418 research outputs found

    A space heating system for a three-story row hose

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem stavebních úprav, které vedou ke snížení tepelných ztrát rodinného domu, rozšíření obytné plochy do podkroví a následnou rekonstrukcí otopné soustavy. První část práce obsahuje seznámení s objektem. Po té jsou vypočítány tepelné ztráty domu. V dalším kroku je proveden návrh rekonstrukce pro jednotlivé místnosti a vypočítány tepelné ztráty po provedených stavebních úpravách. Dalším bodem práce je návrh rekonstrukce otopné soustavy, její rozšíření do podkrovního podlaží, výpočet tlakových ztrát okruhů přes jednotlivá tělesa a výběr kondenzačního plynového kotle. Dále je navrženo řešení regulace s centrální řídící jednotkou a elektrickými bezdrátovými termohlavicemi. V závěru práce je uvedeno posouzení přínosu opatření, rozpočet, návratnost investic a v příloze pak výkresová dokumentace.This master`s thesis describes the design alterations that lead to a reduction in heat loss of the house, an extension of living space in the attic and the subsequent reconstruction of the heating system. The first is presentation of the house. After that, there is calculation heat loss of the house. The next step contains design of a reconstruction for every room and calculation modified heat loss. Another point this work is design the reconstruction of the heating system, extension heating system to the attic floor, calculation pressure losses and selection condensing gas boiler. After that is designed regulation with central control unit and electric thermostatic radiator valve. The last part of master`s thesis is focused on benefit assessment changes, budget and return of investment. The drawings are listed in the appendix.

    Derrick crane

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem konstrukce sloupového jeřábu s délkou vyložení ramene 5000 mm, výškou zdvihu 6800 mm a nosností 1200 kg. Práce obsahuje návrh hlavních nosných prvků jeřábu, důležité pevnostní výpočty a výběr vhodného kladkostroje. Součástí práce je také výkresová dokumentace obsahující celkovou sestavu a detailní výkres sloupu.This bachelor thesis deal with construction design of derrick crane. Lining length is 5000 mm, lift height 6800 mm and crane capacity 1200 kg. The thesis contains proposals for major structural elements, strength calculations and selection of suitable hoist. Involves also drawings in the form of a crane assembly and detailed drawing of arm.

    Progress in Interconnection of Busbar-less Solar Cells by Means of Conductive Gluing

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    AbstractIn this work we focus on the optimization of busbar-less front side metallization grids to improve performance of cells interconnected by conductive glues and films. Furthermore the effect of different silver metallization pastes were studied in terms of peel strength and the influence of different ribbon coatings to the electrical performance after ribbon attachment with conductive gluing (CG). The results show that conductive glues allow the interconnection of solar cells without front busbars with Pmpp losses after encapsulation being close to soldered interconnections but with an additional saving up to 40% of front cells silver paste. It was found that different front side silver metallization pastes affect the peeling strength after curing. Specifically ribbon coating consisting of base metals tend to show electro-chemical corrosion if DH testing exceeds 1000hours. In summary we show that CG are able to contact busbar-less solar cells and prove results in extended IEC61215 testing up to TC600 and DH2000. The paper shows that ribbon coating and metallization pastes are the key requirements to study before utilizing CG in mass production

    Mathematical models for somite formation

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    Somitogenesis is the process of division of the anterior–posterior vertebrate embryonic axis into similar morphological units known as somites. These segments generate the prepattern which guides formation of the vertebrae, ribs and other associated features of the body trunk. In this work, we review and discuss a series of mathematical models which account for different stages of somite formation. We begin by presenting current experimental information and mechanisms explaining somite formation, highlighting features which will be included in the models. For each model we outline the mathematical basis, show results of numerical simulations, discuss their successes and shortcomings and avenues for future exploration. We conclude with a brief discussion of the state of modeling in the field and current challenges which need to be overcome in order to further our understanding in this area

    Mathematical models for somite formation

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    Somitogenesis is the process of division of the anterior–posterior vertebrate embryonic axis into similar morphological units known as somites. These segments generate the prepattern which guides formation of the vertebrae, ribs and other associated features of the body trunk. In this work, we review and discuss a series of mathematical models which account for different stages of somite formation. We begin by presenting current experimental information and mechanisms explaining somite formation, highlighting features which will be included in the models. For each model we outline the mathematical basis, show results of numerical simulations, discuss their successes and shortcomings and avenues for future exploration. We conclude with a brief discussion of the state of modeling in the field and current challenges which need to be overcome in order to further our understanding in this area

