31 research outputs found

    Organizational and economic directions of competitive recovery of Russian pharmaceutical enterprises

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    The urgency of the analyzed issue is due to the fact that the sustainable development of the economy of any country is the most important level of public health, which in turn, is conditioned by providing high quality pharmaceutical products. This is determined by the effective activity of the pharmaceutical industry, its competitiveness. Thus, the study of the competitiveness of Russian pharmaceutical enterprises, the development directions of its improvement should contribute to the sustainable development of the Russian economy. The article is focused on the development of organizational and economic ways of competitive recovery of the pharmaceutical industry. The leading approach to the study of this issue is an analytical approach that allows identifying the main directions of competitive recovery of the pharmaceutical industry. The results of the article: the study of possible organizational and economic ways of competitive recovery of Russian companies in the pharmaceutical industry, the algorithm of directions of its increase. The made recommendations have been tested in a number of Russian companies in the pharmaceutical industry. The article date may be useful in the management of the pharmaceutical industry now, as well as for understanding the specifics of the domestic pharmaceutical industry. © 2016 Ashmarina et al

    Practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students in higher educational institutions of Russia

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. Academic mobility enhances the accessibility, quality and effectiveness of education and is an important tool for creating a global educational area and for supporting mobility of human capital. Therefore, this article aims to develop practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students. The paper presents practical recommendations at the regional and university levels, allowing to organize the process systematically and holistically, purposefully uniting the efforts of all its subjects, and choosing priorities for action in accordance with individual and typological characteristics of certain students. Provisions of this article may be useful for teachers, management and staff of international departments of higher educational institutions of professional education

    Structure and development of the intellectual potential of the industrial enterprise personnel

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The purpose of this article is to develop the conditions of the management system improvement and the industrial enterprise personnel development. Presented article defines the intellectual potential of the enterprise personnel, its location, components and forms of appearance in the enterprise activities. The personnel intellectual potential is an important factor of scientific and technical progress and increases the efficiency of all aspects of industrial enterprise production and commercial activities. The results of the present study indicate the need to evaluate and determine the directions of the enterprise personnel intellectual potential development to achieve the strategic company’s goals and creating competitive advantages. This article is intended for managers, executives, HR staff and researchers dealing with personnel development of the industrial enterprise

    Morphological diagnostics and structure of the prostate pathology according to biopsy data

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    The results of a morphological study of 1049 needle biopsies of the prostate are presented. The study showed that prostate cancer is detected in 1 of 39 men aged 40-59 years, in 1 out of 14 — at the age of 60-69 years, in 1 of 7 —older than 70 years. Adenocarcinoma accounts for 95% of all malignant tumors of the prostate. In most cases, the tumor is diagnosed as acinar adenocarcinoma. Benign hyperplasia and dysplasia occurred in the 6th decade of life, chronic prostatitis in 6 and 7 decades, in 4 cases, tuberculosis lesions were detected, noninformative material was presented in 1 case (0,095%).В работе представлены результаты морфологического изучения 1049 пункционных биопсий предстательной железы. Проведенное исследование показало, что рак предстательной железы выявляется у 1 из 39 мужчин в возрасте 40-59 лет, у 1 из 14 — в возрасте 60-69 лет, у 1 из 7 — после 70 лет. аденокарцинома составляет 95% всех злокачественных опухолей предстательной железы. В подавляющем большинстве случаев опухоль диагностирована как ацинарная аденокарцинома. доброкачественная гиперплазия и дисплазия встречались в 6 декаде жизни, хронический простатит в 6 и 7 десятилетиях, в 4-х наблюдениях выявлено туберкулёзное поражение, неинформативный материал представлен в 1 случае (0,095%)

