61 research outputs found

    New host record for the enigmatic Neotropical mantidfly genus Anchieta Navás, 1909 (Neuroptera, Mantispidae), a mimic of wasps and stingless bees

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    Species of Symphrasinae (Neuroptera: Mantispidae) are ectoparasitoids of larvae and pupae of holometabolous insects, primarily of Hymenoptera in their larval stages. Herein we present the third case of an association between the mantidfly genus Anchieta Navás, 1909 with the order Hymenoptera. The hymenopteran species attacked by the as of yet undescribed species of Anchieta is Montezumia dimidiata Saussure, 1852 (Vespidae: Eumeninae), a predacious wasp that constructs mud nests. The association was observed in Peruvian Amazonia (near Tarapoto, San Martín), after rearing the mantidflies from a wasp nest. The biology and mimicry pattern with stingless bees of the reared Anchieta species is discussed

    New genera records of split-eyed owlflies (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae: Ascalaphinae) from Colombia

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    The genera Ameropterus Esben-Petersen, 1922 and Fillus Navás, 1919 are recorded from Colombia for the first time. New distributional records for two Cordulecerus Rambur, 1842 species are also presented. Ameropterus dissimilis (McLachlan, 1871) and Ameropterus scutellaris (Gerstaecker, 1894) are redescribed and illustrated, and Ameropterus mexicanus (Van der Weele, 1909) is here proposed as a junior synonym of the latter. The taxonomic status of Nephelasca crocea Navás, 1914 is discussed. Keys to the Colombian species of Ameropterus and Cordulecerus and a list of the split-eyed Ascalaphinae species of the New World are also given

    Thermostatic production technology is the guarantee of long-storage period of protein pastes for infant food

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    У статті викладені результати досліджень зміни показників якості паст білкових дитячого харчування з високими гіпоалергенними, пробіотичними, в т. ч. антагоністичними, властивостями при зберіганні в герметичній тарі при температурі (4 ± 2) °С протягом 28 діб. Показано, що при зазначених умовах протягом 24 діб досліджені зразки мають високі органолептичні, нормовані фізико-хімічні, мікробіологічні та біохімічних показники якості. Встановлено, що граничний термін зберігання паст білкових дитячого харчування при температурі (4 ± 2) °С не повинен перевищувати 12 діб з урахуванням коефіцієнта запасу для кисломолочних продуктів дитячого харчування (за умови зберігання в герметичній тарі).Work objective - changes in the quality indicators of protein pastes for infants food with high hypoallergenic, probiotic, including antagonistic properties and stored in sealed-off containers at temperature (4±2) ºС during 28 days have been studied: organoleptic properties of taste and odour, consistency and appearance; physical and chemical properties – titrated acidity, ºТ; active acidity, pH units; moisture retention property, %; microbiological properties – number of living cells of mixed cultures L

    Інформаційна система управління фінансами на підприємстві

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    У роботі розглядається важливість правильного вибору і адаптації ефективної інформаційної системи управління фінансами на підприємстві.In article importance of a correct choice and adaptation of an effective information control system by the finance at the enterprise is considered

    New distributional records of Mecoptera (Insecta) from Colombia

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    We present new distributional records for two Colombian species of Bittacidae. Pazius convolutus García-García & Cadena-Castañeda, 2015 and Bittacus panamensis Byers, 1958 previously known from Cundinamarca department are herein newly recorded from Santander and Magdalena, respectively. In addition, we recorded Bittacus pignatelli Navás, 1932 in Colombia for the first time, increasing the number of species of Mecoptera in the country. Comments about mating behavior of P. convolutus, as well as a distribution map and a check-list of Colombian species of Mecoptera are included

    The first record of the genus Plega Navás, 1928 (Neuroptera: Rhachiberothidae: Symphrasinae) as a parasitoid of the sawfly genus Monoctenus Dahlbom, 1835 (Hymenoptera: Symphyta: Diprionidae)

