167 research outputs found

    A Glimpse into Chromatin Organization and Nuclear Lamina Contribution in Neuronal Differentiation

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    During embryonic development, stem cells undergo the differentiation process so that they can specialize for different functions within the organism. Complex programs of gene transcription are crucial for this process to happen. Epigenetic modifications and the architecture of chromatin in the nucleus, through the formation of specific regions of active as well as inactive chromatin, allow the coordinated regulation of the genes for each cell fate. In this mini-review, we discuss the current knowledge regarding the regulation of three-dimensional chromatin structure during neuronal differentiation. We also focus on the role the nuclear lamina plays in neurogenesis to ensure the tethering of the chromatin to the nuclear envelop

    Chromatin epigenetics and nuclear lamina keep the nucleus in shape: Examples from natural and accelerated aging

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    As the repository of genetic information, the cell nucleus must protect DNA integrity from mechanical stresses. The nuclear lamina, which resides within the nuclear envelope (NE), is made up of lamins, intermediate filaments bound to DNA. The nuclear lamina provides the nucleus with the ability to deal with inward as well as outward mechanical stimuli. Chromatin, in turn, through its degrees of compaction, shares this role with the nuclear lamina, thus, ensuring the plasticity of the nucleus. Perturbation of chromatin condensation or the nuclear lamina has been linked to a plethora of biological conditions, that range from cancer and genetic diseases (laminopathies) to aging, both natural and accelerated, such as the case of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS). From the experimental results accumulated so far on the topic, a direct link between variations of the epigenetic pattern and nuclear lamina structure would be suggested, however, it has never been clarified thoroughly. This relationship, instead, has a downstream important implication on nucleus shape, genome preservation, force sensing, and, ultimately, aging-related disease onset. With this review, we aim to collect recent studies on the importance of both nuclear lamina components and chromatin status in nuclear mechanics. We also aim to bring to light evidence of the link between DNA methylation and nuclear lamina in natural and accelerated aging

    Cancer and Non-Cancer Controls in Studies on the Effect of Tobacco and Alcohol Consumption

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    A comparison of risk estimates using controls with other cancers versus controls with acute diseases unrelated to tobacco and alcohol consumption in the study of the effect of these two factors has been performed using data on tumours of the oral cavity and pharynx from an ongoing case-control surveillance programme in Northeastern Italy. Similar results were obtained using either type of controls: as compared to never smokers, moderate smokers (≀14 cigarettes/day) showed age-and sex-adjusted odds ratio (OR)=5.2 (95% confidence interval (CI): 2.9-9.2) when using cancer controls and 5.8 (95% CI: 3.3-10.1) when using non-cancer controls. Similarly, those who had smoked for 40 years or longer showed ORs of 7.4(95% CI: 4.0-13.6) and 8.8 (95% CI: 4.9-15.6), respectively, using cancer and non-cancer controls: For moderate drinkers of alcoholic beverages (21-34 drinks/week) and heavy drinkers (≄84 drinks/ week) the ORs, as compared to individuals who drank <21 drinks/week, were 1.9 (95%CI: 1.0-3.6) and 2.2 (95% CI: 1.2-4.0) and 10.6(95% CI: 5.5-20.6) and 11.4(95% CI: 6.0-21.4) using cancer and non-cancer controls, respectively. The same comparability of ORs for tobacco- and alcohol-related variables using either type of controls was observed when separate analyses of the two sexes were performed. The close similarity between cancer and non-cancer controls in studies on tabacco- and alcohol-related risks may be exploited when the choice of other types of controls would increase the costs and the feasibility of the study, and thus hamper its statistical power. Moreover, this investigation provides some reassurance about the validity of risk estimates using carefully selected groups of hospital control

    Una nuova popolazione isolata di xenopo liscio in Sicilia sud-occidentale

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    African clawed frog is a sub-saharan native anuran that has been introduced in various states of the old and the new world. The only Italian population of this species is located in western Sicily, and it is known as the European clawed frog population with wider distribution area. This paper describes a new Sicilian population of this species, and sets out to verify the effective isolation from the currently known distribution. The new site is a disused swimming pool, located near the mouth of the Belice River (province of Trapani), 31 km away from the nearest edge of the African clawed frog distribution area. To test whether this new population is the result of natural expansion of its range have been checked 21 control sites, arranged in a suitable area near the new site and along the basin of the Belice River, whose upper course is included in the Sicilian range of this species. The surveys in the control sites did not reveal the presence of clawed frogs, therefore, it seems doubtful the hypothesis of natural expansion along the Belice River basin and plausible the occurrence of a man-mediated introduction event

    Aneuploid IMR90 cells induced by depletion of pRB, DNMT1 and MAD2 show a common gene expression signature.

