595 research outputs found

    Writ large: Genomic dissection of the effect of cellular environment on immune response

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    Cells of the immune system routinely respond to cues from their local environment and feed back to their surroundings through transient responses, choice of differentiation trajectories, plastic changes in cell state, and malleable adaptation to their tissue of residence. Genomic approaches have opened the way for comprehensive interrogation of such orchestrated responses. Focusing on genomic profiling of transcriptional and epigenetic cell states, we discuss how they are applied to investigate immune cells faced with various environmental cues. We highlight some of the emerging principles on the role of dense regulatory circuitry, epigenetic memory, cell type fluidity, and reuse of regulatory modules in achieving and maintaining appropriate responses to a changing environment.These provide a first step toward a systematic understanding of molecular circuits in complex tissues

    Science Forum: The Human Cell Atlas

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    The recent advent of methods for high-throughput single-cell molecular profiling has catalyzed a growing sense in the scientific community that the time is ripe to complete the 150-year-old effort to identify all cell types in the human body. The Human Cell Atlas Project is an international collaborative effort that aims to define all human cell types in terms of distinctive molecular profiles (such as gene expression profiles) and to connect this information with classical cellular descriptions (such as location and morphology). An open comprehensive reference map of the molecular state of cells in healthy human tissues would propel the systematic study of physiological states, developmental trajectories, regulatory circuitry and interactions of cells, and also provide a framework for understanding cellular dysregulation in human disease. Here we describe the idea, its potential utility, early proofs-of-concept, and some design considerations for the Human Cell Atlas, including a commitment to open data, code, and community

    Revealing the vectors of cellular identity with single-cell genomics

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    Single-cell genomics has now made it possible to create a comprehensive atlas of human cells. At the same time, it has reopened definitions of a cell's identity and of the ways in which identity is regulated by the cell's molecular circuitry. Emerging computational analysis methods, especially in single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), have already begun to reveal, in a data-driven way, the diverse simultaneous facets of a cell's identity, from discrete cell types to continuous dynamic transitions and spatial locations. These developments will eventually allow a cell to be represented as a superposition of 'basis vectors', each determining a different (but possibly dependent) aspect of cellular organization and function. However, computational methods must also overcome considerable challenges-from handling technical noise and data scale to forming new abstractions of biology. As the scale of single-cell experiments continues to increase, new computational approaches will be essential for constructing and characterizing a reference map of cell identities.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant P50 HG006193)BRAIN Initiative (grant U01 MH105979)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (BRAIN grant 1U01MH105960-01)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (grant 1U24CA180922)National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (U.S.) (grant 1U24AI118672-01

    BROCKMAN: deciphering variance in epigenomic regulators by k-mer factorization

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    Background: Variation in chromatin organization across single cells can help shed important light on the mechanisms controlling gene expression, but scale, noise, and sparsity pose significant challenges for interpretation of single cell chromatin data. Here, we develop BROCKMAN (Brockman Representation Of Chromatin by K-mers in Mark-Associated Nucleotides), an approach to infer variation in transcription factor (TF) activity across samples through unsupervised analysis of the variation in DNA sequences associated with an epigenomic mark. Results: BROCKMAN represents each sample as a vector of epigenomic-mark-associated DNA word frequencies, and decomposes the resulting matrix to find hidden structure in the data, followed by unsupervised grouping of samples and identification of the TFs that distinguish groups. Applied to single cell ATAC-seq, BROCKMAN readily distinguished cell types, treatments, batch effects, experimental artifacts, and cycling cells. We show that each variable component in the k-mer landscape reflects a set of co-varying TFs, which are often known to physically interact. For example, in K562 cells, AP-1 TFs were central determinant of variability in chromatin accessibility through their variable expression levels and diverse interactions with other TFs. We provide a theoretical basis for why cooperative TF binding – and any associated epigenomic mark – is inherently more variable than non-cooperative binding. Conclusions: BROCKMAN and related approaches will help gain a mechanistic understanding of the trans determinants of chromatin variability between cells, treatments, and individuals. Keywords: Single-cell, Epigenome, Chromatin, scATAC-seq, K-mer, N-gram, Factorization, Decomposition, Clustering, Transcription factorNational Human Genome Research Institute (U.S.) (Centers of Excellence in Genomic Science Grant)Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Centers of Excellence in Genomic Science Grant

    A Process Calculus for Molecular Interaction Maps

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    We present the MIM calculus, a modeling formalism with a strong biological basis, which provides biologically-meaningful operators for representing the interaction capabilities of molecular species. The operators of the calculus are inspired by the reaction symbols used in Molecular Interaction Maps (MIMs), a diagrammatic notation used by biologists. Models of the calculus can be easily derived from MIM diagrams, for which an unambiguous and executable interpretation is thus obtained. We give a formal definition of the syntax and semantics of the MIM calculus, and we study properties of the formalism. A case study is also presented to show the use of the calculus for modeling biomolecular networks.Comment: 15 pages; 8 figures; To be published on EPTCS, proceedings of MeCBIC 200

    Metabolic Network Analysis Demystified

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    15th Annual International Conference, RECOMB 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada, March 28-31, 2011. ProceedingsMetabolic networks are a representation of current knowledge about the metabolic reactions available to a given organism. These networks can be placed into various mathematical frameworks, of which the constraintbased framework [1] has received the most attention over the past 15 years. This results in a predictive model of metabolism. Metabolic models can yield predictions of two types: quantitative, such as the growth rate of an organism under given experimental conditions [2], and qualitative, such as the viability of a mutant [3] or minimal media required for growth [4]. Qualitative predictions, on which we focus, tend to be more robust and reliable than quantitative ones, while remaining experimentally testable and biologically relevant

    Application of a stochastic name-­passing calculus to representation and simulation of molecular processes

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    We describe a novel application of a stochastic name passing calculus for the study of biomolecular systems. We specify the structure and dynamics of biochemical networks in a variant of the stochastic P-­calculus, yielding a model which is mathematically well­defined and biologically faithful. We adapt the operational semantics of the calculus to account for both the time and probability of biochemical reactions, and present a computer implementation of the calculus for biochemical simulations
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