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    The genus Plega Navás, 1928, belongs to the subfamily Symphrasinae, a group recently transferred from Mantispidae to Rhachiberothidae. This genus is herein reported as parasitoid of the symphytan family Diprionidae for the first time, becoming the first record of association between this neuropteran subfamily and non-aculeate Hymenoptera. This new association was discovered in “Ixcateopan de Cuauhtémoc”, in the Mexican state of Guerrero, where Plega spinosa Ardila et al., 2019 was found associated with immatures of the sawfly Monoctenus cuauhtemoci De Lira, 2021, a pest in forests of Juniperus flaccida Schlechtendal (white cedar). The neuropteran was found to be the most abundant parasitoid of this symphytan, becoming a potential candidate for biological control of phytophagous sawflies in juniper forests, an economically important plant species for the wood industry in the region. Considering the behavior and morphological aspects of the primary larvae and the behavior of the adults of Plega, three possible scenarios in which the primary larvae of P. spinosa board the larvae of Monoctenus to complete its life cycle are outlined. This finding reinforces the hypothesis of a generalist ectoparasitoid lifeway of the larvae of the genus Plega on larvae and pupae of holometabolous insects

    Corydalus clauseni Contreras-Ramos 1998

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    Corydalus clauseni Contreras-Ramos, 1998 (Fig. 2 d) Distribution. Colombia, Costa Rica, and Ecuador. Materials examined. Colombia: Caldas: Rio Sucio, A. García (1 ♂ -MUD); Valle del Cauca: Restrepo, Vereda Río Bravo, 900 m, 12 -II- 1984, S. de Arévalo (1 ♂ - ICN); Buenaventura, Anchicayá, 400 m, (11 ♂, 8 ♀- MUSENUV). New locality records. Corydalus clauseni frequently collected in the Department of Valle del Cauca, is here recorded for the Department of Caldas.Published as part of Ardila-Camacho, Adrian, 2014, A new species of Corydalus Latreille, 1802 (Megaloptera, Corydalidae) and first record of C. clavijoi Contreras-Ramos, 2002 and C. nubilus Erichson, 1848 from Colombia, pp. 107-118 in Zootaxa 3811 (1) on page 111, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3811.1.6, http://zenodo.org/record/22466

