26 research outputs found

    Enhanced Dopamine D1 and BDNF Signaling in the Adult Dorsal Striatum but not Nucleus Accumbens of Prenatal Cocaine Treated Mice

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    Previous work from our group and others utilizing animal models have demonstrated long-lasting structural and functional alterations in the meso-cortico-striatal dopamine pathway following prenatal cocaine (PCOC) treatment. We have shown that PCOC treatment results in augmented D1-induced cyclic AMP (cAMP) and cocaine-induced immediate-early gene expression in the striatum of adult mice. In this study we further examined basal as well as cocaine or D1-induced activation of a set of molecules known to be mediators of neuronal plasticity following psychostimulant treatment, with emphasis in the dorsal striatum (Str) and nucleus accumbens (NAc) of adult mice exposed to cocaine in utero. Basally, in the Str of PCOC treated mice there were significantly higher levels of (1) CREB and Ser133 P-CREB (2) Thr34 P-DARPP-32 and (3) GluA1 and Ser 845 P-GluA1 when compared to prenatal saline (PSAL) treated mice. In the NAc there were significantly higher basal levels of (1) CREB and Ser133 P-CREB, (2) Thr202/Tyr204 P-ERK2, and (3) Ser845 P-GluA1. Following acute administration of cocaine (15 mg/kg, i.p.) or D1 agonist (SKF 82958; 1 mg/kg, i.p.) there were significantly higher levels of Ser133 P-CREB, Thr34 P-DARPP-32, and Thr202/Tyr204 P-ERK2 in the Str that were evident in all animals tested. However, these cocaine-induced increases in phosphorylation were significantly augmented in PCOC mice compared to PSAL mice. In sharp contrast to the observations in the Str, in the NAc, acute administration of cocaine or D1 agonist significantly increased P-CREB and P-ERK2 in PSAL mice, a response that was not evident in PCOC mice. Examination of Ser 845 P-GluA1 revealed that cocaine or D1 agonist significantly increased levels in PSAL mice, but significantly decreased levels in the PCOC mice in both the Str and NAc. We also examined changes in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Our studies revealed significantly higher levels of the BDNF precursor, pro-BDNF, and one of its receptors, TrkB in the Str of PCOC mice compared to PSAL mice. These results suggest a persistent up-regulation of molecules critical to D1 and BDNF signaling in the Str of adult mice exposed to cocaine in utero. These molecular adaptations may underlie components of the behavioral deficits evident in exposed animals and a subset of exposed humans, and may represent a therapeutic target for ameliorating aspects of the PCOC-induced phenotype

    Cav1.2 channels mediate persistent chronic stress-induced behavioral deficits that are associated with prefrontal cortex activation of the p25/Cdk5-glucocorticoid receptor pathway

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    Chronic stress is known to precipitate and exacerbate neuropsychiatric symptoms, and exposure to stress is particularly pathological in individuals with certain genetic predispositions. Recent genome wide association studies have identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the gene CACNA1C, which codes for the Cav1.2 subunit of the L-type calcium channel (LTCC), as a common risk variant for multiple neuropsychiatric conditions. Cav1.2 channels mediate experience-dependent changes in gene expression and long-term synaptic plasticity through activation of downstream calcium signaling pathways. Previous studies have found an association between stress and altered Cav1.2 expression in the brain, however the contribution of Cav1.2 channels to chronic stress-induced behaviors, and the precise Cav1.2 signaling mechanisms activated are currently unknown. Here we report that chronic stress leads to a delayed increase in Cav1.2 expression selectively within the prefrontal cortex (PFC), but not in other stress-sensitive brain regions such as the hippocampus or amygdala. Further, we demonstrate that while Cav1.2 heterozygous (Cav1.2+/â) mice show chronic stress-induced depressive-like behavior, anxiety-like behavior, and deficits in working memory 1â2 days following stress, they are resilient to the effects of chronic stress when tested 5â7 days later. Lastly, molecular studies find a delayed upregulation of the p25/Cdk5-glucocorticoid receptor (GR) pathway in the PFC when examined 8 days post-stress that is absent in Cav1.2+/â mice. Our findings reveal a novel Cav1.2-mediated molecular mechanism associated with the persistent behavioral effects of chronic stress and provide new insight into potential Cav1.2 channel mechanisms that may contribute to CACNA1C-linked neuropsychiatric phenotypes

    Assignment of AR1, transcription factor 20 (TCF20), to human chromosome 22q13.3 with somatic cell hybrids and in situ hybridization.

