613 research outputs found

    Plio-quaternary evolution of the Kucuk Menderes Graben southwestern Anatolia, Turkey

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    The Kucuk Menderes Graben (KMG) is part of the horst-graben system of southwestern Anatolia (Turkey), bounded by the Bozdag horst in the north and the Aydin horst in the south. The Plio-Quatemary evolution of the KMG has been evaluated using the nature of the Miocene-Quaternary fill sediments and palaeostress analysis of slip data measured in different parts of the graben

    Investigating of Mechanical Properties of Mortars Based on Fly Ash and Blast Furnace Slag Activated with Alkali

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    Alkali activated mortars obtained from granulated blast furnace slag and fly ash were used instead of Portland cement by activating with alkali. Sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide were activated blast furnace slag and fly ash. Mortar samples were prepared 40x40x160 mm as prismatic samples according to TS EN 196-1 and they were cured at room temperature. Compressive and flexural strength of the mortar samples including blast furnace slag and fly ash were investigated by experimenting

    Hanging off a bar

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    Exertion Games involve physical effort and as a result can facilitate physical health benefits. We present Hanging off a Bar, an action hero-inspired Exertion Game in which players hang off an exercise bar over a virtual river for as long as possible. Initial observations from three events with audiences ranging from the general public to expert game designers suggest that Hanging off a Bar can be engaging for players and facilitate intense exertion within seconds. Furthermore, we collected suggestions for what game elements players believe could entice them to increase their physical effort investment. These suggestions, combined with Hanging off a Bar as research vehicle due to the easy measurement of exertion through hanging time, enable future explorations into the relationship between digital game elements and physical exertion, guiding designers on how to support exertion in digital game

    Anthropometric measurements of the orbita and gender prediction with three-dimensional computed tomography images

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    Background: The aim of the study was to investigate the orbital anthropometric variations in the normal population using three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) images and to define the effects of age and gender on orbital anthropometry.Materials and methods: Three-dimensional orbita CT of 280 patients, obtained for various reasons, were retrospectively evaluated in 772-bed referral and tertiary-care hospital between April 2011 and June 2012. Using 3D images, orbital width, height, biorbital-interorbital diameter and orbital index were measured. Measurements were obtained comparing right and left sides and male to female. The relation of the results with age and gender was analysed.Results: Right orbit was found to be wider than left (p < 0.0001). Male patients had wider (p < 0.0001) and higher (p = 0.0001) orbits. Right orbital index was found to be smaller than the left one (p = 0.005). No differences were found between the genders in terms of right and left orbital indexes (p > 0.05). Biorbital (p < 0.0001) and interorbital (p = 0.01) widths were found to be higher in males. There was no relation between the age change and the parameters defined (p > 0.05).Conclusions: No relation was found between age and orbital measurements. It was concluded that orbital images obtained with 3D-CT may be used as a method for gender evaluation

    Modeling, design, and synthesis of gram-scale monodispersed silver nanoparticles using microwave-assisted polyol process for metamaterial applications

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    High-yield monodispersed silver (Ag) nanospheres were modeled, designed, and synthesized by microwave-assisted (MW-assisted) polyol method from AgNO3, polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), and ethylene glycol (EG), as precursors, at 145 °C within a short reaction time of 2 min, and the results were compared to those of conventional polyol method. Maintaining the PVP:AgNO3 molar ratio, the effect of increasing the amounts of AgNO3 and PVP at a constant amount of EG (40 mL) on the final product was evaluated. The synthesized nanoparticles (NPs) were characterized by SEM, UV–Vis spectroscopy, FTIR and DLS analysis. The results showed that with increasing the amount of AgNO3 to 0.5 and 1 g, monodispersed Ag nanoparticles (Ag NPs) with particle sizes of 54 and 61 nm were formed, as per the plasmon absorption peaks at 436 and 442 nm, respectively. Moreover, using 40 mL of the EG solution, we could obtain a high yield of the NPs (~90%). The sub-gram yield was excellently high, offering great opportunities for commercializing the procedure. Also, the proposed study paves a new way for Ag NPs realization for different practical applications ranging from MW to optics