    Corydalus peruvianus Davis 1903

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    Corydalus peruvianus Davis, 1903 (Fig. 2 f) Distribution. Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela. Materials examined. Boyacá: Villa de Leyva, 2200 m, 13 -X- 1999, S. Sierra & V. Rodríguez (1 ♂ - ICN); Villa de Leyva, 2200 m, 17 -II- 2003 (1 ♂ -IAvH); Puerto Boyacá, Vereda La Fiebre, 25 -IV- 1997, 320 m (1 ♂ - ICN); San José de Pare, 17 -IV- 1993, H. Rodriguez (1 ♂ ‒ UNAB); Caldas: La Dorada, 26 -XI- 1994, H. Bejarano (1 ♂ - UNAB); Cauca: Popayán, La Virginia, 2 º 27 ’N ‒ 76 º 37 ’W, 1760 m, 4 -VIII- 2011, C. Mera (1 ♂ - UNAB); Tierradentro, 3 -V, 1994, C. Acuña (1 ♂ - UNAB); Casanare: Agua Azul, 16 -X- 2005, T. Corredor (1 ♂ - UNAB); Cundinamarca: La Vega, 1215m, 21 -IX- 1976, M. Valencia (1 ♂ - ICN); Tena, la gran vía, km 27, 1100 m, 4 º 12 ’ 30 ’’N – 76 º 2 ’ 33 ’’W, 6 -IX- 2003, D. Cuellar (1 ♂ -MUD); Bogotá, 2600 m, 18 -II- 2003, N. Gutiérrez (1 ♂ - MUD); Tenjo, 22 -V- 2007, A. Martínez (1 ♂ -MUD); Fusagasugá, 7 -V- 1994, I. Pacheco (1 ♂ - UNAB); La Calera, vda. Quisquizá, 25 -VIII- 1998, F. Ardila (1 ♂ - UNAB); Purificación, 5 -XI- 1995, D. Mora, near to river (1 ♂ - UNAB); Quipilé, Oriente, finca Campo Alegre, 1500 m, 31 -X- 2009, F. Zubieta, (1 ♂ - UNAB); Silvania, Subia, 1600 m, 3 -XI- 2003, M. Ospina, (1 ♂ - UNAB); Anapoima, vda. Panamá, 4 º 52 ’N ‒ 74 º 53 ’W, 700 m, 14 -II- 2011, C. Soto, entomological net (1 ♂ - UNAB); Guayabetal, 11 -XI- 1995, M. Moya; Guajira: Villanueva, Serranía del Perijá, Finca Los Llanos, 1693 m, 7 -VII- 2000, L. Jiménez (1 ♂ - ICN); Meta: Villavicencio, Instituto Roberto Franco, 21 -VI- 1985, O. Castaño (1 ♂ - ICN); Puerto López, Llano Grande, 4 º 5 ’N ‒ 72 º 57 ’W, 180 m, 17 -V- 2005, E. Romero, entomological net (1 ♂ - UNAB); San Martín, Reserva El Caduceo, 3 º 39 ’ 19 ’’N ‒ 73 º 34 ’ 51 ’’W, 400 m, 1-3 - XI- 2011, N. Salcedo (1 ♂ - UNAB); Santander: Vélez, 6 º 1 ’ 8 ’’N – 73 º 42 ’ 23 ’’W, 672 m, 18 -VIII- 2003, C. Bolívar (1 ♂ -MUD); San Gil, Hotel Bella Isla, 15 -VIII- 1983, G. Marcela (1 ♂ - ICN); Virolín, Río Cañaverales, 16 -XI- 1985, J. Lynch (1 ♂ - ICN); Barbosa, 15 -V- 1969, in flight (1 ♂ - UNAB); Contratación, 6 º 17 ’ 59 ’’N ‒ 73 º 28 ’ 48 ’’W, 1690 m, 28 -V- 2004, J. Garzón, J. Moreno, manual collection (1 ♂ - UNAB); Barichara, 6 -VI- 1999, J. Arbeláez, F. Betancourt (1 ♂ - UNAB); Barichara, 31 -III- 1999, O. Higuera, R. Quevedo (1 ♂ - UNAB); Barichara, 18 -IV- 1999, J. Afanador, J. Sánchez (1 ♂ - UNAB); Guavatá, 6 -X- 1994 (1 ♂ - UNAB); Tolima: Mariquita, V- 1999, E. Gordillo (1 ♂ - UNAB). New locality records. Corydalus peruvianus is a relatively common species in Colombia, previously recorded for the departments of Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Meta, Putumayo, and Valle del Cauca (Contreras-Ramos 1998). Specimens examined in this study extend its distribution to the departments of Caldas, Casanare, Cauca, Guajira, Boyacá, Santander, and Tolima.Published as part of Ardila-Camacho, Adrian, 2014, A new species of Corydalus Latreille, 1802 (Megaloptera, Corydalidae) and first record of C. clavijoi Contreras-Ramos, 2002 and C. nubilus Erichson, 1848 from Colombia, pp. 107-118 in Zootaxa 3811 (1) on page 115, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3811.1.6, http://zenodo.org/record/22466

    A new species of Corydalus Latreille, 1802 (Megaloptera, Corydalidae) and first record of C. clavijoi Contreras-Ramos, 2002 and C. nubilus Erichson, 1848 from Colombia

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    Ardila-Camacho, Adrian (2014): A new species of Corydalus Latreille, 1802 (Megaloptera, Corydalidae) and first record of C. clavijoi Contreras-Ramos, 2002 and C. nubilus Erichson, 1848 from Colombia. Zootaxa 3811 (1): 107-118, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3811.1.

