10 research outputs found

    Ecopathological Features of Bacillus Cereus Food Poisoning in Anambra State, Nigeria

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    This study was conducted to determine the level of contamination of Bacillus cereus in Nigeria local cooked /boiled foods in Anambra State, Nigeria. One hundred and ninety (190) different types of extra human samples made up of 10 each ready to eat cooked/boiled foods were randomly purchased from local food vendors and restaurants. Eighty (80) human diarrheal stools from patients suspected of food poisoning attending clinics and laboratories and fifty control stool from human volunteers were also examined for the presence of Bacillus cereus. The extra human samples were first homogenized in 1% peptone, incubated at 37oc for 24hours and then sub cultured on to freshly prepared blood, MacConkey, and Polymyxin B agar plates while a direct stool culture on the above agar plates were also done. Bacillus cereus was identified using cultural characteristics, Gram staining reaction, spore staining reaction for the presence of lipid globules which is specific for Bacillus cereus, some biochemical tests and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Animal studies results revealed pathological involvement of the liver. Antibiotic sensitivity tests were carried out using agar diffusion methods. Bacillus cereus was detected in 44(23.4%) of 190 extra human samples. Bacillus cereus was isolated in ready to eat cooked/boiled foods, 20(33.3%) of 90 cooked/boiled foods, soup category 10(20%) of 50 soup samples, 15(30%) of 50 steamed wrapped foods samples. No Bacillus cereus was isolated from stew sample while 4(40%) of 10 samples each of abacha (African salad, breadfruit (ukwa), boiled palm nut oil soup (akwu), plantain pudding (ukpogede) were positive for Bacillus cereus.  Bacillus cereus was isolated in 15(18.5%) of 80 diarrheal stool samples and 4(8%) of 50 control stool. 42 (95.45%) of Bacillus cereus isolated were positive for the enterotoxins while 2(4.55%) all from cooked rice were negative. The Bacillus cereus isolated were 100% resistant to ampiclox. The results of this study showed that Bacillus cereus is a common contaminant of Nigerian’s local foods and food products and is mainly of the enterotoxin (diarrheal type). Keywords: Ecopathology, Bacillus cereus, Food poisoning, Enterotoxi

    Incidence, Characterization and Pathological Features of Bacillus Cereus in Soil, Raw Cereals and Meat in Anambra State, Eastern Nigeria

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    This study was conducted to determine the level of contamination of Bacillus cereus in soil, raw cereal and meat in Anambra State Nigeria. Eighty (80) different types of extra human samples made up of 10 each from soil from animal houses, moist soil, soil from plant roots, and dry soil, 10 each from raw cereal- maize, beans, rice and raw meat. Raw cereal and meat were randomly purchased from local food vendors and markets and soil samples were collected from different locations. Eighty human diarrheal stool samples from patients attending clinics and fifty (50) control stool samples from human volunteers were also evaluated for the presence of Bacillus cereus. All samples were transported to the laboratory for microbiological analysis. The extra human samples were first homogenized in 0.1% peptone water, incubated at 37oc for 24 hours and then subcultured on to freshly prepared blood, MacConkey and polymyxinB agar plates while a direct stool culture on the above plates were also done. Bacillus cereus was identified using cultural characteristics, Gram staining reaction, spore staining for the presence of lipid globules and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Enterotoxin production by Bacillus cereus and its effect on animal models was done. Antibiotic sensitivity tests were carried out. Bacillus cereus was isolated in 11(27.5%) of 40 soil samples, 5(16.6%) of 30 cereal crops and raw meat   4(40%). Soil from animal houses and raw meat had the highest contamination of 4(40%) each from 10 samples studied. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the Bacillus cereus isolated from soil, raw cereal and meat samples. Bacillus cereus was isolated in 15(18.8%) of 80 diarrheal stool and 4(8%) of 50 control stool samples which difference was not statistically significant. ALL Bacillus cereus isolated were positive for the enterotoxin and resistant to ampiclox. The results of this study reveal that Bacillus cereus is a common contaminant of soil, raw cereals and meat and is mainly of the diarrheal type. Keywords: Bacillus cereus, incidence, characterization, pathological feature

