12 research outputs found

    Peixes de riacho do Brasil central : biogeografia, ecologia e conservação

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, 2013.A diversidade de peixes na região Neotropical é fruto de processos históricos e ecológicos intrinsicamente relacionados à evolução geomorfológica dessa região. Eventos de captura de cabeceira apresentam-­se como importantes processos biogeográficos transpondo e isolando populações de peixes entre bacias hidrográficas. O presente trabalho investiga o efeito dessas capturas sobre a diversidade filogenética de peixes de riacho entre o divisor de águas de bacias nas terras altas do Escudo Brasileiro. Foi quantificada a diversidade filogenética de cada bacia, bem como, a diversidade beta filogenética entre as bacias a partir das relações filogenéticas de 69 espécies nativas de peixes. A bacia do Alto Paraná apresentou diversidade filogenética maior do que o esperado ao acaso, evidenciando uma composição de espécies distantes filogeneticamente na composição da ictiofauna. O compartilhamento de espécies e os valores de diversidade beta filogenética não diferiram do esperado ao acaso, evidenciando eventos recentes de trocas de espécies entre as bacias. Ao se combinar os valores de diversidade filogenética com a diversidade beta filogenética, sugere-­se que as bacias do Alto Tocantins e São Francisco possuem comunidades com espécies/linhagens oriundas do Alto Paraná. O trecho estudado da bacia do Alto Paraná mostra-­se mais antigo, com evidencias de ser capturado pelas bacias vizinhas. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTTitle Headwater captures and the phylogenetic structure of freshwater fish assemblages Aim The astonishing diversity of Neotropical fishes results from historical and ecological processes intrinsically related to the geomorphological evolution of this region. Headwater captures are important biogeographic processes that promote dispersal or isolation of fish populations between watersheds. We investigate the effects of headwater captures on the phylogenetic structure of stream fish assemblages among watersheds in the Brazilian Shield highlands. Location Headwaters of Tocantins, Paraná and São Francisco watersheds, Brazilian Shield, Neotropical region. Methods From the phylogenetic relationships of 69 native fish species, we quantified the phylogenetic diversity of each basin, as well as species richness and the phylogenetic beta diversity between basins. Results The Upper Paraná basin showed higher richness and greater phylogenetic diversity than expected by chance, indicating phylogenetically distant species composition. The number of shared species and phylogenetic beta diversity values not differing from expected by chance indicate recent exchange of species between the basins. Main conclusions Our results suggest that the fish assemblage of the Upper Paraná basin is older and many species colonized recently the neighbouring Upper Tocantins and São Francisco basins via headwater captures

    Trophic structure of a fish community in Bananal stream subbasin in Brasília National Park, cerrado biome (Brazilian savanna), DF