    Mechanism of information resources knowledge

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    Modern vector of development of the economy is quite different from previous periods, which in it turn is reflected in the strategic state documents generated including the Government of Russia. In particular, it should be noted that to date, the state defined the vector of development defined as an innovative and socially oriented. Given the level of technical and technological progress and its impact on the realities of the present time it is necessary to pay attention to enhance the relevance and significance of information in the development of modern society. The article analyzes the degree of influence of information and knowledge in modern economic processes taking place in society. The analysis is based on the study of scientific works of modern scientists specializing in the study of information problems and knowledge economy. The main trends in the development of the information society status related primarily to the expansion of data, as well as strengthening the role of progressive information technologies to reduce the role of the geographical factor of resistance in sharing knowledge. The authors defined the essence of information knowledge environment, as well as the marked characteristics form the spectrum of features inherent to the modern information environment. The analysis of the concept of «information knowledge resource» (IKR), which is a synthesis of three terms: information, knowledge, resources, and refined his interpretation. IKR designated role in shaping the knowledge economy. Presents specific features which have knowledge information and resources, among which stands out: intangibility, immeasurable, non-exclusive use. The paper presents a model of the PSI, based on the transformation of information into knowledge under the influence of certain factors that could affect the quality of the resulting knowledge. Also in the proposed IKR management mechanism as a central element of organizational change management mechanisms in the social and economic systems. Outlined the main points useful application of such a mechanism

    Structure and development of the intellectual potential of the industrial enterprise personnel

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The purpose of this article is to develop the conditions of the management system improvement and the industrial enterprise personnel development. Presented article defines the intellectual potential of the enterprise personnel, its location, components and forms of appearance in the enterprise activities. The personnel intellectual potential is an important factor of scientific and technical progress and increases the efficiency of all aspects of industrial enterprise production and commercial activities. The results of the present study indicate the need to evaluate and determine the directions of the enterprise personnel intellectual potential development to achieve the strategic company’s goals and creating competitive advantages. This article is intended for managers, executives, HR staff and researchers dealing with personnel development of the industrial enterprise

    La Gazette de Château-Gontier : Journal politique, littéraire, agricole et commercial ["ou" Nouvelles de l'Ouest...]

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    20 octobre 19071907/10/20 (A30,N84,ED2).Appartient à l’ensemble documentaire : PaysLoir

    Resource saving innovative forms of the industrial enterprises

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the study is reasoned by the current economic trends which suggest that the reliability of production is possible to be provided, while preserving and enhancing of natural ecological environment, by finding of quality new, revolutionary opportunities associated with the use of resource-saving and energy-saving technologies and alternative reproducible sources of production activities, creation of favorable ecological, economic and social conditions for the accumulation and implementation of human capital. The purpose of this paper is to explore innovative forms of resource saving of the industrial enterprises, aimed at improving of the competitiveness of products, using innovative energy and resource saving technologies, minimizing the generation of waste. The leading method to the study of this problem is the modeling method that allows considering of this problem as a purposeful and organized process to improve the management of industrial enterprises. In paper gives the estimation of modern condition of mineral raw material base of hydrocarbons; scientifically substantiates recommendations on the appropriateness of innovative forms’ choice of resource-saving at industrial enterprises. The practical value is in the fact that the results of the study allow better and more targeted adjusting of innovative activity of industrial enterprises through the application of innovative forms of resource saving and can be used in the framework of sector programs that are of interest for the state statistics bodies, ministries and agencies who are responsible for strategic analysis and planning

    Practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students in higher educational institutions of Russia

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. Academic mobility enhances the accessibility, quality and effectiveness of education and is an important tool for creating a global educational area and for supporting mobility of human capital. Therefore, this article aims to develop practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students. The paper presents practical recommendations at the regional and university levels, allowing to organize the process systematically and holistically, purposefully uniting the efforts of all its subjects, and choosing priorities for action in accordance with individual and typological characteristics of certain students. Provisions of this article may be useful for teachers, management and staff of international departments of higher educational institutions of professional education

    Structure and development of the intellectual potential of the industrial enterprise personnel

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The purpose of this article is to develop the conditions of the management system improvement and the industrial enterprise personnel development. Presented article defines the intellectual potential of the enterprise personnel, its location, components and forms of appearance in the enterprise activities. The personnel intellectual potential is an important factor of scientific and technical progress and increases the efficiency of all aspects of industrial enterprise production and commercial activities. The results of the present study indicate the need to evaluate and determine the directions of the enterprise personnel intellectual potential development to achieve the strategic company’s goals and creating competitive advantages. This article is intended for managers, executives, HR staff and researchers dealing with personnel development of the industrial enterprise