3,150 research outputs found

    Autonomy and morality: A Self-Determination Theory discussion of ethics

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    Kantian ethics is based on a metaphysical conception of autonomy that may seem difficult to reconcile with the empirically-based science of psychology. I argue that, although not formally developed, a Self-Determination Theory (SDT) perspective of ethics can broaden the field of Kantian-based moral psychology and specify what it means, motivationally, to have autonomy in the application of a moral norm. More specifically, I argue that this is possible when a moral norm is fully endorsed by the self through a process of internalization that is energized by intrinsic motivation and is facilitated by the fulfillment of the basic needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness. The conditions of the fulfillment of these needs may even implicitly reveal which norms will be integrated and treated as moral norms. I conclude that SDT offers a motivational approach that is useful in understanding the development of moral norms

    Spanning Tests for Markowitz Stochastic Dominance

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    We derive properties of the cdf of random variables defined as saddle-type points of real valued continuous stochastic processes. This facilitates the derivation of the first-order asymptotic properties of tests for stochastic spanning given some stochastic dominance relation. We define the concept of Markowitz stochastic dominance spanning, and develop an analytical representation of the spanning property. We construct a non-parametric test for spanning based on subsampling, and derive its asymptotic exactness and consistency. The spanning methodology determines whether introducing new securities or relaxing investment constraints improves the investment opportunity set of investors driven by Markowitz stochastic dominance. In an application to standard data sets of historical stock market returns, we reject market portfolio Markowitz efficiency as well as two-fund separation. Hence, we find evidence that equity management through base assets can outperform the market, for investors with Markowitz type preferences

    Stochastic Expansions and Moment Approximations for Three Indirect Estimators

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    This paper deals with properties of three indirect estimators that are known to be (first order) asymptotically equivalent. Specifically, we examine a) the issue of validity of the formal Edgeworth expansion of an arbitrary order. b) Given a), we are concerned with valid moment approximations and employ them to characterize the second order bias structure of the estimators. Our motivation resides on the fact that one of the three is reported by the relevant literature to be second order unbiased. However, this result was derived without any establishment of validity. We provide this establishment, but we are also able to massively generalize the conditions under which this second order property remains true. In this way, we essentially prove their higher order inequivalence. We generalize indirect estimators by introducing recursive ones, emerging from multistep optimization procedures. We are able to establish higher order unbiaseness for estimators of this sort.Asymptotic Approximation, Second Order Bias Structure, Binding Function, Local Canonical Representation, Convex Variational Distance, Recursive Indirect Estimators, Higher order Bias.

    Innovation, competition and incentives for R&D

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    This paper analyses the relationship between past innovation output, competition, and future innovation input in a dynamic econometric setting. We distinguish two dimensions of competition that correspond to the concepts of product substitutability and entry barriers due to fixed costs. Based on firm-level panel data for Germany and Switzerland we obtain consistent results for both countries. Innovation output in t-1 as measured by the sales share of innovative products is positively related to the degree of product obsolescence in t, and negatively to the degree of substitutability in t in both countries. Further, we find that rapid product obsolescence provides positive incentives for higher - primarily product-oriented - R&D investments in t+1, while high substitutability exerts negative incentives for future R&D investment. --Innovation,R&D,Competition

    Compte rendu de Lecture: KAPIL RAJ. Relocating modern science : circulation and the construction of knowledge in South Asia and Europe, 1650-1900, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 258 p.

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    KAPIL RAJ. Relocating modern science : circulation and the construction of knowledge in South Asia and Europe, 1650-1900, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 258 p. ISBN : 0-230-50708-5. 50 Livres sterling. Publié également à Delhi par Permanent Black, ISBN 81-7824-146-3
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