    Učinak eksrakta kore brucijskog bora (Pinus brutia) na čiste i mješovite kulture buražnih bakterija i arheja te na fermentacijske značajke buraga in vitro

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of Pinus brutia bark extract, which is rich in polyphenolic compounds of tannins, on both pure and mixed continuous cultures of rumen bacteria and archaea, as well as on rumen fermentation characteristics in vitro. Antimicrobial susceptibility assay with pure cultures was carried out in an anaerobic chamber. Pinus brutia bark extract exhibited a potential inhibitor activity (P<0.05) against pure cultures of Ruminococcus flavefaciens, Eubacterium ruminantium, and Methanobacterium formicicum while a growth stimulatory effect (P<0.05) was observed for Ruminoccocus albus, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, and Streptococcus bovis. Pinus brutia bark extract only had a potential inhibitor effect (P<0.05) on R. albus at the highest dose (1200 μg/mL). Pinus brutia bark extract also stimulated (P<0.05) the growth of pure cultures of Fibrobacter succinogenes, while it did not affect Megasphaera elsdenii, except at the highest dose. The effects of two doses (75 and 375 mg/L) of P. brutia bark extract on in vitro mixed cultures and rumen fermentation parameters were determined by the rumen simulation technique (Rusitec). Supplementation with P. brutia bark extract led to a quadratic decrease (P<0.05) in the cell numbers of R. flavefaciens. Production of total and individual short chain fatty acids (SCFA), acetate to propionate ratio (C2/C3), total protozoa, ruminal pH, and dry matter digestibility (DMD) did not change in the presence of P. brutia bark extract. Supplementation with both doses of P. brutia bark extract decreased (P<0.05) the ammonia-N concentrations. Ammonia-N concentration was lowest in the high-supplemented group (P<0.05). As a conclusion, inhibitory effects of P. brutia bark extract on some species in the pure cultures were in the same direction as with mixed ruminal cultures, while stimulatory effects disappeared. The lack of inhibitory effects on protozoa and on a large number of Gram-positive rumen bacteria in the mixed cultures suggests that its mechanism of action is not exactly similar to antibiotics. Although P. brutia bark extract did not alter ruminal SCFA, it could have potential to improve ruminal protein utilization without depressing rumen microbial fermentation.Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti učinak ekstrakta kore brucijskog bora (Pinus brutia), koji je bogat polifenolnim sastojcima tanina, na čiste i mješovite kulture buražnih bakterija i arheja kao i na in vitro fermentacijske značajke buraga. Proveden je test antimikrobne osjetljivosti s čistim kulturama u anaerobnim uvjetima. Ekstrakt kore brucijskog bora pokazao je potencijalnu inhibitornu aktivnost (P < 0,05) protiv čistih kultura bakterija Ruminococcus flavefaciens, Eubacterium ruminantium i Methanobacterium formicicum, a stimulacijski učinak na rast (P < 0,05) opažen je za bakterije Ruminoccocus albus, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens i Streptococcus bovis. Ekstrakt kore brucijskog bora imao je potencijalan inhibitorni učinak (P < 0,05) na R. albus samo u najvećoj dozi (1200 μg/mL). Također je imao stimulacijski učinak (P < 0,05) na čiste kulture Fibrobacter succinogenes, a nije utjecao na Megasphaera elsdenii osim u najvećoj dozi. Učinak dviju doza (75 i 375 mg/L) ekstrakta kore brucijskog bora na in vitro mješovite culture i pokazatelje fermentacije u buragu određen je simulacijskom tehnikom (Rusitec). Dodatak ekstrakta kore brucijskog bora doveo je do kvadratnog smanjenja (P < 0,05) broja stanica R. flavefaciens. Nije bilo promjena u proizvodnji ukupnih i pojedinačnih kratkolančanih masnih kiselina (SCFA), omjeru acetata i propionata (C2/C3), ukupnom broju protozoa, buražnom pH i probavljivosti suhe tvari (DMD). Suplementacija objema dozama ekstrakta kore brucijskog bora smanjila je (P < 0,05) koncentracije amonijaka-N. Koncentracija amonijaka-N bila je najniža u skupini s najvećom dozom suplementa (P < 0,05). Zaključujemo da je inhibitorni učinak ekstrakta kore brucijskog bora na neke vrste u čistim kulturama bio jednak onomu u mješovitim buražnim kulturama, a nije bilo stimulacijskog efekta. Manjak inhibitornih učinaka na protozoe i na mnoge Gram-pozitivne buražne bakterije u mješovitim kulturama upućuje na to da njihov mehanizam djelovanja nije jednak onomu kod antibiotika. Premda ekstrakt kore brucijskog bora nije promijenio buražni SCFA, mogao bi poboljšati iskorištavanje proteina u buragu a da pritom ne suprimira mikrobnu fermentaciju

