5,975 research outputs found


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    The alveolar process is the most supporting tooth containing trabeculae and has the highest metabolic rate in the mandibular body of post-menopausal women. The decreasing in estrogens level on post-menopausal women results a faster reaction than men for 2-3 times. This research aims to determine the bone quality based on trabeculae alveolar process analysis using panoramic radiographs. The research methodology was to conduct 67 samples of panoramic radiographs from RSGM Unpad.  This research applied observational analytic methodology by taking cross-sectional data using secondary data on three groups of bone quality based on measurement using DEXA t-score (normal, osteopenia and osteoporosis). The panoramic radiograph data processing was conducted with Image J software by separating the background and foreground (trabeculae). A focus of 30x30 mm ROI in the alveolar distal portion of the left and right mandibular second premolar teeth, and calculation of trabecular area. Result: average of normal trabecular area: 82.35%, osteopenia: 73.9% and osteoporosis: 68.7% respectively. The difference between normal and osteoporosis was discovered, but no difference was found between normal and osteopenia with p <0.05. This research concludes that the region of interest trabecular of alveolar process with panoramic radiograph can be used to detect osteoporosis on post-menopausal women


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    Abstrak Olahraga panjat tebing menemukan salah satu cabang olahraga yang mulai digemari warga Indonesia khususnya pada pemuda-pemuda Indonesia. Hal ini telah Nampak dari kegiatan panjat tebing di Indonesia baik di kota ataupun daerah mulai dari sekolah hingga perguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana minat serta motivasi siswa SMA Negeri 2 Sidoarjo mengikuti kegiatan panjat tebing. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan survei dengan melaksanakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling yang berjumlah 30 responden, Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan analisis. Memiliki statistikRata-rata minat 85,37 nilai tengah sebesar 89, nilai yang sering muncul 89, simpangan baku 16,91, range 65 nilai minimum 45, nilai maximum 110 dan jumlah 2561. Rata-rata motivasi 85,83, nilai tengah 89,50 , nilai yang sering muncul 90, nilai simpangan baku 13.147, rentang nilai 50, nilai minimum 57, nilai maksimum 107, dan jumlah 2575. Hasil penelitian ini berdasarkan minat untuk mengikuti kegiatan panjat tebing di SMA Negeri 2 Sidoarjo sangat tinggi memiliki persentase 43, 33% sebanyak 13 siswa tinggi sebanyak 36,67% sebanyak 11 siswa dan persentase 6,67% masing-masing 2 orang yang punya minat sangat rendah, rendah dan sedang. hasil tingkat motivasi mengikuti kegiatan panjat tebing di SMA Negeri 2 Sidoarjo yang masuk kategori sangattinggi sebesar 20% kategori tinggi 56,7%, kategori sedang 6,7% dan rendah 16,7%. Kesimpulannya tingkat minat memiliki hasil yang sangat tinggi dengan rata-rata 85,37 dan motivasi dengan nilai rata-rata 85,83. Kata Kunci: Minat, Motivasi, Panjat Tebing Abstrak Olahraga panjat tebing merupakan olahraga yang saat ini mulai digemari oleh masyarakat Indonesia khususnya di kalangan anak muda Indonesia. Hal ini terlihat dari semakin banyaknya perkumpulan atau kegiatan panjat tebing di Indonesia baik di kota maupun daerah mulai dari sekolah hingga perguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi minat dan motivasi siswa SMA Negeri 2Sidoarjo dalam kegiatan panjat tebing. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei dengan menerapkan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif, menggunakan teknik random sampling sebanyak 30 responden, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan analisis. Memiliki statistik. Minat rata-rata 85,37, nilai tengah 89, nilai yang sering muncul 89, standar deviasi 16,91, rentang 65, nilai minimal 45, nilai maksimal 110 dan angka 2561. Motivasi rata-rata adalah 85,83, nilai rata-rata adalah 89,50, nilai yang sering muncul adalah 90, nilai standar deviasi 13,147, rentang nilai 50, nilai minimum 57, nilai maksimum107, dan jumlahnya 2575. Hasil penelitian ini berdasarkan minat mengikuti kegiatan panjat tebing di SMA Negeri 2 Sidoarjo yang memiliki nilai persentase sangat tinggi yaitu 43 , 33% sebanyak 13 siswa SMA sebanyak 36,67% sebanyak 11 siswa dan persentase 6,67% masing-masing 2 orang yang memiliki minat sangat rendah, rendah dan sedang. Hasil tingkat motivasi mengikuti kegiatan panjat tebing di SMA Negeri 2 Sidoarjo yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat tinggi yaitu 20% kategori tinggi 56,7%, kategori sedang 6,7% dan rendah 16,7%. Dalam kesimpulan, tingkat bunga memiliki skor rata-rata sangat tinggi dari 85,37 dan motivasi dengan nilai rata-rata 85,83. Kata Kunci : Minat, Motivasi, Panjat Tebin