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    Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tResearch Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Deletion of the Glutamate Receptor 5 Subunit of Kainate Receptors Affects the Development of Morphine Tolerance

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    Previous reports utilizing pharmacological antagonists implicate kainate receptor (KAR) activation in the development of morphine tolerance, dependence, conditioned place preference (CPP), and locomotor sensitization, but the role of glutamate receptor (GluR) 5-containing KAR in these effects remains unclear because of limited selectivity of the inhibitors employed. Therefore, we examined responses to systemic morphine treatment in mice expressing a constitutive deletion of GluR5 [GluR5 knockout (KO)]. Unlike wild-type (WT) littermates, GluR5 KO mice do not develop tolerance after repeated morphine administration by subcutaneous injection or via subcutaneous pellet implantation. In contrast, GluR5 KO mice do not differ from WT with respect to thermal or mechanical nociceptive thresholds, acute morphine antinociception, morphine disposition in the central nervous system (CNS), morphine physical dependence as revealed by naloxone-precipitated withdrawal or development of place preference and locomotor hyperresponsiveness after chronic morphine administration. It is surprising that continuous subcutaneous infusion of the GluR2/GluR5-preferring antagonist LY293558 [(3S,4aR,6R,8aR)-6-[2-(1(2)H-tetrazole-5-yl)ethyl]decahydroisoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid] decreased the number of naloxone-precipitated jumps to a similar extent in WT and GluR5 KO mice. We observed opioid-induced hypersensitivity in both groups during morphine withdrawal as demonstrated by equivalent reductions in thermal and mechanical thresholds; however, this hypersensitivity was not evident during continuous systemic morphine infusion. These data collectively indicate that KARs containing the GluR5 subunit contribute to the development of morphine tolerance without affecting nociceptive thresholds, morphine analgesia, or disposition in CNS of morphine and its metabolite morphine-3-glucuronide. In addition, constitutive deletion of GluR5 does not alter the morphine-induced increase in locomotor activity or the acquisition of morphine reward as measured by a CPP paradigm

    Markers of Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity in Children with Autism

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    Objective: Gastrointestinal symptoms are a common feature in children with autism, drawing attention to a potential association with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. However, studies to date regarding the immune response to gluten in autism and its association with celiac disease have been inconsistent. The aim of this study was to assess immune reactivity to gluten in pediatric patients diagnosed with autism according to strict criteria and to evaluate the potential link between autism and celiac disease. Methods: Study participants included children (with or without gastrointestinal symptoms) diagnosed with autism according to both the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and the Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADIR) (n = 37), their unaffected siblings (n = 27), and age-matched healthy controls (n = 76). Serum specimens were tested for antibodies to native gliadin, deamidated gliadin, and transglutaminase 2 (TG2). Affected children were genotyped for celiac disease associated HLA-DQ2 and -DQ8 alleles. Results: Children with autism had significantly higher levels of IgG antibody to gliadin compared with unrelated healthy controls (p<0.01). The IgG levels were also higher compared to the unaffected siblings, but did not reach statistical significance. The IgG anti-gliadin antibody response was significantly greater in the autistic children with gastrointestinal symptoms in comparison to those without them (p<0.01). There was no difference in IgA response to gliadin across groups. The levels of celiac disease-specific serologic markers, i.e., antibodies to deamidated gliadin and TG2, did not differ between patients and controls. An association between increased anti-gliadin antibody and presence of HLA-DQ2 and/or -DQ8 was not observed. Conclusions: A subset of children with autism displays increased immune reactivity to gluten, the mechanism of which appears to be distinct from that in celiac disease. The increased anti-gliadin antibody response and its association with GI symptoms points to a potential mechanism involving immunologic and/or intestinal permeability abnormalities in affected children

    Association between genetic polymorphisms of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 and safety and efficacy of warfarin: Results of a 5 years audit

