33 research outputs found

    Impacto da introdução da albufeira de Alqueva no modelo de previsão AROME

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    Apesar de as comportas da barragem de Alqueva terem sido fechadas em 2002, dando origem ao maior lago artificial da Europa Ocidental, os seus possíveis efeitos no estado do tempo em Portugal não são tidos em conta pelos modelos operacionais de previsão numérica utilizados no Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA). Assim, é necessário introduzir a fisiografia do lago no modelo em estudo (AROME) e realizar a validação do mesmo através das diferenças entre as simulações com e sem Alqueva, confrontando os resultados da análise estatística e meteorológica com as observações


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    Although the floodgates of the Alqueva dam were closed in 2002, giving rise to the largest artificial lake in Western Europe, its possible effects on the weather in Portugal are not being taken into account by the operational models of weather forecasting used in IPMA. Thus, it is necessary to introduce the physiography of the lake in the model under study (AROME), and to validate it by analysing statistically as well as meteorologically the differences between the model simulations with and without Alqueva and to compare these results with observations

    Impacto da introdução da albufeira de Alqueva no modelo de previsão AROME

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    Apesar de as comportas da barragem de Alqueva terem sido fechadas em 2002, dando origem ao maior lago artificial da Europa Ocidental, os seus possíveis efeitos no estado do tempo em Portugal não são tidos em conta pelos modelos operacionais de previsão numérica utilizados no Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA). Assim, é necessário introduzir a fisiografia do lago no modelo em estudo (AROME) e realizar a validação do mesmo através das diferenças entre as simulações com e sem Alqueva, confrontando os resultados da análise estatística e meteorológica com as observações; ABSTRACT: Although the floodgates of the Alqueva dam were closed in 2002, giving rise to the largest artificial lake in Western Europe, its possible effects on the weather in Portugal are not being taken into account by the operational Numerical Weather Prediction models at IPMA. Thus, it is necessary to introduce the physiography of the lake in the model under study (AROME), and to validate it by analysing statistically as well as meteorologically the differences between the model simulations with and without Alqueva and to compare these results with observations

    A primeira edição da Arte Explicada (1729-1734) de João de Morais Madureira Feijó (1688-1741)

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    A Arte Explicada (1729-1734) constitui o conjunto mais amplo de todos os cartapácios neoalvaresianos publicados em Portugal e mesmo de todos os manuais metalinguísticos da língua latina de orientação neoalvaresiana em geral. No presente artigo, graças à localização de alguns novos elementos aos quais anteriormente não tínhamos acesso, é nosso objetivo oferecer uma análise introdutória do até então desconhecido conjunto completo de volumes que constituem a primeira edição da Arte Explicada, dando a conhecer as partes constitutivas de cada um dos tomos, tendo por base os paratextos mais representativos da obra.The Arte Explicada (1729-1734) constitutes the most complete of all the neo-Alvaresian cartapácios (i.e., Latin commentaries of Álvares’ Latin grammar in the Portuguese vernacular) to be published in Portugal and even among the overall number of grammars belonging the complex universe of Alvaresian and neo-Alvaresian manuals of the Latin language all over the world. In this paper, thanks to the identification of some new elements to which we previously did not have access, it is our aim to offer an introductory analysis of the hitherto unknown complete set of volumes belonging to the first edition of the Arte Explicada, disclosing the constituent parts of each one of the volumes, based on the most representative paratexts of the respective books

    Afinal, é ou não seguro consumir regularmente pescado?

