23 research outputs found

    Puntos de vista de Maestros de Educación Física y Deportes que implementaron por primera vez un informe relacionado con el estado de la salud

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    The Health-Related Fitness Report Card (HRFRC) has been implemented first-time by physical education and sports teachers in the 2016-2017 academic year under the leadership of the Ministry of National Education in Turkey. The purpose of this study was to obtain the views of the physical education and sports teachers on the first time implemented HRFRC and the content of the fitness test. Participants were composed of 10 physical education and sports teachers with seniority between 2 and 30 years and actively working in the middle and high schools. Semi-structured in-depth individual interviews and field notes were chosen as the data collection tools. Collected data were analysed using the content analysis method. Identified themes are (1) Benefits of the Practice, (2) Reasons for Not Achieving the Objective of the Practice, (3) Challenges Experienced with the Practice, and (4) Recommendations for the Practice. Teachers emphasized that improving the quality of HRFRC training provided by the government, using standard materials for measurements, changing the time of the implementation, increasing the integration of stakeholders such as a nutritionist, health experts and families into implementation and providing a more confidential atmosphere in the implementation for increasing participation rate and the quality of the HRFRC.El Informe de estado físico relacionado con la salud (HRFRC) ha sido implementado por primera vez por profesores de educación física y deportes en el año académico 2016-2017 bajo la dirección del Ministerio de Educación Nacional en Turquía. El propósito de este estudio fue obtener los puntos de vista de los profesores de educación física y deportes en la HRFRC implementada por primera vez y el contenido de la prueba de aptitud física. Los participantes estuvieron compuestos por 10 maestros de educación física y deportes con antigüedad de entre 2 y 30 años y trabajando activamente en las escuelas intermedias y secundarias. Se eligieron entrevistas individuales en profundidad semiestructuradas y notas de campo como herramientas de recopilación de datos. Los datos recopilados se analizaron mediante el método de análisis de contenido. Los temas identificados son (1) Beneficios de la práctica, (2) Razones para no lograr el objetivo de la práctica, (3) Desafíos experimentados con la práctica y (4) Recomendaciones para la práctica. Los docentes enfatizaron que mejorar la calidad de la capacitación HRFRC brindada por el gobierno, usando materiales estándar para mediciones, cambiando el tiempo de implementación, aumentando la integración de partes interesadas como nutricionista, expertos en salud y familias en la implementación y proporcionando una atmósfera más confidencial en la implementación para aumentar la tasa de participación y la calidad de la HRFRC

    Giant biventricular thrombi presenting with acute myocardial infarction

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    AbstractBiventricular thrombi secondary to anterior myocardial infarction is very rare. We present a patient with giant biventricular thrombi subsequent to an old anterior wall myocardial infarction, and devastating consequences, including acute pulmonary artery and femoral artery embolism. We introduce a unique case report with demonstrative and illustrative images

    Micafungin Effectiveness in Treating Pediatric Patients with Proven Candidemia

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    Aim:Micafungin is one of three currently available echinocandin for the treatment of candidiasis and candidemia. We aimed to discuss the effectiveness of micafungin and any possible side effects in the treatment of proven candidemia in children.Materials and Methods:In this study, children who were treated with micafungin for proven candidemia between May, 2017 and October, 2019 were included. The time to achieve negative culture, liver and renal functions as well as blood counts were recorded using the hospital data system.Results:Forty-five patients (52.3%) who received micafungin for proven candidemia were included in this study. The median age of the children who received micafungin due to invasive candidiasis (IC) was 4 months (range: 12 days to 216 months). Of these 45 IC patients, 10 (22.2%) were neonates, 19 (42.2%) were infants, 11 (24.4%) were between 1 and 5 years old, and 5 (11.1%) were between 10-18 years old. The median duration of micafungin treatment to culture negativity for C. albicans related candidemia episodes was shorter (6 days, 1-26 days) than non-albicans Candida spp. related candidemia episodes (7 days, 1-35 days) (p=0.10). Culture negativity could not be achieved at the end of the 14th day of micafungin treatment in 15 of the 45 (33.3%) candidemia episodes. The most commonly isolated Candida spp. in patients with treatment failure was C. parapsilosis (n=6), followed by C. albicans (n=5), C. guilliermondii (n=1), C. tropicalis (n=2) and C. tropicalis and C. guilliermondii co-infection (n=1) respectively. None of the patients developed side effects due to micafungin treatment.Conclusion:Micafungin was found to be safe and effective for the treatment of culture proven candidemia in pediatric patients, including neonates

    Hormone profiles and their relation with menstrual cycles in patients undergoing hemodialysis

