275 research outputs found

    Multicenter double blind trial of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cell transplantation through intracoronary injection post acute myocardium infarction – MiHeart/AMI study

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    Background: Myocardial infarction remains as a major cause of mortality worldwide and a high rate of survivors develop heart failure as a sequel, resulting in a high morbidity and elevated expenditures for health system resources. We have designed a multicenter trial to test for the efficacy of autologous bone marrow (ABM) mononuclear cell (MC) transplantation in this subgroup of patients. The main hypothesis to be tested is that treated patients will have a significantly higher ejection fraction (EF) improvement after 6 months than controls. Methods: A sample of 300 patients admitted with ST elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) and left ventricle (LV) systolic dysfunction, and submitted to successful mechanical or chemical recanalization of the infarct-related coronary artery will be selected for inclusion and randomized to either treated or control group in a double blind manner. The former group will receive 100 x 106 MC suspended in saline with 5% autologous serum in the culprit vessel, while the latter will receive placebo (saline with 5% autologous serum). Implications: Many phase I/II clinical trials using cell therapy for STEMI have been reported, demonstrating that cell transplantation is safe and may lead to better preserved LV function. Patients with high risk to develop systolic dysfunction have the potential to benefit more. Larger randomized, double blind and controlled trials to test for the efficacy of cell therapies in patients with high risk for developing heart failure are required.Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT)/The Financing Agency for Studies and Projects (FINEP

    Effects of autologous bone marrow stem cell transplantation on beta-adrenoceptor density and electrical activation pattern in a rabbit model of non-ischemic heart failure

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    BACKGROUND: Since only little is known on stem cell therapy in non-ischemic heart failure we wanted to know whether a long-term improvement of cardiac function in non-ischemic heart failure can be achieved by stem cell transplantation. METHODS: White male New Zealand rabbits were treated with doxorubicine (3 mg/kg/week; 6 weeks) to induce dilative non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. Thereafter, we obtained autologous bone marrow stem cells (BMSC) and injected 1.5–2.0 Mio cells in 1 ml medium by infiltrating the myocardium via a left anterolateral thoracotomy in comparison to sham-operated rabbits. 4 weeks later intracardiac contractility was determined in-vivo using a Millar catheter. Thereafter, the heart was excised and processed for radioligand binding assays to detect β(1)- and β(2)-adrenoceptor density. In addition, catecholamine plasma levels were determined via HPLC. In a subgroup we investigated cardiac electrophysiology by use of 256 channel mapping. RESULTS: In doxorubicine-treated animals β-adrenoceptor density was significantly down-regulated in left ventricle and septum, but not in right ventricle, thereby indicating a typical left ventricular heart failure. Sham-operated rabbits exhibited the same down-regulation. In contrast, BMSC transplantation led to significantly less β-adrenoceptor down-regulation in septum and left ventricle. Cardiac contractility was significantly decreased in heart failure and sham-operated rabbits, but was significantly higher in BMSC-transplanted hearts. Norepinephrine and epinephrine plasma levels were enhanced in heart failure and sham-operated animals, while these were not different from normal in BMSC-transplanted animals. Electrophysiological mapping revealed unaltered electrophysiology and did not show signs of arrhythmogeneity. CONCLUSION: BMSC transplantation improves sympathoadrenal dysregualtion in non-ischemic heart failure

    Differing myocardial response to a single session of hemodialysis in end-stage renal disease with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease

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    BACKGROUND: Though hemodialysis (HD) acutely improves cardiac function, the impact of background diseases like coronary artery disease (CAD) and Type 2 diabetes (DM) in the setting of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is not known. Tissue velocity echocardiography (TVE) offers a fast choice to follow changes in myocardial function after HD in ESRD with concomitant DM and /or CAD. METHODS: 46 subjects (17 with ESRD, Group 1; 15 with DM, Group 2; 14 with DM+CAD, Group 3) underwent standard and TVE prior to and shortly after HD. Besides standard Doppler variables, regional myocardial systolic and diastolic velocities, as well as systolic strain rate were post processed. RESULTS: Compared with pre-HD, post-HD body weight (kg) significantly decreased in all the three groups (51 ± 9 vs. 48 ± 8, 62 ± 10 vs.59 ± 10, and 61 ± 9 vs. 58 ± 9 respectively; all p < 0.01). Left ventricular end diastolic dimensions (mm) also decreased post- HD (46 ± 5 vs. 42 ± 7, 53 ± 7 vs. 50 ± 7, 51 ± 7 vs. 47 ± 8 respectively; all p < 0.01). Regional longitudinal peak systolic velocity in septum (cm/s) significantly increased post-HD in Group 1(5.7 ± 1.6 vs. 7.2 ± 2.3; p < 0.001) while remained unchanged in the other two groups. Similar trends were noted in other left ventricular walls. When the myocardial velocities (cm/s) were computed globally, the improvement was seen only in Group 1 (6.3 ± 1.5 vs. 7.9 ± 2.0; p < 0.001). Global early regional diastolic velocity (cm/s) improved in Group 1, remained unchanged in Group 2, while significantly decreased in Group 3(-5.9 ± 1.3 vs. -4.1 ± 1.8; p < 0.01). Global systolic strain rate (1/sec) increased in the first 2 Groups but remained unchanged (-0.87 ± 0.4 vs. -0.94 ± 0.3; p = ns) in Group 3. CONCLUSION: A single HD session improves LV function only in ESRD without coexistent DM and/or CAD. The present data suggest that not only dialysis-dependent changes in loading conditions but also co-existent background diseases determine the myocardial response to HD

    Accumulation of fibronectin in the heart after myocardial infarction: a putative stimulator of adhesion and proliferation of adipose-derived stem cells

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    Stem cell therapy is a promising treatment after myocardial infarction (MI). A major problem in stem cell therapy, however, is that only a small proportion of stem cells applied to the heart can survive and differentiate into cardiomyocytes. We hypothesized that fibronectin in the heart after MI might positively affect stem cell adhesion and proliferation at the site of injury. Therefore, we investigated the kinetics of attachment and proliferation of adipose-tissue-derived stem cells (ASC) on fibronectin and analysed the time frame and localization of fibronectin accumulation in the human heart after MI. ASCs were seeded onto fibronectin-coated and uncoated culture wells. The numbers of adhering ASC were quantified after various incubation periods (5-30 min) by using DNA quantification assays. The proliferation of ASC was quantified after culturing ASC for various periods (0-9 days) by using DNA assays. Fibronectin accumulation after MI was quantified by immunohistochemical staining of heart sections from 35 patients, after different infarction periods (0-14 days old). We found that ASC attachment and proliferation on fibronectin-coated culture wells was significantly higher than on uncoated wells. Fibronectin deposition was significantly increased from 12 h to 14 days post-infarction, both in the infarction area and in the border-zone, compared with the uninfarcted heart. Our results suggest that a positive effect of fibronectin on stem cells in the heart can only be achieved when stem cell therapy is applied at least 12 h after MI, when the accumulation of fibronectin occurs in the infarcted heart. © 2008 The Author(s)

    Isolation and characterization of resident endogenous c-Kit⁺ cardiac stem cells from the adult mouse and rat heart

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    This protocol describes the isolation of endogenous c-Kit (also known as CD117)-positive (c-Kit⁺), CD45-negative (CD45⁻) cardiac stem cells (eCSCs) from whole adult mouse and rat hearts. The heart is enzymatically digested via retrograde perfusion of the coronary circulation, resulting in rapid and extensive breakdown of the whole heart. Next, the tissue is mechanically dissociated further and cell fractions are separated by centrifugation. The c-Kit⁺ CD45⁻ eCSC population is isolated by magnetic-activated cell sorting technology and purity and cell numbers are assessed by flow cytometry. This process takes ∼4 h for mouse eCSCs or 4.5 h for rat eCSCs. We also describe how to characterize c-Kit⁺ CD45⁻ eCSCs. The c-Kit⁺ CD45⁻eCSCs exhibit the defining characteristics of stem cells: they are self-renewing, clonogenic and multipotent. This protocol also describes how to differentiate eCSCs into three main cardiac lineages: functional, beating cardiomyocytes, smooth muscle, and endothelial cells. These processes take 17-20 d

    The diagnostic accuracy of pharmacological stress echocardiography for the assessment of coronary artery disease: a meta-analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recent American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology guidelines state that "dobutamine stress echo has substantially higher sensitivity than vasodilator stress echo for detection of coronary artery stenosis" while the European Society of Cardiology guidelines and the European Association of Echocardiography recommendations conclude that "the two tests have very similar applications". Who is right?</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of dobutamine versus dipyridamole stress echocardiography through an evidence-based approach.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From PubMed search, we identified all papers with coronary angiographic verification and head-to-head comparison of dobutamine stress echo (40 mcg/kg/min ± atropine) versus dipyridamole stress echo performed with state-of-the art protocols (either 0.84 mg/kg in 10' plus atropine, or 0.84 mg/kg in 6' without atropine). A total of 5 papers have been found. Pooled weight meta-analysis was performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>the 5 analyzed papers recruited 435 patients, 299 with and 136 without angiographically assessed coronary artery disease (quantitatively assessed stenosis > 50%). Dipyridamole and dobutamine showed similar accuracy (87%, 95% confidence intervals, CI, 83–90, vs. 84%, CI, 80–88, p = 0.48), sensitivity (85%, CI 80–89, vs. 86%, CI 78–91, p = 0.81) and specificity (89%, CI 82–94 vs. 86%, CI 75–89, p = 0.15).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>When state-of-the art protocols are considered, dipyridamole and dobutamine stress echo have similar accuracy, specificity and – most importantly – sensitivity for detection of CAD. European recommendations concluding that "<it>dobutamine and vasodilators (at appropriately high doses) are equally potent ischemic stressors for inducing wall motion abnormalities in presence of a critical coronary artery stenosis</it>" are evidence-based.</p

    A high fat diet increases mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation and uncoupling to decrease efficiency in rat heart

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    Elevated levels of cardiac mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) and decreased cardiac efficiency (hydraulic power/oxygen consumption) with abnormal cardiac function occur in obese, diabetic mice. To determine whether cardiac mitochondrial uncoupling occurs in non-genetic obesity, we fed rats a high fat diet (55% kcal from fat) or standard laboratory chow (7% kcal from fat) for 3 weeks, after which we measured cardiac function in vivo using cine MRI, efficiency in isolated working hearts and respiration rates and ADP/O ratios in isolated interfibrillar mitochondria; also, measured were medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) and citrate synthase activities plus uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3), mitochondrial thioesterase 1 (MTE-1), adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) and ATP synthase protein levels. We found that in vivo cardiac function was the same for all rats, yet oxygen consumption was 19% higher in high fat-fed rat hearts, therefore, efficiency was 21% lower than in controls. We found that mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation rates were 25% higher, and MCAD activity was 23% higher, in hearts from rats fed the high fat diet when compared with controls. Mitochondria from high fat-fed rat hearts had lower ADP/O ratios than controls, indicating increased respiratory uncoupling, which was ameliorated by GDP, a UCP3 inhibitor. Mitochondrial UCP3 and MTE-1 levels were both increased by 20% in high fat-fed rat hearts when compared with controls, with no significant change in ATP synthase or ANT levels, or citrate synthase activity. We conclude that increased cardiac oxygen utilisation, and thereby decreased cardiac efficiency, occurs in non-genetic obesity, which is associated with increased mitochondrial uncoupling due to elevated UCP3 and MTE-1 levels