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    O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de determinar a estrutura trófica da comunidade de peixes da sub-bacia do ribeirão Bananal pertencente a uma área bem preservada de Cerrado no Parque Nacional de Brasília. Além disso, buscou-se verificar a influência das variações ambientais na dieta das espécies. Em cada trecho de 30 m de extensão foram realizadas quatro amostragens, duas no período seco e duas no período chuvoso. Foram analisados 1050 estômagos pertencentes às 13 espécies mais abundantes encontradas. No total, foram consumidos 36 itens alimentares sendo 24 autóctones, oito alóctones e quatro de origem indeterminada. A análise de escalonamento multidimensional não-métrico (NMDS), juntamente com os resultados dos gráficos de freqüência de ocorrência e abundância, agrupou as espécies em quatro guildas: detritívoros, onívoros (com tendência à herbivoria e invertivoria), invertívoros e piscívoros. Cerca de 69% dos recursos consumidos pelos indivíduos foram de origem alóctone, o que evidencia a importância dos recursos advindos das matas de galeria. A contribuição de presas autóctones e alóctones na dieta diferiu, de acordo com a estação para Aspidoras fuscoguttatus, Astyanax sp., Characidium xanthopterum, Hyphessobrycon balbus, Kolpotocheirodon theloura, Moenkhausia sp., Phalloceros harpagos e Rivulus pictus. Apesar das características climáticas do bioma Cerrado, não houve influência significativa da variação sazonal na dieta. A ausência de variação sazonal e a predominância de itens alóctones na dieta provavelmente estão associadas à presença de matas ciliares, que atuam como zonas de amortecimento e zonas provedoras de recursos para a biota aquática. O presente estudo demonstra a importância de estudos em regiões íntegras para fornecer conhecimentos sobre a biologia das espécies e permitir o direcionamento de ações públicas para o manejo dos recursos aquáticos, para a recuperação de áreas degradadas e para a determinação de áreas prioritárias para a conservação.The aim of this study was to determine the trophic structure of the fish community in the Bananal stream subbasin, which belongs to a well-preserved Cerrado area (Brazilian Savanna) in Brasília National Park, Brazil. We also evaluated the influence of environmental variations in the diet of fish species. Four samples were taken in each 30 m long established transect, two in the rainy season and two in the dry season. A total of 1,050 stomachs of the 13 most abundant species were analyzed. A total of 36 food items were consumed, where 24 were autochthonous, 8 allochthonous, and 4 of undetermined origin. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis, in addition to the results of frequency of occurrence and abundance charts, was used to determine four groups of feeding guilds: detritivores, omnivores (tending toward herbivory and invertivory), invertivores and piscivores. Around 69% of the volume of resources consumed was allochthonous, which proves the importance of the resources provided by riparian vegetation. The contribution of autochthonous and allochthonous items in the diet differed due to seasonality for Aspidoras fuscoguttatus, Astyanax sp., Characidium xanthopterum, Hyphessobrycon balbus, Kolpotocheirodon theloura, Moenkhausia sp., Phalloceros harpagos, and Rivulus pictus. Despite the Cerrado climate characteristics, there was no significant influence of season on the fish diet. The absence of seasonal variation and the predominance of allochthonous items in the fish diet are probably associated with the presence of riparian vegetation, which acts as a transition area in the Cerrado biome and provides resources for the aquatic fauna. This work shows the importance of studies in non-disturbed areas considered here as a source of information concerning the biology of fish species and as a guide for direct conservation policies on the management of aquatic resources, recovery of damaged areas and determination of priority areas for conservation

    Structure of fish assemblage in headwaters streams at Upper Paraná River basin,Federal District, central Brazil

