34,722 research outputs found

    Analysis of the stellar population in the central area of the HII region Sh 2-284

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    There is a lack of state-of-the-art information on very young open clusters, with implications for determining the structure of the Galaxy. Our main objective is to study the timing and location of the star formation processes which yielded the generation of the giant HII region Sh 2-284. The analysis is based on UBVRcIc CCD measurements and JHKs photometry in the central part of the HII region, where the cluster Dolidze 25 is located.The determination of cluster distance, reddening and age is carried out through comparison with ZAMS, post-MS and PMS isochrones. Reference lines for metallicity Z=0.004 are used, in agreement with spectroscopic metallicity determination published for several cluster members. The results are: E(B-V)=0.78+-0.02, M=12.8+-0.2, LogAge(yr)=6.51+-0.07. A PMS member sequence is proposed, coeval within the errors with the post-MS cluster age (LogAge(yr)=6.7+-0.2). The mass function for this PMS population in the mass range above 1.3-3.5 Msun is well fitted by a Salpeter mass function.The presence of a different star generation in the cluster with a distinctly older age, around 40 Myr, is suggested. The NIR results indicate a large number of sources with H-Ks excess, practically distinct from the optical PMS candidate members. The distance determined for the cluster is distinctly lower than previously published values. This result originates in the consistent use of low metallicity models for ZAMS fitting, applying published metallicity values for the cluster.Comment: gzipped tar file: 1 aa.cls, 1 tex file, 1 bbl file, 13 figures. Accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics (9.11.2009

    Multichannel operation of an integrated acousto-optic wavelength routing switch for WDM systems

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    Polarization independent acousto-optic tunable filters (PIAOTF's) can operate as transparent wavelength-selective crossconnects to route signals in wavelength division multiplexed optical networks. In this paper, a new low power PIAOTF is characterized as a switch in multiwavelength operation, using four equally spaced lightwave signals with wavelengths between 1546 nm and 1558 nm. Interchannel interference due to sidelobe excitation is lower than -11 dB for single wavelength switching and is equal to -6 dB in the extreme case of simultaneous switching of all wavelength channels. Sources of interport and interchannel crosstalk for single and multiple wavelength switching are identified

    Faddeev-Jackiw approach to gauge theories and ineffective constraints

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    The general conditions for the applicability of the Faddeev-Jackiw approach to gauge theories are studied. When the constraints are effective a new proof in the Lagrangian framework of the equivalence between this method and the Dirac approach is given. We find, however, that the two methods may give different descriptions for the reduced phase space when ineffective constraints are present. In some cases the Faddeev-Jackiw approach may lose some constraints or some equations of motion. We believe that this inequivalence can be related to the failure of the Dirac conjecture (that says that the Dirac Hamiltonian can be enlarged to an Extended Hamiltonian including all first class constraints, without changes in the dynamics) and we suggest that when the Dirac conjecture fails the Faddeev-Jackiw approach fails to give the correct dynamics. Finally we present some examples that illustrate this inequivalence.Comment: 21 pages, Latex. To be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Determination of hidden variable models reproducing the spin-singlet

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    The experimental violation of Bell inequality establishes necessary but not sufficient conditions that any theory must obey. Namely, a theory compatible with the experimental observations can satisfy at most two of the three hypotheses at the basis of Bell's theorem: free will, no-signaling, and outcome-Independence. Quantum mechanics satisfies the first two hypotheses but not the latter. Experiments not only violate Bell inequality, but show an excellent agreement with quantum mechanics. This fact restricts further the class of admissible theories. In this work, the author determines the form of the hidden-variable models that reproduce the quantum mechanical predictions for a spin singlet while satisfying both the hypotheses of free will and no-signaling. Two classes of hidden-variable models are given as an example, and a general recipe to build infinitely many possible models is provided.Comment: Slightly revised version, 7 pages, no figures, to appear in PRA. Final version, removed extra references no longer cite

    Absorptive part of meson--baryon scattering amplitude and baryon polarization in chiral perturbation theory

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    We compute the spin asymmetry and polarization of the final-state baryon in its rest frame in two-body meson--baryon low-energy scattering with unpolarized initial state, to lowest non-trivial order in BChPT. The required absorptive amplitudes are obtained analytically at one-loop level. We discuss the polarization results numerically for several meson--baryon processes. Even at low energies above threshold, where BChPT can reasonably be expected to be applicable, sizable values of polarization are found for some processes

    Wigner instability analysis of the damped Hirota equation

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    We address the modulation instability of the Hirota equation in the presence of stochastic spatial incoherence and linear time-dependent amplification/attenuation processes via the Wigner function approach. We show that the modulation instability remains baseband type, though the damping mechanisms substantially reduce the unstable spectrum independent of the higher-order contributions (e.g. the higher-order nonlinear interaction and the third-order dispersion). Additionally, we find out that the unstable structure due to the Kerr interaction exhibits a significant resilience to the third-order-dispersion stabilizing effects in comparison with the higher-order nonlinearity, as well as a moderate Lorentzian spectrum damping may assist the rising of instability. Finally, we also discuss the relevance of our results in the context of current experiments exploring extreme wave events driven by the modulation instability (e.g. the generation of the so-called rogue waves).Comment: 7+4 pages. 3 figures. Comments are welcome. To appear in Physica

    Glass glass transition and new dynamical singularity points in an analytically solvable p-spin glass like model

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    We introduce and analytically study a generalized p-spin glass like model that captures some of the main features of attractive glasses, recently found by Mode Coupling investigations, such as a glass/glass transition line and dynamical singularity points characterized by a logarithmic time dependence of the relaxation. The model also displays features not predicted by the Mode Coupling scenario that could further describe the attractive glasses behavior, such as aging effects with new dynamical singularity points ruled by logarithmic laws or the presence of a glass spinodal line

    Finite-density corrections to the Unitary Fermi gas: A lattice perspective from Dynamical Mean-Field Theory

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    We investigate the approach to the universal regime of the dilute unitary Fermi gas as the density is reduced to zero in a lattice model. To this end we study the chemical potential, superfluid order parameter and internal energy of the attractive Hubbard model in three different lattices with densities of states (DOS) which share the same low-energy behavior of fermions in three-dimensional free space: a cubic lattice, a "Bethe lattice" with a semicircular DOS, and a "lattice gas" with parabolic dispersion and a sharp energy cut-off that ensures the normalization of the DOS. The model is solved using Dynamical Mean-Field Theory, that treats directly the thermodynamic limit and arbitrarily low densities, eliminating finite-size effects. At densities of the order of one fermion per site the lattice and its specific form dominate the results. The evolution to the low-density limit is smooth and it does not allow to define an unambiguous low-density regime. Such finite-density effects are significantly reduced using the lattice gas, and they are maximal for the three-dimensional cubic lattice. Even though dynamical mean-field theory is bound to reduce to the more standard static mean field in the limit of zero density due to the local nature of the self-energy and of the vertex functions, it compares well with accurate Monte Carlo simulations down to the lowest densities accessible to the latter.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure
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