3,342 research outputs found

    Laboratory Limits on Theories with Sterile Neutrinos in the Bulk

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    We discuss the phenomenological consequences of theories which describe sterile neutrinos in large extra dimensions, in the so-called bulk. We briefly outline how the cumulative non-decoupling effect due to the tower of Kaluza-Klein singlet neutrinos may equivalently be described by a higher-dimensional effective theory with original order-unity Yukawa couplings. Based on this cumulative phenomenon, we obtain strong constraints on the fundamental quantum gravity scale and/or on the higher-dimensional Yukawa couplings.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in Proc. of the DPF2000 (August 9-12, 2000), Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, US

    W physics at the ILC with polarized beams as a probe of the Littlest Higgs Model

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    We study the possibility of using W pair production and leptonic decay of one of the W's at the ILC with polarized beams as a probe of the Littlest Higgs Model. We consider cross-sections, polarization fractions of the W's, leptonic decay energy and angular distributions, and left-right polarization asymmetry as probes of the model. With parameter values allowed by present experimental constraints detectable effects on these observables at typical ILC energies of 500 GeV and 800 GeV will be present. Beam polarization is further found to enhance the sensitivity.Comment: 17 pages, plain latex, 6 figures, replaced with version accepted by JHEP, typographical errors removed, notation and references improved, new references added, explanation added in appendix regarding beam polarization dependenc

    Can superhorizon perturbations drive the acceleration of the Universe?

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    It has recently been suggested that the acceleration of the Universe can be explained as the backreaction effect of superhorizon perturbations using second order perturbation theory. If this mechanism is correct, it should also apply to a hypothetical, gedanken universe in which the subhorizon perturbations are absent. In such a gedanken universe it is possible to compute the deceleration parameter q0q_0 measured by comoving observers using local covariant Taylor expansions rather than using second order perturbation theory. The result indicates that second order corrections to q0q_0 are present, but shows that if q0q_0 is negative then its magnitude is constrained to be less than or of the order of the square of the peculiar velocity on Hubble scales today. We argue that since this quantity is constrained by observations to be small compared to unity, superhorizon perturbations cannot be responsible for the acceleration of the Universe.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, no figures; final published versio

    Causality, Analyticity and an IR Obstruction to UV Completion

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    We argue that certain apparently consistent low-energy effective field theories described by local, Lorentz-invariant Lagrangians, secretly exhibit macroscopic non-locality and cannot be embedded in any UV theory whose S-matrix satisfies canonical analyticity constraints. The obstruction involves the signs of a set of leading irrelevant operators, which must be strictly positive to ensure UV analyticity. An IR manifestation of this restriction is that the "wrong" signs lead to superluminal fluctuations around non-trivial backgrounds, making it impossible to define local, causal evolution, and implying a surprising IR breakdown of the effective theory. Such effective theories can not arise in quantum field theories or weakly coupled string theories, whose S-matrices satisfy the usual analyticity properties. This conclusion applies to the DGP brane-world model modifying gravity in the IR, giving a simple explanation for the difficulty of embedding this model into controlled stringy backgrounds, and to models of electroweak symmetry breaking that predict negative anomalous quartic couplings for the W and Z. Conversely, any experimental support for the DGP model, or measured negative signs for anomalous quartic gauge boson couplings at future accelerators, would constitute direct evidence for the existence of superluminality and macroscopic non-locality unlike anything previously seen in physics, and almost incidentally falsify both local quantum field theory and perturbative string theory.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures; v2: analyticity arguments improved, discussion on non-commutative theories and minor clarifications adde

    Trace anomalies and chiral Ward identities

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    In a simple abelian spinor field theory, the canonical trace identities for certain axial-vector and axial-scalar operators are reexamined in dimensional regularization, some disagreements with previous results are found and an interesting new phenomenon is observed and briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages, no figure, typos remove


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    The possibility of a symmetry between gravitating and anti-gravitating particles is examined. The properties of the anti-gravitating fields are defined by their behavior under general diffeomorphisms. The equations of motion and the conserved canonical currents are derived, and it is shown that the kinetic energy remains positive whereas the new fields can make a negative contribution to the source term of Einstein's field equations. The interaction between the two types of fields is naturally suppressed by the Planck scale.Comment: replaced with published versio

    Signals of Supersymmetric Lepton Flavor Violation at the LHC

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    In a generic supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model, there will be lepton flavor violation at a neutral gaugino vertex due to misalignment between the lepton Yukawa couplings and the slepton soft masses. Sleptons produced at the LHC through the cascade decays of squarks and gluinos can give a sizable number of events with 4 leptons. This channel could give a clean signature of supersymmetric lepton flavor violation under conditions which are identified.Comment: 21 page

    News about TeV-scale Black Holes

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    Collider produced black holes are the most exciting prediction from models with large extra dimensions. These black holes exist in an extreme region, in which gravity meets quantum field theory, particle physics, and thermodynamics. An investigation of the formation and decay processes can therefore provide us with important insights about the underlying theory and open a window to the understanding of Physics at the Planck scale. The production and the evaporation of TeV-scale black holes yields distinct signatures that have been examined closely during the last years, with analytical approaches as well as by use of numerical simulations. I present new results for the LHC, which take into account that, instead of a final decay, a black hole remnant can be left. This is a summary of the talk given at the Quark Matter 2005, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 2005.Comment: Talk given at the Quark Matter 2005, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 200