46 research outputs found

    Spatial coefficient of variation of arterial spin labeling MRI as a cerebrovascular correlate of carotid occlusive disease

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    Clinical interpretation of arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion MRI in cerebrovascular disease remains challenging mainly because of the method’s sensitivity to concomitant contributions from both intravascular and tissue compartments. While acquisition of multi-delay images can differentiate between the two contributions, the prolonged acquisition is prone to artifacts and not practical for clinical applications. Here, the utility of the spatial coefficient of variation (sCoV) of a single-delay ASL image as a marker of the intravascular contribution was evaluated by testing the hypothesis that sCoV can detect the effects of differences in label arrival times between ipsi- and contra-lateral hemispheres even in the absence of a hemispheric difference in CBF. Hemispheric lateralization values for sCoV and CBF were computed from ASL images acquired on 28 patients (age 73.9 ± 10.2 years, 8 women) with asymptomatic unilateral carotid occlusion. The results showed that sCoV lateralization predicted the occluded side with 96.4% sensitivity, missing only 1 patient. In contrast, the sensitivity of the CBF lateralization was 71.4%, with 8 patients showing no difference in CBF between hemispheres. The findings demonstrate the potential clinical utility of sCoV as a cerebrovascular correlate of large vessel disease. Using sCoV in tandem with CBF, vascular information can be obtained in image processing without the need for additional scan-time

    Late-life brain perfusion after prenatal famine exposure

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    Early nutritional deprivation may cause irreversible damage to the brain and seems to affect cognitive function in older age. We investigated whether prenatal undernutrition was associated with brain perfusion differences in older age. We acquired Arterial spin labeling scans in 118 Dutch famine birth cohort members. Using linear regression analyses, cerebral blood flow was compared between exposed and unexposed groups in gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM), perfusion territories, the neurodegeneration-related regions anterior and posterior cingulate cortex and precuneus. Furthermore, we compared the GM/WM ratio and the spatial coefficient of variation as a proxy of overall cerebrovascular health. The WM arterial spin labeling signal and the GM/WM ratio were significantly lower and higher, respectively, among exposed participants (−2.5 mL/100 g/min [95% CI: −4.3 to −0.8; p = 0.01] and 0.48 [0.19 to 0.76; p = 0.002], respectively). Exposed men had lower cerebral blood flow in anterior and posterior cingulate cortices (−8.0 mL/100 g/min [−15.1 to −0.9; p = 0.03]; −11.4 mL/100 g/min [−19.6 to −3.2; p = 0.02]) and higher spatial coefficient of variation (0.05 [0.00 to 0.09; p = 0.05]). The latter seemed largely mediated by higher 2h-glucose levels at age 50. Our findings suggest that prenatal undernutrition affects brain perfusion parameters providing further evidence for life-long effects of undernutrition during early brain development

    Partial volume correction in arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI: A method to disentangle anatomy from physiology or an analysis step too far?

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    The mismatch in the spatial resolution of Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) MRI perfusion images and the anatomy of functionally distinct tissues in the brain leads to a partial volume effect (PVE), which in turn confounds the estimation of perfusion into a specific tissue of interest such as gray or white matter. This confound occurs because the image voxels contain a mixture of tissues with disparate perfusion properties, leading to estimated perfusion values that reflect primarily the volume proportions of tissues in the voxel rather than the perfusion of any particular tissue of interest within that volume. It is already recognized that PVE influences studies of brain perfusion, and that its effect might be even more evident in studies where changes in perfusion are co-incident with alterations in brain structure, such as studies involving a comparison between an atrophic patient population vs control subjects, or studies comparing subjects over a wide range of ages. However, the application of PVE correction (PVEc) is currently limited and the employed methodologies remain inconsistent.In this article, we outline the influence of PVE in ASL measurements of perfusion, explain the main principles of PVEc, and provide a critique of the current state of the art for the use of such methods. Furthermore, we examine the current use of PVEc in perfusion studies and whether there is evidence to support its wider adoption.We conclude that there is sound theoretical motivation for the use of PVEc alongside conventional, ‘uncorrected’, images, and encourage such combined reporting. Methods for PVEc are now available within standard neuroimaging toolboxes, which makes our recommendation straightforward to implement. However, there is still more work to be done to establish the value of PVEc as well as the efficacy and robustness of existing PVEc methods

    Imaging Patients with Psychosis and a Mouse Model Establishes a Spreading Pattern of Hippocampal Dysfunction and Implicates Glutamate as a Driver

