19,786 research outputs found

    The Relevance of Inquiry-Based Learning in Basic Reading Skills Exercises for Improving Student Learning Outcomes in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

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    This study discussed inquiry-based learning activities in reading skills training students in Madrasah Ibtidayah and elementary schools in Indonesia. In learning to understand according to Islam, reading skills receive special attention from other skills such as speaking, listening, and writing skills. Get an understanding and application of strengthening reading learning that can be started from the elementary school level, and this theme will be discussed with the literature review method from national and international journal publications. A descriptive qualitative design study will be a method of analyzing a series of data. The review process involves a phenomenological approach, coding systems, and critical evaluation to produce data findings to answer our research themes that meet the findings' validity and reliability. Finally, we can conclude our findings, among others, that the ten publications and literature have confirmed that the application of inquiry-based learning approaches is very relevant to be applied in the learning environment of elementary madrasah schools. Thus these findings will be useful to whichever part


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    This article discusses the evidence for the successful study of memorizing the Qur'an, which is shown to gain an understanding of the motivational approach of young hafidz. The author believes that memorizing the Quran is closely related to experience and studies that have given parents and parents confidence. Our data is obtained from literature such as published journals, books, and website data. Before getting the findings to this study, we first examine the data with a phenomenological approach, exploring as much data as possible to understand that answer. This study entirely relies on secondary data from the findings of previous work, and we design it in a descriptive qualitative study—data coming soon young people.com. Based on our study and discussion, we conclude that there is a very close relevance between the evidence of scientific studies on the memorization of the Qur'an project and the success of students reading the Qur'an. Thus, this finding should be a helpful input in efforts to improve the quality of studies and scientific reading and Hafiz of the Qur'an for the younger generation. Keywords: Relevancy, research evidence, memorizing the Quran, and motivational approach

    Dinamika Pendidikan Islam di Zaman Penjajahan Belanda

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    Pendahuluan: Artikel ini ingin menyoroti tentang dinamika pendidikan Islam di Zaman Penjajahan Belanda., yang mana, telah membawa perubahan yang besar bagi pendidikan yang ada, khususnya di Indonesia. Peran Kolonial Belanda tidak terlepas dari pembaharuan Belanda dalam pendidikan yang ada di Indonesia ini. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang bersifat kajian pustaka dengan menganalisis sumber-sumber yang terkait. Hasil: Perjalanan sejarah pendidikan yang ada di Indonesia telah mengalami perubahan yang luar biasa, yang tidak terlepas dari peran orang Belanda. Oleh karena itu, dalam hal melakukan perubahan tersebut dikenal dengan istilah transformasi, Ulama-ulama Indonesia dalam menuntut ilmu di Mekah, dengan relanya tinggal beberapa tahun di Mekah demi mendapatkan ilmu yang nantinya akan di ajarkan di Kampung halamannya. Ilmu yang diperoleh dari Mekah, nantinya akan diajarkan kepada santri-santri pada pondok Pesantren sehingga membawa perubahan pada pendidikan Indonesia yang dikenal sebagai modernisasi. Dampak yang dihasilkan dari perubahan ini, tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa kurikulum ikut mengalami perubahan juga

    Pengaruh Investasi, Kapasitas Produksi, Nilai Produksi dan Jumlah Unit Usaha pada Sektor Industri Terhadap Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Kabupaten Bulungan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine How much influence the investment to the production capacity in the district of Bulungan, To know How much influence the production capacity of the production value in the district of Bulungan, To know How much influence the production value of the number of business units in the district of Bulungan, To know How large indirect effect of investment on employment in the industrial sector through the production capacity in the district of Bulungan, To know How big is the indirect effect of production capacity in the labor market in the industrial sector through the production value in the district of Bulungan, To know How much influence the indirect value production on employment in the industrial sector through a number of business units in the district of Bulungan. The results of the research are investments (X1) direct effect on employment (Y) of 0.667. Production Capacity (X2) direct effect on employment (Y) of -0.040. Value of Production (X3) direct effect on employment (Y) of -0.282. Total Business Unit (Y1) direct effect on employment (Y) of 0.957. Investments (X1) direct effect on employment in the industrial sector through the production capacity (X2) is 0,053. Production capacity (X2) direct effect on employment in the industrial sector through the production value (X3) of 0.395. The production value (X3) direct effect on employment in the industrial sector through a number of business units (X4) of 0.886.Keywords:  Investation, Product Capacity, Product Value, Number of Business Units, Employment Absorp

    Effect of vetch wheat mixture and broccoli as preceding crops on organic summer vegetables: on farm trial in western Turkey