    Mechanical slowing-down of cytoplasmic diffusion allows in vivo counting of proteins in individual cells.

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    Many key regulatory proteins in bacteria are present in too low numbers to be detected with conventional methods, which poses a particular challenge for single-cell analyses because such proteins can contribute greatly to phenotypic heterogeneity. Here we develop a microfluidics-based platform that enables single-molecule counting of low-abundance proteins by mechanically slowing-down their diffusion within the cytoplasm of live Escherichia coli (E. coli) cells. Our technique also allows for automated microscopy at high throughput with minimal perturbation to native physiology, as well as viable enrichment/retrieval. We illustrate the method by analysing the control of the master regulator of the E. coli stress response, RpoS, by its adapter protein, SprE (RssB). Quantification of SprE numbers shows that though SprE is necessary for RpoS degradation, it is expressed at levels as low as 3-4 molecules per average cell cycle, and fluctuations in SprE are approximately Poisson distributed during exponential phase with no sign of bursting

    Visible light nearly perfect absorber: an optimum unit cell arrangement for near absolute polarization insensitivity

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    In this work, we propose an optimum unit cell arrangement to obtain near absolute polarization insensitivity in a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) based ultra-broadband perfect absorber. Our findings prove that upon utilizing this optimum arrangement, the response of the absorber is retained and unchanged over all arbitrary incidence light polarizations, regardless of the shape of the top metal patch. First, the impact of the geometry of the top nanopatch resonators on the absorption bandwidth of the overall structure is explored. Then, the response of the MIM design for different incidence polarizations and angles is scrutinized. Finally, the proposed design is fabricated and characterized. © 2017 Optical Society of America

    Targeted dielectric coating of silver nanoparticles with silica to manipulate optical properties for metasurface applications

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    An epsilon-negative metamaterial (ENM) containing core@shell nanoparticles (NPs) was designed, where silver (Ag) NPs served as core and silica (SiO2) was used as spacer shell. AgNPs were synthesized in large scale, using microwave-assisted polyol method, in three average particle sizes, as 30, 54, and 61nm, with a narrow particle size distribution. Optical absorption of Ag NPs was investigated using UV–Vis spectroscopy. Their optical behavior was also theoretically predicted for different thicknesses of the SiO2 shell immersed in media of different refractive indices using the Clausius - Mossotti equation. Based on the results, optimal outputs were obtained with a SiO2 shell of 10nm in thickness encompassing 54nm Ag NPs based on the analytical model and numerical simulations here developed for core-shell structures. Then 10nm SiO2 shell was grown on 54nm Ag NPs by sol-gel synthesis. The NPs were then characterized by UV–Vis, TEM, SEM, EDX, DLS, and zeta potential analyses. The synthesized core-shell NPs can be used to establish epsilon-negative properties in polymer layers within visible range of wavelengths