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    Amaç: Kronik böbrek yetmezliği (KBY) nedeniyle hemodiyalize giren hastaların menstrüel öykü ile birlikte, hormon seviyelerine ve diğer biyokimyasal faktörlerine bakarak, menstrüel bozuklukların altında yatan mekanizmayı araştırmak. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmamıza, reprodüktif yaş grubunda, hemodiyalize giren 30 hasta ile 30 sağlıklı kadın alındı. Olguların demografik özellikleri, hormon profilleri, biyokimyasal değerleri ve ultrasonografik olarak ölçülen endometriyal kalınlıkları karşılaştırıldı. Ayrıca hemodiyaliz hastalarının diyaliz programına alınmadan ve alındıktan sonraki detaylı menstrüel ve jinekolojik öyküleri alındı ve menstrüasyon şekillerine göre hormonal, hematolojik ve biyokimyasal değerleri karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Hasta ve kontrol grubu arasında yaş, VKİ, gravida, parite, abortus ve küretaj açısından istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark tespit edilmedi (p>0,05). Hemodiyaliz grubunda kontrol grubuna göre hemoglobin ve hematokrit değerleri istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede düşük bulundu (p0,05). Hasta grubunda LH ve prolaktin değerlerinin ortalaması kontrol grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede daha yüksekti (p0,05). Hemodiyaliz sonrası amenore gelişen hastaların LH ve prolaktin değerleri amenore gelişmeyen hastalara göre daha yüksek, FSH, östradiol ve TSH değerleri ise daha düşük olarak saptandı. Fakat bulunan bu fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi (p>0,05). Sonuç: KBY hastalarında görülen menstrüel bozuklukların etyolojisindeki en önemli faktör, bu hastalarda saptanan LH ve prolaktin yüksekliğidir. Hemodiyaliz bu hastaların yaşam sürelerini uzatan ve hipotalamus-hipofiz-over aksının düzelmesini sağlayan başarılı bir tedavidir.Objective: To investigate the etiology of menstrual disorders among patients undergoing hemodialysis due to chronic renal failure by assessing menstrual history, serum hormone levels, and other biochemical factors. Material and methods: Thirty patients undergoing hemodialysis and 30 healthy women at reproductive age were enrolled in our study. Demographic characteristics, hormonal and biochemical data, and sonographically measured endometrial thickness values of the subjects were compared. In addition, the present and the pre-hemodialysis menstrual pattern of the patients undergoing hemodialysis were recorded. The hormonal, hematological, and biochemical data of the patients were compared according to their menstrual patterns. Results: No statistical significance was seen between age, BMI, gravida, parity, abortion, and curettage among groups (p>0.05). Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels were significantly lower in the hemodialysis group than in the control (p0.05). Mean serum LH and prolactin levels were significantly higher in the hemodialysis group compared to the control (p0.05). Serum LH and prolactin levels were higher, and serum FSH, estradiol and TSH levels were lower in patients who developed amenorrhea after hemodialysis treatment when compared to non-amenorrheic subjects. However, these differences were not statistically significant (p>0.05). Discussion: The most important factor in the etiology of menstrual disorders seen in chronic renal failure patients was high serum LH and prolactin levels. Hemodialysis is a successful treatment that extends life expectancy and ameliorates the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis in chronic renal failure patients

    Prenatal tanısı konulmuş, omfalosel ve hafif fenotipik anormalliklere sahip kısmi trizomi 3q olgusu

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    Trizomi 3q nadir görülen bir kromozom anomalisidir. İnsan 3. kromozomunun uzun kolunun bir kısmının duplikasyonu multipl kongenital anormalliklerle birlikte olan farklı ve ciddi bir sendroma yol açar. Yirmi-yedi yaşındaki gebe kadın mevcut gebeliğinin 17. haftasında polikliniğimize başvurdu. Fetusta yapılan prenatal ultrasonografide, karaciğer ve barsak içeren omfalosel, hafif ventrikülomegali ve polihidramnios tespit edildi. Yapılan amniyosentez sonucunda karyotip 46, XY, der (3) (3qter?3q21: :3pter?3qter) geldi. Ardından tıbbi terminasyon uygulandı. Terminasyon sonrası fetusta; midfasiyal hipoplazi, mikrognati, hipoplastik 12. kosta, omfalosel ve çıkıntılı topuklar tespit edildi. Biz bu olguyu, daha önce yayınlanmış izole Trizomi 3q olgularına göre daha hafif malformasyonlar içermesi ve ayrıca omfalosel ve hipoplastik 12. kosta gibi onlarda bulunmayan ek anomalilere sahip olması nedeniyle yayınladık. (J Turkish-German Gynecol Assoc 2010; 11: 228-32)Trisomy 3q is a very rarely reported chromosomal disorder. Duplication of part of the long arm of human chromosome 3 causes a distinct and severe syndrome that leads to multiple congenital abnormalities. A 27 year-old pregnant woman was admitted to our clinic at 17 weeks of gestation. Prenatal sonography identified a fetus with an omphalocele that contained the liver and bowel , mild ventriculomegaly and polyhydramnios. Amniocentesis revealed the karyotype of 46, XY, der (3) (3qter→3q21: : 3pter→3qter). The pregnancy was subsequently terminated. Postnatally, the proband showed midfacial hypoplasia, micrognathia, hypoplastic 12th ribs, omphalocele and prominent heels. We reported this partial trisomy 3q case because he had less marked malformations compared to other reported cases and also different features such as an omphalocele and hypoplastic 12th rib which have not been described previously in an isolated Trisomy 3q case with this karyotype. (J Turkish-German Gynecol Assoc 2010; 11: 228-32