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    Organic farming requires the use of practices such as crop rotation, green manure and compost application instead of chemical compounds to enhance farm productivity. In this study, effects of two pre-crops (vetch-wheat mixture and broccoli) and additional fertilization (AF) strategy (compost and commercial fertilizer) were tested on organic production of two main crops (tomato and zucchini) and on soil fertility. The main aim of this on-farm trial is to evaluate the applicability of the results obtained over four years study under experimental conditions. Pre-crops and AF strategy had no significant effect on zucchini yield; highest tomato yield was recorded after vetch-wheat mixture and AF. At the end of the cycle soil organic matter statistically increased in vetch-wheat mixture with AF plots. Soil nitrogen (N) levels increased slightly in all treatments but this increase was not significantly different from the initial level of N. Vetch-wheat mixture and tomato rotation with AF provided the highest gross-margin due to a higher yield

    Asymptotically minimax Bayes predictive densities

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    Given a random sample from a distribution with density function that depends on an unknown parameter θ\theta, we are interested in accurately estimating the true parametric density function at a future observation from the same distribution. The asymptotic risk of Bayes predictive density estimates with Kullback--Leibler loss function D(fθf^)=fθlog(fθ/hatf)D(f_{\theta}||{\hat{f}})=\int{f_{\theta} \log{(f_{\theta}/ hat{f})}} is used to examine various ways of choosing prior distributions; the principal type of choice studied is minimax. We seek asymptotically least favorable predictive densities for which the corresponding asymptotic risk is minimax. A result resembling Stein's paradox for estimating normal means by the maximum likelihood holds for the uniform prior in the multivariate location family case: when the dimensionality of the model is at least three, the Jeffreys prior is minimax, though inadmissible. The Jeffreys prior is both admissible and minimax for one- and two-dimensional location problems.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000000885 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Examination of parental and special education teachers' attitudes towards sports activities of students with intellectual disability

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes of parents of students with intellectual disability and special education teachers working in special education schools to the sports activities of students with intellectual disability (ID).The study included 92 volunteer teachers who worked in special education schools, and 116 voluntary parents of children with ID who attended special education schools. The "Attitude Towards Sports Activities of Intellectually Disabled Individuals Scale" was used by participants to determine their attitudes towards the participation of students with intellectual disabilities. The total scale scores of the teachers and the parents were 100.39 ± 9.41 and 117.00 ± 15.47, respectively. When the scale scores of the teachers and the parents were compared, there was a statistically significant difference in favor of the parents (p = 0.000). The results of this study have shown that special education teachers and parents of students with intellectual disabilities have positive attitudes towards their participation in sports activities. The attitudes of the parents were found to be more positive than those of the special special education teachers. © 2018 by authors, all rights reserved

    Pumping Teacher dalam Tantangan Pendidikan Abad 21

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    IndonesiaPendahuluan: Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana peran pumping teacher dalam menangani pendidikan abad 21. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kajian pustaka dengan cara menelusuri berbagai sumber referensi secara kritis untuk mendapatkan data yang utuh dan dapat dipercayai. Hasil: Guru bukan hanya mampu digugu dan ditiru, tetapi mampu memberikan motivasi kepada anak didiknya agar semangat dalam belajar. Oleh karena itu, guru harus bisa menjadi pumping teacher dengan gaya belajar biofili. Dengan adanya semangat guru dalam mengajar, sehingga tertanam konsep dalam hati guru bahwa mengajar dari hati bukan mengejar materi. Sehingga dapat menciptakan anak didik yang beriman, berilmu, bertakwa dan berkarakter yang siap menghadapi tantangan pendidikan di abad 21 ini. EnglishIntroduction: This article aims to examine how the role of pumping teacher in 21st century education. Method: This research uses literature review method by tracing various reference critically to get the valid and reliable data. Result: The role of teachers is not enough to be person followed and imitated, but they have to give motivation to their students in order to spirit in learning. Therefore, the teacher should be able to be a pumping teacher with the learning style of biofili. With the spirit of teachers in teaching, so teachers do the concept that teaching from the heart and they are not pursuing the material. So that, they can drive students who are faithful, knowledgeable, cautious and character who is ready to face the challenges of education in the 21st century

    Ethnic Disparities in Degree Performance

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    Using unique administrative individual data, this paper examines ethnic differences in degree performance in Dutch colleges and universities. The paper estimates parametric duration models and accounts for unobserved heterogeneity to assess the sources of ethnic disparities. The analysis shows that ethnic minorities from non-western countries have a significantly lower degree performance and higher risk of dropping-out. Especially, Turkish, Moroccan and Caribbean students are less likely to graduate, and graduates among them need much more time to complete their study. There is no evidence that this disadvantage stems from poor parental socioeconomic position and the choice of study subject.tertiary education, drop-out