8 research outputs found

    The government policy related to sugar-sweetened beverages in Indonesia

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    Background: There are several options to enforce reduction in the use of sugary drinks such as strengthening regulations, taxation on the products and food labeling.  Aims & Objectives: 1) Identify the policy in Indonesia that regulates the quantity and the use of sugar in a beverage product; 2) Describe the sugar content in sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and its impact on human health. Material & Methods: Literature search on sugar use and tax policies on SSB was conducted and 6 relevant documents were found. A total of 91 SSB products were selected systematically by randomly selecting 5 beverages per day for 20 days. Beverages chosen were certified Halal by Majelis Ulama Indonesia, having product labeling, and certified by BPOM. Results: Indonesia has no policy related to restriction of sugar use. The contribution of sugar to energy of SSB products is quite high (75.68%). SSB intake may increase the risk of obesity and non-communicable diseases. Conclusion: The absence of tax policy and rules for regulating the use of sugar in a product can cause an increase in sugar consumption per day. It could potentially lead to non-communicable diseases and could have enormous consequences in health financing. The government needs to create policies for preventing the widespread impact of sugar consumption. Advocacy efforts to encourage the establishment of SSB taxation should be done

    Determinants of Chronic Energy Deficiency among pregnant women in Jeneponto regency

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      Background: The prevalence of Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) in Indonesia reached 24.2% in 2013. The present study aimed to identify the determinants of CED in pregnant women.  Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between July 2016 - July 2017 in Jeneponto Regency. The standard used in Indonesia categorizes CED when MUAC <23.5 cm while the normal value is considered as ³23.5 cm. A total 616 respondents were selected using proportional stratified non-random sampling. The independent variables were socio-economic, food intake, and environmental factors. Anthropometric data including Middle-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) was measured using MUAC tape. In addition, SECA digital weight scale was used to measure weight and Microtoice for height. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and the results were double input to ensure validity of data. Data analyses used were chi-square and logistic regression run in PASW Statistics for Windows, Version 18.0.      Results: The results showed that the prevalence of CED is quite high (n=131) (21.3%). The variables that contributed to the CED occurrence were age (OR=2.662, 95%CI=1.785-3.968, P<0.001) and education level (OR=0.505, 95%CI=0.340-0.751, P=0.001). Multivariate analysis showed only educational level and latrines availability became the determinant factors of CED in pregnant women (P<0.05). After controlling low carbohydrates and protein intake, there was no statistically significant variable as determinant factor of CED among pregnant women.  Conclusion: The present study concludes that age and education level are potential to be determinant factors for CED. Attempts should be made to prevent the impact of CED on pregnant women. The government needs to provide the proper program to overcome impact and prevalent of CED

    Does the consumption of local snacks on sale in the schools cause adolescent obesity? A case study in the secondary vocational schools

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    ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Prevalensi kelebihan berat badan dan obesitas pada remaja (13 - 15 tahun) meningkat secara signifi kan dari 7,3% pada 2013 menjadi 13,5% pada 2018. Ketersediaan restoran cepat saji yang semakin banyak, baik lokal maupun komersial, di sekitar sekolah semakin meningkatkan jumlah anak remaja usia sekolah yang terpapar makanan tidak sehat, terlebih bagi mereka yang tinggal di daerah perkotaan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini menguji dampak camilan lokal yang tersedia di sekolah terhadap kejadian obesitas pada remaja. Metode: Penelitian Ini menggunakan disain cross-sectional yang dilakukan di lima Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di Bekasi, Indonesia. Sebanyak 225 siswa berusia 16-18 tahun diamati status gizi dan konsumsi makanan ringan mereka. Indeks massa tubuh menurut usia (IMT/U) digunakan untuk menentukan status obesitas remaja. Diklasifi kasikan sebagai obesitas apabila nilai z score > 2SD sesuai dengan usia dan jenis kelamin mereka, menggunakan grafi k referensi WHO 2007. Siswa ditanya tentang konsumsi makanan mereka menggunakan kuesioner frekuensi makan (FFQ) semi kuantitatif. Odds ratio (OR) dihitung untuk setiap jenis makanan ringan dan nilai p<0,05 sebagai nilai signifi kan secara statistik. Hasil: Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 32,4% siswa mengalami obesitas. Konsumsi makanan ringan lokal yang terkait dengan obesitas termasuk makanan berlemak (OR, 2.18; 95% CI, 0.68 - 7.01; p = 0.19), makanan manis (1OR, 1.28; 95% CI, 0.70 – 2.35)), dan makanan asin (OR, 1,04; 95% CI, 0,40 - 2,71; p = 0,92). Tiga makanan dan minuman lokal teratas yang dikonsumsi oleh para siswa adalah Cireng (makanan goreng lokal yang terbuat dari tepung), teh, dan pizza (masing-masing dengan frekuensi 0,561, 0,429, 0,245 /hari). Kesimpulan: Konsumsi makanan ringan lokal yang dijual di SMK di Kota Bekasi tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifi kan terhadapt kejadian obesitas.KATA KUNCI: kebiasaan mengemil; obesitas pada remaja; konsumsi makananABSTRACT Background: Prevalence of overweight and obesity in adolescents (13 – 15 years) significantly increased from 7.3% in 2013 to 13.5% in 2018. The availability of many fast-food restaurants, both local and commercial, nearby the school increases the number of young people exposed to unhealthy food, especially those living in urban areas. Objectives: This study examined the impact of local unhealthy snacks available in the school on adolescent obesity. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in the fi ve Secondary Vocational School in Bekasi, Indonesia. A total of 225 students aged 16-18 years were observed for their nutritional status and snack consumption. Body mass index for age indices was used to determine the obesity status of adolescents, classifi ed as obese (>2SD) with respect to their age and sex using 2007 WHO reference charts. Students were asked about their food consumption using a semi-quantitative questionnaire. Odds ratios (ORs) was calculated for each type of snacks and p<0.05 was considered statistically signifi cant. Results: Finding of this study shows that 32.4% of students were obese. The consumption of local snacks associated with obesity included fatty food (OR, 2.18; 95% CI, 0.68–7.01; p=0.19), sweet food (OR, 6.98; 95% CI, 3.00 – 16.25; p<0.001), and salty food (OR, 1.04; 95% CI, 0.40 – 2.71; p=0.92). The top three of local foods and beverages consumed by the students were Cireng (a local fried food made from starch), tea, and pizza (with frequency/day 0.561, 0.429, 0.245, respectively). Conclusion: Local snacks on sale in the vocational schools in Bekasi City was not signifi cant associated with obesity.KEYWORDS: snacking behavior; obesity in adolescence; food consumptio

    The Association between Adiponectin Gene Polymorphism and Waist Circumference Changes in Obese/Overweight Adults after Aerobic Exercise and Diet Treatment

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    Background: The Indonesian basic health research survey reports that the prevalence of overweight/obese (ow/ob) adults was increased from 15% in 2010 to 20% in 2013 for male, and 26% in 2010 to 35% in 2013 for female. Adiponectin is associated with various parameters of metabolic syndrome. This study aimed to investigate the effect of adiponectin gene polymorphism on waist circumference of ow/ob adults after aerobic exercise. Method: This experimental study was conducted on n=36 ow/ob women. This study used one group pre-posttest design. Respondents were instructed to perform alternately between aerobic exercise and OCD diet. The aerobic exercise was conducted three times a week. After conducting aerobic exercise, respondents performed OCD diet the following day. This alternating pattern was performed for 6 weeks. After performing 6-weeks aerobic exercise, waist circumference was then measured again. The measured variables were variation of adiponectin gene and waist circumference. The gene variation was performed at the Nechri Laboratory. Result: Overall, waist circumference was lowered from 80.42+-7.16 to 89.11+-6.67. The proportion of genetic variation proportion was found the highest in TT gene variation (75%). After aerobic exercise, waist circumference was significantly reduced in all TT and GT gene variation (p<0.001). There was no significant difference in waist circumference changes between gene variations. Conclusion: Gene variation did not directly contribute to the changes of waist circumference, but through the aerobic exercise practice plus OCD diet. Further study on a larger population and from a different characteristic and nutritional status is needed to see the effect of polymorphisms on anthropometric indices

    Exploration of the association between the gut microbiome and growth of infant aged 0-6 months

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    The project is a cohort study observing the state of the late pregnancy process and its outcome, and how does the maternal gut microbiome in this period affect the infant gut microbiome and growth. This project is conducted in Banggai Regency, where the pilot of multi-micronutrient supplementations is implemented