    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Pregnant Women Regarding Smoking Who Were Admitted to the Obstetrics Clinic of the Bülent Ecevit University Hospital

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    Amaç: Gebelik ve doğum sonrası dönemde sigara içilmesi fetus, yenidoğan ve çocukta ciddi riskler oluşturmaktadır. Gebelikte sigara kullanımının azal-tılması için öncelikle problemin boyutu ile birlikte sigara kullanan gebelerin bilgi, tutum ve davranışları hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak gereklidir. Bu çalış-manın amacı hastaneye başvuran gebe kadınların sigara içme sıklıklarının ve ilişkili sosyo-demografik faktörlerin belirlenmesi; hamilelik ve emzirme sürecinde sigara kullanmanın bebeğe zararları konusunda bilgi ve tutum düzeylerinin ve sigara içen gebelerin davranışlarının gösterilmesidir. Yöntemler: Bu çalışma tanımlayıcı bir araştırmadır. Örneklemi Bülent Ecevit Üniver-sitesi Hastanesi Gebe Polikliniği'ne 1 Mart - 30 Nisan 2014 tarihleri arasında başvuran 335 gebe oluşturmuştur. Veriler araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanmış 24 sorudan oluşan anket formu ile toplanmıştır. İstatistiksel analizler ise; SPSS 19 yazılım progra-mını kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Tanımlayıcı istatistikler sıklıklar olarak, ölçümler ortala-ma ± standart sapma ile sunulmuş, kategorik değişkenler arasındaki karşılaştırma-larda Ki-kare testi, non-parametrik test olarak ikili gruplarda Mann-Whitney U testi, üç ve üzeri gruplarda ise Kruskal-Wallis varyans analizi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Gebelerin %79,5'i hiç sigara içmezken, %20,5'i gebelikte bir süre veya devamlı olarak sigara kullanmıştır. Öğrenim ve gelir durumu ile gebelikte sigara içme arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmamıştır (p=0,172, p=0,203). Gebelikte sigara içme durumu ile gebelik, emzirme ve toplam bilgi puanları kıyaslanmış-tır. Gebelik ve toplam bilgi puanları açısından anlamlı bir fark bulunmazken (p=0,126, p=0,051), emzirme konusundaki bilgi puanları gebelikte sigara içme-ye devam eden kadınlarda anlamlı düzeyde düşüktür (p=0,031). Öğrenim duru-mu ile bilgi puanları kıyaslandığında, her üç bilgi puanının da, lise ve üzeri öğre-nim görenlerde daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür (p=0,003, p<0,001, p=0,001). Sonuç: Gebelikte sigara içiciliği önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. Sigara içen gebele-rin kendisi ve bebeklerinde olabilecek olası sorunların erken tanımlanması için kontrol sıklığının arttırılması gerekmektedir. Gebelikte sigara içip bırakanların, doğum sonrası dönemde tekrar başlamamaları için profesyonel yardım almala-rı gerekliliği, izlemleri yapan doktor, ebe, hemşireler tarafından hatırlatılmalıdır.Objective: Smoking in pregnancy and postpartum period causes serious healthy risks for fetuses, newborns, and children. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of smoking and associated socio-demographic factors and knowledge, attitude levels, and behaviors of pregnant smokers. Methods: A descriptive study was performed on 335 pregnant women who were admitted to our clinic between March 1 and April 30, 2014. A questionnaire pre-pared by researchers comprising 24 questions was applied to eligible women. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 19 software program. Descriptive statistical data are presented as frequencies, and measurements are presented as mean ± standard deviation. Chi-square test was used for comparison be-tween categorical variables. Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance were used for comparisons between paired groups. Results: A total of 20.5% of pregnant women smoked throughout pregnancy. Education and income status of pregnant women did not have a significant as-sociation with smoking during pregnancy (p=0.172 and p=0.203, respectively). Smoking status was compared with pregnancy, breastfeeding, and total knowl-edge scores. While a significant difference did not exist between pregnancy and total knowledge scores (p=0.126, p=0.051), knowledge scores of breastfeeding was significantly lower in smoking women (p=0.031). Education status and knowledge scores were compared. Each of the three knowledge scores was high-er in women with higher education levels (p=0.003, p=0.000, and p=0.001). Conclusion: Smoking during pregnancy is a major health problem. Control frequency should be increased for pregnant smokers and for their babies as well as to aid in the early diagnosis of potential problems. Doctors, nurses, and midwives should remind patients who quit smoking during pregnancy that they should take professional help to not start smoking again in the postpartum period