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    Objective: Genetic polymorphisms of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 play major role in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of warfarin, respectively. Purpose of our study was to assess the utility of pretesting patients for the above mutations in predicting tendency for bleeding and achieving target INR. Methods: This was an audit of data collected between July 2011 and December 2016. For safety and efficacy, patients were divided into two subgroups: those with or without bleeding and those who achieved target INR or not. Chi square test was applied to compare the between group differences and crude Odds Ratio (cOR) calculated. Results: Among 521 patients evaluated, most common indication for warfarin therapy was valvular heart disease (210/521 = 40%); 36% (187/521) had at least one bleeding episode; 56% (269/479) had below target INR. 26% (136/521) had polymorphic alleles of CYP2C9 and 69% (358/521) had the GG haplotype of VKORC1. Polymorphic alleles of CYP2C9 or AG/AA haplotype had twice the odds of bleeding (cOR = 2.14 and 2.44 respectively) relative to those with wild CYP2C9 allele or GG haplotype. Combined CYP2C9 mutant alleles and/or AG/AA haplotypes had thrice the odds of bleeding (cOR = 3.12) relative to those with wild CYP2C9 alleles and GG haplotype. Those with GG haplotype had twice the odds (cOR = 1.81) and those with GG haplotype along with wild CYP2C9 allele had four times the odds (cOR = 4.27) of not achieving the target INR relative to those with other haplotype/alleles. All these associations were statistically significant (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Pretesting patients for genetic polymorphisms could aid in individualizing warfarin therapy. Keywords: Genotype, Haplotype, Personalized medicine, Mutation, Bleeding, International Normalized Ratio (INR

    D-cycloserine improves synaptic transmission in an animal mode of Rett syndrome

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    <div><p>Rett syndrome (RTT), a leading cause of intellectual disability in girls, is predominantly caused by mutations in the X-linked gene <i>MECP2</i>. Disruption of <i>Mecp2</i> in mice recapitulates major features of RTT, including neurobehavioral abnormalities, which can be reversed by re-expression of normal <i>Mecp2</i>. Thus, there is reason to believe that RTT could be amenable to therapeutic intervention throughout the lifespan of patients after the onset of symptoms. A common feature underlying neuropsychiatric disorders, including RTT, is altered synaptic function in the brain. Here, we show that <i>Mecp2</i><sup><i>tm1</i>.<i>1Jae/y</i></sup> mice display lower presynaptic function as assessed by paired pulse ratio, as well as decreased long term potentiation (LTP) at hippocampal Schaffer–collateral-CA1 synapses. Treatment of <i>Mecp2</i><sup><i>tm1</i>.<i>1Jae/y</i></sup> mice with D-cycloserine (DCS), an FDA-approved analog of the amino acid D-alanine with antibiotic and glycinergic activity, corrected the presynaptic but not LTP deficit without affecting deficient hippocampal BDNF levels. DCS treatment did, however, partially restore lower BDNF levels in the brain stem and striatum. Thus, treatment with DCS may mitigate the severity of some of the neurobehavioral symptoms experienced by patients with Rett syndrome.</p></div

    Contribution of D1R-expressing neurons of the dorsal dentate gyrus and Cav1.2 channels in extinction of cocaine conditioned place preference

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    Cocaine-associated contextual cues can trigger relapse behavior by recruiting the hippocampus. Extinction of cocaine-associated contextual memories can reduce cocaine-seeking behavior, however the molecular mechanisms within the hippocampus that underlie contextual extinction behavior and subsequent reinstatement remain poorly understood. Here, we extend our previous findings for a role of Cav1.2 L-type Ca2+ channels in dopamine 1 receptor (D1R)-expressing cells in extinction of cocaine conditioned place preference (CPP) in adult male mice. We report that attenuated cocaine CPP extinction in mice lacking Cav1.2 channels in D1R-expressing cells (D1cre, Cav1.2fl/fl) can be rescued through chemogenetic activation of D1R-expressing cells within the dorsal dentate gyrus (dDG), but not the dorsal CA1 (dCA1). This is supported by the finding that Cav1.2 channels are required in excitatory cells of the dDG, but not in the dCA1, for cocaine CPP extinction. Examination of the role of S1928 phosphorylation of Cav1.2, a protein kinase A (PKA) site using S1928A Cav1.2 phosphomutant mice revealed no extinction deficit, likely due to homeostatic scaling up of extinction-dependent S845 GluA1 phosphorylation in the dDG. However, phosphomutant mice failed to show cocaine-primed reinstatement which can be reversed by chemogenetic manipulation of excitatory cells in the dDG during extinction training. These findings outline an essential role for the interaction between D1R, Cav1.2, and GluA1 signaling in the dDG for extinction of cocaine-associated contextual memories