    Polymicrobial Agents and Antibiotic Profile of Urinary Tract Infections among Pregnant Women in Anambra State, Nigeria

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    Microbiological studies were carried out on midstream urine collected from 200 pregnant women(test) and 100 non pregnant women (control) attending antenatal clinics at General Hospital Onitsha,  Enugwu-Ukwu and Chizoba Hospital Awada, Obosi. All the subjects were between 18-37years. The urine samples were cultured on to freshly prepared Eosine methylene blue (Oxoid), blood and MacConkey (Difco) agar plates and incubated at 37oc for 24hours. Urinalysis using Combi-9 urine test strip and microscopic examination of the deposit were done. Organisms were identified using cultural characteristics, Gram staining reactions and some biochemical tests. Antibiotic sensitivity tests were carried out on isolates using agar diffusion methods. The result showed a prevalent rate of UTI in pregnancy 23(11.5%) and control 10(10%). There was no significant difference among pregnant and non- pregnant women p>0.05. Echerichia coli were the predominant organism isolated 78.26%, Group B streptococcus, Klebsiella spp and Staphylococuus saprophyticus were isolated 1 (4.3%) each, Proteus mirabilis were isolated 2(8.7%). In the control group E. coli were isolated 8 (80%) while Proteus and klebsiella were isolated 1(10%) each. All organisms isolated were 100% sensitive to gentamicin and nalidixic acid and 100% resistant to ampicillin. Keywords: Pregnancy, urinary tract infection, polymicrobial agents antibiotic profil

    Incidence, Characterization and Pathological Features of Bacillus Cereus in Soil, Raw Cereals and Meat in Anambra State, Eastern Nigeria

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    This study was conducted to determine the level of contamination of Bacillus cereus in soil, raw cereal and meat in Anambra State Nigeria. Eighty (80) different types of extra human samples made up of 10 each from soil from animal houses, moist soil, soil from plant roots, and dry soil, 10 each from raw cereal- maize, beans, rice and raw meat. Raw cereal and meat were randomly purchased from local food vendors and markets and soil samples were collected from different locations. Eighty human diarrheal stool samples from patients attending clinics and fifty (50) control stool samples from human volunteers were also evaluated for the presence of Bacillus cereus. All samples were transported to the laboratory for microbiological analysis. The extra human samples were first homogenized in 0.1% peptone water, incubated at 37oc for 24 hours and then subcultured on to freshly prepared blood, MacConkey and polymyxinB agar plates while a direct stool culture on the above plates were also done. Bacillus cereus was identified using cultural characteristics, Gram staining reaction, spore staining for the presence of lipid globules and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Enterotoxin production by Bacillus cereus and its effect on animal models was done. Antibiotic sensitivity tests were carried out. Bacillus cereus was isolated in 11(27.5%) of 40 soil samples, 5(16.6%) of 30 cereal crops and raw meat   4(40%). Soil from animal houses and raw meat had the highest contamination of 4(40%) each from 10 samples studied. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the Bacillus cereus isolated from soil, raw cereal and meat samples. Bacillus cereus was isolated in 15(18.8%) of 80 diarrheal stool and 4(8%) of 50 control stool samples which difference was not statistically significant. ALL Bacillus cereus isolated were positive for the enterotoxin and resistant to ampiclox. The results of this study reveal that Bacillus cereus is a common contaminant of soil, raw cereals and meat and is mainly of the diarrheal type. Keywords: Bacillus cereus, incidence, characterization, pathological feature

    Evaluation of Bacillus Cereus Contamination of Local Vegetables in Obosi, Nigeria.

