoendoscopie et les scores endoscopiques sont encore sous-utilisés.Background: Data on the current management of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are scarce. Materials and Methods: This was a web-based nationwide survey consisting of multiple-choice questions among private gastroenterologists in France in June 2012. Results: 375 IBD patients were analyzed: 48% had ulcerative colitis (UC). History of hospitalization concerned one third of IBD patients, and history of surgery 40% of Crohn’s disease patients (CD). Two thirds of IBD patients had active disease (disease activity was judged by the physician without using a validated tool or a score). The proportion of patients treated with anti-TNF therapy was significantly lower in UC (18.9%) than in CD (38.9 %; p<0.0001). Sixty per cent of UC patients were treated with 5-aminosalicylates as compared with 18.5% of in CD (p<0.0001). Among anti-TNF treated patients, only 4.5% were receiving concomitant immunomodulator. Half of IBD patients had a colonoscopy within the past year. Regarding colorectal cancer screening, random biopsies and chromoendoscopy were performed in 75% and 40% of cases, respectively. An endoscopic score was used for only 10% of IBD patients. About one third of IBD patients had imaging studies within the past year, MRI enterography representing about half of them. Abdominal CT was prescribed for 12% of IBD patients and abdominal ultrasound for only 7% of them. Conclusions: Many patients still have active disease in the biologics era despite an increasing use of immunosuppressive therapy, and the number of patients receiving combination therapy is low in private practice. Colonoscopy remains the gold standard to assess IBD even though MRI is increasingly used in these patients. Chromoendoscopy and endoscopy scores are not often used

    Genome-wide association analyses identify new Brugada syndrome risk loci and highlight a new mechanism of sodium channel regulation in disease susceptibility

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    Brugada syndrome (BrS) is a cardiac arrhythmia disorder associated with sudden death in young adults. With the exception of SCN5A, encoding the cardiac sodium channel NaV1.5, susceptibility genes remain largely unknown. Here we performed a genome-wide association meta-analysis comprising 2,820 unrelated cases with BrS and 10,001 controls, and identified 21 association signals at 12 loci (10 new). Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-heritability estimates indicate a strong polygenic influence. Polygenic risk score analyses based on the 21 susceptibility variants demonstrate varying cumulative contribution of common risk alleles among different patient subgroups, as well as genetic associations with cardiac electrical traits and disorders in the general population. The predominance of cardiac transcription factor loci indicates that transcriptional regulation is a key feature of BrS pathogenesis. Furthermore, functional studies conducted on MAPRE2, encoding the microtubule plus-end binding protein EB2, point to microtubule-related trafficking effects on NaV1.5 expression as a new underlying molecular mechanism. Taken together, these findings broaden our understanding of the genetic architecture of BrS and provide new insights into its molecular underpinnings
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