    Peran Media Pendidikan Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bahasa Arab Siswa Madrasah

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    Instructional media are used to deliver instructional contents. They can be in the forms of book, tape recorder, cassette, video camera, video recorder, film, photo, picture, graphics, television, and computer. They act as learning sources or physical tools that contained instructional materials to stimulate people to learn. The result of the research done in islamic senior high school, MAN Model Banda Aceh showed that the use of audio media could improve students\u27 achievement and the ability to write arabic language. Using visual media in writing could improve their achievement in writing as it relies on students\u27 imagination. Furthermore, from audio visual media, students could have new experience and motivate them to study arabic language

    Pendekatan-pendekatan Terapi Dalam Penanganan Residen

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    Menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang pada hakikatnya mencari kebenaran, didalamnya menggambarkan, melihat dari perfektif pokok di tengah obyek penelitian. Dalam pengambilan sampel penulis menggunakan teknik purposive sampling (observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi). Subyek dari penelitian ini sebanyak enam orang, di mana responden tersebut adalah dokter, psikolog, konselor, perawat dan utusan dari kementerian agama kota Banda Aceh serta kepala ruangan Instalasi rehabilitasi NAPZA. Hasil penelitian model-model terapi yang diterapkan oleh instalasi rehabilitasi NAPZA rumah sakit jiwa pemerintah Aceh diantaranya: terapi religi seperti membaca al-Qur`an, zikir, shalat. Terapi psikologis seperti pembinaan mental melalui training motivasi. Konseling kelompok dan konseling individu. Terapi sosial melalui adanya terapi kelompok, komunitas bantu diri (self-help group) yang mendasari The-12 step Recovery Phlosophy Program. Family counseling (konseling keluarga) dan didampingi langsung oleh pihak penanganan, dokter, perawat, konselor, psikolog. Tingkat keberhasilan residen sudah menempuh Perubahan yang lebih baik. Karena residen menjalani dengan stabil dan tidak terlepas dari aturan-aturan yang berlaku

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in air and vegetation: case study at three selected toll stations along North South Expressway in Johor, Malaysia

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from vehicular emission are products of the incomplete combustion of organic fuel, and are usually attached to the particulate matter from the emission and can caused pollution and hazard to human health due to its carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic characteristics. The objective of this study is i) to determine the concentration PAHs in the air of sampling area, ii) to determine the concentration PAHs in vegetation, iii) to determine the relationship of concentration of PAHs in plants and air of sampling area and iv) to study the different composition of PAHs in different species of plants to determine the potential biomonitoring agent. The study is carried out at three toll stations along PLUS’ North-South Expressway in Johor. Air sample and plant leaves sample collected were extracted with ultrasonic agitation in dichloromethane and fractionated according to polarity before submitted to gas chromatography – mass spectrometry analysis to determine the concentration of the PAHs compounds. Spearman’s rank correlation test was carried out using SPSS to determine the correlation between concentration of PAHs in air and plant leaves sample. Seven PAHs were identified and quantified in the atmospheric sample and plant leaves sample. Those PAHs were acenaphtylene (ACN), phenanthrene (PHE), fluorene (FL), pyrene (PY), chrysene (CHR), benzo[a]anthracene (BaA), and benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). Significant correlation at 0.05 level (2-tailed) was observed in samples of Ficus microcarpa, Cordyline fruticosa, Hibiscus spp., and Ixora coccinea with the value 0.622, 0.643, 0.680 and 0.608 respectively. The positive correlation shows that the plants have capabilities to absorb organic pollutants from the environment. Based from this research, the most suitable species to be introduced into the environment as a biomonitoring agent and to be further studied as a medium for low and medium level pollution bioremediation is Ficus microcarpa, Cordyline fruticosa, and Ixora coccine

    The Study of Socioeconomic and Environmental Aspects of Dolomite Limestone Mining in Tuban Regency

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    Limestone mining in Tuban District has serious problems due to unlicensed mining that does not comply with conservation rules and mining procedures standards. This review article aims to study the socioeconomic and environmental aspects of limestone mining in Tuban Regency. Limestone mining by the village community substantially meets the eligibility criteria. Most of them work as unlicensed or illegal miners, mining kumbung limestone as material for building bricks. They generally work for landowners or investors who have limestone management rights. Livelihoods as miners provide better welfare guarantees compared to working on agricultural land. Limestone mining activities have impacted the destruction of the natural landscape, leaving lakes, caves, or giant holes in the ex-mining limestone hills. Efforts to resolve the issue include licensing arrangements, partnerships to improve the status of illegal miners, reclamation work to control erosion, and the development of the limestone tourism business. JEL Classification: J21, L72, Q1