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    Seventy Nigerian local vegetables were examined for contamination by Bacillus cereus. The vegetables were purchased from different markets in Obosi, Anambra state, Nigeria and transported to the laboratory for microbiological analysis. The samples were first homogenized in 90ml of 0.1% peptone water and incubated at 37oc for 24 hours. The clear supernatant were sub-cultured on to freshly prepared blood, MacConkey, PolymyxinB agar plates and incubated for 24hours at 37oc. Bacillus cereus was identified using cultural characteristic, some biochemical tests, spore staining for the presence of lipid globules and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Those positive were investigated for the presence of enterotoxin and their pathogenic effects using animal models was also done. Antibiotic sensitivity tests were carried out using agar diffusion methods. Thirteen (18.6%) of 70 vegetable samples were contaminated by Bacillus cereus. All Bacillus cereus were positive for enterotoxin and 100% resistant to ampiclox while one from cabbage was resistant to tested drugs. Histomorphological tests using animal models revealed infiltration of the liver cells by inflammatory cells, necrosis. This study showed that Bacillus cereus is a common contaminant of local vegetables in Obosi, Nigeria. Keywords: Bacillus cereus, contamination, local vegetables, Obosi

    Studies on Urinary Tract Infection among Diabetics in Some Eastern States of Nigeria

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    This study evaluated the incidence of Urinary tract infection (UTI) among diabetics in some Eastern States of Nigeria. Three hundred (300) midstream urine samples from diabetic patients with fasting blood sugar level between150mg/dl to 450mg/dl (8.3mmol/l to 25mmol/l), 150 males and 150 females) and 200 non diabetic subjects (100 each male and female) were cultured unto freshly prepared Eosine methylene blue (EMB) oxoid, MacConkey (Difco) and blood agar plates and incubated for 24hours at 37oc. Urinalysis using Combi-9 urine test strip and microscopic examination of urine deposits were done. Gram staining and some biochemical tests, antimicrobial sensitivity tests were carried out on isolates using agar diffusion methods. Seventy eight (26%) urine samples from diabetic patients showed growth of specific organism with 45(15%) in female patients and 33(11%) from male patients. Out of the 200 control urine samples 30(10%) showed growth of specific organism (15 each from male and female subjects). Escherichia coli was the predominant isolate 55(70.5%), Proteus mirabilis 10(12.5%), Klebsiella 8(10%) and Staphylococcus saprophyticus 5(7%). While in the control E.coli was isolated 20(66.7%), Proteus 10(33.3%). All organisms isolated were 100% resistant to ampicilline, nitrofurantoin and100% sensitive to gentamicin, nalidixic acid and ofloxacin. The result of this work showed no significant difference between positive nitrite urine samples 60(20%) and specific bacterial growth 26% (p>0.05). No qualitative and quantitative differences were observed in the distribution of microbial pathogens of UTI in diabetic and non-diabetic male and female patients studied. Keywords: Urinary tract infections, diabetics, antibiotic sensitivity

    Evaluation of Some Haematological Parameters Among Pregnant Ijaw Women: An Indigenous West African Tribe.

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    In this study, we evaluated the effect of pregnancy on some haematological parameters among 600 apparently healthy pregnant Ijaw women attending antenatal clinic at the Federal Medical Centre, Yenagoa, Nigeria. Each trimester consisted of 200 subjects. Another age-matched 200 apparently healthy non-pregnant adult females served as control. All subjects were between 18-40years. The results showed significant decrease in PCV and Hb among the pregnant women in the first, second and third trimesters when compared with the control subjects (p<0.05). There was also a significant decrease in the platelet count and lymphocyte count among pregnant women in the second and third trimesters when compared with the controls (p<0.05). But there was a significant increase in ESR and neutrophil count among pregnant women in the first, second and third trimesters when compared with the control subjects (p<0.05). There was also a significant increase in the total WBC among pregnant women in the second trimester when compared with the controls (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in the monocytes and eosinophils count between the pregnant women in all the three trimesters and the female controls (p>0.05). Also, there was no significant difference in the total WBC, platelet and lymphocyte count among pregnant women in their first trimesters when compared with the control subjects (p>0.05). A normal reference range has been established for pregnant women of Ijaw transient so as to enhance proper assessment and management of antenatal cases. Keywords: Evaluation, haematological parameters, pregnancy, Ijaw tribe

    Premarital Screening of HIV, Haemoglobin Genotype, ABO and Rhesus Blood Group among Intending Couples in Yenagoa, Nigeria