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    The hippocampus in schizophrenia is characterized by both hypermetabolism and reduced size. It remains unknown whether these abnormalities are mechanistically linked. Here, in addressing these questions we used MRI tools that can map hippocampal metabolism and structure in patients and mouse models. In at-risk patients, hypermetabolism was found to begin in CA1 and spread to the subiculum after psychosis onset. CA1 hypermetabolism at baseline predicted hippocampal atrophy, which occured during progression to psychosis, most prominently in similar regions. Next, we used ketamine to model conditions of acute psychosis in mice. Acute ketamine reproduced a regional pattern of hippocampal hypermetabolism, while repeated exposure shifted the hippocampus to a hypermetabolic state with concurrent atrophy and pathology in parvalbumin-expressing interneurons. Parallel in vivo experiments using LY379268 and direct measurements of extracellular glutamate showed that glutamate drives both neuroimaging abnormalities. These findings show that hippocampal hypermetabolism leads to atrophy in psychotic disorder and suggest glutamate as a pathogenic driver

    Altered oxidative neurometabolic response to methylene blue in bipolar disorder revealed by quantitative neuroimaging

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    Background: Cerebral mitochondrial and hemodynamic abnormalities have been implicated in Bipolar Disorder pathophysiology, likely contributing to neurometabolic vulnerability–leading to worsen clinical outcomes and mood instability. To investigate neurometabolic vulnerability in patients with BD, we combined multi-modal quantitative MRI assessment of cerebral oxygenation with acute administration of Methylene Blue, a neurometabolic/hemodynamic modulator acting on cerebral mitochondria. Methods: Fifteen euthymic patients with chronic BD-type 1, and fifteen age/gender-matched healthy controls underwent two separate MRI sessions in a single-blinded randomized cross-over design, each after intravenous infusion of either MB (0.5 mg/kg) or placebo. MRI-based measures of Cerebral Blood Flow and Oxygen Extraction Fraction were integrated to compute Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen in Frontal Lobe, Anterior Cingulate, and Hippocampus–implicated in BD neurometabolic pathophysiology. Inter-daily variation in mood rating was used to assess mood instability. Results: A decrease in global CBF and CMRO2 was observed after acutely administrating MB to all participants. Greater regional CMRO2 reductions were observed after MB, in patients compared to controls in FL (mean = −14.2 ± 19.5 % versus 2.3 ± 14.8 %), ACC (mean = −14.8 ± 23.7 % versus 2.4 ± 15.7 %). The effects on CMRO2 in those regions were primarily driven by patients with longer disease duration and higher mood instability. Limitations: Sample size; medications potentially impacting on response to MB. Conclusions: An altered neurometabolic response to MB, a mitochondrial/hemodynamic modulator, was observed in patients, supporting the hypothesis of vulnerability to neurometabolic stress in BD. Integrating quantitative imaging of cerebral oxygen metabolism with a mitochondrial-targeting pharmacological challenge could provide a novel biomarker of neurometabolic and cerebrovascular pathophysiology in BD

    Recommendations for quantitative cerebral perfusion MRI using multi-timepoint arterial spin labeling:Acquisition, quantification, and clinical applications

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    Accurate assessment of cerebral perfusion is vital for understanding the hemodynamic processes involved in various neurological disorders and guiding clinical decision-making. This guidelines article provides a comprehensive overview of quantitative perfusion imaging of the brain using multi-timepoint arterial spin labeling (ASL), along with recommendations for its acquisition and quantification. A major benefit of acquiring ASL data with multiple label durations and/or post-labeling delays (PLDs) is being able to account for the effect of variable arterial transit time (ATT) on quantitative perfusion values and additionally visualize the spatial pattern of ATT itself, providing valuable clinical insights. Although multi-timepoint data can be acquired in the same scan time as single-PLD data with comparable perfusion measurement precision, its acquisition and postprocessing presents challenges beyond single-PLD ASL, impeding widespread adoption. Building upon the 2015 ASL consensus article, this work highlights the protocol distinctions specific to multi-timepoint ASL and provides robust recommendations for acquiring high-quality data. Additionally, we propose an extended quantification model based on the 2015 consensus model and discuss relevant postprocessing options to enhance the analysis of multi-timepoint ASL data. Furthermore, we review the potential clinical applications where multi-timepoint ASL is expected to offer significant benefits. This article is part of a series published by the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Perfusion Study Group, aiming to guide and inspire the advancement and utilization of ASL beyond the scope of the 2015 consensus article.</p