4 research outputs found

    Population Analysis and Genetic Structure of Two Kazakh Cattle Breeds Using 150K SNP

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    Kazakh white-headed and Auliekol breeds are mostly spread through Kazakhstan and are animals with dual purpose productivity directions including meat and milk. Kazakh native cattle breeds are still largely unexplored based on the genetic markers and are of great interest in the country. In this study, we for the first time applied high-density SNP genotyping for two indigenous cattle breeds to study genetic diversity, population structure and relationships with the different foreign breeds. Using of GGP Bovine 150K SNP array the principal component analysis (PCA), populations estimates of the genetic structure (ADMIXTURE), genetic diversity and distances (Fst), and phylogenetic tree showed that the Kazakh white-headed and Auliekol breeds have certain separate genetic structure that differ from European and Russian cattle breeds The two of these Kazakh cattle breeds have their genetic background according to observed results as distinct breeds. The obtained results will be aided in the development breeding system and conservation programs of the Kazakh white-headed and Auliekol breeds of beef cattle in the Kazakhstan

    Distribution of Homozygosity Regions in the Genome of Kazakh Cattle Breeds

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    Runs of homozygosity (ROH) are contiguous stretches of homozygous genotypes that are passed from parents to their offspring. ROHs are suitable for determining population history, inbreeding rates, and the genetic relationships between individuals in the populations, as well as to detect candidate genes responsible for economic traits in farm animals. In this study, we observed that the Kazakh white-headed (KWh) cattle breed (ROH n = 55,976) had a higher number of ROH compared to the Auliekol (AK) breed (ROH n = 13,137). When calculating the mean length of ROH, there were considerable differences between Kazakh white-headed (211.59 ± 92.98 Mb) and Auliekol (99.62 ± 46.48 Mb) populations. The maximum length of ROH was higher in Auliekol cattle (510.25 Mb) than in Kazakh white-headed cattle (498.91 Mb). The average inbreeding coefficient rate was equal to 0.084 ± 0.037 in Kazakh white-headed cattle and 0.039 ± 0.018 in Auliekol cattle. The high frequency of genomic regions showed that the strongest patterns were observed on chromosomes 2, 6, and 26 for KWh and 1, 5, and 14 for AK. The estimation of ROH numbers per animal showed that the number of ROH decreased with increasing ROH length in both populations. The genomic inbreeding coefficient of both cattle breeds was calculated based on the ROH, and ancient inbreeding was observed. The harbored genes within ROH islands were associated with meat growth and milk production

    Development of Sustainable Production of Rainfed Winter Wheat with No-Till Technologies in Southern Kazakhstan

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    The production of rainfed crops in arid regions is an extremely difficult task, especially without tillage. In southern Kazakhstan, in 2020–2021, the approbation of various nutrition regimes for winter wheat grown in conditions of no-tillage rainfed lands has been studied. The effect of different doses and terms of application of growth stimulators, micronutrients, bio-fertilizers and mineral fertilizers, as well as their economic efficiency, was studied in ten variables. The use of a combination of growth stimulators and microfertilizers produced the highest grain yield and was the most cost-effective. The greatest value of the nominal net profit of 223.25 euro and 244.10 euro from one hectare was provided and calculated with the recommended target grain yield of 2.0 t/ha dose of mineral fertilizers, respectively; however, the production cost of one ton of grain in these treatments was also highest. Further research is continuing with a wider range and combination of amendments and various crops in a rainfed no-till winter wheat farm in southern Kazakhstan

    Development of Sustainable Production of Rainfed Winter Wheat with No-Till Technologies in Southern Kazakhstan

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    The production of rainfed crops in arid regions is an extremely difficult task, especially without tillage. In southern Kazakhstan, in 2020–2021, the approbation of various nutrition regimes for winter wheat grown in conditions of no-tillage rainfed lands has been studied. The effect of different doses and terms of application of growth stimulators, micronutrients, bio-fertilizers and mineral fertilizers, as well as their economic efficiency, was studied in ten variables. The use of a combination of growth stimulators and microfertilizers produced the highest grain yield and was the most cost-effective. The greatest value of the nominal net profit of 223.25 euro and 244.10 euro from one hectare was provided and calculated with the recommended target grain yield of 2.0 t/ha dose of mineral fertilizers, respectively; however, the production cost of one ton of grain in these treatments was also highest. Further research is continuing with a wider range and combination of amendments and various crops in a rainfed no-till winter wheat farm in southern Kazakhstan