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    Background Premarital screening is fast gaining ground as a prerequisite for the solemnization of holy matrimony by many faith-based organizations in Nigeria, yet there is no literature on the subject in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. Methods One hundred and five (105) premarital heterosexual couples (105 males and105 females) were screened for the presence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), haemoglobin genotypes, and ABO and Rhesus blood groups using standard laboratory procedures. Results The prevalence of HIV in this study was found to be 1.0%. The frequencies of the HbAA (74%), HbAS (24%), HbAC (1.5%), HbSS(0.5%) while that of ABO and Rh blood groups were: group A (21%), B (25%), AB (6.0%), 0 (48%), Rh ‘D’ positive (97%) and Rh ‘D’ negative (3.0%). The distribution of these variables between the sexes was statistically significant (χ2=25.68, p<0.01). The frequencies of the haemoglobin genotype combinations of the intending couples were as follows: HbAA/AA (55%), AA/AS (33%),  AS/AS (8.0%), AA/AC (2.0%), AS/AC(1.0%) and AS/SS (1.0%) . This distribution pattern was also found to be highly statistically significant (χ 2 = 24.459, p < 0.0001). The mean age of the participants was 31.91 ± 4.80years for male and 26.105 ± 4.29 years for female (t = 3.272, p < 0.05). Conclusion This study observed a low prevalence of HIV among the premarital couples and a relatively high frequency of HbAS/AS couples. The ABO and Rh blood groups were found to be stable and consistent with previous reports. For the prevention of hereditary blood diseases, haemolytic disease of the newborn and transmission of HIV to offspring, premarital testing should be encouraged. Keywords: Human immunodeficiency Virus(HIV), Haemoglobin Genotype, ABO And Rhesus Blood Group

    Distribution of Abo, Rhesus Blood Groups and Haemoglobin Variants among Residents of Yenagoa and Environs, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

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    Background: ABO, Rhesus blood groups and Haemoglobin variants are known to vary from one population to another. This study therefore sought to study the frequency of these indices among residents of Yenagoa and Environ, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Objectives: The study was designed for the purpose of updating information on the prevalence of abnormal haemoglobin variants, ABO, Rh blood groups and serve as a platform for instituting genetic counseling services with a view to reducing haemoglobinopathies. Methods:Standard electrophoretic and haemagglutination techniques were employed in testing the blood samples. Results: Of the 5,183 residents screened, 73.32% were HbAA, 25.03% HbAS, 0.28%  AC, 1.3%  SS, 0.06%  SC. 20.30% were of blood group A, 22.70% group B, 3.0% group AB and 54% group O. 95.5% were Rh.D positive while 4.5% were Rh D negative. Analysis of the residents population revealed that 2702(52.1%) were females while 2481 (48.9%) were males. The age range is between 1–60 years. Conclusion: Knowledge of the distribution of ABO, Rh blood groups and haemoglobin variants in any population is useful in health care planning, medical diagnosis and targeting the population that need counseling. If such information is well managed it can make a difference in the quality of decisions that individuals will make especially as it concerns marriage, blood transfusion and other medical demands. Keywords:  haemoglobin variants, ABO, Rhesus blood group, Yenagoa, Nigeria.

    Evaluation of Some Haematological Parameters Among Marijuana Smokers In Yenagoa, Nigeria.

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    The study investigated the effect of marijuana smoking on some haematological parameters of smokers in comparison to non-smokers. Blood samples were collected from one hundred and eighty nine randomly selected male voluntary marijuana smokers (test) and one hundred non-smokers (control) resident in Yenagoa, Nigeria. All subjects were between 18-50 years. The haematological parameters analysed include haemoglobin concentration (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV), total white cell count (WBC), red blood cell count (RBC), differential white cell count, platelet count (PLT); using Sysmex SX-1000i automated haematology analyser; erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), using Westergren method; prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) using method adopted from Dacie and Lewis, 1994. There was no significant difference in the PCV, Hb, Total WBC, RBC, PT, APTT, PLT, monocyte count, and basophil count between the test subjects and the controls (p>0.05).  But there was a significant decrease in neutrophil count in the test subjects when compared with the controls (p<0.05). Also, there was a significant increase in ESR, lymphocyte count and eosinophil count in the test subjects when compared with the controls (p<0.05). This study has shown that marijuana usage results in marked differences in some haematological parameters which may lead to inflammation, reduced immunity and ability to fight infections by the users. Keywords: Evaluation, haematological parameters, cannabinoids