    Dynamic Expression oflunatic fringeSuggests a Link betweennotchSignaling and an Autonomous Cellular Oscillator Driving Somite Segmentation

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    AbstractThe metameric organization of the vertebrate trunk is a characteristic feature of all members of this phylum. The origin of this metamerism can be traced to the division of paraxial mesoderm into individual units, termed somites, during embryonic development. Despite the identification of somites as the first overt sign of segmentation in vertebrates well over 100 years ago, the mechanism(s) underlying somite formation remain poorly understood. Recently, however, several genes have been identified which play prominent roles in orchestrating segmentation, including the novel secreted factorlunatic fringe.To gain further insight into the mechanism by whichlunatic fringecontrols somite development, we have conducted a thorough analysis oflunatic fringeexpression in the unsegmented paraxial mesoderm of chick embryos. Here we report thatlunatic fringeis expressed predominantly in somite −II, where somite I corresponds to the most recently formed somite and somite −I corresponds to the group of cells which will form the next somite. In addition, we show thatlunatic fringeis expressed in a highly dynamic manner in the chick segmental plate prior to somite formation and thatlunatic fringeexpression cycles autonomously with a periodicity of somite formation. Moreover, the murine ortholog oflunatic fringeundergoes a similar cycling expression pattern in the presomitic mesoderm of somite stage mouse embryos. The demonstration of a dynamic periodic expression pattern suggests thatlunatic fringemay function to integrate notch signaling to a cellular oscillator controlling somite segmentation

    A clock and wavefront mechanism for somite formation

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    Somitogenesis, the sequential formation of a periodic pattern along the antero-posterior axis of vertebrate embryos, is one of the most obvious examples of the segmental patterning processes that take place during embryogenesis and also one of the major unresolved events in developmental biology. In this article, we develop a mathematical formulation of a new version of the Clock and Wavefront model proposed by Pourquié and co-workers (Dubrulle, J., McGrew, M.J., Pourquié, O., 2001. FGF signalling controls somite boundary position and regulates segmentation clock control of spatiotemporal Hox gene activation. Cell 106, 219–232). Dynamic expression of FGF8 in the presomitic mesoderm constitutes the wavefront of determination which sweeps along the body axis interacting as it moves with the segmentation clock to gate cells into somites. We also show that the model can mimic the anomalies formed when progression of the wavefront is disturbed and make some experimental predictions that can be used to test the hypotheses underlying the model

    From segment to somite: segmentation to epithelialization analyzed within quantitative frameworks

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    One of the most visually striking patterns in the early developing embryo is somite segmentation. Somites form as repeated, periodic structures in pairs along nearly the entire caudal vertebrate axis. The morphological process involves short- and long-range signals that drive cell rearrangements and cell shaping to create discrete, epithelialized segments. Key to developing novel strategies to prevent somite birth defects that involve axial bone and skeletal muscle development is understanding how the molecular choreography is coordinated across multiple spatial scales and in a repeating temporal manner. Mathematical models have emerged as useful tools to integrate spatiotemporal data and simulate model mechanisms to provide unique insights into somite pattern formation. In this short review, we present two quantitative frameworks that address the morphogenesis from segment to somite and discuss recent data of segmentation and epithelialization

    FGF-4 signaling is involved in mir-206 expression in developing somites of chicken embryos

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    The microRNAs (miRNAs) are recently discovered short, noncoding RNAs, that regulate gene expression in metazoans. We have cloned short RNAs from chicken embryos and identified five new chicken miRNA genes. Genome analysis identified 17 new chicken miRNA genes based on sequence homology to previously characterized mouse miRNAs. Developmental Northern blots of chick embryos showed increased accumulation of most miRNAs analyzed from 1.5 days to 5 days except, the stem cell-specific mir-302, which was expressed at high levels at early stages and then declined. In situ analysis of mature miRNAs revealed the restricted expression of mir-124 in the central nervous system and of mir-206 in developing somites, in particular the developing myotome. In addition, we investigated how miR-206 expression is controlled during somite development using bead implants. These experiments demonstrate that fibroblast growth factor (FGF) -mediated signaling negatively regulates the initiation of mir-206 gene expression. This may be mediated through the effects of FGF on somite differentiation. These data provide the first demonstration that developmental signaling pathways affect miRNA expression. Thus far, miRNAs have not been studied extensively in chicken embryos, and our results show that this system can complement other model organisms to investigate the regulation of many other miRNAs