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, 2008.Os padrões de distribuição das comunidades biológicas aquáticas ao longo dos riachos são influenciados por diversas variáveis ambientais que operam em escalas espaciais e temporais. Buscando quantificar a contribuição dos gradientes ambientais, espaciais e temporais na estruturação da taxocenose íctica em regiões de cabeceira, o presente estudo amostrou córregos das sub-bacias do Bananal e Santa Maria/Torto na região hidrográfica do Alto Rio Paraná. Os pontos amostrados encontram-se em uma Unidade de Conservação de Proteção Integral no Distrito Federal (Parque Nacional de Brasília). Seus cursos d’água apresentam bom estado de preservação, evidenciados na integridade de suas características ambientais naturais e na manutenção dos componentes biológicos nativos. Foram coletadas 28 espécies, sendo 12 novas para a ciência. Astyanax sp. e Hyphessobrycon balbus foram as espécies com maior distribuição na área de estudo e Knodus moenkhausii apresentou a maior abundância (64,5% dos indivíduos). Trechos mais largos e com coberturas vegetais menos densas apresentaram maior número de indivíduos e espécies. Ao longo do curso d’água com o aumento do volume e complexidade dos hábitats maior foi a diversidade de peixes encontrada. Repartindo as variações para explicar a composição da taxocenose íctica, entre os gradientes (espacial, ambiental e temporal) e suas interações, foi possível observar forte influência da matriz de dados espaciais contribuindo com 67,4%. A altitude foi a variável espacial que melhor explicou a distribuição das espécies. A matriz dos dados ambientais explicou 38,9% da distribuição dos dados biológicos, sendo o componente ambiental estruturado espacialmente responsável por 31,5% dessa variação. Apesar de pronunciada sazonalidade das chuvas na região, não foi observada variação temporal na estruturação da taxocenose íctica para os córregos de cabeceira das sub-bacias estudadas. Características hidrogeológicas específicas da bacia agem localmente sobre processos de colonização, dispersão e extinção. O pequeno porte e a baixa mobilidade dos peixes isolam populações favorecendo processos de especiação. Os dados do presente trabalho mostram-se bastante valiosos como referência para a região e, assim, podem ser usados na implementação de políticas públicas com apelo a conservação de nascentes e pequenos mananciais. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTAquatic communities distribution patterns are influenced in streams by several environmental variables which operate in spatial and temporal scales. In this study, we sampled streams in the Bananal and Santa Maria/Torto sub-basins at Upper Paraná River. The aim of this study was to quantify the contribution of environmental, spatial and temporal gradients on fish assemblage structure at preserved headwaters. The sampled areas are placed at Brasília National Park (an Integral Protection Conservation Unit) in Federal District, central Brazil. Rivers and streams in this region are well preserved as view for the integrity of natural nvironmental of this area and the maintenance of native biological components. Twenty eight species of fish were collected which 12 are new to science. Astyanax sp. and Hyphessobrycon balbus showed larger distribution in the study area and Knodus moenkhausii was the most abundant (64.5% of individuals). Larger stretches with fewer canopy cover had a greater number of individuals and species. The highest diversity of fish was found along the streams with the increase of habitats volume and complexity. By partitioning the variation to explain the composition of fish assemblage among gradients (spatial, temporal and environmental) and their interactions, it was possible to verify a strong influence of the spatial data matrix, which contributed with 67.4%. Altitude was the main spatial variable for explaining the distribution of fish species. The environmental data matrix explained 38.9% of the biological data distribution, and the spatially structured environmental component was responsible for 31.5% of this distribution. Despite the pronounced rainfall seasonality in the region, temporal variation was not observed in the fish assemblage structure for headwater streams of these sub-basins. Specific hydro- geological characteristics of the basin act locally on colonization, dispersion and extinction processes. The small size and low mobility of isolate populations fishes are characteristics that work in favor of speciation processes. This study results are quite valuable as a reference for the Cerrado region, so as to further implementation of public policies that aim at conserving headwaters and small streams

    Structure and integrity of fish assemblages in streams associated to conservation units in Central Brazil

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    This study aims to characterize the spatial and seasonal distribution of the fish assemblage and evaluate the integrity of streams in a sustainable use area that includes integral protection conservation units in Distrito Federal, Central Brazil (Cerrado biome). For the study, 12 stretches of 8 streams were sampled in 2008 (dry season) and 2009 (wet season). For that evaluation was estimated the Physical Habitat Index (PHI), vegetation cover (VC), pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and conductivity. We recorded 22 species, about eight undescribed species, by a total of 2,327 individuals. The most representative families in number of species were Characidae (31.8%), Loricariidae (31.8%), and Crenuchidae (13.6%). Knodus moenkhausii was the most abundant species with 1,476 individuals, added to Astyanax sp., Phalloceros harpagos, and Hasemania sp. they represent over 95% of the total abundance. The species Astyanax sp. (occurring in 79.2% of the stretches) and K. moenkhausii (50.0%) were considered constant in both seasons. The longitudinal gradient (River Continuum) exerts a strong influence on the studied assemblage. According to CCA, the variables that structure the fish assemblage are based on aspects related to water volume and habitat complexity. No seasonal variation in richness, diversity, abundance, and mass were detected. A cluster analysis suggests a separation of species composition between the stretches of higher and lower orders, which was not observed for seasonality. The streams were considered well preserved (mean PHI 82.9±7.5%), but in some stretches were observed anthropogenic influence, detected in the water quality and, mainly, on the riparian vegetation integrity. The exotic species Poecilia reticulata was sampled in the two stretches considered most affected by anthropogenic activities by PHI, conductivity, and VC

    Trophic structure of a fish community in Bananal stream subbasin in Brasília National Park, Cerrado biome (Brazilian Savanna), DF