    Obez ve obez olmayan postmenopozal hastalarda serum androjen seviyeleri ve endometrial kalınlığın karşılaştırılması

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmamızda, endometrial kalınlık ve serum androjen seviyelerinin obez ve obez olmayan hastalardaki farklılığı araştırılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: 32 obez olmayan (BMI5 mm had significant pathology. Conclusion: These results suggest that obesity may be a risk factor for endometrial carcinoma and other pathologies in post-menopausal women through an action on androgen concentrations

    Tanısal laparoskopi sonuçları 8 yıllık deneyim

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    AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı kliniğimizde yapmış olduğumuz tanısal laparoskopi sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesidir. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Haziran 2001 - Aralık 2008 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde tanısal laparoskopi yapılan 93 hastanın kayıtları retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. BULGULAR: Tanısal laparoskopi için en sık endikasyonlar sırasıyla infertilite (n=81, %87,1) ve kronik pelvik ağrıydı (n=12, %12,9). İnfertil hastaların 33.3’ünde (27/81) ve kronik pelvik ağrısı bulunan hastaların %58,3%’ünde (7/12) pelvik patoloji gözlenmiştir.Bütün vakalar içinde endometriosis ve adezyon görülme sıklığı sırasıyla %16,1 (n=15) ve %9,6’dı (n=9). SONUÇ: İnfertilite problemi ve kronik pelvik ağrısı bulunan has talarda tanısal laparoskopi sık kullanılmaktadır. Uzmanlık eğitim programlarına tanısal laparoskopinin dahil edilmesi klinik pratikte komplikasyon oranlarını düşürecektir.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of diagnostic laparoscopy examinations performed in our clinic. STUDY DESIGN: Hospital records of 93 patients, who had undergone diagnostic laparoscopy in our clinic between June 2001 and December 2008, were evaluated retrospectively. RESULTS: The most common indications for diagnostic laparoscopy were infertility (n=81, 87.1%) and chronic pelvic pain (n=12, 12.9%). Pelvic findings were noted in 33.3% (27/81) of infertile patients and 58.3% (7/12) of patients with chronic pelvic pain. The frequencies of endometriosis and adhesions were 16.1% (n=15) and 9.6% (n=9), respectively, among all cases. CONCLUSION: Diagnostic laparoscopy, used as the standard method for the assessment of patients with infertility and chronic pelvic pain, should be used more often in differential diagnosis. Inclusion of diagnostic laparoscopy in residency training programs would reduce the complication rates in future clinical practice

    The Results of Diagnostic Laparoscopy Examinations - An 8 - Years Experience

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of diagnostic laparoscopy examinations performed in our clinic. STUDY DESIGN: Hospital records of 93 patients, who had undergone diagnostic laparoscopy in our clinic between June 2001 and December 2008, were evaluated retrospectively. RESULTS: The most common indications for diagnostic laparoscopy were infertility (n=81, 87.1%) and chronic pelvic pain (n=12, 12.9%). Pelvic findings were noted in 33.3% (27/81) of infertile patients and 58.3% (7/12) of patients with chronic pelvic pain. The frequencies of endometriosis and adhesions were 16.1% (n=15) and 9.6% (n=9), respectively, among all cases. CONCLUSION: Diagnostic laparoscopy, used as the standard method for the assessment of patients with infertility and chronic pelvic pain, should be used more often in differential diagnosis. Inclusion of diagnostic laparoscopy in residency training programs would reduce the complication rates in future clinical practice

    Giant biventricular thrombi presenting with acute myocardial infarction

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    Biventricular thrombi secondary to anterior myocardial infarction is very rare. We present a patient with giant biventricular thrombi subsequent to an old anterior wall myocardial infarction, and devastating consequences, including acute pulmonary artery and femoral artery embolism. We introduce a unique case report with demonstrative and illustrative images