16 research outputs found

    Error Field and Correction Coils in DTT: a preliminary analysis

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    The Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) facility, construction starting at Frascati, Italy, is designed to test different solutions for divertor in view of DEMO. A preliminary analysis of the error fields (EFs) assumed a simplified model of rigid and independent displacements and rotations. A methodology based on the first order truncated Taylor expansion has been applied, linking the displacement parameters and the EFs within the required accuracies. A system of in-vessel copper coils has been designed to counteract EFs and the ampere-turns necessary to force them back within the request limits has been calculated. Here, the details of the analysis have been provided

    Design of the cryo-optical test of the PLANCK reflectors

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    PLANCK is the third Medium size mission of the ESA long-term scientific plan Horizon 2000. This paper present the current design status of the design of the cryo-optical test for the Planck primary reflector and Planck secondary reflecto