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    The aim of this study was to determine the trophic structure of the fish community in the Bananal stream subbasin, which belongs to a well-preserved Cerrado area (Brazilian Savanna) in Brasília National Park, Brazil. We also evaluated the influence of environmental variations in the diet of fish species. Four samples were taken in each 30 m long established transect, two in the rainy season and two in the dry season. A total of 1,050 stomachs of the 13 most abundant species were analyzed. A total of 36 food items were consumed, where 24 were autochthonous, 8 allochthonous, and 4 of undetermined origin. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis, in addition to the results of frequency of occurrence and abundance charts, was used to determine four groups of feeding guilds: detritivores, omnivores (tending toward herbivory and invertivory), invertivores and piscivores. Around 69% of the volume of resources consumed was allochthonous, which proves the importance of the resources provided by riparian vegetation. The contribution of autochthonous and allochthonous items in the diet differed due to seasonality for Aspidoras fuscoguttatus, Astyanax sp., Characidium xanthopterum, Hyphessobrycon balbus, Kolpotocheirodon theloura, Moenkhausia sp., Phalloceros harpagos, and Rivulus pictus. Despite the Cerrado climate characteristics, there was no significant influence of season on the fish diet. The absence of seasonal variation and the predominance of allochthonous items in the fish diet are probably associated with the presence of riparian vegetation, which acts as a transition area in the Cerrado biome and provides resources for the aquatic fauna. This work shows the importance of studies in non-disturbed areas considered here as a source of information concerning the biology of fish species and as a guide for direct conservation policies on the management of aquatic resources, recovery of damaged areas and determination of priority areas for conservation

    The fishfauna of Parque Nacional de Brasília, upper Paraná River basin, Federal District, Central Brazil

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar o inventário da fauna íctica dos córregos do Parque Nacional de Brasília no Distrito Federal e caracterizar a estrutura da comunidade íctica ao longo dos cursos d'água. Foram amostrados córregos das sub-bacias do Bananal e Santa Maria/Torto na região hidrográfica do Alto Rio Paraná. Esses cursos d'água apresentam bom estado de preservação, evidenciado na integridade de suas características ambientais naturais e na manutenção dos componentes biológicos nativos. Um total de 8.614 indivíduos, distribuídos em quatro ordens e nove famílias, foram coletados. A ordem com maior número de espécies foi a Characiformes, seguida por Siluriformes. Das 28 espécies encontradas 11 são novas para a ciência. Apenas a espécie exótica Poecilia reticulata foi encontrada. Astyanax sp. e Hyphessobrycon balbus foram as espécies com maior distribuição na área de estudo e Knodus moenkhausii apresentou a maior abundância (64,5% dos indivíduos). Nos trechos com maiores larguras e profundidades foram encontrados maiores valores de riqueza de espécies e abundância de indivíduos. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe aims of this study were to survey the stream fishes of Parque Nacional de Brasília, Federal District, and identify its community structure variation. We sampled streams in the Bananal and Santa Maria/Torto sub-basins at Upper Paraná River. Lotic systems in this region are well preserved, as indicated by environmental integrity and the maintenance of native biological components. A total of 8,614 individuals were collected belonging to four orders, nine families, and twenty-eight species (being 11 new to science). The predominant order was Characiformes, followed by Siluriformes. Poecilia reticulata was the only nonnative fish specie found. Astyanax sp. and Hyphessobrycon balbus displayed widest spatial distribution. The most abundant species was Knodus moenkhausii with 64.5% of individuals. Highest fish richness and abundance were found in the wider and deeper stretches

    Historical distribution and current drivers of guppy occurrence in Brazil

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    Humans introduce non-native species by means such as the deliberate release of fish into fresh waters and through commercial trade. The guppy Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859, is commonly kept in aquaria and controls disease vectors, and now it occurs in many areas outside its natural distribution. Its initial habitat in Brazil was identified, and a study was performed to determine whether the density of guppies can be explained by the density of human population, per-capita gross domestic product, level of human impact on the areas where guppies have been found and fish-sampling effort. A total of 1402 guppy records were found; the southeastern region had the oldest records; and the southeastern, northeastern and central-western regions had the maximum records. Low tolerance to the colder climate may be the reason for the lack of guppy records in the southernmost states. It was also observed that the occurrence of this fish is positively, yet weakly, related to the density of human population, indicating that improved regulations regarding its use in controlling disease vectors, the aquarium trade and education of aquarium hobbyists could help prevent the spread of this species and its potential impacts in Brazil. © 2020 The Fisheries Society of the British Isle