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    Information searching based on users’ query, which is hopefully able to fnd the documents based on users’ need, is known as Information Retrieval. This research uses Vector Space Model method in determining the similarity percentage of each student’s assignment. This research uses PHP programming and MySQL database. The fnding is represented by ranking the similarity of document with query, with mean average precision value of 0,874. It shows how accurate the application with the examination done by the experts, which is gained from the evaluation with 5 queries that is compared to 25 samples of documents. If the number of counted assignments has higher similarity, thus the process of similarity counting needs more time, it depends on the assignment’s number which is submitted

    Volatilitas dan Stabilitas Pasar Modal Syariah: Indikator Makro dan Mikro Ekonomi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh faktor-faktor makro ekonomi berupa inflasi, suku bunga dan nilai tukar serta mikro ekonomi berupa pertumbuhan aset, pertumbuhan laba, dan ROE terhadap volatilitas dan stabilitas pasar modal syariah. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 168 perusahaan yang terdaftar di Jakarta Islamic Index 70 (JII 70). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode data panel model Random Effect. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa inflasi, suku bunga, pertumbuhan aset dan ROE tidak berpengaruh terhadap volatilitas dan stabilitas pasar saham syariah. Sedangkan nilai tukar dan pertumbuhan laba berpengaruh terhadap pasar modal syariah.


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    Chemical manganese dioxide has not yet commercially developed in Indonesia. It is supplied by import sector. The fact that Indonesia has manganese resources as many as 60,893,820 tons is inconsistent with above condition. Research on CMD making employed pyrolusite as the raw material with size of - 100+150 mesh. The material was then reacted with sulfuric acid 6% and various concentration of molasses as reductant from 10, 20, 30, 50 and 100 %. The manganese sulfate leachate was then purified using sodium hydroxide and then filtered to have a nonferrous manganese sulfate. The Mn was precipitated from manganese sulfate using sodium bicarbonate. The precipitated manganese carbonate was then calcined at 600°C by injecting the air at various flow rates (100, 200, 300, 400 cc/minute) and different calcination time (2, 3, 4 hours) to get manganese dioxide. The best extracted Mn reached 97.58% using 50% of molasses as a reductant. The precipitation of manganese carbonate had produced sodium carbonate as an impurity. The calcination had not yet changed the manganese carbonate into manganese dioxide due to extremely high calcination temperature

    Autonomous Cognitive Leveling Game Pada Serious Game Menggunakan Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Abstract. Serious games containing the pedagogical aspects and as part of the device/media e-learning support the learning process. Besides, the learning method uses the game are better than the conventional learning, because learning materials that involve animation in the game will enable long-term memory of students. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) method offers a search procedure based on a population consisting of individuals called particles that change their position with respect to time. PSO, by way of initializing the position and velocity of a particle, calculates the fitness function of the solution and updates the position and velocity of a particle to a stop condition are found. The design of PSO on the problem of autonomous cognitive levels of the game on a serious game with a permutation is proposed by using the fitness function the distance between xi+1 (cognitive level game) with xi (cognitive pre-test). The expected outcome of this research is the sequence of levels completed in accordance with the needs of the learner.Keywords: Serious game, cognitive, pso Abstrak. Serious game sangat mendukung proses pembelajaran melalui permainan yang mengandung aspek pedagogis dan merupakan bagian dari alat/media e-learning. Selain itu metode pembelajaran menggunakan permainan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional, karena animasi materi pembelajaran dalam permainan akan mengaktifkan ingatan jangka panjang siswa.Metode particle swarm optimization (PSO) menawarkan suatu prose­dur pen­­ca­rian berdasar pada populasi yang terdiri atas individu-individu yang di­se­but par­­tikel, mengubah posisi mereka terhadap waktu. PSO dengan cara melakukan inisialisasi posisi dan kecepatan particle, menghitung fungsi fitness dari solusi dan mengupdate posisi dan kecepatan particle sampai kondisi berhenti ditemukan.Perancanagan PSO pada permasalahan autonomus cognitive level game pada serious game diusulkan menggunakan permutasi dengan fungsi fitness jarak antara xi+1(cognitive level game) dengan xi (cognitive pre-test).Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah adanya urutan level game yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pembelajar.Kata Kunci: Serious game, cognitive, pso
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