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    Consumo de pescado em Portugal, Riscos e beneficios do consumo de pescado, Metilmercúrio (MeHg), População mais suscetível ao MeHg, Avaliação da exposição ao MeHg, Recomendações para o consumo de pescado.N/

    Descriptive Study of Children’s Nutritional Status and Identification of Community-Level Nursing Diagnoses in a School Community in Africa

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    Effectively responding to children’s nutritional status and eating behaviors in Mozambique requires a community-based care approach grounded in sound nursing research that is evidence-based. The Community Assessment, Intervention, and Empowerment Model (MAIEC) is a nursing theoretical model that is based upon clinical decision-making for community health nurses using communities as a unit of care. We used the MAIEC to identify a community-based nursing diagnosis to address children’s nutritional status and eating behaviors in Mozambique. Objectives: (1) to conduct a descriptive study of children’s nutritional status and eating behaviors in a school community in Mavalane, Mozambique, and (2) to identify a community-based nursing diagnosis using the MAIEC clinical decision-making matrix in the same school community. Method: a cross-sectional, quantitative study was conducted to assess the nutritional status of children using anthropometric data, including brachial perimeter and the tricipital skinfold, and standard deviation for the relation of weight–height, in a sample of 227 children. To assess community management of the problem and identify a community-based nursing diagnosis, we surveyed 176 parents/guardians and 49 education professionals, using a questionnaire based on the MAIEC clinical decision matrix as a reference. Results: malnutrition was identified in more than half of the children (51.3%). We also identified a community-based nursing diagnosis of impaired community management related to the promotion of child health and healthy eating evidenced by the lack of community leadership, participation, and processing among more than 70% of the community members (parents/guardians and education professionals). Conclusion: a nursing diagnosis and diagnostic criteria for nutritional status and community management were identified. The need to intervene using a multidisciplinary public health approach is imperative, with the school community as the unit of care. In addition, reliable anthropometric data were identified as important criteria to complement the nursing diagnosis and guide future public health interventions

    lessons learned and future trends

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    Funding Information: Thanks are due to CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/2020+LA/P/0094/2020), and ToxOmics (UIDB/00009/2020; UIDP/00009/2020), through national funds. L.B. thanks Research Infrastructure RECETOX RI (No. LM2018121), financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, and the project CETOCOEN EXCELLENCE (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_043/0009632) for a supportive background of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 857560, and to the HBM4EU, under grant agreement No. 733032. This publication reflects only the authors’ view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. Funding Information: This study was co-funded by the HBM4EU, which has received funding from the European Union’s research and innovation programme Horizon 2020 under grant agreement No. 733032, and from the authors’ institutions. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Mycotoxins are natural metabolites produced by fungi that contaminate food and feed worldwide. They can pose a threat to human and animal health, mainly causing chronic effects, e.g., immunotoxic and carcinogenic. Due to climate change, an increase in European population exposure to mycotoxins is expected to occur, raising public health concerns. This urges us to assess the current human exposure to mycotoxins in Europe to allow monitoring exposure and prevent future health impacts. The mycotoxins deoxynivalenol (DON) and fumonisin B1 (FB1) were considered as priority substances to be studied within the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) to generate knowledge on internal exposure and their potential health impacts. Several policy questions were addressed concerning hazard characterization, exposure and risk assessment. The present article presents the current advances attained under the HBM4EU, research needs and gaps. Overall, the knowledge on the European population risk from exposure to DON was improved by using new harmonised data and a newly derived reference value. In addition, mechanistic information on FB1 was, for the first time, organized into an adverse outcome pathway for a congenital anomaly. It is expected that this knowledge will support policy making and contribute to driving new Human Biomonitoring (HBM) studies on mycotoxin exposure in Europe.publishersversionpublishe

    Current Advances, Research Needs and Gaps in Mycotoxins Biomonitoring under the HBM4EU-Lessons Learned and Future Trends