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    Chromosome segregation defects lead to aneuploidy which is a major feature of solid tumors. How diploid cells face chromosome mis-segregation and how aneuploidy is tolerated in tumor cells are not completely defined yet. Thus, an important goal of cancer genetics is to identify gene networks that underlie aneuploidy and are involved in its tolerance. To this aim, we induced aneuploidy in IMR90 human primary cells by depleting pRB, DNMT1 and MAD2 and analyzed their gene expression profiles by microarray analysis. Bioinformatic analysis revealed a common gene expression profile of IMR90 cells that became aneuploid. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) also revealed gene-sets/pathways that are shared by aneuploid IMR90 cells that may be exploited for novel therapeutic approaches in cancer. Furthermore, Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) network analysis identified TOP2A and KIF4A as hub genes that may be important for aneuploidy establishment

    Relazione tecnica sulle attività della campagna oceanografica “Ancheva 2015”

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    Nelle acque Italiane dello Stretto di Sicilia sin dal 1998 vengono effettuate ogni anno campagne di valutazione dell’abbondanza e distribuzione della biomassa pelagica con l’impiego di strumentazione elettroacustica. Dal 2009 lo svolgimento dei survey acustici ù parte integrante del Progetto MEDIAS (MEDiterranean International Acoustic Survey), inserito dagli Stati Membri partecipanti al Progetto all'interno del Programma Nazionale 2014-2016. Il Progetto prevede lo svolgimento di survey acustici annuali con lo scopo di valutare la biomassa e la distribuzione spaziale dei piccoli pelagici in aree del Mediterraneo, appartenenti all’Unione Europea. Le specie target sono le principali specie commerciali di piccoli pelagici in Mediterraneo, ovvero l’acciuga (Engraulis encrasicolus) e la sardina (Sardina pilchardus). Si tratta di specie a ciclo di vita breve caratterizzate da ampie oscillazioni interannuali nella biomassa. Negli anni in cui i livelli di biomassa sono particolarmente bassi l’effetto di un elevato sforzo di pesca porterebbe ad un collasso di tali risorse anche da un anno all’altro. Il collasso di tali specie ù stato ben documentato in letteratura mostrando che i tempi di recupero sono molto lunghi e hanno effetti socio-economici catastrofici anche sulle comunità marinare che vivono grazie agli introiti derivanti dalla pesca e commercializzazione di prodotti in scatola. La presente relazione mostra le attività svolte a seguito del survey condotto a bordo della N/O Dallaporta nello Stretto di Sicilia (GSA 16) nell’estate del 2015. Oltre all’acquisizione dei dati acustici, sono state eseguite stazioni di pesca sui piccoli pelagici con rete da traino pelagica sperimentale (volante monobarca), accessoriata con sensori per il controllo dell’apertura e della posizione della rete nella colonna d’acqua. Nell’area di studio sono stati inoltre acquisiti i profili delle principali variabili oceanografiche con sonda multiparametrica CTD. Il rapporto descrive le diverse procedure adottate per l’analisi dei dati acquisiti ed il trattamento dei campioni biologici raccolti. Per le due specie target viene quindi fornita la distribuzione spaziale e la stima della biomassa, complessiva ma anche suddivisa per classi di taglia e classi di età

    Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopausal Women: The Role of Hysteroscopy and Its Impact on Quality of Life and Sexuality

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    Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a frequent symptom in perimenopausal women. It is defined as uterine bleeding in which the duration, frequency, or amount of bleeding is considered excessive and negatively affects the woman’s quality of life (QoL) and psychological well-being. In cases of structural uterine pathology, hysterectomy (usually performed via a minimally invasive approach) offers definitive symptom relief and is associated with long-lasting improvement of QoL and sexuality. However, over the past 30 years, uterus-preserving treatments have been introduced as alternatives to hysterectomy. Hysteroscopic polypectomy, myomectomy, or endometrial resec-tion/endometrial ablation are minimally invasive techniques that can be used as an alternative to hysterectomy to treat AUB due to benign conditions. Although associated with high patient satisfaction and short-term improvement in their QoL, hysteroscopic treatments do not eliminate the risk of AUB recurrence or the need for further intervention. Therefore, considering the impact of different treatment options on QoL and sexuality during preoperative shared decision making could help identify the most appropriate and personalized treatment options for perimenopausal women suffering from AUB

    ADAtools: Automatic Detection and Classification of Active Deformation Areas from PSI Displacement Maps

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    This work describes the set of tools developed, tested, and put into production in the context of the H2020 project Multi-scale Observation and Monitoring of Railway Infrastructure Threats (MOMIT). This project, which ended in 2019, aimed to show how the use of various remote sensing techniques could help to improve the monitoring of railway infrastructures, such as tracks or bridges, and thus, consequently, improve the detection of ground instabilities and facilitate their management. Several lines of work were opened by MOMIT, but the authors of this work concentrated their efforts in the design of tools to help the detection and identification of ground movements using synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) data. The main output of this activity was a set of tools able to detect the areas labelled active deformation areas (ADA), with the highest deformation rates and to connect them to a geological or anthropogenic process. ADAtools is the name given to the aforementioned set of tools. The description of these tools includes the definition of their targets, inputs, and outputs, as well as details on how the correctness of the applications was checked and on the benchmarks showing their performance. The ADAtools include the following applications: ADAfinder, los2hv, ADAclassifier, and THEXfinder. The toolset is targeted at the analysis and interpretation of InSAR results. Ancillary information supports the semi-automatic interpretation and classification process. Two real use-cases illustrating this statement are included at the end of this paper to show the kind of results that may be obtained with the ADAtools.This work has received funding from the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, with grant agreement No 777630, project MOMIT, “Multi-scale Observation and Monitoring of railway Infrastructure Threats”. It has been also partially funded by Interreg-Sudoe program of the EU, through the project RISKCOAST (Ref: SOE3/P4/E0868)