    Corydalus flavicornis Stitz 1914

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    Corydalus flavicornis Stitz, 1914 (Fig. 2 e) Distribution. Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela. Materials examined. Colombia: Antioquia: San Luis, El Vergel, Rio Claro, El Refugio, 425 m, IV- 1998, M. Ospina (1 ♂ - UNAB); Bolívar: San Juan de Nepomuceno, SFF. Los Colorados, 9 º 54 ’N ‒ 75 º 7 ’W, 180 m, 29 -IV- 2012, A. Alvarez, nocturnal collection, entomological net (1 ♂ - UNAB); Cundinamarca: Anolaima, 14 -IV- 1992, G. Gomez (1 ♀- UNAB); Mesitas, 13 -III- 1985, M. Rodríguez (1 ♂ - ICN); Nimaima, Tóbia, Sendero de las Mariposas, 20 -VII- 2010, A. García (1 ♂ -MUD); Nimaima, Tóbia, Sendero de las Mariposas, 1 -XII- 2007 A. García (1 ♂ -MUD); Tibacúy, 15 -VII- 2008, A. García (1 ♂ -MUD); La Mesa, 1287m, 14 -X- 2004, V. Castellanos (1 ♂ - MUD); Sasaima, 4 º 58 ’ 53 ’’N – 74 º 26 ’ 13 ’’W, 1191 m, 29 -VIII- 2009 A. García, 1 ♂ (MUD); Tocaima, 28 -V- 1967, A. Reyes (1 ♂ - UNAB); El Colegio, 31 -V- 1996, J. Ardila (1 ♂ - UNAB); Ricaurte, vda. La Carrera, 3 -IV- 1994, N. Bolívar (1 ♂ - UNAB); San Joaquín, 10 -X- 1998, A. Bautista (1 ♂ - UNAB); La Vega, El Paro, 4 º 11 ’N ‒ 74 º 27 ’W, 1230 m, 9 -V- 2010, J. Suescún, manual collection (1 ♂ - UNAB); Magdalena: PNN Tayrona, 1 -X- 1976, C. Kugler (1 ♂ -IAvH); Meta: Acacías, Vereda La Esmeralda, 514 m, 18 -IV- 2004, E. Flórez & Estud. Sist. Animal UN, attracted to light (1 ♂, 3 ♀- ICN); Acacías, Vereda La Esmeralda, Centro Araquaey, 514 m, 18 -IV- 2004, E. Flórez & Estud. Sist. Animal U.N., attracted to white light (1 ♂ - ICN); Acacías, 05-X- 1992, M Montañez (1 ♂ - UNAB); Restrepo, Alto Caney, Zona de Bocatoma, 30 -IV- 1988 (1 ♂ - ICN); Restrepo, Unillanos, 9 -X- 1940, X. Martínez (1 ♂ - ICN); Sierra de la Macarena, 12 -I- 2010, A. Penagos (1 ♂ -MUD); Villavicencio, Aeropuerto, 470 m, 10 -III- 2002, R. Peña (1 ♂ - UNAB); San Martín, Las Unamas, 3 º 54 ’N ‒ 73 º 73 ’W, 240 m, 10 -IV- 2011, L. Ojeda (1 ♂ - UNAB); Villavicencio, vía Acacías, San Andrés, 400 m, 2 -V- 2010, L. Ariza (1 ♂ - UNAB); Santander: Florida Blanca, 3 -IV- 1994, G. Jáimes, (1 ♂ - UNAB); Tolima: Mariquita, Vereda La Guardia, 11 -II- 1982, H. Hilda (1 ♂ - ICN); Ibagué, Barrio el Salado, 4 º 26 ’N – 75 º 14 ’W, 1280 m, 11 -V- 2005, J. Forero (1 ♂ -MUD); Espinal, VI- 1967, R. Espinel (1 ♀- UNAB); Valle del Cauca: Buenaventura, Río San Juan, VIII-1954, 30 m (1 ♂ - ICN). New locality records. This species is often collected in the Orinoco Basin and in the Andean region. Previously known from the departments of Antioquia, Meta, and Santander (Contreras-Ramos 1998), this species is now recorded from the departments of Bolivar, Cundinamarca, Magdalena, Meta, Tolima, and Valle del Cauca.Published as part of Ardila-Camacho, Adrian, 2014, A new species of Corydalus Latreille, 1802 (Megaloptera, Corydalidae) and first record of C. clavijoi Contreras-Ramos, 2002 and C. nubilus Erichson, 1848 from Colombia, pp. 107-118 in Zootaxa 3811 (1) on page 112, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3811.1.6, http://zenodo.org/record/22466