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    ReviewThis article belongs to the Special Issue Human Biomonitoring and Risk Assessment of Mycotoxins.Mycotoxins are natural metabolites produced by fungi that contaminate food and feed worldwide. They can pose a threat to human and animal health, mainly causing chronic effects, e.g., immunotoxic and carcinogenic. Due to climate change, an increase in European population exposure to mycotoxins is expected to occur, raising public health concerns. This urges us to assess the current human exposure to mycotoxins in Europe to allow monitoring exposure and prevent future health impacts. The mycotoxins deoxynivalenol (DON) and fumonisin B1 (FB1) were considered as priority substances to be studied within the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) to generate knowledge on internal exposure and their potential health impacts. Several policy questions were addressed concerning hazard characterization, exposure and risk assessment. The present article presents the current advances attained under the HBM4EU, research needs and gaps. Overall, the knowledge on the European population risk from exposure to DON was improved by using new harmonised data and a newly derived reference value. In addition, mechanistic information on FB1 was, for the first time, organized into an adverse outcome pathway for a congenital anomaly. It is expected that this knowledge will support policy making and contribute to driving new Human Biomonitoring (HBM) studies on mycotoxin exposure in Europe.This study was co-funded by the HBM4EU, which has received funding from the European Union’s research and innovation programme Horizon 2020 under grant agreement No. 733032, and from the authors’ institutions. Thanks are due to CESAM(UIDP/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/2020+LA/P/0094/2020), and ToxOmics (UIDB/00009/2020; UIDP/00009/2020), through national funds. L.B. thanks Research Infrastructure RECETOX RI (No. LM2018121), financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, and the project CETOCOEN EXCELLENCE (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_043/0009632) for a supportive background of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 857560, and to the HBM4EU, under grant agreement No. 733032.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    a pilot mother-child cohort study to assess early-life exposure to mycotoxins: challenges and lessons learned

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    Funding Information: Funding: The earlyMYCO study was funded by Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/DTP-MEDTOX/28762/2017), by CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/2020) and by the project MYTOX-SOUTH, Ghent University Global Minds programme. The funding sources were not involved in study design, in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, and in the decision to submit the article for publication. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Early-life exposure occurs during gestation through transfer to the fetus and later, during lactation. Recent monitoring data revealed that the Portuguese population is exposed to mycotoxins, including young children. This study aimed to develop a pilot study to assess the earlylife exposure to mycotoxins through a mother–child cohort, and to identify the associated challenges. Participants were recruited during pregnancy (1st trimester) and followed-up in three moments of observation: 2nd trimester of pregnancy (mother), and 1st and 6th month of the child’s life (mother and child), with the collection of biological samples and sociodemographic and food consumption data. The earlyMYCO pilot study enrolled 19 mother–child pairs. The analysis of biological samples from participants revealed the presence of 4 out of 15 and 5 out of 18 mycotoxins’ biomarkers of exposure in urine and breast milk samples, respectively. The main aspects identified as contributors for the successful development of the cohort were the multidisciplinary and dedicated team members in healthcare units, reduced burden of participation, and the availability of healthcare units for the implementation of the fieldwork. Challenges faced, lessons learned, and suggestions were discussed as a contribution for the development of further studies in this area.publishersversionpublishe

    House dust fungal communities’ characterization: a double take on the six by sixty by six project (6x60x6)

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    Fungi are a group microbes, that are found with particular incidence in the indoor environment. Their direct toxicity or capability of generating toxic compounds has been associated with a large number of adverse health effects, such as infectious diseases, allergies and other toxic effects. Given that in modern society people spend a large part of their time indoors; fungal communities’ characterization of this environmental compartment assumes paramount importance in the comprehension of health effects. House dust is an easy to obtain, time-integrative matrix, being its use in epidemiological studies on human exposure to environmental contaminants highly recommended. Furthermore, dust can carry a great variety of fungal content that undergoes a large number of processes that modulate and further complexify human exposure. Our study aims to quantify and identify the fungal community on house dust samples collected using two different methodologies (an approach not often seen in the literature): active (vacuum cleaner bags) and passive sampling (dust settled in petri dishes). Sampling was performed as part of the ongoing 6x60x6 Project in which six houses from Covilhã (Portugal), with building dates representative of six decades, were studied for a period of sixty days.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio