3,579 research outputs found

    Cervical Length in Midpregnancy and Labour Outcome

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    It is a prospective study conducted in the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Madras Medical College from January 2015 to March 2016. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: The objective is to study the relationship between cervical length at midpregnancy and 1) Gestational age at delivery, 2) Onset of labour, whether spontaneous or induced, 3) Mode of delivery, 4) Caesarean section due to failed induction, 5) To determine the mean cervical length in our population. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 500 antenatal women were included in the study. Transvaginal ultrasound was done between 19-24 weeks and cervical length was recorded. The women were subsequently managed according to the hospital protocol. The women were followed up to term and their labour outcome was recoded. The maternal characteristics like age, body mass index and socioeconomic status were analysed for any confounding factors. Labour outcome analysed were the onset of labour whether spontaneous or induced, gestational age whether preterm or postdated, mode of delivery and the caesarean section due to failed induction. RESULTS: The mean cervical length for patients who went into preterm labour is 3.263 and for those who did not go into preterm labour is 3.655 (P<0.001). The mean cervical length for patients who had postdated pregnancy is 3.863 and for those who did not have postdated pregnancy is 3.578 (P=0.03). The mean cervical length for patients who had spontaneous onset of labour is 3.549 and for those who did not have spontaneous onset of labour is 3.817 (P<0.001). The mean cervical length for patients who had caesarean delivery is 3.772 and for those who did not have caesarean delivery is 3.46 (P<0.001). The mean cervical length for patients who had caesarean delivery due to failed induction is 3.897 and for those who did not have caesarean delivery due to failed induction is 3.559 (P<0.001). The probability of caesarean section due to failed induction increases 4 fold with 1cm increase in cervical length. CONCLUSION: Lower the cervical length, higher is the risk of preterm labour. Increase in the cervical length at midtrimester is associated with increased in the incidence of postterm pregnancy, failure of spontaneous onset of labour, cesarean section in view of failed induction. Thus, measurement of cervical length by transvaginal ultrasound at mid trimester can be used as an easy predictive tool to determine the possible outcome of labour and risk of cesarean ¬¬section

    Mutagenic studies in a filamentous alga, employing a chemical mutagen–ethyl methane sulphonate

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    The biological activity of certain chemical substances is referred to as radiomimetic because they produce all the biological effects observed after treatment with ionizing radiations (E.M.S) Ethyl Methane Sulphonate is a chemical mutagen which falls under the category of radiomimetic compound as it is a electrophilic alkylating agent which reacts with structures which are rich in electrons.  An attempt has been made to study the effect of Ethyl Methane Sulphonate on the filaments of green alga, Cladophora crispata with varying percentage of concentrations ranging from 0.0001, 0.1 for duration of 1, 2 and 4 hours for a period of three weeks.  Control samples were also maintained.  Observations were recorded with reference to survival percentage, dry-weight, chlorophyll content, morphological and cytological variations

    Antiplaque and Antigingivitis effect of a Dentifrice containing Bioactive Glass particulate-A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Background: Maintenance of gingival health is critical in preventing gingivitis and its progression into periodontal disease. Bioactive glass has recently been formulated into a dentifrice and has demonstrated strong antimicrobial property. Objectives: The objective of this clinical trial was to evaluate the antigingivitis and antiplaque effect of a dentifrice containing bioactive glass compared with a placebo control dentifrice in a four weeks clinical study. Methodology:&nbsp; The Study design was a randomized triple blind parallel clinical trial. Sixty volunteers took part in the study and were matched for age and gender. Plaque index (Turesky et al modified Quigley Hein index, 1970) and Gingival bleeding index (Ainamo and Bay, 1975) was recorded at baseline for all selected subjects. Following the baseline assessments, all subjects received a supragingival prophylaxis and polishing to remove plaque, calculus and extrinsic stain. After prophylaxis the plaque levels were brought to uniform levels, ideally close to zero, which was assessed by plaque index. After which the subjects were instructed on the proper brushing technique with their assigned dentifrice and toothbrush. Gingiva and plaque was evaluated at the end of 4 weeks using same indices. Results: A total of 60 subjects completed the study. Total number of participant (n) = 60 males (n) =50 females (n) =10. The results showed that the PLI (baseline 1.12, 4 weeks 0.65) and GBI (baseline 0.16, 4 weeks 0.08) were significantly reduced, respectively, over the 4 weeks period in the test group (p&lt;0.001 for each measure). There was a 50% reduction in gingival bleeding and a 40%reduction in plaque growth. There was no difference of the PLI (baseline 1.34, 4 weeks 1.30) and GBI (baseline 0.13, 4 week 0.15) over the 4 week period in the control group. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that the dentifrice containing Bioactive glass significantly improves gingival health as measured by a reduction in gingival bleeding and reduction in supragingival plaque compared with Placebo dentifrice over the 4 weeks study period. &nbsp; KEYWORDS:&nbsp; Anti-gingivitis, Anti-plaque, Bioactive glass, Dentifrice

    Empowering of Feminine in Indian Advertisements

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    In general, female stereotypes shape the advertising industry, and some recent studies suggest that other types of non-stereotype gender role representations in advertising can have many positive effects. The purpose of this study is to investigate the gender stereotypes of women in modern days advertising. Regardless of gender, there are many positive effects on the brand-related and social impact of non-stereotypic representations of the professional gender role in advertising to respondents. These results also show the format of these stereotypes about how women are portrayed in advertising. It is important that advertising supports gender equality by using positive expressions instead of harmful stereotypes. This study used content analysis to identify the different roles women play in Indian television advertising. Studies show that women are primarily portrayed in advertising as independent decision makers and users, and as an authority on the products being advertised and direct eye contact with customers in advertising and vocalization, and the product type of advertising

    Comparison of Illumination Survey Data of Field (Practical) with Developed MATLAB for Conventional and LED Lighting System in Both Open Cast and Underground Mines-A Case Study

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    The primary importance of this paper is to define the serious problems faced in mine lighting application and to provide guidance and solution of the problems. In lighting design, the primary goal is to cater a visual environment in which people may efficiently perform specific tasks and receive agreeable visual impressions. The process of design is a comparison of various alternative systems, trading off their benefits for their cost in accomplishing their goals. The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) has recommended some design practices for lighting. Although the eye is able to make use of wide range of light levels, there are certain conditions under which it works best. Good artificial lighting system influences the condition of seeing, which facilitates in reducing labours mental tiredness, protecting their health, eyes and nervous system, and reducing injury. These benefits tend to offset the cost economics of lighting or it may be many times greater than the cost of the lighting. A brief explanation of different LED product. By comparing the LED with Incandescent source for the distribution of luminous lux for the given area for lighting fixture at a tilt angle of 0? with the readings noted it is concluded that LED meets the required lux level in the surface mines as per the DGMS standards with the conservation of power. The present day LED has its features such as less power consumption, more lumen output, high efficacy and its life time is 100 times more as compared to incandescent and 10 times more as compared to CFL Light sources. Also the colour considerations for the LED gives the perfect visibility for the human eye gives the pleasant working environment with safety, increases production and reduces the accidents in the surface mines. To achieve the good requirement of illumination in mines, planed illumination is required to be enabled using suitable rules with guidelines so that effective decision can be considered in mines

    Internet : A Networked Computing For Information Exchange in Oral Health Care

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    Internet is often called a network of networks. It provides a vehicle for networks of all kinds and individual stand-alone computers to intertwine to form a global network, which connects people the world over. The internet use in dentistry is increasing. Internet connectivity has opened a new horizon of scientific cooperation and collaboration at global level. Anyone can have easy access to information on not only public health and hygiene matters, but also on more esoteric aspect of dental practice. &nbsp; Key words: internet, search engines, databases, subject directorie

    Study of Performance of a Power Station for Operational Optimisation

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    Undertaking regular performance analysis of a power station is very much necessary for its operational optimization. In this regard as a case study a 630 MVA, 400/220 kV power station was identified and analysed to study its performance. The study shows that the installed station (transformer) capacity is very large compared to the load it had to supply, and also it is under loaded and underutilized for the major period of its operation. Due to this the operational efficiency of the station was reduced and also the incoming voltage level was higher than the voltage for which the station was designed. During off peak loading condition, one of the 400 kV incoming lines was being tripped, thus risking the supply reliability. This case study emphasizes and suggests few ways for improving the performance and loading pattern of the power station by optimization of its operational parameters. Keywords: Bus reactor; Energy audit; Energy efficiency; Performance analysis; Station capacity.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v2i1.11

    Modulation Signal Chain for a 5G PDSCH Reciever

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    LTE (Long Term Evolution), marketed as 5G LTE, is a standard for wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile phones and data terminals. It increases the system capacity and speed. The standard is developed by the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project). The scrambling and modulation was implemented using hardware and software methods. The using of scrambling and modulation mapping with help of constellation method is used. Constellation method is easily differentiating the real and imaginary terms of the modulation mapping. Depending on the hardware structure, particular scrambling and modulation mapping was designed using Verilog RTL coding. Simulation and synthesis was carried out using Xilinx Vivado 2015.4.2 design and implemented on Artix-7 FPGA board. Clock cycle delay is reduced to two clock cycle
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